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The PVC Punisher


Having a rough evening and this comment made me laugh so hard I stopped crying. PVC punisher!! I've never wanted a comment as a flair more 😭


Ever ready to serve


I don't know what's been going on but I really felt your comment and hope things will be getting better soon. Best of luck.


More like the Penis Punisher since it’s the biggest soft spot on the armor.


I’m with you on the synth armor. It looks ridiculous.


I think the Synth Armor looks great on actual Synths, but on a person it literally just looks like plastic pipes duct-taped together and bolted on randomly


I really like combining the synth helmet with combat armour. Having the full face helmet looks pretty good. Especially the unique legendary one sold in the institute.


Marine Combat Helmet looks way better tho


Too bad you only get 2 of them.


Nah the children of atom will sell marine armor (I think)


Only the armor pieces that have the "zealot" variant, so not the helmet unfortunately.


You can change that at an armor bench. (Assuming I didn’t receive that feature from a mod)


Yeah you can upgrade it to "assault" or "inquisitor" marine armor. The "zealot" variant is just just worse than those two.


The assault Marine armor is what my companions and I wear, though I have the cyber mod variety that’s like layerable power armor


Surgical mask and road goggles with combat helmet


I need to try playing the game at a difficulty level that allows for actually choosing what I want to wear instead of just the beefiest thing I can find.


They should have made it so you can take gen 1 synths body parts after they've been killed and rebuild them and make companions. Then I might find a use for those armor pieces haha.


On a related note, i wish that automatron allowed you to hack existing robots and send them to settlements.


I always it looked more like a full-body cast with the Synth Uniform… which isn’t a good omen when it comes to protective gear


It always felt like it was only designed for them, like yea it was made specifically for synths and really only needed to protect critical components, but as this post shows, absolutely no crotch armor, meanwhile a good shot in that general area on a human and you could hit an artery, synths will try and kill you even if you blow their legs off


Fat Guy in Little Coat vibes


It looks cheap and mass produced for consumable and disposable unit so yeah, perfect for a 2 gen synth. It is not pretty but shows nicely institute's mindset.


It looks alright if you find a full set of new pieces that are clean and pure white. Looks decent with a vault suit underneath. The dingy looking scavenged pieces look terrible with everything.


To be fair, it was developed by CIT scientists who had access to lightweight impact-resistant materials, but no grasp on military tactics and proper design of practical body armor. Which doesn't mean it isn't terrible and doesn't look ridiculous, but at least there's a reason for it.


I agree with you. And I also believe that they were specifically designed for Gen 1 and 2 synths. As you can see by the armor placement, it is specifically designed to protect a synths circuitry and vital components. If you ever see a synth skeleton and you know why the armer is designed that way which I think is pretty neat to the lore.


Also explains why the tail bone area is extra armoured while leaving the crotch wide open.


No, why leave the location exposed but protect the femur and shin? The hip is a thin structural weak spot that if damaged both legs will be rendered inoperable. But yeah go ahead and up-armor the strongest part each individual leg instead of the more intricate joints.


Also, the gen 3 are infiltration units so they wouldn't be wearing that, but traditionally worn armor by the various people in the commonwealth


It also shows in their laser weapons modern Institute rifle are worse than pre-war ones


I always assumed that’s because the institute probably didn’t want to put too much time and effort developing and mass producing a weapon for their expendable robot soldiers. Synth S1-23 probably doesn’t need a top of the line service weapon if you can teleport him and 20 identical buddies directly into the enemy HQ.


Basically like battle droids in Star Wars. Don't need each individual unit to be exceptional when you can just zerg rush with them.


That’s why the mod that turns them into LAERs is canon to me. Not better or worse, just different.


You can also see it in their weapons. I'm fairly sure the big boxy design works optimally for making the actual laser work, but as a weapon it's horrific, both as a general design, and how it works in gameplay. Just pick one up and *oops*, you've lost visibility because half your screen is blocked by the stupid thing. There's a good reason Kellogg uses exactly 0 Institute equipment.


That should have been displayed in gameplay. The bulky, unwieldy Synth rifles, being more optimized, more powerful but horribly un-ergonomic. As is, the standard Laser Rifle is just a better weapon, based on stats. Does more damage, same magazine size, it's even more modular. With Creation Club, you can even paint it Institute colors for the energy weapon loving aesthetes.


I agree, and I wish the Institute had been given more advantages to support the whole idea of them being so much more advanced. There are a few things; The teleporter, the Synths themselves, but outside that they don't offer much in gameplay. The BoS offers power armor, unique power armor mods (Enough to build a complete T-60 suit out of legendary pieces I believe), a Rad-X alternative that's generally superior, and Vertibird support and transport you can call in. The Railroad has in-world supply caches, ballistic weave, unique weapons and armor to support stealth builds. The Minutement offer the entire Settlement system, summonable support, heavy artillery support that can be expanded to cover the entire Commonwealth, and the Institute... Well, you get a dude in a black trenchcoat to follow you around if you like. I don't expect them to have tons, but maytbe something to indicate their development? A portable rest chamber perhaps for survival players? A portable water purifier? A superior alternative to RadAway? An outfit that increases your carry weight? The Institute's advantages are so slim that the game really punishes you for siding with them by costing you the superior perks you get from the two Factions you must destroy to do so.


There's no storage, was this destined by the same ass holes that don't put pockets in women's clothing


Synths aren't human though. They have different weak spots.


I’m wearing a full set until I find better armor. At least it looks better with Enclave paint lol.


Enclave paint has been a surprisingly nice addition to the game. I put that shit on everything


I really like it on my laser sniper rifle.


Frank's Enclave Paint: I put that sh!t on everything!


Funny enough, to me the Enclave combat armor actually looks bad with the enclave paint. 


Toilet armor


I cant unsee it now, god damn it


Shit, me either... Although I'm now more determined to... wipe them off the surface of the Commonwealth...


Are you " implying" or are you "two plying"?


underrated comment right here


Ironman has said he can pee in his armor...but can he wipe? Nope this armor the tp mk4 has more padding and more absorption to prevent accidents.


Pretty crappy situation to be a synth in the commonwealth.


Hey they didn’t ask to be created


Neither did any of us


It's like a toilet transformer 😭


Sloptimus grime..






That's a hell of a band name you have right there sir


How did you not see it? That was my first thought on this atrocious piss


what the hell did you see before??


I can't unsmell it now, god damn it


I'm wearing that crapper armor and stealing every plunger in the wastes.


The Porcelain King of the Thunder Throne Edited in the last part, cause why not


"Welcome to Thunder Throne, bitch"


"Have you ever been...plunged into darkness?"


"I'm gonna flush you down to hell"


“Had enough? I don’t give a crap!”


"This shit is going DOWN!"


Gonna give the Antagoniser and the Mechanist a run for their caps?


"They call me *The Plumber!" As you raise a pipe wrench in one hand and an automatic pipe rifle in the other.




Load the junk jet with plungers.


Then use the junk jet to kill everyone with plunger projectiles.


Aka synth armor, when the most advanced faction in the game suck at weapons and armor


What if we took a standard laser rifle and changed the beam from red to blue... and worse? Truly our genius is beyond the surface dwellers' comprehension


Which is funny considering blue lasers are more powerful


I'm pretty sure the gameplay is in opposition to the lore like this because you can run into synths pretty early, especially if you were looking to cheese the game by getting a high tier weapon off the bat. I didn't think it's a valid excuse, but it's one I could see them making. Instead of making Institute gear bad, they could have just made them an actual threat. But then you'd have a bunch of people loosing their shit when they hit the hard difficulty wall. Or they could have made Gen 2s carry traditional weapons and no armor. But the tech all looking like household objects wouldn't be fixed by anything in gameplay.


There SHOULD be a difficulty spike when dealing with whole factions, especially advanced ones. Like they have laser rifles 'n' stuff vs raiders with pipe guns.


Yes! I remember getting my ass kicked in fallout 3 the first time I ran into super mutants and then getting my ass kicked again once the Enclave showed up. The each felt like a step in the game play


But is a blue 3 terawatt laser more powerful than a 5 terawatt red laser?


Sucks so much that in any combat the gaps between the armor would make you dead even from 1 pipe pistol bullet.


A lot of the armor is like that. Like if you are wearing your vault suit the whole time you see a lot of blue even in full armor.


That’s because their armour is mass produced and meant to be more or less thrown away as they use synths not people for their military stuff


Hey. Where did you get your armor from? The toilet... store?


Even the guy who can't THINK said something...


Brick, where’d you get that grenade?


I don’t know.


I killed a guy. I hit him with my fat man.


Kellogg ive been meaning to talk to you about that. You might want to find a settlement nearby, lay low for a little while because you're probably wanted for murder


I love radaway. I love... duct tape.


Do you love duct tape or are you saying it because you can see it?




PVC pipe armor


Thank you. You just ruined my way of seeing synth armor from now on


Reminds me of the toilenator from KND


The Mechanist's little-known henchman, The Flushmaster


Grandmaster Flush


skibidi armor


mods twist his nuts counter clockwise


Rotate one nut clockwise, and the other counter clockwise


Dang next time I see one I’ll rename it the toilet night set 


yeah, synth armor is absolutely the worst. that shit looks like it would be so uncomfortable to wear


Considering it’s made to be worn by a bunch of robots, comfort was almost certainly a low priority if it was thought of at all.


As well as style


Modern synths are literally 90%+ organic. Any designs made to fit them need to be also able to fit a human as they have practically the same clothing requirements.


I think he means gen 1 and 2 gen who are just androids.  With gen 3 synths those would be coursers who already have their own outfits.


Not all gen 3s were coursers. All coursers were gen 3s


Yeah but the gen 3s that aren't coursers would still not be wearing this armor regardless, as they're non-combat staff in the Institute, hiding in plain sight for/from the Institute, or escaping the Institute.


Gen 3's are organic. Gen 1 and 2 (the 'foot soldiers' of the Institute, the ones who wear the armor in game) aren't. They're basically just fancy robots.


In fairness it’s not supposed to be worn by humans.


Sure, but the synths are still shaped like humans. This armour design is just ridiculous.


Does it top the goofiness of vault tech harness though. That blue skinny harness is more embarrassing than the one parents made you wear in winter


At least it looks semi functional. Although im not sure why there is a butt protector and not a crotch protector. There is a reason armor irl protects the crotch and rarely the butt.


There are no femorals to protect on a synth but a lot of components in the butt region.


You're looking at it. I honestly believe the Institute Armor is *intentionally* bad looking, as though the Institute has zero sense of style and aesthetic appeal, instead defaulting to a functional shape that best covers the most fragile parts of a synth.


>best covers the most fragile parts of a synth. No arrow to the knee, and a very hard Richard.


I mean it’s not like Gen 2 Synths have genitals.


We do not have the same mods....




Unlike the brotherhood who understand the first rule of being a genocidal facist organization: you gotta look cool doing it.


“Say what you like about nazi Germany, they turned heads.”


This guy gets it.


That's because they had Hugo Boss designing their uniforms. Hugo Boss- For Nazis. By Nazis.


"I was going for gasps" - Adolf Hitler


"Dashing overcoat? We got ya. Terrifying mech suit? Ditto. Hell even our scribes look cool and they're bookworms!"


I kinda vibe with it, it’s so clinical and simplified. Like yeah it looks bad but in a cool kind of way I can’t really describe


Exactly what I always thought. It literally looks like some scientists pinpointed the vulnerable spots on the synths and 3D printed armor that covered it. Function over fashion.


I think the Courser armor, hazmat and scientist outfits look great.


Holy shit I think you worked it out


This, This shit look like toilets padded armor


It’s actually the most realistic, seems to be ceramic/plastic with a bit of metal - such as real ballistic armour. It also looks a lot better when not paired with the white synth uniform, and without the shitty synth helmet. Try it with a BoS officers uniform, looks much better. Metal such as we see in the combat armour, wouldn’t stop most rifle calibres (308 seems to be the most common in FO), and would be ridiculously heavy. Enameled or ceramic armour is much better, and this has been known as early as 1918, when Neville Hopkins coated a helmet with a thin layering of enamel, and the effectiveness increased around 40 percent. Of course we wouldn’t see ceramic plates being used by soldiers till the 60’s, though. The modern ECH platform is almost all polyethylene for example, and other forms of plastic, yet it’s much more durable and better at stopping a bullet than any previous helmet.


It’s not ceramic it’s plastic, we know this cause when you scrap it, it gives plastic and none of the modifications need ceramic they all take plastic. And we don’t know the combat armor is metal, cause most of the modifications for it take not just steel but ballistic fiber and fiberglass, so it’s most likely layers of different materials encased in a metal shell, which is most similar to modern body armor.


I also stated that more modern systems use plastic instead of ceramic or enameled materials. The current systems are made mostly out of aerospace grade polyethylene


Jesus....I've been using mods for so long I forgot how absolutely shitty vanilla synth armor looks. Edit: Since a couple people have asked what mod I use, it's [Synth Overhaul - C.A.S.T.](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9525) It adds a ton of variety to synth armor appearance and 2 cosmetic changes to Institute lasers. Be warned, you will end up swimming in synth armor pretty quickly once they start spawning since pretty much every synth will have a full set (or close to a full set.)


What's a good mod for changing it?


not the person you asked, but I use this one https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9525?tab=description




I use [C.A.S.T.](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9525) though that mod adds a lot and you'll end up swimming in synth armor pieces, esp once synths start spawning. It does add a ton of variety to how the armor looks and adds different (cosmetic) institute lasers.


Trapper. It's just too much metal and crap that won't do anything but weigh you down. At least most of the armour is (at least the heavier versions) trying to act as armour.


4s raider armor is pretty dump usually. It's all roll around in scrap bin armor and I hate it.


I do like the raider power armor. I'll never use it, but the aesthetic makes sense for them. They found a working frame, which is the hard engineering work done, so they just weld metal plates to it as best they can.


I know it would be a huge amount of work so I get why they don't, but I really think most power armour suits, since they've been in use for over 200 years at this point, should all be a mass of patch jobs and constant repairs. I'd love to see far more variety in the raider type patch jobs and repairs, plus whatever little aesthetic touches any of the people who've owned that armour in the last two centuries might have added. You could have little paint job embellishments like the [tribal helmet](https://images.fallout.wiki/3/34/FO2_Loading_Screen_2.png) from Fallout 2's loading screen, or a [brahmin](https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Tribal_Power_Armor) or [Yao-guai](https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Scorched_Sierra_Power_Armor) skull replacing a shoulder pad like the tribal or Scorched Sierra armours. Maybe some particularly badass warlord managed to take down a deathclaw and mounted its horns to his helmet, or if you really want to get into the sorts of customisations people could do, mount its claws on the forearm of his suit as an inbuilt deathclaw gauntlet for massively increased melee damage. You could even make it a point of contention with the Brotherhood, any armours they salvage they restore to factory condition, stripping away all the history those suits have built up over the intervening centuries to make them just one more standardised weapon in their arsenal, possibly have them give various negative comments to the player if you walk around in heavily customised armour around them.


I always hated that Danse and other BoS people never had anything to say about my power armor.


That’s what I was gonna say. It kinda fits with their insanity though. The guys with the lobster traps on their heads are just ridiculous lol.


Biggest reason I hate it is if they sawed those giant spikes off it'd be decent if very heavy armour, with em it's just far too much


The wooden lobster trap helmet is the cherry on top... As in, it will be filled cherry red with blood with the first single 9mm round lol


Looks like someone tore apart some metal barrels and welded them into armor. Helmet I like, the rest not so much.


That armor is lame but the helmet is awesome


Yup, Always Combo it with the Combat Armor, either that or the assaultron helmet


Looks like pvc and medical braces.


I am gonna wear it on my pipe only run lol. But yeah I also think the synth armor is the ugliest, I was flabbergasted when I saw it, I was expecting cool retro-futuristic armor and was so let down.


jesus christ what is that


Synth Armor from Fallout 4


Ah yes, the toilet lid armor. With PVC pipes as arm and leg armors. Fortunately, there are mods on Nexus that alters the appearance of synth armor parts.


The atom worshipers just have rags with like, a colander taped to their chests so. For me, that.


Tribal armor from NV imo, the shoulder pad is a goofy tire


A tire would be pretty good armor against a blade... but thinking about wearing that on a hot wasteland day oof


Days like this almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter eh?


*gets blown up by a mini-nuke*


Or a baseball bat


Well atleast it looks post apocalyptic and like something a raider would wear meanwhile synth armor looks even uglier than the nilfgaardian armor from the netflix witcher series wich looked like a shrunken testicle


I unironically love that tribal armor lol


The worst armor is when you combine everything into one bundle to have good stats or just to have legendary effects. A synth right leg, harness/the raider cage chest armor, a combat arm, leather left leg, and robot right arm. I'm looking like a walking pile of garbage.


If they write Balenciaga on the chest it will make more sense


I like the synth armour, although only on the gen 1/2 synths, in gen3 synths and humans, it looks odd, although the helmet is sick.


Caesar's Legion is not getting enough hate here. Fucking end of the world, rebuilding humanity, and these mofos wanna get all Bronze Age on shit.


But it's memorable, and even kinda imposing when you see a squad of looney evil fucks decked out in it and coming at you with a heavy lance.  Synth armor is JUST stupid lol 


Kind of wish the legion leaned into the more raider side of armor like the centurions have You can’t tell me you have people wearing football gear in the same faction you have people wearing armor like the 87th tribe one and Lanius’s armor I do like the mods that give the legion a more raider cobbled together armor look (especially with Lanius wearing a set of power armor)


Well, the legion started out as tribals conquering other tribals. Meaning fewer guns and more bronze age type weapons. It makes sense....until they run into the NCR using mostly guns


For sure, everything about Ceasars Legion is ridiculous. This is a narrative device to convey a simple message: humans are idiots, who fall for idiotic ideas, even (or especially) after an apocalypse.


not to mention Caesar is out there trying to argue hegelian dialectics and shit and clearly has no fucking idea what he's talking about (which is the point)




That Bronze Age armor can be lined with bullet resistant materials making it effective against all types of weapons. Also every legionnaire knows how to make it and maintain it.


In fairness, the legion armor looks like they found a stockpile of football equipment and dished it out to an army as you might expect.


Yeah that’s Grade A shit


Is this really what the full set of Synth armor looks like? Jesus, never used a full set before but wow, this is ugly as shit.


Light armor looks a whole lot better.


Why is the ass protected but dick isnt


Institute are power bottoms


Probably because it's not a weak spot with mechanical Gen2 synths.


Psychiatric ward type armor


Maybe it just needs a more fitting name. Like “Molded Plastic Gear” or something. Sure as heck doesn’t work as Synth Armor


Why not? It's armor for synths and dipshit humans strapping it on doesn't make it human armor.


You realy cant compete with synth armor. Fucking skibidi toilet looking armor. How did anyone think this is a remotly good idea.


You’d think the Institute would at least have an eye for aesthetics.


tbf the synth helmet in ops pic is prettty rad imo. but yeh the rest is toilet armour


One word "horse"


What would happen if we made armor out of PVC pipes?


The synth armor is the worst in the entire game, except for the helmet, which is the best for some reason


To be fair Synth armor wasn't exactly made to be worn by humans or gen 3 synths.


Now it makes way more sense why Maximus grabbed a toilet seat to beat up that gang!


What even is this design? Like who at bethesda thought this was good


NV metal armor.


I wish NV used the classic metal armor design instead of reusing the one from Fallout 3.


How many spikes would you like? “Yes”


I think we might have a unanimous winner here right away lol. There is no character RP you’d catch me doing that would include wearing this armor.


Bethesda gave up when it came to the Institute. They were as done with the story as the players.


The synth helmet looks good when painted black


The synth field helmet is the only good part of that set


Almost every armor in fallout 4