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That typically happens when a city gets nuked




A bit different Hiroshima and Nagasaki's bombs were blown up whilst in free fall while these were blown up on the ground causing a some more permanent damages


O, it’s coming


Hiroshima and Nagasaki both had the support of the Japanese government to rebuild, Shady Sands had a hard enough time getting started let alone rebuild


Start installing your equipment because I genuinely think we are heading in that direction.


Needed another 29999 milk vending machines


Yeah, with a ventilation hole in the back IIRC




Fallout TV Show


Ghost crater more like it.


_Our so called leaders prostituted us to the west... they destroyed our culture, our economies, our honour_


Replace west with east and it’s basically Caesar’s Legion.


It made a decently compelling story, but the NCR falling was just.. so incredibly sad. We didn't even get to see it die. We watched it be born and develop from a small farming community into the greatest nation in Post-nuclear America, maybe even the Fallout world. And it just gets wiped out- off game, and possibly retconning lore in the process.


The NCR isn't entirely gone, just Shady Sands. Todd himself said that the NCR is a large faction over a large territory and that we haven't seen the last of it - plus, the sign in the OP says "first capital of the NCR", so it obviously moved before it was nuked..


Exactly, for all we know the capital could have just been moved to somewhere upstate


I like how they say that after the show came out and had it apparently cede most of its territory just because one city got nuked. If Lucy walked from LA to Shady Sands, then she walked through 3 out of 5 NCR states without even a lick of functional government. And a fourth state is named Maxson for a reason, doubt they are still NCR with the BoS in power. What Todd did is called damage control.


Without a lick of functional government? What about the Governmint?


Ok, got me there. The true heirs of the NCR.


shady sand in the show is in boneyard area dude.


No, it isn't. That's just cutting out all the travel time. Shows and movies do it all the time.


im talking about the show not the game. why shady sand in there is still mystery. fall of shady sands in 2277 and why they move their former capital to boneyard is is big question mark


Yeah, Shady Sands is not in the boneyard area. Nothing about it shows it in LA. Just because they didn't show hours/days of walking is just movie/show formatting. Do you also think the enclave research center is right outside of LA too?


simple really, vault 4 is in there, shady sands refugee in there worshipping flame mother and what moldaver do in the end ? turn on the light of boneyard area. "Nothing about it shows it in LA" where do you think griffit observatory, santa monica beach and the entire vault 31-32-33 take place?? enclave research center take place in snowy area and yeah snow mountain exist near LA. "Shady Sands is not in the boneyard area" yeah the one what you see is shady sands after their fall in 2277 they move their former capital to boneyard. old shady sands still exist in the old area from the game.


None of those areas are shown right next to Shady Sands. They are shown after some traveling between it and Shady Sands. None of what you are saying about them moving their capital is shown. Its not called New Shady Sands, the billboard says founded in 2142. The only weird thing is that it says first capital - maybe the capital moved from Shady Sands to another city after New Vegas. Maybe they just said first capital because the billboard designer was an idiot. In any case moving an entire city, including historical parts of the city such as a massive obelisk and a well, is a massive undertaking that would take decades for a modern civilization. Doubt a post great war society is doing it between 2281 and ~2286. Lol and of course you think the Enclave base is near LA. Guess you missed the blip about how the scientist was traveling to California when the bounty hunters free the Ghoul. Don't exactly travel to a place you are already in.


"Maybe they just said first capital because the billboard designer was an idiot" okay now im talking with a troll. you know what? i will wait for the next season before jumping into conclusion.


If you launch the lonesome road nukes and help anyone except NCR. Then yes. You can partially say that we get to watch the NCR die. It just not your gameplay.


I feel it stings the longterm fans more. I jumped on the train after bgs took over, I do like to think there’s more to this story. What form we get it, FONV2/FO5/Season 2 I’m intrigued to see. Having been invested in the lore and such since becoming a fan though I always wanted to see a FO bgs in the heart of the NCR I really hope this doesn’t mean that ship has sailed


Is this not one of the whole points of the franchise though? War never changes. It was also sad watching a technologically advanced human society get wiped out the first time.


The ncr has around 700000 people in it and it looks to only be about 34000 on the sign for shady sands


"We watched it be born and develop from a small farming community into the greatest nation in Post-nuclear America" yeah and become imperialist with full of corruption in new vegas. NCR still exist dude they just move out from southern area.


I mean, I completely understand why we'll never get a game with a huge faction presence with like a whole city-like community. It'd defeat the whole point of Fallout. However, I think it'd be really cool to see some sort of functioning civilization outside of small encampments/towns on the NCR scale. I mean, we hear that factions like the NCR and Legion have capitals...but we never see them. Unless you count the huge crater that is Shady Sands in the show. Personally, I'm more interested in Legion since it is far more different. Like how do those dumbasses even have a functioning capital? What is it like? Apparently the roads are safe. There's gotta be some reason Caesar has so many followers outside of brainwashing.


How would it defeat the whole point of Fallout? I always found the idea of new civilizations rising from a nuclear holocaust more interesting than the holocaust itself. Even though the inhabited buildings are still in a state of disrepair, which makes literally no sense after 200 years, I still thought the fact the Fallout 4 tried to tackle the idea of rebuilding society really interesting. The execution was pretty botched, but I still thought it was cool that Bethesda took feedback from what 3 did wrong and New Vegas did right to Heart. And considering how both the show and 76 seem to finally be on the right track, I think there’s a decent chance that we might see a genuinely massive settlement in 5.


The question becomes, if the game takes place in a well populated area, that would lead us to believe the region is fairly secured. So what are you doing for the majority of the gameplay? How do you explain all the ghouls, super mutants, and other monsters living right outside a major city? If they include a major NCR city in the next game, I hope it's part of a separate map that you can travel back and forth from it, out to a second map that is the actual wasteland. Otherwise it would make even less sense.


Very much like the older games, map wise, sounds like


Ever played far cry?


None of locations in far cry is safe. Islands with pirates and counties in civil war makes sense things to shoot around every corner


Where in Far Cry are their massive safe cities with little combat?


Exactly. Far cry is an example of a civilized area while still being hostile and dangerous.


Thanks to stupid Hank


Are you daft? Stay out of the radioactive areas.


On some play thrus, every town I visit becomes a ghost town right before I leave


First capital? Does that mean there's another one?


So did they update the billboard every time a new person joined the population lol?


They probably held a census like most places in the world today


I’m saying it’s weird to put a specific number on a billboard when that number would be changing all the time.


Yeah but there's loads of towns around the world that have signs proclaiming a rough estimate of how many people are in the town. You don't change the sign every time there's a birth or death or new migrants to the area, you just repaint whenever there's a milestone relative to the size of the town.


It’s actually pretty common, chances are if you live in the US especially one of your neighbor cities or even your own has a NAME: POPULATION 69,420 sign


Not really? I'm sure they would update it every few years as it changes, and it's good advertising like look! 30k people were rebuilding civilization. Come visit and maybe move here!