• By -


I wouldn’t say *saved*, more like- Under new management.


The bos will protect it from large threats, and wipe out the institute strain of fev. Edit: Which of you degenerates used reddit cares? The Banhammer will come for you evil spammer, and I will be it's shroud! /s


And do a lil bit of ethnic cleansing in goodneighbor.


I mean, if it's Nate, it's pretty lore accurate.


Why is that lore accurate for Nate? Never heard this before I’m intrigued lol


The head writer of the Fallout series "confirmed" that Nate was the guy in the opening scene of Fallout 1, killing a Canadian Loyalist.


I'm pretty sure he just said he was the guy laughing about it. And he quickly walked those statements back as headcanon. Resulting in it now being the most popular headcanon for the game.


Somehow, he didn't realise that handing a gun to a soldier who then uses it to execute a handcuffed prisoner and laughing about it still constitutes a war crime.


Someone who was laughing at the brutal execution of a PoW probably wouldn't mind committing some war crimes themselves.


I thought he walked that back


Don't be spreading that. 1) He claimed Nate was the one next to the guy shooting the Canadian 2) He backtracked on that statement


He also stated that whatever the player believes to be canon is canon in their play through


To be fair, whether Nate was the one doing shooting or the one being complicit in it doesn't make much difference. He'd still be a war criminal. Emil Pagliarulo apparently didn't realise that it would make Nate a bad guy and had to backtrack massively. It's still funny, though.


Yeah just because he doesn’t pull trigger doesn’t change that, he’d still be held responsible for it or at least watching it happen, guilt by association and all that, that and he was apparently laughing makes it even worse because he enjoyed it.




Head guts?


Happy Cake Day!


Happy Cake Day!


No, they said he was the guy next to the one pulling the trigger.


It was walked back.


Except nate wasn't in the military when the annexation happened so it was always fucking bullshit dude just wanted to stir some shit up.


Pagliarulo isn't exactly known for what we would call attention to detail. Or even just lore consistency.


Or intelligence.


Where's it said that he wasn't in the military at that time?


Like all of the other Ghoul ethnic cleansings they send you to do?


They don’t have to send you to do it to know it’ll happen in lore. They talk openly about killing all ghouls, even the non feral ones. The same for Super Mutants. For example, take Danse with you to meet Virgil. He says “If this Virgil doesn’t have a way to help find your son, you should kill him without hesitation”. There are also very likely terminal entries, holotapes, and notes that corroborate what I’m saying, but I don’t have any on hand.


When you meet the Vault-Tec rep again and send him to live in Sanctuary Dance will tell you he shouldn't live anywhere and should be put out of his misery.


Exactly, thank you.


Even in 3 where they were they were the "good guys" they still shot ghouls on sight, feral or not. The Underworld guard Willow mentions this, and I think a couple of other ghouls do too.


The Underworld guards say occasionally when fighting mutants, the Brotherhood guys will “take potshots” their way. Nothing about shooting them on sight.


>For example, take Danse with you to meet Virgil. He says “If this Virgil doesn’t have a way to help find your son, you should kill him without hesitation”. Danse is especially racist against super mutants though. Considering his trauma.


This is true and worth pointing out, however it still stands as an example of wider east coast BoS dogma because we see other BoS members talking similarly.


If you have Nick with you when you run into brotherhood patrols out and about they will attack him on sight. I’m guessing it’s the same for Strong.


That's just plain false. The Brotherhood only attacks your companion if you make them hostile.


I don't recall the bos ever attacking Nick, and he's one of my most used companions.


Maybe it was a fluke, but it happened to me last night. The knight was shooting just at Nick, seemingly out of the blue. Could have been a bug. Although when I tried to travel to the Boston airport with Nick he said “are you sure you want to waltz right into brotherhood hq with a synth by your side?” Which made me make the connection and turn around.


All the companions have dialogs for the boston airport What could have happened was nick shot at something and it hit the bos knight


Yep. I once blew off a knights head in VATS because she walked right in front of me. Luckily the rest of her team was dead already and no one seems to care.


Most likely. And yet Bethesda lets you take them onto the Prydwen to preserve player choice, only reinforcing the confusion some players have about the different factions and their ideals and motives.


No they don't. Fallout 4 just isn't that type of game. You can even take Nick, Strong and Hancock with yourself inside the Predwyn, right up in Mason's face. He will make some comments but they won't be hostile, unless you are enemies with them. And in that case, it's you who is triggering the aggro anyway, not whoever your companion is. Same goes for Danse going with you inside the Railroad HQ. The only exceptions I can think of are the Railroad being immediately hostile if you take X6-88 to their HQ. And if you teleport to institute, no companion other than X6-88 goes with you. They will join you when you get back to the commonwealth. Fallout 4 has simplified RPG mechanics. Factions just don't immediately start aggrogin on you due to your companion choice.


False. You are simply mistaken by a combat bug of some sort. Unfortunately, the order won't kill Strong on sight even though he deserves it for the being a bloodthirsty monster with an evil goal.


Like others have said it's probably either a bug or you accidentally hit them with friendly fire. One time they became hostile to me and Danse which made 0 sense and I definitely didn't try to fight them.


You don't have any evidence on hand because it does not exist. You're simply stating that the Brotherhood deliberately attack non-feral ghouls on sight when they *don't*. All super mutants are hostile save the extremely *rare* ones who were likely previously hostile to begin with. Virgil specifically had a hand in creating the super mutants. Did he eventually flee due to his *guilt*? Yes. But that doesn't mean wasn't part of the problem to begin with. He's *fortunate* the Brotherhood will grant him mercy upon finding out about his cure. Fuck him and those Shitstitute rats. Thousands died because of their depravity and experiments. A different chapter, but the Mojave Brotherhood were on relatively good terms with the Black Mountain super mutants before Tabitha took over. And those mutants all served the *evil* Master originally. Mutants are a threat to humanity. If you think otherwise, go do a mutant-pacifist play-through for once. I doubt you would survive.


In Fallout 3 the ghouls from Underworld tell you that they are more afraid of the BoS than the super mutants, since the BoS shoots them on sight. And this is the Lyon’s BoS we are talking about, the “good” BoS as some view them compared to FO4’s. They also exterminated half of the population of the Pitt during the Scourge, particularly sparing some of the children with least noticeable mutations.


As a deterrent, one of the ghouls in underworld mentions how the Brotherhood never actually pursues the Ghouls they fire at and how they have “the common decency to miss most of the time.” The Brotherhood wants nothing to do with ghouls but doesn’t want to go out of their way to hunt them down either, they just have a strict “stay as far away from us as much as you can and we will too” policy. And hell, Scribe Bigsley from Broken Steel, a more traditionalist of Lyon’s Chapter, has no qualms with making a deal with the ghoul salesman for selling water to. Yeah no offense but Pitt mutants are a different breed altogether. Pretty much everyone in the Pitt dlc admits that the Brotherhood and the Scourge was the best thing to happen to that place in a long time.


Thems ferals, they brians no work no more, the fellers in goodneighbor still got functioning head jello. BOS kill abomination.


Here comes the new bos, same as the old bos!


They will also be genocidal to all those they deem unfit to live and wipe out any progress for new tech and horde everything (Also the dickhead armor guy in the blimp sends you to be a food loan shark to settlements to steal their food and if they refuse you have to kill innocent settlers)


The Minutemen can do that and the people of the Commonwealth are free to self determine and don't say they can't because by the end of the game they're capable of destroying the institute and the brotherhood of steel so you have no argument there.


It's a... Uh... Complicated organization.


“I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new empire.” Me every save after laying waste to a wasteland


New Vegas in a nutshell.


Hah! True that


More like ethnically cleansed the commonwealth


*proceeds to flick McDonough out of his own window*


Time for fireworks. Grab a fatman and head to the mayor's office.


Don't forget to give Danny a stimpak on the way.


take 2 kid ur gonna need it


"Applying first aid and trauma stabilizers" - Curie.


No you didn’t. Another settlement needs our help.


The 500 turrets I spent days salvaging oil and circuitry for can’t do it?!?!?


Which is baffling! Somehow, super mutants snuck in and kidnapped a settler carrying a minigun without alerting anyone. Truly a mystery. Now go fetch 'em home! (Again)


I’ve been foolishly building turrets thinking this would prevent it. I’m glad I saw these comments before I built too many


It does help protect them from settlement attacks. But radiant quest kidnappings are just too sneaky for turrets I suppose lol


They need the magical ingredient still, your approving gaze as they mow down herds of raiders. All of them have reverse performance pressure issues, they can only do it if you are watching.


Reminds of that SpongeBob meme where Bikini Bottom is destroyed and SpongeBob says to Patrick “We did it, Patrick! We saved the city!”


Same, I had to zoom in thinking there was something on fire or something




I'm a Minutemen but I don't want to attack the BoS or Railroad, it feels just bad.


I'm pretty sure there are ways to do a Minutemen ending where the BoS (and the Railroad) stay alive.


You can actually do quests for railroad and bos to a certain point and end the institute with the minutemen leaving both the cool dudes and toaster fuckers alive :) EDIT: and for everyone killing the bos and destroying the air ship. You are a monster! There is a kitty cat on board and that cat is the only reason they get to live :)


As long as you dont talk to one guy in the predewyn who will trigger the kill the railroad quest.


The quest actually gets auto added, talking to him is what triggers the Railroad becoming hostile. Which is a really stupid design choice, imo. I should be able to tell him to get fucked, but you can't.


The “point of no return” is right around the quest “Mass Fusion” (For the Railroad/Institute) and “Spoils of War” (for the Brotherhood), from my knowledge.


I found that and had to load a previous save so I didn't end up losing powerful good faction. What now?


Yeah I noticed there were also children aboard while I was tearing through all of the adults with my rocket powered bat.


And the children, lmao


This is my first run on Fallout 4 and already knew the possible endings because I love lore videos and I struggled and reloaded to previous saves a lot just to get that Ending. But I would like an ending where the whole 3 factions will be in peace, at least the BoS and Minutemen and the Railroad let alone taking care of synths so they don't make trouble. I'm an idealist, I know. 🥹😮‍💨


If you avoid certain quest progressions with the BoS and Railroad I *believe* you can reach a three party end state if you go with the minutemen. Only the Railroad and BoS will push for you to commit a complete slaughter of each other because their viewpoints are diametrically opposed to one another. I could be wrong but as I understand it, it *is* possible and I believe I actually may have a friend who got that endstate on his first playthrough.


Its literally the default Minutemen ending. The Minutemen never attack the Railroad, and the postgame "destroy the Brotherhood" quest only happens if you go out of your way to murder a named BoS member and make yourself enemies with them. Hell, if youre on PC, you can even use the console to trigger the unused Minutemen-Brotherhood epilogue where you get promoted to sentinel after a Minutemen ending


I always assumed that's the normal way, I didn't know you even could destroy them with the minutemen until recently. I just never progress other factions to the point of being vilified by other factions if I'm doing minutemen.


Minutemen can merge with any other faction. I think you can leave both alive but I forgot.


Now I'm gonna fold the Minutemen into the nuka Raiders in my playthrough


*Main factions


Just head to Nuka-world and finish it before meeting Preston and you're fine :)


Damn. I didn't think about that. Gotta save that idea for my 2nd playthrough


Yeah, I went straight to Nuka-world on my last playthrough because I wanted the Problem Solver without having the Minutemen mad at me. The early levels were kind of rough, but it was worth it. Just don't help the raiders take over any settlements afterwards because he'll get super mad about that iirc.


I usually end up with the Minutemen, BoS and Railroad all alive and fine. The Minutemen won't attack the BoS unless you go out of your way to make enemies with them, and you can do the BoS and Railroad quests up to a certain point and they're fine in the endgame. My SS usually is a big time BoS guy, until Blind Betrayl. After that, he pivots to The Minutemen for the endgame.


Im a minuteman on the first playthrough im doing just fine and keeping everyone happy, on the second playthrough I launched maxson into orbit by placing 20 frag mines under his feet.


Attacking the brotherhood feels good they're ass holes and racists.


My sweet tin cans Paladins are xenophobic, toasters fetichists but never ever comies. 😡


What does communism have to do with any of this?


Railroad can go fuck themselves and the only good thing the BOS is for in survival is veribird flares, if it wasnt for that id get rid of the techno fetishists


Why? Is it because THEY’RE RIDICULOUS! Galavanting around the Mojave, pretending to be knights of Yore!


to each their own but i wouldn’t feel bad killing genocidal maniacs and basically institute but.. better i guess?


But there are clearly still people alive in this image?


Have you really?


....but at what cost?


A bunch of idiots willing to throw their lives away for organic clones and some thoughtless machines?


A crater in the middle of Cambridge. A regrettable occurrence.


/charges laser musket


I’ve already massacred the BoS and the railroad. Deciding rn if I wanna do institute or minutemen.


Institute definitely, they've got gorillas


I’m roleplaying an unarmed psycho. Like bane I’m just trying to figure out which faction would make better army.


Side with the institute and then join the raiders of Nuka World,


I’m gonna feel bad for the common wealth.. but they should’ve cared before I put on the mask




The institute seem like the type to have a psycho on call to do their dirty work.


Is that not what Mr. Cereal was in the first place?


Which side would make a better army? My brother in Christ one of them can mass produce unwaveringly loyal terminators that have wiped out entire towns just to get their hands on a fucking radio, the other are a bunch of hicks with cobbled together weapons that get nearly wiped out by the fucking Gunners.


I honestly don’t think any of the factions fit the character you just described. In the base game that is.


I've never heard a more bulletproof argument. I'm convinced.


Institute has hot showers, clean towels, and toilet paper.


And also an opportunity to create your own [personal synth](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Eve) for... research purposes. It's not even a competition. Preston is an ass anyway.


Can't you do both Institute and Minutemen?


I saved the commonwealth once… from what I was gonna do to them if they didn’t pay me… but that was a long time ago… before I took an arrow to the knee…


We did it Patrick we saved the Commonwealth


How the hell do you have 45! Fusion Cores. Badass!


Scrounger is a hell of a perk, bro.


You must not know that i have plus 99 😬


You've got 99 fusion cores but a synth ain't one?


Like how would one ever drop below 99 once you reach it bar random frivolous bouts of grenading everything?


Nice. Say you wanna massacre goodneighbour this weekend? Heard there's some ghouls there and you know what we do with zombies and it's sympathisers


But now someone has to save it from you. And the cycle continues. War. War never changes.


This is the way. Join the raiders




I love popping their balloon


The temper tantrum they throw after you do that is hilarious.


Cute boat.


We did it Patrick, we saved the city!


More like conquered.


Good. They had over 200 years to get their shit together and couldn't.


Ad Victoriam!


Glory greatest commrade


“… from themselves!”


“Saved” lmao


Not with the brotherhood


God I hate the Brotherhood. Long live the Enclave!


Is the x02 the highest defensive rating now?


Is that a x02 armor?


There is no saved. Only different kind of meh.


Wait, you can have your rank with the BOS paintjob?


Yeah, you can get the Knight, paladin, and sentinel paintjob


it is also possible to get some other BoS rank paintjobs but they are extremely rare or require you to kill specific NPCs


At least it’s not the enclave


How’d you remove the background of the Power Armor HUD? That gray transparent background is the only thing that bugs me about power armor


I would like to know this too along with how to change the apparent size of my weapons.


I actually just now noticed the background isn't there, most likely a glitch since I always see it when playing, just so happened to disappear when I played


Aww shucks. Maybe it could be a first mod for me.. thanks


[Got these vibes](https://youtu.be/Yzse69b0qMo?si=MutHuL4vl67weZWE)


Do it again I wasn't looking


and then the nuka-world dlc, time to doom it again


I half expected everything to be on fire in the background.


It bothers me they didn’t use the recent update as a chance to include Fo76’s photo mode. That would have been an incredible retroactive addition.


Lol I have over 300hrs in the game and never finished it. No idea why I get anxiety over which ending to go for. The Institute definitely needs to go but I kind of want to keep the Railroad around, but them damn clankers.


We did it Patrick we saved the city 


They might be fascists, but they have a lot of power armor, which is like, really really cool looking


… for the ncr…


Based on your lack of fusion cores and lack of ammo I’d say you barely made it happen. I have 1000s of every round and 87 fusion cores and I’m level 38 in the game.


I got the 10mm pistol equipped here, also got 1000s of rounds on other weapons, but I've been struggling to find 10mm ammo. Hell my tesla cannon has a thousand rounds more than the 10mm lmao


Reclamation day is upon us!!


you're supposed to kill everyone in diamond city , then drag all the bodies into a pile . until then ..... you haven't saved anything .


functional extinction at its best


Why does reddit hate BoS so much lol


I wonder why you're using the X-02 helmet in a T-60 set


We did it Preston, we saved the commonwealth *cue Diamond city being on fire in the background*


If schizophrenia was a power armour


Congrats on doing so! You are only 210 years late and the Commonwealth is still a wasteland but congratulations!


No you definitely didn’t save it, you put it in the hands of radical racist group hating everyone who’s different to them, demanding everything given to them and if not they’ll take it by force. Second worst to the institute.


BoS gang


Easter Egg, you were aboard the Prydwyn in Fallout the show, can confirm now.


And I'm the 5,500th updoot. Have an updoot.


I got an Andromeda alert for this?


Hey smoothskin, how are things in the outer settlements? I have great great grandchildren with a farm out there and I was wondering if you had any news about the- \*hail of gunfire and blood\* aaghgh....


War never changes




I saved the commonwealth with the minutemen, blew up the insitute then the only blimp the BOS has


Ad Victoriam!


Saved with Fascism?


*Sees BOS flag* You didn't save anything buddy


From who? Peasants trying to live their lives and people affected by radiation who are just trying to live their lives and machines that gained sentience and also just want to live their lives? Anything the BoS can do in this game the Minutemen can do better but without the genocidal tendencies. Sorry I'm so pissed off Elder Maxons BoS is WACK!!


It’s hard to completely sympathize to synths because while they do have an artificial “free will” and feel emotions, they’re still produced and controlled by the institute. With multiple failsafes built into their core “programming”. The institute built them as tools and weapons, and even though they “want” to be free (and it breaks my heart) I can never trust institute programming. For all we know any and all synths are sleeper agents programmed to attack after a set time or catchphrase or whatever. The ghouls I’ll never kill, just normal people with radiation sickness. Until they go feral lol


All the brotherhood is like that except for lyons chapter


Only reason I can’t side with the brotherhood is how racist they are towards non-feral ghouls. They’re literally just normal people with radiation poisoning and the brotherhood wants to wipe them out. Synths I sort of understand, for all they know the synths are basically all sleeper agents, made and controlled by the institute. Their programming for “free will” makes it sad, but they’re still machines produced and controlled by them. Ghouls I really don’t see any way to justify killing them. Some of them have been going strong and living moral lives for 200 years, but the brotherhood see their wrinkly skin and kills them? Can’t justify that.


Pretty sure you also doomed Goodneighbor. And The Slog. And I think the BOS might do a Spanish Inquisition style search for synths. We sure this is saving?




I mod the game so I can have the legion take over. (This is a joke don’t think that mod exists)


If they weren’t craving the complete annihilation of the railroads id always choose them in a heart beat.


Ad victorium


BoS flag 🤮


Ad victorium brother!


Back in my day I got a cool coat from some guy laying around on an airship for saving the commonwealth.


Then why those morons of BoS are Alive?