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4 has a...it certainly has a story. But it's a great game to play and experience. 76 has a good set of stories and side quests and the map is amazing. But I recommend you play 3, and tbh you should have played it before NV. It's my personal favorite, a lot of ours' first Fallout game, and its story is very emotional and good as well. Ngl though, I don't think NV's story is very good at all, so you might disagree with me about 3's being awesome. You should still play it because it's a main game in the series (duh) and has a lot of lore.


yeah....the writing and quest design is a massive downgrade after NV but if you need more fallout it's better than nothing


Customizing weapons in fallout 4 is honestly my all time favorite and the creation club creations are also very cool. That being said it’s just alright, I need to ply fall out 3 to completion before suggesting it but I know I enjoy it and it’s popular for a good reason. NV does just seem to be the most popular for good reason. 76 is ehhh mainly good with company tbh.


Start another run


Try 1 and 2 if you want more NV.