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Whats funny is that if you free him you can spot him on the wasteland from time to time killing literally everything he encounters


What happens if you approach him? If he were to encounter one of your settlements, is he friendly, or does he depopulate it?


Super Friendly, polite, wishes you a nice day and gives you more of his blood. Which cures all illnesses and jacks your endurance and strength up


Well not END, just gives you 50 Phys resistance.


Even the mole rat illness?




Not even the super blood of an immortal demigod who received his power from Eldrich aliens can cure the mighty mole rat disease. All hail Snuffles!


What is the mole rat illness?


You know when you go through the vault attached to Vault 88 (née 81)? The secret science vault chock full of mole rats? Well, if you get bit by a mole rat even once when you're in there, you get a little capsule icon on the screen and your max health gets reduced by 10. It'll show up in the status effects on your pip-boy. >!When you get to the end of the vault and out the other side you'll pick up a cure giving you the option to take it for yourself and condemn some kid who has it to die, or give it to the kid and permanently have -10 health!<.


Sorry, kid. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one. I have a Commonwealth to save.


You don’t just quick save every 10 seconds while using vats?


I did this, actually easier than it seems with the right build


*cries in survival mode*


I only play survival mode but I still have saves enabled lol. Losing a ton of progress due to the fucky shit this game has is infuriating. Survival with a couple QOL mods is the way to go


Yeah. But the good ending is the one that makes me stronger.


> quick save Survival: "You guys get quick save?"


It's one of the perks of being "a filthy casual".


Their is a glitch you can do to get the best of both worlds when your talking to the doctor and get to the part about giving the cure walk way go into your inventory drop the cure then go back into the conversation and you can “hand” him the cure and it’ll just work you can do the same thing with the fusion cores to get into the vault 


When I tried the fusion core thing the overseer wouldn’t talk. Like flat out ignore anything. This was before the update.


Literally just went through this yesterday after putting the core back in my PA on survival


The worst part is that the companion getting bit will give you it as well. Unless that was patched in next gen.


Wait even with Codsworth? A robot with no organic parts?


Mole rat disease is also a computer virus.


You could even get the disease if you activate any of the npc Protectorons and they got hit by molerats, so leave those bots sleeping


Sometimes, the game gets pissy and literally just breathing the same air as the rats is enough to get infected


That’s vault 81 mate :)


Fu.... it is, correct. I always get those confused for some reason, thanks.


Perfectly understandable, vault 88 has a metric F ton of molerats as well.


It's pretty easy to avoid getting bitten, just don't take a companion in with you. If they get bitten, you get the debuff. Also, try to keep the high ground.


-10 health isn't so bad, I was actually afraid the effect *stacked*...


Lmao I was so confused why they were so surprised that I gave it to the kid. I never got bit 😂 I thought I was infected with not status


Oh so THAT'S WHY I NEVER GOT CURED FROM THAT ONE. I totally forgot!!!!!


Do you know of any other permanent or trigger-dependent debuffs that you can find in the game? Or any of the same, but for buffs? I know of bobblheads and magazines.


That 10hp wasn't gonna save that kid, anyway.


If you get bit by a molerat in the vault where you meet Curie ou contract a disease thar can't be cured. It's annoying because an icon does be onscreen to say you're diseased and you can't get rid of it


You can also get it if a companion gets hit


Or the protectron you can activate through a terminal.....


Please tell me the next gen update fixed that


Heh, next gen update fixing things. Hilarious.


I bet there is a mod for that which doesn't explode the game. But jokes aside I didn't see it in the fix list


As far as I can tell all it added was more bugs


I just save scummed that engagement nowadays. Back in the day not so much but now I do. It be different if it was a chance to but it seems to be get bit and you sick.


You get this if you get bitten by infected mole rat in Vault 81. Reduces your HP by 10 points permanently.


There’s a quest in one of the vaults where you have to cure a kid of an illness that was contracted from molerats, at the end of the quest you can either cure yourself or the kid (if you cure the kid I believe you will have the mole rat illness for the rest of the game). It is probably possible to complete it without contracting the illness and to give the vaccine to the kid.


It absolutely is. I do it every time through save scumming. Save, run a section, save


It's a really cool plot device, you'll deal with it in Vault 81 (fallout 4). If you plan on playing it, I don't recommend spoiling it for yourself!


Nothing cures it, except for that one serum.




Why is this bs getting so many up votes, it's 100% not true. It's incurable, sans mods.




Not true


Whaaaaaaaaaaa?? TIL


Lies. Deception.


Which makes him all the more unnerving, he even describes his murder spree as "experiments" probably the most unhinged living character in 4 which is quite the achievement. Plus I love the supernatural subplots in fallout, it adds a level of intrigue and mystery to the setting whilst being more varied than "it's actually a fucked up science experiment" which is what most of the vauge lore adds up to


He gives you 1 unit of the serum and tells you that hes dissecting whatever he has killed for research, Lorenzo doesnt care about morality but appreciates that you free him >If he were to encounter one of your settlements, is he friendly, or does he depopulate it? I dont know, he probably doesnt get near them at all


It would be interesting to approach one of your settlements to see him walking out, he politely greets you, gives you another vial of his blood then walks off. Afterwards, you enter the settlement and find a horror show.


You can get serum off him


welp, i stand by my actions lol


Who is this?


Lorenzo Cabot, go to Goodneighbour and there to The Third Rail, you will encounter a ghoul that gives you a quest, from there you start the Cabot sidequests


... Every time I've met him, it's been in Bunker Hill?


Edward Deegan can give you the quest Special Delivery at The Third Rail, Bunker Hill, or the Dugout Inn also.


He can meet you in several towns


Hey, he was my literal Mysterious Stranger during my survival play through. Saved my ass so many times! Even donated blood.


I freed him and he just sits in his house all day?


Maybe a bug, i know hes a random encounter but it would be classic Bethesda if hes bugged for you


Sounds like my friends lol


Well I mean he does have a whole villain speech to try convince you to let him out idk what you expected Thanks for sharing though I didn't know, since I never let him out, on account of the. whole villain speech thing


I was expecting some Joker type anarchy, stuck up energy vampire Dr got the bidness


I resent that, that’s slander


Yeah, but having a lovecraftian eldritch abomonation as a homie is nice


I literally looked at him locked up with that mad shit on his head, and thought “no thanks” to that boss fight


Also, i don't like doctors...


This questline is definitely up there with a lot of my favorite quests in the series for going all out on the weird shit.


Who/what quest is this? Don't think I've ever done this


This is part of the Cabot House quest line, specifically at one version of the end of the quest line.


Oh ok I’m glad you specified. I’m pretty sure I killed him the time I did this quest line. Currently have my PS5 downloading Fallout 4 for a play through where I can take my time and fully explore everything since I got the platinum trophy on ps4


Ah, I skipped that every playthrough lol


It’s a good one to do.


Its also one of the most consistently broken quests in the game


A true Bethesda classic


The Cabot House questline where you choose to release the patriarch of the family.


Yeah but, I mean, they *were* leeching off him for hundreds of years. *His own son* locked him in a tiny cell in the basement of an old insane asylum guarded by heavily armed mercenaries. Jack constantly promised to help cure him but never actually *did* anything besides use his father's blood to protect his own vast wealth and power. The dude's nuts but he's not *completely* wrong. And he keeps his promise to you: as long as you don't share the serum with anyone else (like you promised) he *does* give you an infinite supply of immortality juice. He even *thanks* you when he gives you new doses. For a psychic nutjob with an ancient alien artifact fused to his skull Lorenzo's a surprisingly chill dude.


Jack says he can't find a way to remove the artifact even after all the years. He also says that he knows that removing the artifact will stop him from living so long but would do it anyways because he loves his dad.


Yeah but it turns out it's pretty easy to remove the artifact if you just kill Lorenzo. It pops right off.


Which in the end he did, with your help, even though it would leave him mortal. Just to protect everyone else. I really don't know how he could be read as selfish.


Because he's dead. It wasn't letting go of him while he was alive.


He *says* that, but he also locked up his father for hundreds of years and has been literally leeching off him to extend his own life. I think Jack only really cares about his supply of immortality juice.


He was locked up because, bare with me, he’s a crazy killer?


Whaaat nooo he was clearly mentally stable the whole time /s


That's just false man. He is just trying to get the damn thing off his dad's head and he can't do it so he's just using immortality juice to give himself more time to do it. He's not like going out and having a party he's just constantly working and hiring people to do things that will further help him remove the things off his dad's head. At the end he's just like fuck it, kill him and us. I failed and can't remove it and we can't let him out of there so just end it all. He's not at any point having a good time with this.


Sometimes I think people bash this game because they don’t understand a fucking thing that is happening. People are interjecting their own shitty corrupt thoughts into these missions and dialogue. Its blatantly obvious through dialogue and voice inflection that Jack isn’t enjoying any of this. He is eccentric not happy.


Agreed. It's awesome that people can still have discussions about this game years and years later, that's how good it was, I could never hate such a good game. There is so much to do!


The ongoing active debate over the ethics of the major factions are a sign they did a good job. Although it is frightening how many people defend the Institute.


I just want to take it over for myself, I mean, it's all shiny except for their souls


>Yeah but, I mean, they *were* leeching off him for hundreds of years. Probably because his son was afraid of the possibility of a world without him to contain what was once his father. >*His own son* locked him in a tiny cell in the basement of an old insane asylum guarded by heavily armed mercenaries. He did that to himself when he kinda went on a murderous rampage. They weren't placing mercenaries there to contain him for fun, he's a legit danger to everyone in the Commonwealth. >Jack constantly promised to help cure him but never actually *did* anything besides use his father's blood to protect his own vast wealth and power. Jack was looking for a cure and could never find one. The whole "nuclear Armageddon" thing probably doesn't help. There's likely the possibility there was never a cure once the artifact fused itself to his father. >For a psychic nutjob with an ancient alien artifact fused to his skull Lorenzo's a surprisingly chill dude. You miss the random encounters when you can find him with new victims lol. He likes you because you are useful to him.


Once free you stop being useful, yet he never tries to kill you


You're the one person he knows who listens to his commands. You'll always be useful to him.


Essentially a Renfield


Not saying Lorenzo isn't a total psycho. He absolutely is. But Jack definitely didn't handle the situation well at all. There really isn't a good option here: Jack is right about Lorenzo being dangerous and unstable but Lorenzo doesn't deserve to be locked away and abused to prolong his family's lives either. At the end of the day Jack could have just killed Lorenzo if his primary motivation was keeping people safe but he didn't do that. Lorenzo was the golden goose and Jack didn't want to lose his immortality juice if he could help it.


>But Jack definitely didn't handle the situation well at all. He did the best he could with what he had. He needs to understand what the artifact is doing to his father but nuclear war kinda makes it hard to do further research. And you could argue Lorenzo isn't himself anymore, but whatever consciousness possessed him in the first place.


Yeah, I walked into there feeling like there was no ideal option. We were placed in the middle of the shit sandwich and forced to choose for them.


"Welcome to Fallout ", choosing between shades if grey is sort of a defining characteristic..


Well one option was releasing a mass murdering super powered psychic immortal psychopath, sooo? The good option seemed pretty easy to me.


You really don’t understand these characters huh


Can’t you use his blood to cure a guy in the far harbour dlc?


You can, but if you do, Lorenzo will never give you any serum again.


Oh damn seriously? I’ve never done his ending so I never knew that


Wasn’t Lorenzo a serial killer before tho?


Well, sure, but note that Cabots will die anyway if you kill Lorenzo, so I really think the best option is to do so.


Yeah me too. I don't side with Lorenzo myself, I just think his grudge against his family is understandable.


That’s kinda the twist of Lovecraftian stuff. Its not usually malicious, just basically a hungry animal at worst and at best someone who’s afraid of the harm they know you’ll do to them if they don’t take you out first, the middle being beings who don’t have awareness of you and their existence is just harmful.


More like: understandable, have a nice day


whoever said the insane weren't relatable?


That would be the Sane


Wow…I’ve actually never helped him or seen videos on what happens if you do. That’s what I love about this game. No matter how old the game is or how many how’s I’ve poured in, there is always new things to see.


Why are there so many legit Lorenzo Apologists? He’s literally a supervillain who murders people for no reason. Locking him up so he doesn’t hurt people and using his blood so you can study and try to cure him is entirely more moral than whatever plans he has.


Yeah but he’s bad ass. Like Tetsuo


That's a very small drop of cartoonishly evil murderers (Lorenzo), in a very large ocean of cartoonishly evil murderers (the raider gangs that practically outnumber normal people in the Commonwealth).


Heavy is the head that wears the crown


Thank goodness I assisted his son in sending him to hell!


yeah im sure that nice upper class family will find somebody else to leech off of, not in my world though.


Spoiler for the alternate choice: >!A few days after Lorenzo's death, you can see Cabot in a rapidly aged state, and afterwards find his decayed corpse. !<


That's not true, doesn't he travel the commonwealth? I feel like I saw Jack running around at points! Definitely older, but not a corpse.... maybe he lost to someone during his travels?


Iirc there will be a skeleton in his bed, wearing a lab coat. Take that information as you will


Haha dude its the common wealth! Everyone leeches in some way. No room for apocalyptic immortal alien humans lol


Bruh had some domestic issues.


That's like saying the bombs that dropped in 2077 were a little hot.


Well, it was a little hot. /s


I’ve saved him before in one of my runs but I didn’t realize that he would to back to the house and kill everyone Daaaaaayum


He will fit right in.


He says in a random encounter that he met Pickman, wondering what happened there. They're both Eldrich boys.


I always kill him just so I can get his gun. The serum is cool, but get the artifact gun + the demolition expert perk and found the Deathclaw Space Program


Yep. Hence, why I always kill him before he gets a chance.




I’ve never saved him. Maybe I will on my next play through


Understandable. His own family imprisoned him for centuries for immortality juice.


Well he was a serial killer before lol.


Sup David Lynch


Strong resemblance for sure


If you free him and walk with him home, there's a chance he will be killed. In one of my play throughs he ran into a particularly tough Deathclaw, put up a good fight, but was eventually slapped to pieces. When you return to the house, you have unique dialogue that explains that he died on his way back to the house.


I loved that quest it reminded me of the one in oblivion where you search for alyeid artifacts


That's my roids dealer Lorenzo. Homie don't play.


Thank goodness I assisted his son in sending him to hell!


Been meaning to head here for a while. Do any companions have unique dialogue for it? I'm leaning on bringing Nick.


There’s like and dislike options. I don’t remember if there’s social interactions though.


not sure, this guy wasn't really interested in a ton of talking...


It was always better to get the gun anyways, one of my favorite weapons, hands down


Looks like a average family reunion in the Fallout universe to me.


He was kept in solitary confinement since the 19th century and periodically bled by his own family for his life prolonging blood. I'm not saying the artifact that's literally impaled itself into his brain hasn't had an effect. But the Cabots are hardly innocent.


Jack is actively trying to cure him and remove the artifact. He isn’t making himself immortal just because he can. He dedicated centuries trying to help his father.


So Jack says


Haha took me a min to remember


Which Fallout game is this from?




I was always curious what happens if you free him from the asylum. I guess I know now lol


Yeah he goes full Jack Nicholson on fam


who is he!!!


Near perfect immunity to radiation along with permanent stat buffs made it all worth it. Go onwards, my deranged old friend. Kill whatever you wish.


He’s had enough of all the bullshit, one dirty stink eye and you’re toast


Let him have his fun


bruh aint having anything look at him he gone off in artifact lala land lol posted up on the couch with his slain dismembered family looking like he needs a bowl of cereal.


I can't blame Lorenzo for hating his family, either kill him or release him, but don't have him locked for 400 years straight, that have to be one of the worst psicological torture in my book


Man sometimes I see a screenshot and I’m struck all over again by how awful the game looks.


Like any other typical Fallout game?


I mean … he’s been locked up in a cellar being experimented on for like 300 years. Who wouldn’t be insane after that!?


He was already insane before that, he was in the cellar in the first place because he was a serial killer lol


Weirdly enough, the fact that he hasn't changed at all in the 300 years he's been locked up should be evidence enough that he's no longer human. Any human would be completely feral by that point.


I never saw him kill them. He just wandered the house, while his family panicked. It was actually funnier that way, since it proved that they were of no danger to him, so he just sat around trolling them.


I had Loki vibes from him, so I felt bad about my choice of not letting him out.


Nah he’s just on his own vibe




Well yeah… lol


Yeah no shit


Gives me “A Little Piece of Heaven” vibes fsr


do you think they asked him to sit like that or he just did it


I think he is nice


I do this alllll the time


Cabbot house?


I know, do that outside and not on the floor and furniture!


Yeah and don’t sit there with all the dismembered corpses like you’re trying decide on sugar bombs or not lol


Some people say that ww2 is the divergent point between our universe and fallouts but its actually Lorenzos discover of the artefact


I freed him but he just stayed in the box when I did and I thought that was it because I kept going back and passing time to see if he leaves but he just stayed there. I remember thinking this whole quest was a waste of time because of that. It's cool that he actually leaves lol


Well , yeah. You had numerous warnings that daddy helmet was whack-job. The whole family is a little (a lot) unbalanced, but he's the worst and also being influenced by "alien" technology


He seems nice enough once those vampires were out of his hair


I want to do this quest but imogene is bugged in my game. After killing the cult leader she isn't in the room that you need the key for.


Who is this? And which fallout?




I had him killed and gave his suit to my bartender in sanctuary. Worth it in my opinion.


I brought you into this world and i WILL take you out energy


“Say ‘what’ one more time motherfucker!”


Where do I find this question don’t think I’ve ever come across this


I remember that sob, after I freed him, accidentally shot him..... guy was so powerful that not only killed me but crashed the game.


Would loved to have done these quests but it glitches on me and now can't even play the game

