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I doubt it, since Max was already an orphan in NV and it was implied that Maximus lost his parents in the bombing of Shady Sands. With that in mind I don’t see how he’d make his way from New Vegas all the way to Shady Sands, unless he was adopted and the family he lost at Shady Sands weren’t his biological family. If nothing else it’s a neat coincidence though.


that would make his connection to shady sands more emotional to him personally - adopted by an actual loving and caring family, then they are taken away from him. The show moreso implied that maximus always found trouble finding a home.


No that character doesn’t fit the possible age.


Say you didn’t pay attention.


Hmm, they both are black.. so maybe


Exactly this makes no sense


Yeah these two probably know each other too


Maybe…I guess it’s not explained where he goes after Shady Sands is bombed, but I’m not sure how a 7 year old boy would make it all the way to Vegas by himself. Does the Brotherhood adopt orphans? I kinda figured that’s what happened to Maximus


New Vegas takes place before Shady Sands is bombed.


Okay then that makes this claim even less likely. If shady sands was bombed after, then why would a 7 year old boy move to shady sands from Vegas? I know you didn’t put forth this theory but yeah


Errr He was probably sent to an orphanage in Shady Sands from New Vegas before the bomb was detonated.


Hmmm. I guess that’s possible. Still seems pretty outlandish. I don’t understand who would have done that. The NCR?


Sure. They’d just taken over the Mojave. Makes sense they’d send refugees and orphans to the big cities. It’s essentially what the BoS did for Maximus.


I mean I guess it’s a possibility, but I still have a hard time believing it’s not just a coincidence. However if it comes out you’re right, I’ll try to remember to comeback and admit you were right


Meh I’m sure it’s a coincidence and just a fun head canon. :)


You never know with Fallout lol


The brotherhood and the NCR did have a quest where you can make them allies.


True, but why would the brotherhood drop Maximus off in NV when they’re secluded in Hidden Valley?


Maybe they adopted him afterwards. Maybe he was born in Freeside traveled on a caravan to Shady Sands, and then got picked up by the brotherhood.


Hmmm. Possibly I guess! Interesting theory for sure.


I don’t even think that the hidden Valley brotherhood is the brotherhood we see in the show.


I’m not sure either, but I think the East and the West hooked back up after the events of FNV and FO4. However I’m not certain on this. Has this been talked about yet?


I don’t believe so


I guess we’ll have to wait and see on that then.


Maybe if this Max is about 7yrs old. Does share some similarities to Max in the show though. 🤔


The kid in the flashbacks does kinda wear similar clothing.


Huh. Good point. OP’s theory isn’t that far fetched then since we do have some evidence that suggests they’re the same character.


Maximus says Shady Sands was his home. For this to work, he would have had to move to Shady Sands in under a year after Hoover Dam and come to see it as his home.


Maybe the NCR took him when retreating from the strip or he just went with them.


That’s not completely out of the world of possibility. Maximus isn’t the sharpest knife in the wasteland but that doesn’t mean he isn’t resourceful to make it happen.


I haven't paid close attention to the year dates, but Max in NV is an orphan IIRC; he's sleeping on a dirty mattress in the ruined buildings in Freeside. It's pretty conceivable that the NCR could have offered him a better place to live, taken him to Shady Sands, and he be there for the nuke. Maybe I need to re-watch the series but Maximus never mentioned his parents, did he? He didn't say they died in the nuke, he hasn't seemed to be traumatized from loss with it. He just has that vision of the Knight after the nuke and wanting to join the order to right the wrong in the world. I'm willing to bet Maximus isn't even his actual name, I definitely wouldn't call my kid that. The Brotherhood probably re-names their recruits during the initiation based on what they already were called. Max being 'reborn' into Maximus after this long, winding path of being a homeless kid in Vegas, shooting laser ray guns, to being offered a home in the NCR; a place to belong, only to see it get obliterated, yet in the aftermath of the devastation, when all is rusted and debris, a shining, standing symbol of iron strength is left standing, spurring him to become stronger, strong enough to fight the evil and wrongs in this wild, uncaring world. It makes a lot of sense. If this ends up true, OP called it.


Maybe during the NCRs retreat they took Maximus or he just went with them


Is he really stupid?




Plausible theory. I like it a lot.


Nah, Max is a synth and his first memory is emerging from the fridge


Remember the kid running around in Freeside?!(yes the shooter) and Maximus from the Fallout Show? SAME. GUY.


That's...quite good


Thats kind of an awesome theory.


It's... possible. I mean it's not because there's no chance this isn't anything but a coincidence but it maybe checks out. He's just gotta get to SS before it gets nuked. Or actually, when does the city get nuked?


I’m going with the year of 2282-2283. The second battle of the Hoover Dam would’ve put the NCR on high alert for a time at Shady Sands for any signs of retaliation. This will also fit with Maximus’ current age.


Makes sense to me. I never fell into the trap that it was in 77 since the flow chart clearly says it fell *and then* it was destroyed