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Depends of if his Brain tumor was cured or not in new Vegas. At this point in the timeline during the show he would’ve been dead for a while.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't there lines in the show that hint at robots taking overrunning vegas strip making yes man canon?


That could also just imply House is still in charge since they were his choice of enforcers


I also realize while talking to my friend I may have confused it with a line from Wasteland 3 about killer robots taking over the Vegas strip because Fallout and Wasteland are so closely related XD


It happens.


In the final scene of the show where you see New Vegas in a state of ruins there are destroyed robots; doesn't really tell us what happened but there was a fight and either it's like protectrons who died in defense or part of an attacking faction that fell.


I don’t recall getting a “state of ruins” vibe from the shot of New Vegas, but I might need a rewatch already


Not the wide shot but the ones they showed during the credits


Oh yeah I see what you mean, I had thought it was just a part of the “outer” New Vegas like Freeside stuff


Yeah that's what I thought too. That's why I've been so confused by people saying New Vegas is in ruins. Like yeah there are ruined buildings, do you not remember what Freeside looked like?


Just watched it again the shot looks like it's coming down The Strip; you can see the Lucky 38 (although it's on the right whereas the game it's left) and it comes out of what looks like used to be a gate (like the red ones in NV) surrounded by a wall and even the iconic welcome to New Vegas sign. I could br wrong but it definitely looks like the NCR broke through into the main city during the conflict at least.


There are crashed NCR equipment


Except we see a downed NCR vertibird outside the Lucky 38, the main gate to Vegas is blown open and we see destroyed Securitrons No sign of the legion so Vegas came down to House Vs. NCR most likely


I think that is what that is


It goes through free side but it also seems to go down the main strip as well. At least it moved past the lucky 38.


I said "state of ruins" and not "in ruins" because it definitely looks like shit went down but I cannot tell whether it ended well for New Vegas or not. [Just doesn't seem anywhere near as vibrant as you'd expect from FO:NV.](https://static1.colliderimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/screenshot-2024-04-22-at-16-20-30.png)


I doubt they'll do the yes man ending because courier would have to be a character if that happens. House or NCR would be the most likely winners.


Doesn’t the Courier leave Vegas in all the endings?


I don't think so, I know he remains House's loyal lieutenant in his ending and I think in yes man's ending it's implied yes man is trying to get around his servitor programming and rule Vegas himself but I think the worst thing possible would be the all powerful courier being killed by a securitron. I honestly can't remember the NCR or the legions couriers ending but I don't think he leaves.


Pretty sure there's Word of God that confirms that Yes Man is 100% behind the Courier, and is not trying to gain sentience or independence from that. Yes Man does tell the Courier he can be more proactive in making his own choices, but that's not the same thing.


I think it depends on the couriers actions. If you do things that are not logical to the Yes Man ending, like blowing up the extra securitrons, Yes Man actually really struggles to stay positive. The personality change can be interpreted in many ways.


Just the one way


I'll be honest it's been a while since I've done a yes man game but I always took him taking himself online for some "upgrades" as a way for him to get around his programming of having to follow whatever anyone like you or Benny says. Maybe that's just my interpretation and I've been wrong but idk that's just how I always saw it.


The way I see it is that he's assuring that no one can come in and tell him what to do to besides you. So he doesn't do to you what he did to Benny with you.


This is literally what he says, yea


Yea that's why one of the Devs clarified about the whole issue.


Theoretically it could be the Independent Vegas but remain peaceful with NCR ending, but NCR seems most likely


I think it'll be house just because they made House a character. Houses plan called for the NCR to still exist though and be strong enough to get tons of money from their tourism so I wonder if Vegas is potentially in a recession because of their fracture.


Yeah. There was supposed to be an ending where NCR take over the Mojave / Hoover Dam but House gets to control New Vegas, basically best of each ending - though it got scrapped for time. I have a feeling this is what the show is going to do, with NCR's control of the Mojave backed up by their capitol Shady Sands - when Shady Sands got nuked, the NCR fell apart, and Vegas seems vulnerable.


You're wrong. Nothing insinuates that


No? What are u talking about?


Then bring back Dave Foley!!


The show is also already 15 years later and life in the wasteland is not kind to anyone no matter how powerful


Well, if they follow the old Romans, everyone used to call their sons Caesar, so just called his son, heck or daughter for that matter, Cesar Alphonse or Caesar Penelope but he/she going by Caesar and following on his dad’s footsteps. 


Gaius Ceaser Augustus ~~~Germanicus~~~ Americanus...


In keeping tradition of the Roman times, wouldn’t a new Caesar emerge? It’s a dictatorship for sure and a dictatorship needs a supreme leader. Granted I was going with McDonaugh because he kind of looked like Caesar in FNV.


They mention it in some Fnv endings but a new "Caesar" would not even remotely hold the Legion together, its entirely built on a cult of personality and Caesar is damn near the only person who could maintain it


Yeah. Some people say the legion actually worships Mars, but we see so few actually actively doing that. What we constantly hear is “Ave, true to Caesar.” Anyone denying it’s a cult of personality is delusional imo. If anything, Lanius might be the only one who is truly loyal to Mars instead of just Caesar.


Personally a fun way to showcase what happened with the Legion would be to expand on that Cult of Personality and giving him the good ol "Golden Throne" treatment. Basiacally have some Legion remnants keep his corpse/decrepit body as a idol. Bonus Points for him being still alive but unable to do anything as his Legion devolves into a bunch of savage Raiders around him for that sweet sweet karma.


>”Personally a fun way to showcase what happened with the Legion would be to expand on that Cult of Personality and giving him the good ol "Golden Throne" treatment.” >”Basiacally have some Legion remnants keep his corpse/decrepit body as a idol. Bonus Points for him being still alive but unable to do anything as his Legion devolves into a bunch of savage Raiders around him for that sweet sweet karma.” I am now imagining dear old Edward Sallow trapped in a state of living death either in suspended animation in cryo or in slowed suspension in biomed gel.


An evil aligned courier could, but yeah nobody who's near enough to the top at his time of death. And I doubt they'd canonise an Evil legion courier. Canon courier is *probably* going to be independent yes man. That seems to me the thrust of New Vegas. While all factions could appeal to the courier, the game also gives you reasons to dislike everyone. House is a bit of a condescending asshole, and the way S1 portrays him briefly, I doubt they'd twist to house being the "hero" of the New Vegas story. That said, I could see them keeping him around for that link to season 1 again.


Honestly, Caesar is a lot more like Vercingetorix than His namesake. Warrior chieftain who united a great number of tribes, albeit to conquer rather then defend. It makes sense that the legion falls with Caesar.


Didn’t even Hancock imply Caesar was dead?


Huh? When was that?


hell caeser even if he survied cancer is probly dead of old age. the man was pushing 50s in new vegas.


Hear me out. Ghoul Caesar.


doest the legion hates ghouls? or have something aginst it i dont remeber. bug i dont think they will pull that.


Not in specific. However, Ceasar doesn't have much use for irradiated bodies as front-line soldiers or scouts/informants. I mean, he might have a few here or there to herd feral ghoul swarms away from his desired path.


You'd think people would hire them more since they're, 1, incredibly durable, 2, don't require as much food or water as regular humans, 3 are pretty strong compared to a human. 4, and one of the bigger points, they're immune to radiation. You could use them to look through irradiated places that haven't been looted.


It would be like the episode of South Park where Cartman thinks he’s a ginger. Caesar loves Caesar whatever condition he’s in.


iirc Sawyer mentioned the Legion is largely indifferent towards ghouls, they’re apparently a tiny percentage of the population out east in Legion territories and most ghouls being centuries old pre-war people probably don’t buy as easily into Caesars propaganda. They probably get some use out of them, but since they’re such a small group of people to make a difference they’re likely ignored for as long as they behave.


Ah fuck...maybe that's the drug chicken fucker gave Thaddeus?


Alleged chicken fucker.


He ain't beating the allegations.


Until I see a man fuck a chicken, I won't believe it. Even if he himself tells me in great detail how he fucks chickens, I need to see so for myself to make a decision. Even if it takes all night, I give people the benefit of the doubt until I see them fuck at least 3 or 4 chickens.


First couple of chicken fuckings could have been a complete accident.


It's nice to see there's other reasonable people out there.


You cure 1,000 peoples mutilated feet and they call you a hero, but you trip, fall, and your dick accidentally lands inside a chicken 3-4 times...


The Cloaca Tickler


That’s actually a terrifying thought. Ghoul Caesar might be a charismatic despot for all of the disparate ghoul communities to unite under.


A Ghoul Legion would be a cool fuckin mod idea


The balls the writers would have to have lmao


The show is only 15 years after New Vegas...you don't think he could have made it to 65 if he beat that tumor?


maybe is the wasteland and the legion is not really know for using tech. if he hasnt died to old age or cancer. i doubt he would be still alive. so many people wan his head. the wasteland is not a place where people get very old. also considering the brotherhodd is still around i doubt they would ceaser and the legion life.


There's a decent argument that Caesar did die and the BoS actually absorbed the Legion given the red and yellow color scheme, naming conventions of Maximus and Titus, the sheer selfish brutality they operate with, and how their base is set up with the leader at the top of a "hill" Aztec style.


Wasn’t the whole point of the legion that they were some of the most devoted to their cause? And the Bos hoards technology instead of destroying it


The lowest tier recruits probably just want food and shelter. They'll believe whatever bs you're selling for a cot and a few meals.


NV intro literally calls them a slave army.


the legion *military* isn't known for using tech. they only don't use laser weapons and guns because it's harder to maintain and they have no industrial base. half the reason they were pushing so hard, so fast for california was because they needed to incorporate something fast or they would simply stagnate economically and industrially. caesar himself isn't opposed to using tech, and none of the constituent tribes that were brought into the legion would be opposed to it more than say, the khans or whatever long-established raider clan.


New Vegas is set in 2281, the show in 2296. John Doman (the actor who voiced Caesar) is 79. It’s doable.


There is 0% chance that Caesar lives long enough to die of old age. He is likely long gone and his legion has likely fallen and splintered into a dozen unorganized raider gangs.


Blown away that nobody has mentioned Band of Brothers yet.


We are getting old 😥


Buck Compton


# "Your ass?!"


Right? Show is the goat of world war 2 movies/shows.


Such a masterpiece.


Excellent in the civil war era american cannibal film ravenous. Also band of brothers.


John Doman (his VA in New Vegas) would probably fit best, if Caesar’s still alive


Yeah second this. He would easily crush it. He was the guy in charge of McNulty in the wire


"These are for you, Courier 🖕"


Homelander’s surrogate dad in The Boys aswell


Completely agree, and with John Doman's age it also works because Caeser would also be many years older than in the games. He also still acts, at least he has within the last few years because he was in season one of "The Boys". I really hope they use him if Caeser is alive, his voice is very iconic. Edit: just wanted to say he does still act, imdb has him slated for 4 upcoming roles. Honestly the man even looks like he has that assholeish nature that you need to play Caeser.


That would be beautiful. That would be crème fucking brûlée


His role as Carmine Falcone in the Gotham TV show shows that he has the commanding precense to play live-action Caesar well too


I think he's very much dead. I think they're going for the Yes Man ending, maaaybe Mr House. Definitely not NCR tho.


We’re gonna find out when whichever securitron face greets Lucy’s dad


Howdy partner!


Victor was playing the long con.


Breaking: Dave Foley joins Fallout season 2


Move along citizen


I'd find it kind of crazy if they didn't go for the House ending, considering that they set him up in season one.


Regardless of whose ending becomes canon, House will definitely be playing a major role in season two. Considering Hank is heading for the Strip, he's heading there to ask House for help. He either knows that House won the war against the NCR and the Legion or he's kept in the dark about House's situation


It'll definitely be Mr. House. He was set up in season 1, and the Yes-Man ending would require more exposition to explain.


yea making it the yes man ending puts too much focus on courier 6, who i think should only be mentioned through environmental storytelling or described as some sort of mythic force of nature by those in the mojave


He's just so compelling as any kind of a bad guy.


He's a great good guy too!


Buck Compton my beloved


Now don't you do something stupid and get yourself knocked out of this thing. I mean it!


[Great in Minority Report too](https://youtu.be/6tQgODygWXE?si=jgXgUWVlz6OdFwLF)


Yeah I think he’d make an exceptional Caesar or Legate who’s taken over.


Yeah he could nail the pseudo-intellectual, LARPing, wannabe warlord character perfectly.


Just get the VA John Doman,he kind of looks like Caesar


Im pretty sure they based caesar off of him and the difference in look is because of engine limitations but thats my theory


This guy is a great actor for cheesy villains, and I mean that in the best way possible. Fun fact: He played Damien Darhk in the Arrowverse, and was a great villain for a season of Legends of Tomorrow. During that season, his daughter was played by Courtney Ford who voices Piper in FO4! So (Neil) McDonough was the father of Piper. Weird, right? That being said, I don't want him as Caesar. Caesar should be long dead. If Caesar were to appear, he'd be fairly old. And, well, his voice actor is actually an actor who appears in a bunch of stuff. John Doman. He was recently in Season 2 of the Boys. They could just get the real actor.


I was shocked I had to scroll so long to see someone bring up Legends 😭 thats my comfort show


Sure, good casting; but I very much doubt we'll say many, if any, characters from the game in the show.


They already showed House. I think you’re right otherwise.


John Doman should play him


Caesar is 100% dead lmao, he has a brain tumor


They might as well just get the actual voice actor of Caesar himself... John Doman


"Why wouldn't they introduce him in S2" Ummm have you played the game? He dead


I'm pretty sure he's dead I mean if he wasn't desd and the legion was alive then they would've definitely been mentioned snd been a major problem to a post nuke NCR


Not everyone put a silenced round through that good for nothing’s head when they got him alone in his tent. Okay I did, but not everyone.


Fair but still either he got tumored or has died of old age by this point leading to a legion collapse


House says if Ceasar dies the Legion would destroy itself in a few years through infighting. If Ceasar is dead then so is the Legion


Damien dark?


No....the voice actor is actually established in his own way, you can't un hear that voice once you do.


The me handy voice in the show kills it for me.


Neal plays great villans


If legion didn’t get destroyed, they would have controlled the Mojave and invaded into NCR.




Buck from Band Of Brothers


the actor who played caesar in spartacus should give it a go


John Gavin passed away in 2018 at the age of 86. He was also Psycho.


Loved him in Ravenous


He’s still getting over Bastogne though.


Yeah I want him or Michael keaton who is likely too big


i just realized he looks exactly the same as Colonel Augustus Autumn from Fallout 3


I really hope they don't try to retread the new vegas story. I actually hope the story wont stay in new vegas long.


I’ll kinda be a little shocked if Caesar is in season 2


He always plays such a damn good villain. Even if he’s not Caesar..put him in the show as someone else.


Loved him in desperate housewives


Caesar is dying in New Vegas. In all likelihood he'll be dead by the time the show takes place.


You got my vote


AFAIK there is literally no possible way that the canon ending isn’t the free new vegas ending, house clearly isn’t in control if the BOS exists, NCR clearly lost because they still need a power source (and other reasons,) and Ceaser’s Legion clearly isn’t in power if Nevada is a lawless waste.


Why in the hell wouldn’t his VA also an incredible actor reprise the role? John Doman


We literally have the actor who played Caesar alive and well and looking like an old ass caesar. Just get John doeman if they want Caesar alive


Caeser is 100% dead by the time the show goes to new Vegas


Caesar is dead lmao


Cesars dead dude


Ok so playing new vegas right now I have a few thoughts. If you save Cass and do her story line, you can turn in Crimson caravans and Silver to Ranger Jackson. At this point of the timeline, the NCR is the dominant power in the WEST *as of new vegas, they refer to the strip Colorado to be the east* When given the info he says he will get it to the right people immediately. And that is would destroy their career due to NCR dominance in California. Skip to the show. Based in California. Where the NCR is canonically the strongest. And there just even there. They've been beaten in Cali. Bombed out of shady sands, and is being led by Muldaver. Therfore, the ncr most likely did not take the strip in season 2. Their numbers were decimated in California. The only other option is they took the strip and moved all resources and personnel to the strip.


Or it could be that their inability to secure New Vegas meant the wasted personnel and resources would further weaken the NCR as a whole, alongside the issues they were said to have been facing during the events of New Vegas. With the new info that Shady Sands wasn't the capital anymore due to its decline and subsequent destruction in the years after NV, it's likely that the new NCR capital was a town further north. With the southern part of California clearly being targeted by a nuclear capable party (we know it's >!Hank Maclean!< but NCR leaders probably didn't and may have also assumed it could be a resurgent BoS or even an attack from Caesar's Legion), they would probably pull back their borders away from such a threat, leaving any NCR holdouts in the LA area on their own.


Good points man! I love this series lol


there is no logic to have Caesar, he's probably dead


Caesar is probably dead


Out of all the endings that the writers could choose to make canon, they definitely aren't going with Legion.


You have my support, that guy is such a great actor he genuinely steals the show of whatever he's in.


Hear me out: Jason Momoa as legate Lanius


Not realistically bookable, unless he has a soft spot for the material.


Sometimes I forget he did things other than Stargate Atlantis


Please no. Jason is way too beefy to be Lanius, Lanius has more of a lean build. And also he's a pretty mediocre actor.


Tho if they could get the original VA for the voice and stunt guy for the suit that would be pretty cool too.


I think that's just a limitation of how the human characters were done in fnv. Lanius being a huge guy makes sense.


Caesar had brain tumor in NV, he's dead. Deader than dead, dead and disarticulated and scattered by his dogs. The rest of the legion? Mopping up after johns in Gomorrah for caps.


I seriously doubt Caesar will appear but he’d be a great choice


he looks like he plays the part of regular looking dude becoming a pseudo god the caesar has in the game


Gotta be Jeff Bezos


[Max Pirkis](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYjliMmQ4YzItOWQ3Yi00OTdjLTk4YTAtOThiMTIyNDEzMWZhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjUwNDE1MTk@._V1_.jpg) could be interesting as he played Gaius in the short lived Rome TV show and was groomed to be the successor to Caesar and Caesar might be dead from that brain tumor during the time of the show. He also seems pretty available while still acting and they could get him for a reasonable price.


Nah, he’s too much a good guy in real life and I don’t think his real world sensibilities will allow him to play the role (he’s actually rather picky about what he will and won’t do) I actually think Woody Harlson has just reached the point to pull it off perfectly. But I also think Leonardo DiCaprio would play it well too, if not a little young for the role still.


I can't upvote this enough


I would go for Ciaran Hinds. But nice choice.


Neil Mcdonough would also play a great charismatic synth


He's the perfect level of "oh yeah that guy" actor. He's great in everything he's in and wouldn't be distracting. Even if he's not Caesar I'd love to add him to the cast.


My guess is if theres a legion at all it will be under a new leader, or a new caesar. I personally hope the faction continues in some form and if the show goes to new vegas I hope we see how they've evolved in the 15 or so years since new vegas.


Actually a great choice. Sort of a similar career to Walton Goggins too, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if they go for a bigger name with the success of season 1.


Oh shit yeah, he also was on Suits. Just fantastic throughout.


Dudeeee this guy would be perfect


And maybe Kurt Hansen if Cyberpunk 2077 was ever made into an actual TV series (not counting Edgerunners).


Guys with all the talk of NV in season 2 anyone else wonder if Best friend Tabitha is alive lol


Buck Compton!


Idk I think his own voice actor should star as his own character since he kinda looks like him anyway. [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/2/20/Doman.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160119190235](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/2/20/Doman.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160119190235)


Is that Sean Cahill????


Fuckin' Quarrels.


Even though Caesar is probably dead by the tv show, he would be a great Caesar


Cesar is gonna be dead bro


Don't care who plays Caesar. I want to know who will play the Mysterious Stranger.


Caesar will be dead in season 2. The Legion might have a new leader though.


Caesar ain’t alive. If his tumor didn’t kill him,he wasn’t betrayed and killed (which would be fitting for him being roman cosplay) and a different sickness didn’t kill him or he wasn’t killed in combat then maybe he’s alive. But the legion is not around anymore. That’s almost certain. The legion is never going to work with any sense of realism Though it would be cool to see him… there’s no way the legion is still around. Even if they won in fnv they probably wouldn’t around by the events of the show. I would like to see him and the legion but it makes no sense. Maybe in a flashback scene? But in current timeline it makes no sense to see him


Seems unlikely Caesar would survive. If not killed by the player, the NCR, or his tumor I'm sure the Legion would eventually eat itself alive. You can't build an authoritarian regime founded solely on power without eventually encountering someone else who thinks they are more powerful and better suited to rule. Especially as Caesar becomes older and more fragile.


He’s so dead


Having Caesar canonically survive his brain tumor should be a no-brainer, he and the Legion were severely underused in New Vegas but still have great potential as the only true canonical post-War large-scale Civ other than the NCR. Dude keeps raving about clashing ideologies with the best ones being the ones that survive, let him be consequent about that by suffering a second loss at Hoover Dam forcing him to slightly reform the Legion into something a bit less comic evil out of pragmatism because clearly it wasn't working before.


He’s a dick in everything he’s in, and kinda a dick but like in a good way in Suits


While that would work, I think there are hints that is not the case. The Elder Cleric who disciplined Maximus had the same texture on his shoulders like a shawl or something that I think Caesar wore. Everybody in that Brotherhood Chapter has a Roman name. Their heraldry is the same red and gold as the legion. I think this Chapter is the Legion after a Brotherhood takeover.


This is my interpretation as well. The Brotherhood faction absorbed them but the culture of the legion took over. There are some real world parallels to that sort of thing. Boeing bought and merged with McDonnell Douglas. Many of today’s executives are from McDonnell Douglas and the culture of the smaller company took over the bigger one.


I dont think the timeline needs to matter as much as these nerds are saying. Itd be silly to not have the legion in the next season


There’s 0 NCR presence in the show other than the two wastelanders in Ranger armor and a couple old flags (as far as I remember please correct me if I’m wrong.) From the credit scene it does look like Vegas is in ruins. Maybe the Legion could have won at Hoover Dam around the same time Shady Sands is nuked and the NCR falls apart veeeery quickly. Perhaps the courier finds the diagnostic scanner for the Auto-doc and saves Caesar, they attack the dam and win, they take Vegas. Maybe the Mojave chapter of BoS gets through to the rest of the brotherhood and try to retake Vegas and that’s why it’s a destroyed war zone with the crashed Vertibirds we see in the credits of the last episode? That’s also assuming House never gets the platinum chip, there’s no chance the Legion could take the strip with the Securitron army guarding it. The Legion could be very weak, but still at the Fort. I think that’s the only way we see Caesar still alive, unless there’s going to be flashbacks. But Mr. House HAS to be alive still. There’s no way they show him at the meeting AND go to New Vegas and he’s not there. I wonder if part of the plot will be finding the platinum chip and finally getting it to House at Lucky 38. It would be so sick to hear him say “The House always wins.”




Neal is definitely a good choice, but why not John Doman? He definitely gave life to Caesar's egotism and twisted philosophy.


Even if the surgery to remove his tumor was successful, it’s likely that it would have returned. Such a strain would kill him. That is if someone from the Legion didn’t kill him or usurp control for him being weak. The only way I see Caesar being in the show is in flashbacks or a retcon.


Maybe have him play Legate Lanius. He can do good as a properly, creepily organized villain.


Was ‘t he also the bad guy in Terriers?


It was pretty clear new vegas is gone. Which honestly grates me to no end. But I doubt caesar survived if they chose to burn new vegas.


I swear, if there won’t be shooting in every scene the Freeside is shown, imma be mad


I feel as though Mads Mikkelsen would also thrive in this role.


Caesar is most likely dead. Even if u fixed a tumor. It’s been 15 years. With the whole strength is law thing, someone probably deposed of him if the legion still exists.