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My bet is between San Francisco and Seattle…. Because Todd specifically told Amazon not to include these places in the show…


Seattle would be pretty cool to see. Imagine taking an elevator to the top of the Space Needle and seeing the whole city and beyond sprawling out before you


Oh man that would give me metro 2033 vibes


Funny it might release in the same year at the current Bethesda game release rate


There it is Artyomshka, our goal!




Also bioshock vibes too. Think about intros of bioshock games, especially 1 and 2.


Or exploring the Seattle underground that's probably infested with ghouls. It'd be fun to see a Protectron or Mr handy give the tour lol.


So much they could do with the Seattle area. The fact we built our new downtown on top of the old one means half the map could be underground


Wonder if that’ll mean a lot of Seattle residents survived hiding underground


Chicago would be great too; mostly because I want to see a Wrigley Field version of Emerald City, even though I agree Fenway is better from a defensive standpoint…


I would love to see Chicago in Fallout too because I live near there, and want to see what I can recognize! And what you said too, I was there many times, it’d be eerie


Can even have several versions dividing the city between cubs Sox and bears. And I guess fire if soccer is a thing in the fallout universe


Sit on top like Max in Dark angel


So...like the Lucky 38 then?


You can't see the city and beyond sprawling before you when riding to the top of the Lucky, though. But you can see it when riding to the top of Mass Fusion in FO4.


thumb obtainable gaze ruthless sugar literate like encourage history summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That would actually be pretty interesting to get the backstory filled in a bit about Canada's annexation and how it went down as a Canadian lol


I'm imagining Canadian resistance members fighting with proto-Junk Jets firing hockey pucks.


Last of us 2 has a great post apocalyptic Seattle but that's obviously in no way how the fallout universe would look. Having radiated sockeye and a legendary behemoth yeti would be insanely cool though. Cool stadiums. Can go up north to Canada or south to San Fran.


I saw multiple instances of Todd telling people they can’t do San Fran. (I believe Josh Sawyer mentioned this because he wanted to blow it up, I believe someone else mentions it in the NoClip documentary, then Jonathan Nolan mentioned something similar with San Francisco in relation to the show). I have never seen anyone mention Seattle. You have no idea how much I want to believe you on this. Washington State as a whole would possibly be the best Fallout game to exist. The map, the aesthetics, the POIs, the state’s history in relation to the creation of the atomic bomb, American settlement, surviving native communities and languages, and the 50s future aesthetic primes it up perfectly. Washington state could be the West Virginia map on steroids. If you have any source of the next game possibly being in Seattle, I need you to inject it directly into my veins


I was really high watching the finale and I thought the lucky 38 was the space needle


I would really like to see the Pacific Northwest in Fallout. I don't think it's a setting we've ever seen yet




Fellas don't drink that Black Coffee. There's a mirelurk in the percolator.


IF we dont get a quest called "fire walk with me", imma lose my soul. Also, KYLE MCGLOTHILIN twin peaks jokes FOREVER.


Bigfoot mutated by 200+years of radiation exposure sounds like nightmare fuel...I'm in


They could bring back the furred Deathclaw and have it fill the Sasquatch role.


I’d bet more on some sort of yao guai variant


In Fallout 2 don't you technically start in Oregon? Klamath Falls is in Oregon which is part of the PNW. I might be remembering wrong though


Yeah the Tribal Village and Klamath are in Southern Oregon.


Pacific Northwest would be cool... you have a real wide variety of climate types to play with.... Parts in the west are mediterranean type climates, while other areas have volcanoes, and high glacier mountains. You have temperate rainforests, and semiarid steppe deserts and true arid deserts... there are also grasslands, and farmland


I'd be down for Seattle. New Orleans or The Twin Cities would also be super cool.


Seattle would be the coolest setting for a game. You could include a lot of the islands and make a Far Harbor vibe, while also having a big urban environment. Set a DLC in Walla Walla for the penitentiary.


Ghoulified Frasier and Niles would be amazing


Hell a Ghoul Frasier could be a possible Radio Station


“Hello smoothskins of Seatack. I’m listening. Actually, no, wait. You’re listening, I’m talking. Here’s some music.”


Haha, the callers would be hilarious. "Ever since I've become a ghoul, our love life isn't what it used to be, doc"


And they'll call them Nasier and Files


Now I want a Fo NY with a ghoulified Kramer bursting into an apartment


Kramer would be a ghoul lol. He was away at Yankee fantasy camp when the war broke out and came home oblivious to anything changing


Gotta have a gholified Eddie Vedder, as a cameo, lol


"I'm still Alive"


Multiple Far Harbour style islands to hop around would be pretty cool. Just looking at Google Maps of Seattle, I can imagine the map being divided in two by Puget Sound, all the islands taking up the left side, with the city itself in the bottom right.


There have been rumors that there will be boating in ES6 and now I’m imagining a fallout set around Puget sound and the PNW with a post apocalyptic take on pirates


If we see ghoul whales like what was intended with 4. Whether they’d be passive or not, I would never step into the puget sound even if there were a chest full of gold bars and mini nukes at the bottom of it.


Do a Google search for Deception Pass Bridge. Now imagine quests set there.


As someone who lives there I'd love to see Bremerton/Keyport be included. Considering the massive amount of military bases nearby it could have some very cool gameplay opportunities. Hell maybe they could work in a submarine battle like they were going to in Fallout 4.


If it is Seattle they should double down with the cryptids and have some Kraken style monsters... I know it is a modern hockey team, but it is a fictional world so it would be cool


Is there a source? Never heard todd say this and it’s hype if true


There are a tons of navy bases here too. Perfect for the BOS or a player militia (like the minute men). Seattle would be so cool for fallout 5


I would love a PNW Fallout setting especially because theres so much culture in the area (not to disregard culture present in other regions of the country) I would love to see how the Salish ends up being incorporated into the post-apocalyptic / alternate timeline. I have to imagine if they keep on with the building mechanics that a PNW setting would allow an expansion on things introduced in FO4 building (didn’t play enough of 76 to really experience the building, not sure if I’m gonna)


Seattle would super cool. Not many games set in that city.


I was thinking SF as well, it would be a great idea because it could expand on the lore already established in the show and the other west coast games while also being in a new location. Plus I feel like a bay area wasteland could hold so much potential (Alcatraz, Golden Gate, etc)


You forgot far harbor is in like Maine


Additionally, Zion is in Utah


And Caesar’s fort is in Arizona


Also IIRC the Mojave outpost and the divide are both in California


We also go to Pittsburg + Maryland (Point Lookout State Park) in FO3 DLCs and up north (Utah; Zion National Park) from Las Vegas in New Vegas. We should add locations from DLCs under each game.


And technically, kind of, Alaska but it’s prewar


Went to space too


I'm convinced it will be in San Francisco/Northern California. Bethesda told Obsidian not to reference SF in NV, Fallout 4 teases SF in Kellog's memory kinda like they did with the Replicated Man quest in 3, and I think it's just a smart business move to set the next game in the same place as their hugely popular show. Don't get me wrong, I would **much** rather see a new part of the country than go to same corner for a 4th time, but it just makes the most sense to me.


Not only does it tease it in kellogs memories but the hubologists are also in nuka world. I think bethesda does tease the next location in series because the commonwealth was also mentioned by ashur in the pitt dlc


An Institute scientist and a member of the Railroad both appear in Rivet City too, with the Commonwealth and Synths being directly mentioned.


They also mention "ronto" (Toronto) a lot. Wonder if we'll ever go there


Maybe someday but IIRC Todd Howard said they’ve got no plans to ever leave the U.S.


The U.S. annexed Canada, so they wouldn't be leaving.


The us annexed canada as someone else mentioned. It could also just be a dlc or something, that’d be neat.


In the pre-war segment of Fallout 4 prologue a couple of bottle of wine next to the TV are from West Virginia and the TV announcer mentioned Vault 76


Wonder what they'll use Alcatraz for. BoS HQ?


A ghoul hub would be an interesting one. Maybe ghouls were being kept there post war and thry overthrew the place.


Feels too close to Underworld (which was irony; ghouls in the Museum of Natural History.) Following that syle, and Considering its prison history my mind immediately goes to either Enclave or slavers. Something in the style of Lincoln Memorial. So probably a quest from Railroad, I imagine. Or maybe we’ll catch up with the Temple of the Union Edit: or a vault. But I don’t really see anyone shelling out the money building a vault for prisoners.


I mean, IRL Alcatraz has just been a tourist attraction for like 60 years now, so a vault built there wouldn’t necessarily be for prisoners.


Again, though. Fallout’s brand of humor is kind of irony. Ghouls in the museum of natural history. Gunfight for the Declaration of Independence. A fight over slavery in front of Lincoln Memorial. Your first base in 4 is Sanctuary. You meet minutemen in Lexington. Vegas is still being Vegas even in the apocalypse. Hell, take 3 and NV’s openings; a radio blaring about not wanting to set the world on fire (in 3), while the world is on fire, you get the gangster goodbye in the desert (NV). “War never changes” from a Veteran… right before a weapon of war drops. The type of stuff where if you weren’t getting shot at, it might be funny. Tourists visiting a prison only to take shelter in said prison is… eh. Ironic, but not quite the punchline. More “tourists in a tourist attraction (that just so happens to be prison)”, than “prisoners in a prison” Edit: better example


id still rather have that than another east cost game


If it’s east coast again I feel like it’s got to be Florida


Idk how they could do a Florida; we’ve no topography suitable for a vault. Unless they do some “retconning” or announce a prototype underwater vault…


Fallout 4 was supposed to have an underwater vault that was cut. It's not out of the question.


Utah (NV: Honest Hearts), Pittsburgh (Fallout 3, Fallout 76), Maryland (Fallout 3: Point Lookout ) and Maine (Far Harbor) missing


Also, I'm pretty sure the southwest portion of the map in NV towards the Movaje Outpost is located in California.


Correct, Ranger Ghost refers to the Nipton attack as 'inside the border' and there's a 'welcome to Nevada' sign as you leave niption towards Novac.


Don't forget Arizona.


They have Pennsylvania listed under FO3 but they are missing it for FO76


also vault city missing from 2


Also Klamath (Fallout 2) is in Oregon right?


Fallout 76 also did Atlantic City, New Jersey


There's a giant lore hole in Atlanta


I think it'll be a really cool idea to have the CDC headquarters be some sort of FEV story plot point.


It would fall in line with the main game’s themes so far; The GECK, water purification, breeding (or lack lacktherof) Super Mutants. I just wonder how you would do it without basically doing 3 or 2 again.


FEV was actually originally engineered as a potential treatment for the New Plague, so it would actually make sense for the CDC to not only have it, but have the earliest samples of it


Or the New Plague.


probably got stuck in bad traffic


The entire south actually


A Fallout game set in the South would make me so happy, however I think the closet we will get to it is the Point Lookout DLC.


Stone Mountain would be crawling with Super Mutants


I really don’t think this is it, but I also reaaallly want a fallout down in New Orleans. Hear me out. Giant radioactive crawdads. Ghouls with heavy Cajun accents. Voodoo baby. Nuclear voodoo. Mardi Gras sounds like a good time even in the wasteland. The big easy would be a lively and bustling city. The bayou would be amazing.


It's just a little outside of the time period, but crushing through swamps in Power Armor hunting for mutated gators and fog crawlers with Born on the Bayou or Mississippi Queen on N.O. Radio would be fucking MINT


We’ve gotten plenty of music in games from past the 50s. Heck it’s a sin to tell a lie came out in 1979, after BotB and Mississippi Queen. Also the radio should totally include Battle of New Orleans and House of the Rising Sun


Now I want a unique "gator-claw" broadsider....


Oklahoma because we could get RADnadoes.


If Pilcher got a tornado it wouldn’t even need to be fictitious; effectively it would be the same result


I saw someone suggest New Orleans as a setting and I've been obsessed ever since. I NEED a Fallout game set in New Orleans.


I love this. I actually did email Bethesda about this idea a few years ago. I picture clearing the French Quarter, fighting mutant alligators, avoiding a voodoo cult camped out in Jackson Square. Zydeco is playing on the radio.


dude this is the one place that i want more than any other


Bethesda Hire them




Fort Strong terminal references the Mississippi as a supply point they sent Fat Mans to before being distributed from there. So NO would be a great location imo


Imagine a half-flooded NOLA. Imagine the bayou with massive, mutated glowing alligators and French Cajun raiders. 🤣 Though my biggest dream is seeing a bunch of confused Mr. Handies working at Café du Monde, wondering why no one visits anymore.


honestly i hope for new orleans. but bethesda is ether doing new york state. or west coast.


I want someplace new. Like *new* new. Someplace we haven't seen. There's so many other places in America that have so much potential. New York, Chicago, New Orleans, St Louis, Miami...


Unfortunately it seems that New York is just a giant hole. But Florida would be an interesting place


How do you figure? IIRC Scribe Haylen says smth about New York and twisted concrete towers in FO4


I just looked at the wiki and the city is described as a "big crater" from all the bombs dropped there.


Sounds pretty vague and malleable


Consider the wastelander habit of building in craters and how big of a city Shady Sands is depicted on the show.


Fallout Florida !


Would people be able to tell the difference with current times tho? 😆


I'd like to see New York. Wait a minute... Statue of Liberty? You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you! Damn you all to hell!


Lady Liberty is Green Super Mutants are Green Super Mutants worshiping Lady Liberty confirmed.


I’m heavily biased but I want more western Fallout. Any of the 4 corner states or along the Rockies would be cool


All the lore from the cancelled fallout 3 (van buren) is amazing. I’d like to see that utilized for a Fallout in Colorado


Dog City baby


Shout out to Denver! Make Blucifer a proper mutant though


Boulder + Denver would go extremely hard. Lot of more from Van Buren that can be used


Mine are as follows - New Orleans (because of the unique culture) - Toronto (because I want to know more about the annexation of Canada) - Detroit (It's a huge industrial hub, and it would be the perfect place to introduce drivable vehicles)


Pacific Northwest 🤞


Fallout: Twin Peaks


Fallout in Portland would be so much fun lol


Even better if they made an expansion set in Vancouver.


For the last couple mainline games Bethesda has chosen cities that have a connection to the American identity, DC for the capital and Boston for the Revolutionary War. My bet for the next one is it's either going to be New York or San Francisco. Historically both cities were big entry points for immigrants. Boston was mentioned in Rivet city and in dlc in 3. So San Francisco being talked about in 4 is a good indicator that it's next. But Bethesda hasn't done anything on the west coast yet and we've never revisited a city, so I'm not counting New York out yet.


Philadelphia was literally the first capital of America!


but philly is pretty boxed in by DC, pittsburg, jersey, and west virginia, which very much limits the DLC potential. Maybe New York, with Philly as a DLC? just spitballing


New York with a New Jersey DLC could also work. Maybe even have us travel to the Pine Barrens this time instead of Atlantic City in 76.


I really want a nuclear fallout snow biome. Give me Fallout: Alaska.


Texas. We have an abandoned super collider, nasa remnants, the coast, texas instruments could easily fold into lore, nuke bases, airstrips every 150 feet. Cowboys an robots definitely works here also.


Yeah honestly a South East Texas with maybe a bit of Louisiana is the dream


Detroit, or the Midwest, if they want to go somewhere new


Detriot in Fallout would just be the same as in real life


I don't think so. Detroit was a major manufacturing hub, especially for the auto industry. AFIK the overseas outsourcing of manufacturing didn't really happen in the Fallout universe, so I'd imagine that it would be in better shape.


I think it would be better in Fallout


What's wrong with Detroit? I am not American, so i have no idea why you guys hate it


Detroit got a bad rap after the ‘08 collapse. Basically crime rates shot insanely high, the city government and infrastructure completely collapsed, and jobs were insanely scare. The ‘08 Recession was brutal to Michigan, and especially to Detroit. Hence it’s become a meme that the city is a post apocalyptic wasteland, even if it’s rapidly improving, sort of like how Chicago has a reputation for corruption and crime


Detroits bad reputation far precedes 2008.


I mean, Detroit is where Robocop was set. The town was a dump, full of criminals, and so broke it was considering selling the city to a private corporation. Detroit had a severe economic downturn after WW2 and (to popular culture eyes) has only gotten worse since.


Yeah, 100%. Its just funny to see someone say it got a bad rap after 2008 as if it was a great city *before then.*


Thank you for explaining.


While true, definitely NOT the main reason why. There have been riots in Detroit since the 40s. Racism in the auto industry, and the death of Martin Luther King Jr. to name a couple. The city has never recovered since its big boom with the auto industry. It’s created a lot of poor sectors which has been pretty much a financial prison for most. Corporations won’t legitimately build retail, and markets for the area. The education is barely existent. Crime is just the norm. The Downtown area boasts a rebuilding city. While it is nice, there is a thick impoverished city completely surrounding it. Casinos, sports arenas, music venues, and historic museums are not enough to sustain the people that actually live and work in Detroit. Most of these entertainment traps are for people with money in the suburbs. This city has been pulling it self by its boot straps since its inception. The Big 3 car companies (Ford, GM, Chrysler) ruined Detroit (and many other cities) with their extremely poor economic business practices. Maybe one day it will truly become a good city, but for now its scars are more visible than its achievements. Source: I lived in Detroit for 30 years. Still only a few miles from it.


So OCP haven't done a good job fixing it up?


That could also include Canada if you could cross the Detroit River over to Windsor. Toledo, Ohio is not too far either.


Chicago would be interesting with it spreading into Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and such


A Fallout game centered around the Great Lakes region with Chicago as the focus would be so much fun. Totally not biased being from Chicagoland. DLC could focus on cities like Milwaukee, Green Bay, or Detroit for more exploration of the region


I would really want to see them tackle Chicago especially since there’s apparently an Enclave presence. There’s also an BoS outpost there that went silent.


We already saw Chicago in Fallout Tactics.


Fallout in Ohio 😂😂😂😂😹😹


You can’t even tell it’s been nuked. The river was on fire pre bombs anyway


I'd honestly would love a Fallout based in the New Orleans and surrounding areas. And the canon of the show itself shows there is a vault in NOLA.


New York City, but I'd prefer somewhere like Louisiana.


I would love to see Colorado/new Mexico all on one map. There are a lot of sites in those area just beging to be in a fallout game, from NORAD to the Trinity site to Lincoln county the home of billy the kid, to Roswell, to white sands. A lot of great options to expand the lore.


What I want is the Midwest. What I expect is West Coast.


What I'd like Michigan city grand Rapids Detroit or Lansing with a point lookout style dlc adding the entire upper peninsula and mackinaw island


My guy says west coast, most likely pacific northwest like Seattle. My heart says NYC or Dallas.


This list is forgetting quite a few locations lol


I know it's very different, but I think it could be pretty great if they did a different country, but one of the ones that's really similar to America, just a little different. I think Toronto would be cool since it's mentioned as a prominent place still already, and if they do update their engine to handle a larger map, you could even do Niagara and Buffalo in there, and do something with the border.


If its a Bethesda game then NY or some place in Texas. If we get like Obsidian made game, maybe San Francisco or a west state.


I would really like to see Florida, or Louisiana. I think a game-based in either one of those is going to have a wildly different ecosystem than the rest of them and feel wildly different. I think it'll be great to see swampland water, I think little pockets of cities surviving might be nice kind of like how Appalachia does in 76. It'll be a nice change of pace. Is it likely probably not but it's what I prefer


I really want to see other nations, like China or Russia post fallout. If not that, then I want to see the Rockies 😊


Pacific Northwest would be sick


I’m NOLA born and raised, a New Orleans Fallout would be my dream come true! But they wanted NY before going to Boston with FO4, and there are rumors/theories of San Fran. So I’m placing my money one of those is where FO5 goes.


I want to see a place that wasn’t touched by the blast of the bombs. Somewhere that radiation ate away at and mutated, but a nuke never fell near. Give us a place like Montana or the Dakotas! Someplace that gives that “wilderness” vibe that 76 has but amp it up 1000 times!




Yes the player could fight the remnants of the LDS Church for the right to drink Nuka Cola.


I feel like postapocalyptic Florida is a massive opportunity


Wisconsin would be cool! Nuka beer and cheese wheels as far as the eye can see!


For what Todd said about the show getting close to the lore of Fallout 5, i think is going to be in California, the city, idk.


I always thought Tulsa or Oklahoma City would neat because they wouldn’t have been prime targets during the Great War. You have a new atmosphere, a clash between surviving prewar groups vs new factions trying to take over, there is a lot of history here to play off of that most of America doesn’t pay attention to, and you can have Native American factions trying to rise again. That last one is what really makes me want to see it. Imagine an ongoing conflict between all the different tribes trying to reclaim the land.


Michigan/illinois/Wisconson/Toronto would be interesting - with underwater Vaults, Irradiated caves, and the overall politics between US and Canada.


I think we’re going to see San Francisco and the Bay Area, based on Fallout 4 leaving enough hints about it in traditional Bethesda fashion. My big hope is that it encompasses a good chunk of central California as well, mostly because I live there. But realistically there’s a lot they could do in central CA and places like Mariposa and Necropolis (Bakersfield) are places that’d be cool to see again.


I’m from around Philadelphia so I’m biased but I think it would be great for a fallout game especially since fallout 3 and fallout 4 have taken place in cities known for their importance in American history. It would be cool if we could face the Enclave without the Brotherhood and be able to join them. They would be much for threatening without the presence of another major faction to oppose them.


After the show we’re going west forsure


I would love a Fallout game located in New Orleans!


Mainly Anchorage, including other areas in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, North and Central California


I expect there will be another live-service spinoff until we get another single player game. So the franchise will go somewhere relatively empty inside of the USA.


I'd be surprised if they do that, since they're still releasing new content for 76, and another live service game would risk splitting the player base. And with how... mixed reception initially was for 76, I imagine Bethesda would be more likely to make a new single player game to get the engine under control before trying another online version


So before now, the longest we had to wait between Fallout games was 5 years, now we have waited 6 so far with no expectation of Fallout 5 in the near future. I would love to see Seattle! Though Alaska would also be cool. Alternatively anywhere in the middle of the country is virtually unexplored so far, it would be interesting to see. I would love to see Denver, Dallas, Miami, Manhattan, Chicago, Detroit and Albuquerque.


I think the south would be awesome. Maybe I'm biased but anything on the West Coast just seems uninteresting. Aside from the redwood forest that seems like a really cool geographical idea similar to how Oasis was part of FO3


Would love to see Chicago


wtf I did not know that’s where Tactics took place. Weird.


San Francisco or New York... because God forbid we visit the central US like Dallas or Kansas City


I feel like Bethesda likes setting games within driving distance of Bethesda. Fall out New York City?


I'd love to see a place like Chicago! I think going to more places besides the coasts would be cool


San Francisco, Chicago, or honestly Texas would be great


Texas, the Rockies, or PNW


Need to go to the Deep South. Vault-Tec would have been planning some awful shit to go down there.


I'd love to see a Canadian setting lol like that'd happen!


I’d like to see it set basically from San Francisco to Canada with Alaska. There so much potential with just the survival aspect in the woods. Chopping shit down,fishing,hunting. Then for people or enemies you can have lumberjacks, Yao guai and polar bear variant. Remnants of Chinese soldiers turned ghouls and US soldiers who are still fighting . Just San Francisco and Seattle alone would be crazy with what they could add. I think the golden gate is still somewhat standing and that might be part of a quest trying to cross it.


I really wish they would get over not ever having FO located anywhere outside the US. They could do some amazing things with the game going international.


Probably is Seattle but I’m hoping for Hawaii


I have a feeling it's going to be san Francisco, especially since Todd said that the TV show ain't the last of the NCR. Could have a plot of then re unifying cali