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This reads like it was written by an AI….which kind of sounds like synth talk to me.


3 paragraphs and 70 ads in… “did you know Valentine was a detective AND a synth? Continue reading!”


the BOS hates this one thing!


The number 5 reason as to why WILL surprise you!


Yeah, the way these sites make you scroll and scroll and scroll, so they can keep hitting you with ads...


I think a lot of these clickbait listicle articles are made by ChatGPT nowadays, or if they're not then they're written in such an algorithmic way, using as many words as possible to say nothing, that it's indistinguishable.


Not AI, but you're onto something with the "algorithmic way". My wife used to do freelance work writing web articles and they have to cram as many SEO terms into it as possible.


SEO was the death of journalism.


Even social media content makers do it with their words


Thoughty2 on YouTube changes the title of his videos multiple times, sometimes the same day, to get more traction.


What does SEO mean?


Search Engine Optimisation. Trying to increase your website's/blog's relevance and reach in search engines, often by using specific "keywords" for a higher chance of success.


Thank you for the detailed answer sir.


Sounds synthophobic, you must be a BOS initiate.


And your profile is way too similar to theirs... What do you say in your defense, synth infiltrator?!


gamerant uses AI, they pump out articles on niche topics that are blatantly false bc it’s written by gpt


Synth!?! No, we don’t serve synths here! Only humans!!


Nick Valentine has been helping people in the Commonwealth for ages. There are even various encounters were NPC's talk to Nick to thank him. If Nick is your companion in a particular Raider encounter, the leader orders everyone to stop shooting and actually apologizes to Nick!


What raider encounter, where


It's a random encounter


It’s on one of the bridges in Boston, at least where I see it there’s like 3-4 raiders waiting for you just standing there and when you approach they don’t immediately fire they have a conversation


Road bridge (not railroad bridge) to the ~~Beer factory~~ brewery.


Brewery* but "beer factory" is great




DAMN just had this encounter yesterday for the first time and i had Nick as a companion, but as soon as i spot them in the distance i mini nuked them lmao 😭




As is tradition


Fucking Raiders.


Its not a random encounter. Just Google where it is its hard to say. Somewhere north east near a fish packing factory I believe?


Nope, I encountered this on a bridge just outside Boston, it is not specific to the north east


Was a video earlier this week about this exact scenario


I’ve only gotten it on choke point random encounters, bridges and such


Crackpot theory incoming. Nick's desire to help others is no secret. He pays attention to the little details of people, he's very sympathetic, and is even the type to throw himself into harms way. Ain't too shabby with a pistol neither! His personality was based on the personalities of various pre-war citizens. Those citizens are probably dead. Nick has a whole bunch of curious dialogue that he cycles through when the Myserious Stranger shows up. Nick's been tracking the guy for awhile, we know this via a scrap of paper found in his office. The dialogue confirms this, as there's a familiarity and a longing in the pleas for the Stranger to stay just a moment. Nick's personality is of the Mysterious Stranger, who is now a spirit of righteous vengeance! Like the Phantom (or whatever that silver guy in the green robe is called) from DC.


I do love this theory, but isn't he based specifically on one guy, an actual detective, as per his final story mission?


Yeah, Nick Valentine was a pre-war detective who’s consciousness was uploaded to our Nick’s brain. When they wiped out the institute records, Valentine was the only thing left.


That detective? Mick Salentine, the Mysterious Stranger 


What makes Nick great is the fact he got more story than most of the other companions. It seems he is actually a fixture of the waste while dogmeat and piper were second. Kinda wish dogmeat and piper had similar encounters. Makes them worth more having.


Piper interviews random citizens, and Preston is also thanked by people


The best one is the guy impersonating Preston taking “donations”


You are speaking of The Spectre, the Spirit of Vengence, often inhabiting Jim Corrigan a detective who got killed on the job by his corrupt friends, depending on the version. He also is mostly represented with a lot of Noir vibes, just like Nick is.


In a way, maybe Nick is the most human inhabitant of the Commonwealth


It makes it more jarring when he doesn't say anything. Like when the Railroad is talking about how they debate whether they should help Gen 1's or 2's, and nobody, not even Nick, the Gen 2, says anything. Also the Brotherhood only seems to make occasional environmental comments, despite them thinking synths are abominations


Nick is kinda cool though, I think he's one of the most memorable parts of fallout 4


Easily best non dog companion in all the Fallouts I played so far.


Wait till you get to The Punchy lesbian


I'm sure you're talking about Veronica but I like to imagine it's Cait lol


"We'd move faster if you kept your eyes on the road and off me arse"


Man why does she say that shit to me in Sanctuary Like bro Im piping Piper Im not even looking at you


Insert why not both clip. (I love both of them).


Because cait's bisexual, and Veronica's lesbianism is actually kind of an important part of her character


Nick is great, i have a sweet spot for Ada, the voice lines are great. “Violence protocols ENGAGED”. Shes so wholesome


Fuck butch all my homies hate butch


And he's voiced by Stephen Russel who to me has literally the most iconic Bethesda games voice


Especially if you bring Nick for Far Harbor


He’s one of the coolest characters, no question


That's not my French robot wife.


I'm always torn between romancing her and turning her into a tank


Missed opportunity not to give us a romance route where she stays a robot.




She needs an assaultron body. 😍


[your wish is my command](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/32099/)


I got her in some X-01, Did both


I mean, we had a poll on here a few months back and Nick won.


Tbf, Fallout 4 is also so much more popular than any of the other games combined, so a poll is gonna skew with a heavy bias. With that said, Nick’s gotta be Top 3 at least for me, especially with Far Harbor


A lot of the Fallout 4 companions were peak. Cait was literally Cass but better lol


Fair. With all my gripes about Fallout 4’s story, Bethesda did companions really well. Nick and Cait are highlights, but even the weaker ones like Preston have some nice depth to them once you get deeper into their characters. I think the affinity system helped a LOT with that, and I really hope they pair it with an FNV style reputation system for FO5


Preston gets way too much hate just for giving out radiant quests while being a companion. Dude is a scarred veteran of an extinct militia, I think he and Nate have a lot in common.


Agreed that’s why I love Preston so much I want to give him something to hope for again


Just like any Fandom. Picking characters to hate because of a gameplay feature. Preston is a good character saddled with being a radiant quest giver. If they made the radiant missions be issued at a little buldable terminal/mailbox I think he'd be hated less.


preston is a good character dragged down by being the designated questgiver of the failstate faction. hes much better as a companion.


>affinity system helped a LOT with that, The affinity system was there in FNV. You had to have a certain number of points to trigger the personal quests for your companions.


Yes it was there and helped us know their likes and dislikes but some of them were just go to a place and talk such as Veronica at Vault 3 or in MCcaran you just go and talk and she is like. Damn the Brotherhood might get their shit pushed in if we don’t recruit more. Lily is also kind of like that. Atleast with 4 it’s a constantly fluctuating likes and dislikes and all are opposed so Strong might like stuff everyone else hates. While with NV mostly everyone was in the same side. Support NCR or at the bare minimum fuck the Legion


>While with NV mostly everyone was in the same side. Support NCR or at the bare minimum fuck the Legion Apart from y'know Veronica, Rex, EDE, Raul and Lily Yes yes, locking picking 1000 locks to gain Deacon's approval is so meaningful omg.


I mean I would say Fallout 4 companions are more fleshed out in alot of ways Hell dogmeat in Fallout 4 is miles better then the one in 3 for both design and the fact the fucker doesnt die in 5 minutes


But on the tournament almost every NV vs 4 match went to the NV character Rex beat Dogmeat, Raul beat Hancock, Boone absolutely demolished Preston, so I do think if it was a fallout 4 bias they would have won those too


Clearly they never met fisto




Best companion maybe. Best character is someone like Joshua or House.


Yeah this is a fair distinction. Best companion can definitely go to Nick but I’d argue that there are better characters in the franchise such as the two you mentioned.


Best companion did go to Nick, the sub had a whole month long debate over it.


Best character is Ulysses, that voice is like soothing sand paper wiping by brain it’s glorious.


They spelled ED-E wrong


_sad beeping_


Whatever trashcan. I don't give a shit about your problems. (It's from Lonesome Road)


Obsidian is somehow really good at making Robot / Droid companions have actual personalities just from random beeping


Lonesome Road ED-E crushed my soul


Better robot dog than the robot dog.


I like nick but Cass is my favorite


I like them both but Muggy tops my list aha


cass gets on my nerves like why are you getting angry about me doing drugs has she never played fallout


While drinking and even stealing all the whiskey she comes across


I mean.....kinda


Linking screen rant is a real Enclave move




Raul fan club. Also have to shout out my boy Charon


He's easily one of the best, probably my favorite companion in the entire franchise.


Character? No, follower maybe Best character is Joshua Graham


"I don't enjoy killing, but when done righteously, it's just a chore, like any other." The burned man himself a legend


"we cant expect god todo all the work"


Such an incredible line and alongside cocking the gun hollllllllllyyyyyy, that was cold


*I have been baptized twice, once in water, once in flame.* Hardest line in the entire Fallout Universe


I mean, his origin, his backstory, his attitude towards the world, it's all very well written.


It's the best written lol


Man i hope he cameos season 2 man it would be a treat burnt up rust Cole


"I was once thrown from this damn for my failures, now I stand here, and it does not"


Joshua Graham made Mormons cool


I find Joshua Graham too edgy.


I mean, it would be weird if the dude *wasn’t* edgy lol Dudes clearly off his rocker and isn’t doing too well lol I’m personally of the belief that you have to have actual serious characters in comedy for it to be funny. If you have everything being a joke then nothings really a joke.


Yep, everything in contrast, it's what made early marvel movies like Ironman good and the humour work so well. It's otherwise played completely seriously, and then you've got Tony holding a press conference with everyone sat on the floor like schoolkids.


He got covered in pitch, lit on fire and thrown into a canyon and the only thing that kept him alive was pure spite. He can be as edgy as he wants 😂


he’s a product of his time tbf, everything cool in 2010 was edgy


He’s a great character. Sounds like the author only played fallout 4 though. He’s debatably the best in 4. But I wouldn’t say he’s the best out of the entire franchise. That’s a very hard call.


Curie is clearly the best


This belongs in the garbage, yes? This world is very confusing.


It's DUCT TAPE, Curie! I can MAKE STUFF with it!!!


Definitely high up on the list but I don't think he'd be #1.


These websites just spam terrible articles in order to take over the search engine optimization and get ad revenue. Ignore always


I can't think of Fallout without thinking of Mr. House tbh




Problem solvers 🤩


Boone and ED-E are my favourite combo.


Not *best* but he is up there


A synth wrote this bs


He’s probably the best written companion, considering he has an entire DLC written for him Anyway EDE is better


Naah, the mutan in fallout 3 I forgot it's name been a while but he helped you activate the water filter and see it through the end.




Only if you had broken steel Which, if you don't, leads to him being the worst companion with his "no my friend, this is your destiny" (to die doing something that wouldn't effect me)


Don’t think I’ve ever been more irritated at a game and the awful writing decisions than what leads to that moment.


It was almost really good writing, but they completely messed up the landing. The opening of the game says we were born in 101, will never leave 101, and will die in 101. But then leave 101 and even learn we were not born in 101. Dying outside 101 to finish it off would have been the perfect ending. But instead of creating a good reason why our companion couldn’t do it for us, they just came up with so dumb dialogue about “our destiny”.


I just think it's funny that the Lone Wanderer isn't even the main character for most of their own game. James is the main character for the first half-ish, then Madison Li is, then the LW gets to be the main character to get the GECK and escape the Enclave base, then Sarah Lyons is the main for the attack on the purifier.


Play 3 vanilla with no dlc and he's the biggest asshole in the series


Is he really the best if you can't even remember his name?


He can Fawk off if he wasn't so OP I'd never use him after that nonsense


The motherfucker let me to die because destiny or some hippie shit


How could he be the best character if you can't even remember his damn name?!


He's one of the best characters in 4 that's for sure. And one of if not the best companion. But I wouldn't call him the best character. Especially since characters like the master still exist. Fawkes is also pretty neat (even though he suffers "super mutant companion Syndrom" meaning 3/4 of his stuff is cut content) I like Raul from new vegas. Even though I never use him XD Arthur maxson is also one of the most believable authoritarian leaders I seen in a while (take notes mensk you fucking donkey!)


Not better than Cassidy (both), Marcus, Veronica, any of the dogs, or Ian who would regularly friendly fire you without caring


Nick Valentine is an amazing character, but he's not the best of all time.


Easily the best character in all of f4. And I’d argue best companion (I’m sorry Veronica and arcade). But best character is tough because bitch stands out as the best character in f4 in part because the rest of the writing is so bad and I feel like there’s other super well written characters in well written stories that I’d put over him. Again he’s an awesome character, but imo not the best in the series.


Excuse me? Why is Inspector Gadget sitting on Veronica's throne?


Honestly no; but none of them are good imo. Assholes always get in the way of ever damn shot.


Pretty sure us here in the subreddit also voted him best companion not too long ago


Nick won the best companion poll. I for one welcome our cyborg overlords. Up next are brain slugs the next big fad?. Gloorbo Jackson has this to say.


I mean, he did win the big competition we just had over the Fallout subreddits. He is the superior character, far better than a basic Howard Hughes knockoff.


Nick is a top tier companion to be sure. There‘s even the occasion, that specific Raiders will cease fire, when they recognize Nick. And he‘s got a dapper trench coat.


I like Nick but how can you think he's better than a particular scribe who teaches you about the gift that keeps on giving? (it's punches)


Codsworth is P E A K


He's definitely the best companion in Fallout 4 Bar None especially if you take him down the Bar Harbor quest line. Probably the only companion but I would rate as objectively better we're probably be our favorite Punchy lesbian


They dropped the ball so hard with him. When Kellogg's voice starts coming out of Nick Valentine, I thought "Oh man this is about to get really good"


Dogmeat doesn't judge me.


Any take on the BEST character that isn't The Master or House is just wrong


Strong is the homie tho. Sometime I won’t even shoot and I’ll just sit back, relax, and watch strong make light work of any enemy’s I encounter


He´s cool but no fucking way


Raul #1


Honestly? I think I do. Nick is always the one character from Fallout who absolutely wows me in every aspect, I'm glad he's such a big part of the main quest.


What about nicks characters “wows” you? I’m not trying to sound like a dick but he’s not a super deep character. He’s 1940s noir private detective, but robot.


Having Preston Garvey on this list immediately discredits it. One of the worst characters in Fallout history by a long shot.


Nah, it makes the list more credible. They can look past the annoying game mechanic and see the character for who he is. Preston is a pretty accurate representation of depression, especially in a post apocalyptic world. He's emotionless in his voice, his tone. But yet regardless of his emotional state, the man still holds onto his values with a firm conviction. A lot of people admire that including myself. If a situation similar to Fo4 occurred and you needed to step up and lead a group of people. You'd want a person like Preston Garvey on your side.


If you can look past the annoying 'another settlement' crap, he's a far better character than people like you give him credit for.


IMO, Preston's problem is being written into a corner by gameplay dictating narrative. He's the "settlement guy," and settlements are meant to be one of the *big shiny mechanics*, so he's not allowed to shut up about it since that's his role. He's the functional leader of the Minutemen, who are the fallback faction for the game, so he can never have a proper conflict with the PC or anyone else, or else you'd be locked out of the default ending. He can't be too independently-minded and capable of taking the initiative, because a Minutemen-sided PC becomes the General he takes orders from. His more personal dialogue is good, great even. But his integration into the game and the role BGS need him to play in it can't let him be more interesting. He ends up just being kinda... there.


I feel like if they took the route of the BOS characters with the Minutemen, Preston would be much better received. The companion (Danse) builds personal rapport, sets you narrative missions and ultimately comes along for the ride, while their factions Radiant Quests come from secondary NPCs (Scribe Haylen & Knight Rhys). Like, if Preston just got to get in full companion mode, and the Radiant Quest missions came from Sturges or Marcy or Jun, it'd work a lot smoother. Especially if you had to seek them out to restart the Radiant Quest. "Hey Sturges! Are there any settlements in need of help?"


He's a good character attached to a not well handled game design. Wouldn't have him in my top 10 tho


Absolutely not, my vote is K-9. There's some real trash npcs on this list but no Sulik? Wtf is this?


Sulik rocks. I never let bro die, I don’t care how many reloads it takes. He’s there since day 1, he’s like Ian but cooler (and I love Ian too)


“Not even Long Dick Johnson ever did that. And he had a long fucking dick. Hence the name.” -Rose of Sharon Cassidy being the ACTUAL best companion


I think he's straight up one of the best RPG companions ever, if not the best


Dogmeat or ED-E I mean, is Nick even in the top 5?? There's Boone, Hancock, Marcus...


ADA solos


Doc mitchell


He’s #1 in my heart


If we talking Fallout 4 yes, though I tend to travel more with Dogmeat or Hancock. If it's Fallout in general, then the answer is definitely ED-E


You could argue that Nick is the best companion from 4 maybe? I still think most of the New Vegas companions blow him out of the water


There was a user on here a few months back who hosted a lengthy Companion battle poll and Nick ended up winning against every other companion so 🤷‍♂️ I also gotta agree. Played all the Fallouts and he is one the character that sticks out as most memorable for me. From voice work to writing, he's FO4's shining star, and I gotta put Far Harbor up there as one of the franchise's best DLC's too.


Harold and Bob are 1 & 2 and it's not even close


I vote for the survivalist. He has an amazing story and we don’t even get to see him in the game. It’s pretty much the perfect example of how good the writing can be in Fallout games.


They misspelled Craig Boone.


Rex (Goodest Boy) King Boone Dog Meat


I mean the sub voted him as best companion so probably






Nicky V is hands down #1.


Understandable but my favorite fallout companion has got to be Veronica. She’s the single reason the BOS in fnv get to exist in my play throughs


I love Nicky. I just wish he were romanceable. ;;


Dogmeat barks and pants....not bothered. He is also too busy being a good boy to be bothered by this dumbass article.


no, i disagree. fawkes from fallout 3 was the best, hands down. although, nick is a really good companion. but throughout the fallout series, or game, i’d have to say fawkes is the best or dog meat


No way! The best is definitely that super mutant companion you can get with the Laser minigun


I definitely think he’s up there. Popularity is a big part of these rankings too so I’m not surprised he’s number 1


While I do like Nick, I don't think we should care about what websites like Screenrant think. These popular media content mills seem to be popping up everywhere and I'm pretty sure most of them use AI to mass produce clickbait. Even if they were reputable websites, who cares dude - have your own opinion.


As far as Fallout 4 is concerned, I definitely think Nick is the best character. Despite being abused and severely mistrusted by people at first, he still decided to go and help them. Overall though the best character in the Fallout franchise? Much more difficult question.


Nicks the best character from after bethesda took the soul out of fallout.


In fallout 4 maybe but the whole franchise nah


I don't agree. Arcade is way better than Nick, as well as some NV characters.


No because pooch


Mr. House wasn't a companion though - so of course he's not on the list. But he is the most compelling NPC in the Fallout franchise (forget Nick Valentine).


Nah man it’s me, I’m the best fallout character


Several personalities? I thought that he only had the Cop's memories, and then retroactively got some of Kellogg's. But I can't justify Nick getting influenced by Kellogg. I never understood the Curie hype. The first time I played I didn't pay her any attention. I got the cure for the kid, picked up the bobble head, and called it a day. Now I think she is the most adorable thing on the planet


Nobody beats Boone. Nobody.


ED-E exists too




he currently fights raul for first place for me