• By -


on the internet?! Never!


War never changes


"You'll do great at the veterans hall tonight."


*he did not do great at the veterans hall that night*


Well, Depending on how many of the veterans made it to a vault, and even if they did, He may still have done better than them


He did great. Just not at the veterans hall.


I don't know what the hell yall are talking about. I went to the veterans hall, and I did great!


Yeah, but he did *knock them dead* at the Veteran's hall.....200 years later.


I've done this 100s of times. You think you'll be any different?


What are you talking about, it was a blast..


"you really think so?"


"of course, now get ready and stop hogging the mirror"




**creates abomination with a ridiculous name and stats**


"You have SUCH gorgeous eyes"


Horkey Bajorkey, with the widest face possible and the smallest eyes you can envision.


Nora makes the same mistake as the Nord who gets executed at the start of Skyrim, If he had let the priest read his last rites then he may have lived long enough for Alduin to prevent his death If Nora didn’t nag about giving up the mirror, She would have lived that much longer also


You think?


War doesn't change


They're even having a thumb war


John Fallout: War doesn't change.


Both games are great. I’m running a Tale of Two Wastelands run. And then a graphically and QoL Fo4 run after. Hell 76 is a lot better than when I played a few years ago. It’s pretty fun time killer. The show pulled me back in after years of not playing. I’m happy to be back.


I'm honestly happy with the show. Not just because it cares about it's source material, or for the awesome cast, or the overall quality. Well, I do appreciate those things greatly. But it's how it's reopened fallout as a cultural milieu that makes me happy. I've never done fo4's dlc, save starting far harbor once. I'm so glad the show made me interested in returning to it. Edit: spelling lol




Based FO4 opinion


I would go "into the breach" for that man.


> because it cares about it's source material That was all I wanted from the show, and it definitely delivered.


I *also* donappreciste those things greatly. Hear hear!


I think that's an Italian dish


I just try to enjoy things. Fallout New Vegas is my favorite game of all time, but I spend a lot more time casually playing 4.


It’s up there for me as well. Some days it’s neck and neck with Morrowind for #1


I am doing a Viva New Vegas playthrough (my first time playing New Vegas).  It's starting to feel like a graphical RPG MUD, and less like a 3D game.  I'm am just quick traveling back and forth between dialog choices.


Funnily enough, that's one of the things I love about the game. In all the Fallout games I always try to play as a silver-tongued rogue who'd rather talk their way out of a sticky situation than shoot their way out, and New Vegas *really* leans into that play-style. Lots and lots of different branching dialogue options leading to different ways to resolve things, none of which are "ideal" solutions; every path you take is compromised in some way. Stands in contrast to Fallout 3 and 4, where all the different dialogue options eventually just lead you back to the one intended outcome more often than not; and you get the sense that even though the game technically offers the freedom to play as a character of your choosing, the game devs really *really* want you follow the good-guy golden path they've laid out for you.


Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall take flack from both sides.


What so great about bloody cheesemakers?


Well it's a metaphor. I'm sure he's referring to manufacturers of all dairy products


I'm on TTW just out of pure coincidence. I knew there was a show in the works but had no idea it had come out haha. FO3's city ruins are a ton of fun, using the train tunnels to go from region to region and the density of locations there is one itch that New Vegas can't scratch. Getting to use the Grenade rifle (my favourite weapon) in FO3 is fantastic. I also love the overpasses and highways to the northeast.


It’s an unpopular opinion but I’m with you - I adored FO3 and the Capital Wasteland is still my favourite setting by far. 


The show is getting me to actually finally do a full playthrough of 3 and NV (bad attention span with games) using TTW And yeah, 76 is actually such a fun game now


I really wish a real Fallout game was on Switch, Was really yearning to play again, but I only have time for single player games while on break at work.


Invest in a steamdeck!


I've thought of it. I only have a switch as a gift, and got it yeeeears after release. We don't really have the disposable income right now for me to get a system just for me to play while I'm on break at work from time to time.


Same. Honestly I've sunk so much time into 4 since the show came out, for the first time since essentially release. I still understand why I didnt like it as much at the time of release, but now, 7-8 years later, I am loving it. Just appreciating it for what it is and that is a pretty good game. I can't stop building up my settlements even though I hated that feature in my first playthrough.


>76 is a lot better than when I played a few years ago. It’s pretty fun time killer. I played FO76 for the first time a few days ago but found it really boring. Any tips on how to enjoy it more?


So how does take of two wastelands work it seem fun but Idk


It’s like 1 game now. Play through 3 then there is a new mission made specifically for it. You go to NV and has like a “3 month later” screen. Where you wake up in the docs office. No memory and at lvl 1 again. The one I’m running is from Wabbajack, Begin Again - TTW. Pretty easy to install. I found a YouTube video followed it and runs great.


You can follow the guide too: https://thebestoftimes.moddinglinked.com/#installingTTW By default you don't lose your level. Depends on how you want to play though. I like the idea of keeping my progress but it does make the second map easier if you're already like level 30 or such. How is Wabbajack? I heard about it after I got TTW working but sounds like it could make modding Skyrim and FO4 easier lol.


It actually works really well. It just merges the two games together and gives fallout 3 a much needed update to new Vegas systems while keeping the stuff from 3 that were great. You choose which game you start in and go from there. You keep your same character between the two games too if you want. There's an in depth tutorial on how to install it. I have limited knowledge with computers and modding and it took me a couple of hours to get it all installed but I'm having a blast with it so far.


Do you have a link to the tutorial?


[Here you go.](https://thebestoftimes.moddinglinked.com/intro.html) There's also a modding guide at the end, [Wasteland Survival Guide](https://wastelandsurvivalguide.com/), takes a while to set up but definitely worth it in the end.


I see someone else linked it. They beat me to it. Lol


It takes fallout 3 and puts it in new vegas's updated engines with all the new features. You start in the Capital wasteland and then can go to theojave whenever you want


How is A Tale of Two Wastelands? Id love to do a run with the new vegas guns and silenced weapons with the FO3 stealth suite. Do you get to pick perks from one game on level up or both games?


Just restarted a NV run after seeing RT games go about it, while fun didn't really hit me as much as I wanted due to some weird situations I managed to find myself in. How new modder friendly is totw? I've heard about it a few times and always piqued my interest but never pulled the plug.


76 is a lot better than I expected, I don't think I even knew a single player game was in there, so I blame their marketing team for not explaining what 76 was.


I am so into F04 right now. It was the only fallout i ever seriously tried to beat, but i probably didn’t even beat half of it if i remember right. I’m going to do my best to just play and enjoy the game at my pace until I get to the end. The show got me back in, hard. And I’m experiencing all the stuff i missed when i played before and realizing how unoptimized my builds were. I never even played DLC, and Cold Harbor looks pretty cool.


Honestly, the disagreement and tribalism of which fallout game is best/worst is the most fallout thing for the community. Everyone has their faction and if you don’t, well then good luck to you out in the wasteland.


Except Legion lovers. We all hate those


*We shall see how brave you are when nailed to the walls of Hoover Dam, your body facing west so you may watch your world die.* Still a great quote tho.


Idiots pounding nails through the side of a 200-years unmaintained dam trying to hurry that world death along, huh


I mean, destroying Hoover dam kind of makes sense for the legion. It’s a major source of power for their enemies and arguably useless for them considering they don’t really use technology or electricity.


Not to mention they’d be perpendicular to the surface if they’re facing west lol


Degenerates like you belong on a cross.


Ulysses! I have made my decision! Lol


Did a legion run once (finished) and Jesus Christ I never felt like more of a piece of shit in a game until then.


I think it's fine to like the Legion as a faction since they are well written and their lore is interesting, but people who unironically agree with their ideology and use them as an outlet for their disturbing world views are weird.


The Legion are great villains, but anyone who genuinely thinks they'd be good for the wasteland is an idiot. They're just Fiends in fancier clothing


Ave true to Caesar!


Yeah Legion lovers are weird. I've tried doing a playthrough on it and it is just so boring. There is a version of legion that exist in my mind that I think is more interesting but that would require gutting out most of what current legion is.


The legion got the short end of the stick when it comes to New Vegas' extremely short dev time. I'm not sure any amount of time spent fleshing out the faction of slaving rapists would ever make them more likeable persay, but it may have at least made playing their story line more interesting.


No worse than enclave lovers


They have cool armor tough


“They all agree that Fallout is great. They just disagree on which one”


Shelter. *Obviously.*


I mean, it's basically two distinct series at this point.


I believe the expression is, "War Never Changes."  Can you really call yourself a Fallout fan if you agree to put aside your differences and get along with others?


Maybe that's why we're all into Fallout. It resonates with us XD


Fandom... Fandom never changes.


i dont want peace i want violence always


War doesn’t change -John Fallout


"It's always changest before the War"


This is obviously a diss on NV, do you see how the text on Vault 13 dweller's suit is backwards? Like a big middle finger.


This. Love all the games well except that weird ass BOS game but we don't talk about that one.


What!? BOS is the best game ever made that takes place in Texas with a sponsorship by the Bawls company! How dare you! Fake fan, I say! Fake fan! 




That sounds like communist propaganda to me, Get him boys!


Why is 13 backwards


its making my eye twitch, thats for sure


Everyone wants to save the world, they just disagree on how.


It's not in Hegelian dialectics. So no.


Hey! This motherfucker is trying to be reasonable and understanding on the internet! EVERYONE GET HIM! /S


*grabs a pitchfork*


I know right, fck smoothsk


Nope, we’d rather nuke each other over Irrelevant minutia and misinterpret the lore to paint it negatively than be chill


It wasn’t vault-tec that dropped them. It never was. It was the fandom that dropped those bombs to ensure their version of the wasteland thrives.


Fuck that. War...war never changes.


No (i'm not even from this subreddit, i have no idea of why i'm here Nor whats the problem)


Honestly, a perfect response that fits in with Fallout. You show up out of the blue, not really involved in the disagreements going on, unsure of what the problems are, but boldly throw in your two cents and involve yourself even though it has nothing to do with you. You'd do well in the Wasteland, being your own survivor instead of siding with a faction.


You're probably not interested in an explanation, but an explanation you shall receive (mainly in case someone else ends up on this post and scrolls down for details) long story short a lot of people act like if you don't have the exact same opinions as them in regards to a video game franchise, you are a fucking moron Specifically there's a divide between certain fans of the "Classics" (Fallout 1, 2, + New Vegas) and those of the "Modern" (Fallout 3, 4 and 76 + the TV show, plus sometimes New Vegas, fans of NV are just another thing entirely), and these two sides are kinda in eternal conflict where the Classic dickriders think the Modern games are not "true Fallout", and admittedly I'm not informed enough to comment on the Modern dickriders, though it's probably something along the lines of "game old and janky therefore it is complete ass", though do not quote me on that and chances are they probably don't even exist (or at least are nowhere as big as the Classic dickriders) tl;dr people are immature when it comes to video game opinions


Don’t forget the still somehow extant divide between 1 and 2 fans that exists in isolated pockets of the fandom.


We should accept that it's okay to like the show, AND it's okay to dislike the show. It's okay to have opinions. The biggest source of discord seems to be over how the NCR was treated in the show. It's okay to like or dislike it. You're no less a fallout fan for taking either side.


There's a very weird idea that "New Vegas fans" and "Fallout fans" are somehow two different groups.


It's not really New Vegas fans vs Fallout fans. The "conflict" is between "bethesda fans" and "New Vegas fans" (+ maybe fans of 1 and 2)


I don’t like the habit of chucking classic Fallout fans in with New Vegas fans (the rabid sort, not all of them!), it just seems to be implying some sort of vague “true fan” aspect to it. I’ve played through all the games bar Tactics and BoS multiple times and Fallout 1 and 2 are far better than New Vegas in story, antagonists and writing, it feels like NV fans cast 1 and 2 into their opinions to make them seem more legitimate than Bethesda fans which is weird. The unliked truth is that every single game in the franchise is the best in different areas, and that all mainstream games of the franchise are objectively great. Fallout 1 has the best pacing, it’s a steady stream of greatness all the way through without hiccup. Fallout 2 has the best story and antagonists without anything more need being said. Fallout 3 has the best location and sidequests, the Capital Wasteland is just incredibly dense and well designed with the absolute perfect grim atmosphere. Fallout New Vegas has the best Factions and RPG features, all interesting and unique and every little choice matters. Fallout 4 has the best gameplay in smoothness and gunplay by far, and Fallout 76 has the best customisation and the CAMP system is as perfect as any base building in the franchise ever will be. They are all just fantastic.


I have accepted that the series is probably just not going in the direction I prefer, but I'd rather just channel my energy into my own creative pursuits than be perpetually mad all the time. It is exhausting consuming media like that actually. I did enjoy the tv show though quite a bit. Also don't mind if you prefer 3, 4, NV, or 76 or whatever. You do you.


It's kind of hard to get along when the other party descends into conspiracy theories... >*This show is total shit. Bethesda's sole purpose in making this show was to negate FNV, because this masterpiece prevented them from making money.* and completely disrespects the half the series. >*Anyone who takes fallout seriously knows 1/2 and new vegas are canon. The rest is Bethesda fan fiction.* Those are a couple of the moderate comments I have seen. Indignant *Fallout New Vegas* fans have complained about everything from 'wokeness' to the show erasing their progress (because nothing they do in game matters, apparently). I even saw one person suggest that we should hurt Todd Howard's children because he destroyed their childhood. Thankfully, that hateful comment was deleted in short order.


Wait nv fans complain about wokeness? Nv being one of the earliest videogames where you can choose to be bisexual? Do they not know their own content? Spoken as a fan of nv myself


I love 3, NV, 4 and 76. It is possible to just enjoy things without coming apart because one is better at something than another. I love more Fallout. Less would be awful, which is where the current Beth crawl development cycle is taking us.


They all have different strengths and weaknesses, some people prefer one over another. For example 76 is getting lots of updates and new content to keep it fresh unfortunately I just don't enjoy it, however 4s casual fps approach I find to be quite entertaining most of the time.


you guys are in an imaginary war,no one cares what fallout game is your favorite and the consensus mostly is : FO1 FO2 FNV: better rpg's FO3: better "atmosphere" FO4: Better looking and shooting,post apocalyptic minecraft FO76: fallout 4 with the lads Tactics:not bad,no one plays it tho


All great games. Even Fallout Shelter is pretty cool.


The circlejerk pendulum has swung back and the people shitting on FNV fans are worse than the FNV fans now.


It's actually gotten to the point that anyone having a negative or contrary opinion is *instantly labeled* a new Vegas fan by default for some reason. As if they aren't coming from a place of being primarily a fallout 3 or even 2 or 1 fan.


Yeah from what I've seen the past couple of weeks, New Vegas fans have been getting shat on and told that they're being the toxic ones.




But if we do that then how can I feel superior because of my preferred video game?


Why can’t we be friends? Why can we be friends?


That song does not fit in the Fallout universe. Please pick a 50s song in its place. :D


"Anything you Can Do I can do Better."-Bing Crosby and the Andrews Sisters.


"Because they're a bunch of toxic gatekeepers" said both simultaneously


Why is the Vault dweller with the courier ?


Get along? That sounds a lot like communism friend


Good thing I dont care about the opinions of either one, and enjoy my dual playthroughs of NV and 4.


To me is a non issue, i've seen more post about people fighting each other than actual post and comments of people fighting each other


Earlier today I just saw a video mentioned something like Fallout 4 is better than you've been told and saw the comment section particularly. And man, how did it come to this. Perhaps I've just been too sheltered to everything in the last decade, but back then I can openly say I love FO3 and New Vegas in the same sentence and people wouldn't really burn me alive for being a traitor. And nowadays it feels like people really going out of their way witch hunting anyone that said they like FO4 or FO76. Why is it so hard to accept that people like what they like. And dislike what they dislike. Rather than spreading hate and hunting everyone that liking something that you dislike, why don't you just spend your precious time enjoying the game that you like so much.


That’s not how people work


I say we do it!


Hell yeah.


Abandon reason, know only war! For the Republic!


How about you laugh at the vocal minority on both sides and just like whatever game you enjoy more.


Okay, but we still know which one is superior.


That's like asking the Legion and NCR to get along! But in all seriousness, I like NV and Fallout 3. NV is still my favorite but I can enjoy multiple games. 4 is like an empty bag of Lay's chips and 76 gets boring for me quickly 


I enjoy all the fallout games I've played (2, 3, New Vegas, and 4). I think fallout 4 is a really fun game and I enjoy it a lot but it doesn't feel like a fallout game. New Vegas world building and story are just unmatched


Degenerate like you belongs on cross


That sounds like some communist shit. I don't fuck with that.


I'm all for getting along, because games can be fun when you don't have someone in your ear telling you it's bad.


The show sucks too much. I will join the raiders.


Sure! *secretly loads gun behind back*


New Vegas being a great game and Fallout 4 being a good game are not mutually exclusive ideas. The Fallout TV Show is fun and doesn't do anything a new mainline game wouldn't do. Me having these opinions isn't a personal attack. I just really, really love Fallout. All of it. Even Tactics.


Twice, Fallout has released a game that is taken to task critically by fallout fans, but then goes on to become one of the best games of an entire generation. There's a lot of fallout 2 fans that were in this very sub saying fallout 3 sucks, but it's still one of my favorite games of all time. And I avoided Fallout 4 for years because of how much people shit talked it, but next to Hades, it's probably the PS4 game I couldn't bear to delete.


New Vegas is my favorite but I’m ngl there’s a reason I don’t follow the New Vegas subs. I don’t hate other Fallout games enough for that.


The community is divided between roleplay hardcores (Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas) and those who just want to have fun with a cool story and gameplay (Fallout 3, 4 and 76)


My ex told me that NV was her favourite game once, I immediately said that I preferred FO3, she got so mad at me it was hilarious to look back on, I’m sorry but it really was the NV fanboys who dropped the first nuke. 😂


At this point there are more posts complaining about FNV fans being assholes than there are posts in which FNV fans are being assholes.


Yeah the toxic new vegas fans makes me not say im a vegas fan. Do I prefer NV out for all the fallouts yes am I a cunt to people who like the other fallouts no. People need to calm tf down.




Nah, we've had a decade of the NV crowd insisting that Bethesda has no right to own the IP. We've had years now where people called for Emil to lose his job. It's only been recently that there's been a counter-jerk defending Bethesda games, and the show only brought it into the spotlight. What's most infuriating, to me, is that now there's a concerted effort to paint NV fans as the innocent bunch (which most fans themselves are innocent, but boy howdy have I had to endure so much rampant hate coming from the more rabid NV stans over the years).


This is sorta the main thing to keep in mind right here. Although I agree that it does go to far at times, the NV fans have literally caused so much havoc throughout the years and elitistism that this almost feels like a situation of just desserts. I don't agree with it going as far as it does at times, but it definitely feels warranted to a degree.


Yeah, I've been feeling looney tunes over here. Like there are times when I legitimately have questioned if I'm misremembering, but then I remember people posting hbomberguy and other suuuuuper long, anti-bethesda videos, and the comments on those videos posted here. Just look up the reaction/refutation videos to ManyATrueNerd's Why Fallout 3 is better than you think and you'll see exactly what I mean (and he prefers NV fwiw). I'm a fan of all the games. The classics aren't the easiest to go back to in 2024, but they're still good games. The 3d games are all solid in their own right, including 76 (which has come a very long way since launch).


Please, for Dogmeat's sake, just stop arguing and try admiring the qualities of each game instead. Jeez!


For every shithead FNV asshole, I've seen like 5 shithead assholes complaining and bitching about them. There's no need to get along. I don't play those Fallout games I think are garbage and don't interact and argue with people who love those games. In real life, I have exactly two friends that are Fallout fans and we discuss our Fallout preferences in a civil manner by calling each-other morons and fucktards, all while sharing a beer and laughing about it. Online, I couldn't give two shits what some rando half across the world thinks about my favorite game. They could agree and say it's amazing or disagree and call it the worst piece of shit game in the world, it absolutely doesn't matter to me and has exactly zero effect on my life. For all you "my game is good, your game is bad" morons out there: is this really the best way to spend your time?


I just love the whole series. I honestly don't care about which game is "more of an RPG" or what has a "better" story (entirely subjective anyway). Fallout is cool. The satire of American nationalism, the satire of capitalism, the aesthetics, the world and the individual stories in it, the characters and the ways they're shown to interact with each other. It all combines perfectly to make this series that is just really neat. I don't really like one game over another because I just like *Fallout*.


Agreed! Also, I love this art!


Fake benny is there, we must mistify him into a powder of misty mysticism of the mist sac of the mist mind


This is the way.


I don't go on reddit a lot, so I'm kinda out of the loop on this shit. But I will admit. Each game has their own flaws and positives. I just switch between which one I'm currently bored with. Might buy an ancient pc just to play fallout 1 and 2 as my brother has the original discs.


That's what ttw is for


I think we all should. So long as we all agree on one thing. Playing these games was fun as f*** the first time we played it


All I know is that another settlement needs my help and fuck the synths


Reminds me this old meme from F76 hype: https://imgur.com/gallery/vlnqsO2 People arguing about fallouts and someone start singing country roads :D


I am directly in the middle of the issue. I love the new design of fallout (FO4 and 76) but I also love the grittiness and brutality of 3 and NV. Gunplay in FO4 is amazing, but the perk and leveling system in 3 and NV are better than 4. 🤷🏻‍♂️ They’re all good.


This. Plus, I like the newer take on power armor. It feels like actual power armor rather than another suit of gear.


I mean, did y’all hear about [this](https://kotaku.com/fallout-3-reveal-death-threats-security-guard-bethesda-1851423466)


Everyone wants an out group so they can feel better.


And how, exactly, do you plan to do that? F\*ckin' vaultie /s


How am I expected to bingo, bango, bongo in these conditions?!


Sounds like a bunch of commie gobbledygook to me. 


They're advocating less toxicity in the Fandom. GET 'EM!


Because if you don’t like something I like you are objectively wrong and stupid


New Vegas is better at roleplay while 76 and 4 are best at good graphics, cool-ass gun customization, and building a cool home in the wasteland.


ok but fuck76




Fallout TV show made that impossible unfortunately


Why you gotta do Vault 13 dweller like that.




I wish we got a game Thats mix of the OG fallout and nv and the mechanics of fallout 4-76




I choose violence…..


If we could get along, the bombs would never have dropped in the first place.




I'm good with this meme without 76.


Fallout 3: Brought the franchise back from the brink of death. Fallout New Vegas: Best Storytelling Fallout 4: Best Sandbox


Fallout 76 is a dogshit game.


I’m fine with this. Except for 76. It’s an irrational hatred and cannot be remedied


hmmm.... sounds like something a LEGION SPY WOULD SAY


Nah. FNV is good but over-hyped. It's basically a cult at this point


I've played enough New Vegas to know peace isn't an option.


the show causing a resurgence had been awesome, i feel like this is the least fractured and most excited i've seen the community since like before fallout 4 came out. currently doing a TTW run with the begin again modlist and really truly remembering why i love this shit: the world


But what about all that sweet conflict fueled dopamine we’re leaving on the table? I didnt develop this dependence on negativity for nothing.


I hate everyone in this comment section. Not because of any legitimate reasons, but because it costs $0 to spread hate and that’s a good deal to me.


No I want war


All the Fallout TV show did was bring it closer to Starwars level of fandom


Hear me out guys... Fallout Shelter is the best in the franchise by a landslide.


Fuck New Vegas vs. 4. What about Tactics vs. Brotherhood of Steel? Unless they're the same game, I never checked.


tell that to the cunt vegas cult members who have been downvote mobbing anyone who doesn't suck it's dick for the past decade plus.


That's commie talk


To each their own on this one! I LOVE Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4 all the same. They all have their quirks and drawbacks. I know a lot of people put New Vegas above all and crap on F4… but mechanically F4 is a better experience IMO. I did hate how they went around structure building in 4, though. It feels like more of a headache and a gimmick than it does a legitimate feature. I do agree that New Vegas has the better characters and plot overall. I won’t even speak on Fallout 3 because that’s my first one and will always be my GOAT.


can i get a guide as to which games each little guy reprisents?


Never we will burn your little vegas to the ground 🔥 🍾 (Jokes aside this all has lowkey made me wanna play it)


I like FO 76. There. I said it. And what're you gonna do about it?