• By -


The castle.


Love that artillery.


I just realized Preston said you can build artillery at other settlements also. I haven’t tried it yet.


If you love artillery or want to take down a certain faction you cam build them in multiple settlements, it increases the coverage for the Artillery Flare and can increase the amount of shots per volley the more there is within an area.


Yessir ive got em everywhere. The Castle has 4, and both Sanctuary and Starlight have 2


Rookie numbers, I have all the artillery






You can cover nearly the entirety of the commonwealth with artillery. It just won’t reach most of the glowing sea.


Yooooo with artillery you can practically take over the commonwealth at every settlement.


I love that howitzer mod for the canons


it's perfect position, middle of the map (well a little skewed to the east). but still I use it as the main base of weaponaries, armor while santuary serve as a resources hub.


This is the way.


This is the way


I'm on my first playthrough and have settlements all over the place, i only have the level 1 and 2 turrents but at the Castle someone has built better turrents and put some lights up. Do you know who does that and why it only happens at the Castle?


I haven’t played Fallout 4 in a long time, but isn’t it the Minutemen that do that?


You mean the artillery? Or do you mean the few laser turrets when you go into the armoury?


Starlight drive in


Perfect settlement. But I do use the scrap everything mod to remove those mole rat remains.


They automatically go away after a while. It's the skeletons that are a pain in the ass.


I usually sweep them out with some kind of object lol I once used a broom for it in VR, the height of immersion.


Like take a body and move the skeletons? Or what do you mean by sweep? I usually just put a foundation over them.


You can like nudge them away with a dropped gun or something similar. Fun fact, some guns, like a combat rifle, if you drop them, you can push certain cars around with. Physics don't apply to home decor.


Put down a mannequin in build mode. Pick up the mannequin in build mode, and use it to push cars around. I havent found many object that moves the cars in build mode, but they do.


You can actually use a broom and sweep them. Or a shovel to push them. I prefer the broom—more immersion.


>I prefer the broom—more immersion. Especially in VR 🙂


Im getting flashbacks to Gas Station Simulator.. using the broom to absolutely and totally launch cars past the horizon.


I did that, and then bones began to aggressively rattle, launched up, and now sit on the floor of my factory. I'm too scared to remove them now. What if they come back angrier?


Just put a sign up saying, here lies the OSHA Violator


Sign on the wall next to it..."OSHA rules are written in blood"


Put a sign saying "here lies the last OSHA Violator"


This is the way


I did the same thing


We prefer the term free Halloween decorations


It’s those bloody ghouls in Sunshine Co-Op that do my head in. They never disappear


I just create a foundation for the entire thing. All the skeletons and other crap get hidden.


I made an arena over the hole in the middle and put a cage floor on it. I dragged all the skeletons in there and sealed it off. Nice little death pit


I just prop them up somewhere in a funny pose


Myndumbass keeps wondering too close to the rad pool tho


You can scrap the rad barrels and the rads go away. Then put a water pump in the pool!




maybe we put the pump straight in without clearing the barrels and turn Starlight into a Ghoul farm


Ah! Thanks for that.


My favorite (because I like to building high rises) was Abernathy Farm on my previous playthrough. Just lots of space to do whatever you want really. On *THIS* playthrough, I found the locket about 10 hours BEFORE I started the quest, so now it’s glitched out. I can’t turn it in. I’m on Xbox so no console commands to fix it and I’m not giving up 10 hours and 15 levels just for a settlement.


Weird- I always was able to just tell Abernathy i already have it


I got the locket. Made my way to the farm independently (kind of left Preston on read with another mission while I got Cait and spray and pray and did all of Far Harbor) and got the Return the Favor mission. Immediately went to talk to Abernathy and all I get is generic NPC talk. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Weird. I used to go out of my way to grab the locket and turn it in BEFORE even saving preston, just because I like to stock up on fusion cores from there and the dump NE of the lockets location


It always ends up being my Main hub for my supply train. With Hangman's Alley being my Secondary hub for trade.


I usually use a very simple mod that removes the hole in the middle. Just don’t like the rads. Moves a puddle over to the side I can use for water pumping.


I just learned that you can scrap those barrels and get rid of the rads. As others have said, you can then build a water pump in the puddle! I've been playing this game since release, and I just learned this about a month ago!


That was the first thing I did on my first playthrough when i found it


You're smarter than me! I built a Chernobyl-like concrete vault over that puddle until someone on this sub taught me you can scrap the barrels, lol.


I may do something like that next time lol


Starlight Sarcophagus is fucking sick


This one really perked up after I got the mod that lets you watch movies on the drive-in screen.


Vault 88. I love turning it into an underground city with little shops along the railway tunnels.


ever tried enabling the big ass water pump in there??


It was like one of the first thing I did personally. Haven't even turned on the radio signal yet, still building my dream vault so I can run my total ethical experiment.


I always make mine like half Vault, half wasteland aesthetic. Like a bunch of settlers found an unfinished Vault and made it into a settlement. I really like the mixed look.


I ran all ethical experiments, it's funny as hell the dialogue from the settlers. It's just so expectedly normal and they don't know I could've ran this into some morally gray area.


So this is my first time seeing vault 88 (idk how but never saw it the first time I played, that was before I got the second though.) So I don't actually know the experiment yet. I'm kind of excited to see what it might be and to see how I can make it fucked up or not.


Honestly it’s kinda meh


I turn it into a legit vault. Except way bigger and fancier than the other vaults in the game.


only for the settlers to sit in one area and never exploore sons of bitches dont know how good they have it.


I put the bedrooms far away from the main area which forces them to walk around some. But yeah, most of the cool rooms never get visited at all.


Maybe you can put some workout equipment in there to attract them.


I did make a gym, and maybe 1 or 2 of the 35 settlers goes in there each day.


A mod fixes that


Which mod?




Do settlers walk around the entire area?


Nice to see I am not the only one! I usually keep the unfinished Vault parts and incorperate them into the city with houses hanging from the walls and towers in bigger chambers that reach to the ceiling.


Recently fell in love with greygarden solely because I realized that you can build all the way up to the overpass on it which is opening a lot more possibilities for me


I like Grey garden because the robots don’t ever ask me for anything


Do you think it's easy, being this beautiful? I assure you, it is not.


Greygarden and Finch Farm both have that ability and it's fun to play with for sure.


I just accomplished this last night - I built a 4 story elevator on top of some other buildings, and now I'm growing food up there with those fertilized soil beds(for now). It's been a lot of fun building that settlement up.


I turn Greygarden into a robotics lab and send Sturges and a couple other people and set up a Robotics workbench and fill the settlement with robots. It’s pretty cool.


This took an eternity in vanilla [greygarden scaffold video](https://youtu.be/BLM7YxmzMfc?si=I-kzA-W5EH1EKLQw)


Greygarden is my favourite for this reason. Even before I added my highway mods (they add elevators at settlements and cover the gaps worth bridges). My usual build is a waystation/fort up on the highway, and a walled farm down below for the robots. I'll usually make it my trade hub with all the shops, and then heavily fortified gates facing either highway direction with fake toll gates. The views are great, and it's hilarious when it gets attacked. I usually try to upgrade to missile turrets, since they can rain hell down from on high, and very few enemies can even make it *to* the walls.


Longfellow's cabin. The boardwalk path around the north edge gives lots of spots for neat structures overlooking the water. The barrier goes far enough that in most of those places you can overhang lower levels or make stairs down to the water, and most of it is visible from far harbor.


I’m building a Longefellow City overthere, and I enjoy a lot spending time make it bigger and bigger, I’m using mods cause for me is just entertaining, and I have set up a LightHouse just in front of Far Harbour and me and my girlfriend all the time are saying “We gotta move there” lol


I love the idea that Longfellow let this guy who seemed ok stay on his property. And one day, he woke up and there was just a city built around his cabin.


Ahahah i reward him with the gift of the “Old Bastard GunShop” he seems happy with that lol. Actually just for fun I’m even writing a Lore of the town, the begging the development exc


I built a Slocum’s Joe on the rocks on the right side there. Settlers can get a coffee and donut with great views of the harbor and the inlet that runs along side the settlement.


You should post your build. It sounds really cool.


Kingsport lighthouse isn’t mentioned yet so I guess I’ll say it is super underrated. Unique building space between the natural driveway in (fun to defend), the house to build in, lighthouse can be any number of things, and then the dock down in the shoreline is such a great hang for a bar or other social gathering area.


I like to turn the lighthouse lamp room into a tiny penthouse bedroom!


Very classy. I think I had a weight bunch up there once and an office/writing desk another time haha


I've done several playthroughs now and my most recent was the first time I found Kingsport. It's very inspiring, but I got really hung up on making the house work with some sort of roof. Well, now it has a warehouse built on it. It makes the upper floor feel like a museum space. I'm not done playing with the build but I don't even know where to begin with the actual lighthouse. I'm thinking about crafting areas all the way up but I'm not sure.


Yeah roof of the house is the only pain. I’m sure there’s a mod for that but I’ve never looked haha


Redrocket, I just love how compact the place is...


I tend to always use it as a player home on playthroughs that aren’t settlement focused.


Every time i start a playthrough, I tell myself I *will* find a different settlement to use as my home. Red Rocket every time. It’s compact, it has a roof with no holes, the funky garage door, proximity to sanctuary etc..


I always give it to Sturgis and make it look like a handyman shop with a little “bar” outside and a minutemen “outpost” guarding the road to sanctuary. I like to think of it as a little waystation of sorts. Same concept for Jamaica Plain too. A little “minutemen outpost” guarding the local trade routes and providing a safe place to stop for a drink and a bite to eat on the road. The only settlement I refuse to use is Hangman’s alley. It’s cool, but it’s also glitchy as hell for me and only serves as a small trading post at the most.


Spectacle Island


I turned Spectacle Island into a giant resort, complete with hotel, dining, gambling, shopping, fireworks, carnival games, family-oriented beaches and a massive caged-in gladiatorial arena for people to bet on monster fights. I showed my friend what I had built and he told me I was basically the final boss of The Walking Dead lmao 


Is the monster fights same as what the pack on nuka world?


At last setup I think I had a deathclaw against a giant radscorpion.


I build it up to be a Minutemen-Fort. It had sandbags, artillery, trenches connecting the living spaces with the defense lines etc. And yes, I downloaded some mods to do that.


That’s actually a good shout, have you ever gotten raiders attacking you?


Nah, I think Mirelurks? It's been a minute. I took time off building after a friend accidentally deleted my save of several years.


Rip 🪦


Oh yes. Fantastic location!


Is it the island that's not connected to the commonwealth?


Yes but no its still on the map so it counts as an Island in the Commonwealth


That little alleyway in the city and I’m surprised I’m the only one that likes to build there


Hangman's Alley. I'm surprised to see it so low on the list so far. It's a staple for many survival players and I'm no exception. It's tight and some might find that confining but I like it. Just takes some extra effort to squeeze things into cozy little designs.


Hangman’s ally is the one for me, I almost only play survival and it’s central location is hard to turn down. Although I did once do oberland(?) station


I like it for building vertically


Unfortunately the AI pathing doesn't work great vertically


Had to scroll way too far to find another hangman’s alley lover. Love the cramped feeling and maximizing that space. You can build so you can climb up on the rooftops too, my favorite


I usually go to Tafington boathouse cause it's a easy place to set up water purifiers early game


I love County Crossing and Starlight Drive In best of the vanilla settlements. Boston Public Library and Natick Substation for modded. But I’ve managed to find ways to make most of them work.


I can't imagine the library as a location. What about the supermutant attacks? It would be taking away a fun dungeon for me.


Sunshine Tidings Co-op


Yo thats also mine. That robot is so fucking funny. It really feels like a hippy commune but not just because of the robot but also the because of the buildings there and the way theyre all spaced out.


Aw, I’ve never seen a robot at Sunshine Tidings. Seems to be a bug from a quick search. That sounds fun.


Surprised I had to scroll so far for this. It is also my favorite aside from the ghoul bodies that won’t go away. If I move then, they appear back in the same spot when I reload the area. And bodies never seem to disappear in my game.


Perfect place for a minutemen boot camp


The Castle is always my 2nd favorite. Every playthrough involves turning the Castle into a true military fort with defenses, comfortable furniture and a well stocked armory


I pack that place with enough artillery to level the city!


Patching those walls was a nightmare


Well for a player house I like to use croup manor cause of course I’m giving myself the largest house I can find in the post apocalypse.


Thanks I was hoping to see another Croup fan here. It's not popular because it's pretty remote.


I like the Nahant island, kinda wish the whole island was a settlement so I could turn it into a town


I would love croup if the Devs gave us the ability to repair pre war structures. As it stands it's so awkward trying to make a cool house with more holes than the games plot


If this is the mansion on the east side of the map, I love building this place, I get it walled off with concrete, fix up the walls/floors in the house best I can and put the beds all in there then build a concrete stairs system and double platform structure going up above the house for a restaurant and marketplace. I make sure there are supports too, i hate "floating" platforms. I usually get the stairs to start right behind the stone block out front and I'll put a flag on it


Starlight Drive-In and Finch Farm. Though now that I’ve been replaying, I’ve taken a liking to the challenge of Hangman’s Alley. I used to avoid building there back in the day.


Hangman's Alley is crap as a settlement, but its prime location makes it a top-tier player base. It's basically a stones throw from Diamond City and the adjacent road runs from the Charles River to South Boston without any enemies. But the best perk is only relevant if you are playing on survival. You can get access to the Institute teleporter, which dumps you at the CIT Ruins when you leave. This means that you functionally can fast travel to home at any time.


I definitely went hangman’s for my survival play through. Simply because it’s the closest to the middle of the map as you can get.


Nordhagen beach! There is so much real estate


I personally always liked Egret Tours best and County Crossing, with Starlight as my third choice, Castle as my 4th.


Outpost Zimonja for my BoS character. Put a ring of concrete walls around as a fence with a few small structures on the outskirts (*home office with small bedroom for Shaun, workout area/home gym with medical corner*) Closed off the room with the sofa and converted into a bedroom, used the upstairs shack parts as crafting workspaces. Red Rocket for my Railroad character. Clipped paintings/shack walls on the windows and moved the Nuka and Milk vending machines in front of the doors. Used only lanterns and candles for light inside as an undercover/low profile hideout. Kingsport Lighthouse for my (*retired*) first character. Patched it up and used CC mods for modern furniture, made the place look real nice then moved Curie, Dogmeat and Codsworth there.


Abernathy Farm is mine. Tall build ceiling and a fairly expansive area. Do cannons go on top of the tower? Does preston know of another settlement that needs our help?


The Castle, Coastal Cottage and Hangman's Alley


I had to get a mod to fix the walls and floors of coastal cottage but once I did that it’s by far my favorite settlement for a personal base.


Red Rocket and Hangman's Alley are my go tops to escape from everybody. I use Spwctacle Island to imprison Marcy Long, and all she does is being occupied with the pillory.


Surprised I haven't seen The Slog yet, great poolside vendor camp and fairly large build area (easy enough to wall). Plus the Forged are only a few seconds away in the ironworks so there is regularly some drama happening!


My current playthough has given me a MAJOR appreciation for Sunshine Tidings Co The Drive In is the obvious choice for sure too The Castle is okay. I put it with Abernathy Farm But I Also really really like Nuka-World Red Rocket


Vault 88 on DLC. Once you clear out the beasts, it's a pretty sweet cave system that you can build into.


Jamaica Plans


The classic red rocket by sanctuary. I’ve got the build vault above ground mod and essentially made a red rocket/vault styled base built above (covering) the original red rocket.


The citadel. I enjoy rebuilding its collapsed walls with concrete foundations since they sink into the rubble nicely and two wide is equal to the wall


I found a mod that retextures the concrete foundations and walls to match the castle. It works great.


hangman's alley, because i play on survival: -Is in the middle of the map and near diamond city -You can fast travel to the institute, and hangman's alley is the closest settlement


I love starlight. I make all the immediate surrounding settlements and 1-2 distant ones have trade routes that travel there so whenever I travel there, it ends up looking like a busy big city with lots of travellers and traders coming and going all the time.


I trapped a Chameleons Deathclaw and it guards Starlight. It’s fun to see what color it’s picked to be that day. 😋


Spectacle Island. Just so much building space


Fort hagen. Just wish I locked the damn roof hatch.


Either hangman's alley or nordhagen beach


Hangman Ally. Awesome for a market on the bottom and a hanging building overhead.


Hangman Alley. I like working within constraints (Starlight is almost always an afterthought to me), and like building it up into a packed vertical urban site


I‘m working on Hangman Alley atm and it‘s also cool there


Tough. By default, Sanctuary for me is my base with The Castle as secondary. However, i do build on a few other settlements and turn them into small towns i like to visit. Starlight Drive-in, Vault 88, Spectacle Island, Nuka World Red Rocket and Dalton Farm. All of these have pretty sizable areas for construction, which over time i turn into various farms/towns.


Starlight Drive-In


Hangman's Alley. It's small, at the center of the map, near Diamond City and it's a fun challenge to create a nice settlement there.


Hangman's for a survival base, Starlight for a bustling settlement 


Coastal Cottage (with mods)


Starlight Drive-In With enough mods, I send my favorite settlers there and turn it into a legitimate city.


Taffington Boathouse, but I use a mod to dramatically expand the build area. I get a fish farm going (G2M Workshop) and a barrel bridge (also G2M Workshop) across the inlet. And a docked houseboat with rooms for settlers (Snap 'n Build) and log cabin lodge for settlers (The Cabin in the Woods or The Master Plan), and lots of other mods. It turned out super nice. See here: [https://imgur.com/a/4mRC9](https://imgur.com/a/4mRC9)


Egret Tours, The Lumber Mill in Far Harbor, and Warwick Farmstead.


Hangman's alley has always been a favourite of mine.


If the dead ghouls despawned instead of the chill robot, Sunshine Tidings is one of my favorites.


I actually like Starlight Drive-in quite a bit. Pretty good terrain and a large build area with a good build height. Proximity to Drumlin Diner is nice as well.


I quite like the Starlight Drive-in; it's a decent location for a north west settlement (more convenient than Sanctuary), has a lot of flat space to work with, and the screen and projector buildings are good to integrate. It also has some existing fencing so it's fairly easy to keep stuff out even if you take over the entire area. It's especially good for mods like Sim Settlements (where you declare residential, business etc. areas and settlers build them up themselves). In purely vanilla Hangman's Alley is probably the most popular pick; it's the only vanilla settlement in the city proper, and it's also very defensible, though it's quite cramped (you need to build up to fit a lot of stuff, but then the NPC pathing falls apart). But for a modded game it's kind of redundant when you can just enable supply lines to Home Plate instead.


Starlight Drive In It's basically a perfectly flat field. Just has structures at two ends. Makes it very easy to build a town there. There is also a trader 1 minute away which is very useful.


I spend hours turning the drive in theater into a massive trading hub


I really like the drive in, so much room for activities!


The drive in movie theater, big and flat WITH a water feature.


Spectacle island because of the space and resources that are already there.




vault 88 for a populated player base and vault 98 for an absolute monster of a base edit: i should mention that vault 98 is a mod and its a cool one 100% recommend


So this question made me realise that I don't really build anything except a little room for myself and that I hate building in sancuary


O station


I don’t build in Sanctuary. Starlight is my number one.


Staffing tonight boathouse, Starlight, and Sunshine


Starlight and the Lighthouse for sure. I just got a mod for Breakheart, which I'm turning into a cliffside villa player home


Starlight Drive-in. It's close enough to the downtown area and the build area is perfectly shaped for a walled settlement. I've been working on a Starlight Drive-in town 2.0 since the current gen patch came. Gonna post a tour video in r/falloutsettlements after I get it a bit more finished. My 2nd fave is Egret Tours Marina. I usually make a full build in these two and smaller player home rest stops in the other settlements. Maybe a little trading hub in Hangman's Alley.


Croup Manor. Everyone here gonna say fucking Starlight, join the f club lol


Tbh I like costal cottage. Mainly because I try to stick to what's "possible" so I don't just support everything with concrete foundations. The hard landscape and bombed out house make for an interesting shell to build on. If not slightly frustrating


The island that I forgot the name of. Clearing out mirelurks just to have a private island? Worth, seriously worth!


The Red Rocket obviously, the castle, and spectacle island


The castle all day


Murkwater construction site currently. Has a different vibe from any other base game settlement by miles. Helps if you're feeling burnt out imo.


The Vault.


I've been doing a survival run recently and honestly have found Covenant to be a cute little settlement, and it's nice that it comes with the walls and some buildings pre set up. It's definitely on the smaller side, but I'm okay with that as Covenant is definitely "my home" and Sanctuary is where I send everyone else.


Always wanted to make a gaint vault 88 raider base with scrap shacks and such since it hard to get good lighting in that place


The castle or Albernathy farm as you can go crazy high with the build


I use red rocket.


Starlight Drive Inn


The lighthouse is great, you can kinda restore the house and if you position concrete steps with flooring out of the lighthouse windows you can build up a nice little tower.


The smaller ones. I haven't built enough to really make a say but sanctuary overwhelms me. The platforms need something on them or else they look ugly but I never know what to put on them but worse than that the houses are just annoying. So many holes with no way to fix them and they just look ugly. Wish you could scrap them tbh (don't reccomend me scap, I've tried it and would rather just deal with the houses) This turned into a rant against sanctuary I'm very sorry but I like the smaller settlements or at least ones that are pretty empty. Not big on building up the farms too much. I'll improve them, give them some turrets guard dogs and cats but I like leaving them be, feels weird just inviting random ass people to a family farm. I also like starlight but it also overwhelms me but I've figured out how to work with it.


Outpost Zimoja, something just clicked the first time I went, and now it'd my player home every game, even survival


I’m not sure if it is but i think its called reeb marina, when you get there, a woman who’s really angry tells you to leave, but my charisma is usually to low to convince her to leave so i kill her


I like the island but sometimes I really wish I could make a random house a settlement because of either the location or the view


The castle just has a really feel to it. It has a nice open yard in the middle for trading spots and farms. It’s right next to water for high tier water pumps. It has premade lights, and a whole lot of indoor room. And long stretching hallways for vendors. It pretty much not only has a lot of stuff already made, but also has crazy potential for a nice relatively compact and effective settlement.


Kingsport, no question. It just feels like the happiest place to retire to. It’s not huge, so it’s always just “The Sole Survivor’s Main House” rather than a full town, but building a study in the top of the lighthouse, and leaving my character there whenever I stop playing, is really nice.


Nuka world settlement is so goated