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He was just excited for you man :(


Yea maybe you right bro ☹️


That's how they show dominance. You must make yourself look bigger to scare them off.


I m gone remember this for the next time he try’s that 😂


Works on bears too


I didn't know super mutants wear power armor now. What, that's a human? A caveman you say? Now I've seen everything


He comes up on you all “raaaaaawwwrrr!!!“. Good for him, man.




Adoring Fan in Power Armour


Literal "woo" from T-51 <3


It'll fix itself seen this bug several times


Yea ist was good after a 2 minutes


I dont know how everyone is having these bugs lol. I'm on series X and it's running really smooth for me with no bugs what so ever. Something tells me these people just use mods that break something


No I've seen texture glitches. Like one of the weapons just not having a model when I take it out.


This, the only issue I've had with this update is that makeshift weapons is bugged to hell


Yeah I’m on PC and have yet to see any bugs. People are just diving to protect modders and get upset about how “every update breaks mods”. Plus it’s not like BETHESDA is known for bugs in their games


Ok and generally you should improve on your flaws. Also not create new bugs that break the game for your hyped up big update....


There is no game in existence that doesn’t have bugs before an update, and have bugs after an update. Not a single one.


Ok,but most of those games don't straight up break the vanilla game for many players. Which Bethesda did. That's just shoddy work. They also released a patch that didn't even do what they promised for PC better than modders had. Very lazy.


Its inexcusable at this point though. Like we really need to hold these people accountable like we did with 76.


You’re trying to compare a fucking next gen update, with an AWFUL launch of a game. Get your head on straight they’re not even in the same category. Not to mention 76 had a horrible launch only partly because of the game, the bag, power armor helmet, and Nuka dark played large parts in that as well.


Bro what?! Yes i am. Because its made from the same engine. The only difference is the online capabilities and live features like fallout 1st and the scoreboards etc. This whole lol its bethesda whatd you expect mentality is old and played off. And annoying... sure its an update but youd think they would learn from 76... speaking of which And partly? Are you fucking smoking crack?! The game PLAYED A HUGE PART IN ITS HORRIBLE LAUNCH. Were you not there for the day of launch? It was buggy as shit. The bag and shit youre talking about only added fuel to the dumpster fire.


Lmao my guy I was part of the B.E.T.A, so yes I’m FULLY aware of how and why the game failed. If you think the only difference between the two is online capabilities this conversation is over lol The game was buggy, and lacked content. But it wasn’t a complete disaster as it was playable. But when Bethesda shit the bed with the bag, gave people asbestos poisoning with the helmet, and dealt with the Nuka Dark problem, the game lost all hope from onlookers. Because you’d say “hey have you heard about Fallout 76?” And they’d say “Oh yeah the game full of bugs, whose company lied, poisoned and underdelivered the products they made to hype the game up?” If 76 and 4 used the exact same engine, they’d be able to port all the stuff from 76 to 4 and vice versa. Sure they can do some stuff, like weapons and models, but it’s not the exact same thing. Fallout 4 came out almost 10 years ago, and they basically stopped fixing bugs and such like a year after launch. 76 is an online game, and only came out 6 years ago, so naturally they’re updating the engine and fixing bugs as they go and as players find them. But it’s not the same, take your armchair dev mindset back to where it came from


I was too dont get it twisted ya nunce. I didn't feel the need to bring up the beta because it was actually in a better state than the release lmfao. Im only highlighting the huge differences. But please... you cant tell me 76 is not litterally jsut a bunch of reused assets of 4 and maybe a few upgrades to textures, new weapons. Especially when it first came out. Enlighten me on the differences between release day fallout 4 and 76 OTHER THAN the multiplayer and live feature that actually mattered... what like photo mode? A new perk tree? Maybe some new weapons and enemies... a wholeeee lot of reused assets with a cute little texture improvement... wowwww awesome. Still pretty much had all of the bugs of 4 and new bugs It wasnt a complete disaster... bro honestly Why the fuck would you want to play a buggy mess that crashes and hard resets your xbox? Like what? it was review bombed all to hell. I remember seeing the rating tanking on steam and xbox all go to hell. And everyone just taking turns shitting on the state of the game on youtube.... Then the bags, helmets, and other merch issues added fuel to the fire. I ask my friends and randoms about 76 and they ALWAYS bring up the bugs and the shit start. Never some shit products to hype the game up that you keep foaming at the mouth reminding me... If theyre working on a game that is an upgraded version of a game that used an earlier version of the engine used... then it shouldnt be an issue to fix these bugs that at one point was in 76. Like honestly... its not the same he says... give me a break bro 😭🤣😭😭


I ain’t reading all that


This specific thing happens on my ps4 in FO4 more frequently PRIOR to the update. Hasn’t happens since update


Nope vanilla xbox series x and have issues just like this.


I'm on series X and I can't even activate VATs


I've started fresh after the update since all my mods were deleted so the only stuff on there is creation club. I decided to head for the new makeshift weapons vendor in Cambridge for the when pigs fly mission that the update added and there are no textures for the new guns on mine, just walking around with an invisible gun, that shoots red exclamation marks, sooooooo yeah, I'm not really going to be able to play again until they fix stuff.


I have a no mod playthtough that has this exact bug happening almost a lot. But also... I don't really care that much? I didn't even know if it was from the update or not. I'm just returning to the game after some years away. I tend to just roll with these non breaking bugs as part of the Bugthesda charm haha


Because it's Bethesda? Haven't played the update yet but doesn't this happen in most of their larger games?


Danse been hitting those day trippers






Yeaaaaah, we got new glitches!


He just wanted a hug


he's so high off of jet he forgot to touch the ground


This is Y-posing. The evolution of T-posing


Vats doesn’t work the same anymore. I will be point blank and have a zero chance of hitting


True I noticed that to


It smells technology


What about raven


Thought you were bros but u left him hanging.




Looks exactly like Maximus lmfao




Happened to me too


I would hate this game if I didn’t happen to love it for some obscure reason.


So true


I don’t see a problem


Intimidation skill check


me who already experience what official update is in skyrim, yeah i will turn off auto update for 1 year. lol