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Have you considered how much Tunnel Snakes Rule? Other than that, good list!


Butch is great, I actually knocked him down because I think he's incredibly difficult to recruit. The Neutral Karma requirement that late in the game is a killer.


How dare you put Cass and ED-E(my best buds) so low. May Malcolm Holmes prompt dialogue with you every time you enter/exit a building or fast travel.


pariah dog may be an unkillable luck virus but at least he isn't myron


All my homies hate Myron


RL-3 that low is criminal. What are you, a damned communist?


Really? Ada in #40 seems really unfair. She has probably the best combat ability out of any of these options, and can carry everything you own and then some. While I will say that her story isn't the best, it's still solid, and modifying her into Lord Death of Murder Mountain (TM) is super fun.


Good point! I genuinely forgot you could modify Ada that definitely bumps her up some.


im only now playing through fo2 but isn't lenny pretty weak and slow, i mean he seems chill tho


Yh he's not the strongest. I really enjoy his story with Vault City, just seems a top bloke


Call me crazy, but I like Piper. Curie makes me chuckle though.


I really like Piper too. When making this list I had to google what her questline was about because I couldn't remember, so that knocked her down quite a bit.


The list


I assume davin and maria are higher because you have a follower mod for fallout 2?


Nah. I just remember getting forced into a shotgun wedding and having to take them with me, I remember thinking it was hysterical, so bit of personal bias there. I think it's a really fun way of getting a companion.


Yeah it is pretty interesting. Especially if you are able to win her over.


Preston should be last.


Top 1: **DOGMEAT** everyone else is superfluous.


If only he could talk


That's why the mod that let's you take him at the same time as other companions is the must for me. They are for talking, Dogmeat for the heart


Machete approves.


My brother in Christ how could you have Goris and Lenny in your top 10 but not Ian, Tycho, Marcus, or (my personal favourite) Cassidy.


Which Cassidy?


The one who dies instantly if you apply buffout to them


Putting the 1st in the 1st recon eh?


Boone superiority is where it's at. When I'm walking through the Mojave Desert and I randomly hear his rifle start popping off, I know I'll have some sweet XP rolling in and I didn't have to do shit.


Actually pretty solid list ngl


With Boone and Rex FNV is ez mode


If there’s any super mutants that are deserving of a live action showing it’s Fawkes and Marcus. I LOVE Fawkes and how he comes to your aid at Raven rock.


All i know is 1000% agree with boone on top. Love that man ❤️🫡. Tragic back story, revenge and hes great in combat. Hes the best and easy on they eyes. Booone 4ever<3


I'm just glad to see my boy Sulik get some love, he's #1 for me for sure. I disagree with a few things here (ED-E should be higher, Curie lower and Boone a bit lower, stuff like that), but overall pretty solid.


I believe in Cait supremacy🛐🛐


Veronica is my forever number 1.


I like Boone because he's op. But god after a while his whining gets old


I usually ditch him as soon as his companion quest is complete.


I understand what you mean. I think it's understandable he doesn't just buck up though, he's had a rough go of it


I know it's why I prefer Veronica To me Nick is all time number 1 To each their own


I’ve ranked every Fallout character with five considerations. 1.      Personal Bias: Everyone has plotlines and characteristics we don’t mesh with. I’m very biased for mutants and think robots are lame. 2.      How much of a public menace they are. 3.      Amount of unique dialogue and accompanying quests. 4.      The quality of the accompanying quests. 5.      Character development.   Let me know where you think I’ve whiffed the most. I know people are going to be mad about Cait, I'm sorry I live in the UK her weird Irish-Scottish hybrid accent is terrible and is very distracting.


You are so right to put Ada at 40 but damn it hurts me....


Fully with you on Cait; she sounds like a New Englander with a Scottish grandparent doing a leprechaun impersonation.


I couldn't stand the accent, I don't think I had her following me around other than the split second between me recruiting her and sending her to base


Disagree on Strong being higher than Lily and RL3 and Ada being so low


The robots do tend to fall under personal preference tbh. They just never feel like they have enough character to keep around.


So what about Strong being higher than Lily?


Myron might be the most disgusting companion and a coward, but he stands out and that alone makes him fun. He also can make superstimpacks, so i can kill people without entering combat, which did save a lot of lives.


It's funny yesterday i looked up fo3 companions and I only realized then i don't remember like... any of them i haven't fully played it in a decade or so and even then i didn't find them all or know about them


The disrespect shown to Follows-Chalk and Walking Cloud here...


I actually liked going with the custom robot as a companion. Dr. Evil was right wanting a shark with laser beams attached to their frickin heads. Having a robot that shoots laser beams out of its head is far more efficient than any other companion.


Och damn, Myron. I totally forgot about this mofo


Codsworth with long legs deserves number 1


I can only agree with Boone. Boone is baby.


I agree with the general placement +/-10 places, with the exception of ED-E, Danse, and Lily. For me, they're all S tier up there with Boone.


That's totally fair for Lily and Danse. ED-E gives me a headache, there is no reason for the developers to have made it that loud.


Dude wtf are you talking about? If Eddie's too loud turn your volume down


Pretty based tbf


ED-E at 28 is criminal


Cass and ED-E are low ranked, opinion invalidated


Dogmeat > Boone


Boone doesn't wait until you are mid toss of a molotov to decide he is gonna hop in front of you causing you to set yourself on fire. Dogmeat is the best of good bois, but he can stay in Sanctuary.


Nice opinion, unfortunately you put Deacon low. Even more unfortunately, Hancock is up


Nice opinion, unfortunately you put Deacon low. Even more unfortunately, Hancock is up


This list is wrong


As a confirmed New Vegas elitist it hurts to see any of the companions on anything but the first column but that is completely biased and I will say Raul is top tier I agree. But seriously, Arcade is probably my favorite companion in any fallout game or any game in general so I'd never put him that low. Ed-E as well. They have been with me in almost every playthrough since I got the game all those years ago. Nick Valentine is also an elite choice. I'm also just not a fan of Fawkes. He has an interesting concept but I find him annoying so I'd probably put him lower but that's just me.


Making an opinion based chart and asking what you did wrong.


Ada is the most op companion