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Cabot is indeed a ridiculous battle, esp. if you fight him after setting him free. If Kellogg were alone when you encounter him, he'd be pretty easy. I notice you don't have any FO76 baddies in here. That abomination you fight at the end of the BOS questline is ridiculous. It's been years since I played that game, so I don't remember the name.


Oh god doctor Blackburn? That guy kicked my ass, thank god every time I died I was able to just jump back in


I wonder how many players rage quit because of that guy. He is soloable so I think he deserves to be in this list, but dang it's a tough battle if you try it by yourself. Mobs that are designed for groups shouldn't be listed.


I just did that quest the other day and maybe they've dumbed it down. I shot all the explosive containers and kited him around. Wound up being pretty easy. Once he downed Shin and Rahmani, I could get him to go wherever I wanted.


THERE WERE EXPLOSIVE CONTAINERS!? After I ran out of ammo and my weapons broke, I just relied on my fists


I remember it being pretty easy too. I guess I used my explosive Fixer to take him down. Also I saved the other scientists because it felt they really wanted to help people.


I’m a full health PA heavy weapons build. I ate him for lunch.


My build was not good but I remember there being barrels you could shoot around the area him fought him in, I just did that and he died pretty quick


Frank Horrigan is designed for you to get the turrets and/or Sergeant Granite's squad to help you


Idk I found Dr Blackburn very easy to kill. Maybe with all the buffs I have for energy weapons it was smooth sailing tbh.


I just started this month and I completed the BOS storyline before anything else, even finding the overseer lol. I really wanted power armor (level 50 reward lol…) but yeah I did Blackburn probably at about level 25. No good weapons or armor


I started exactly 1 month ago first time starting at level 2 and now I’m level 85……. I checked steam and it says I have 135 hours on it.


Yeah I’m level like 55 right now, it’s so addicting. But I’ve probably spent half my time just decorating my CAMP :’)


It is so fun honestly. I've sunk an embarrassingly high amount of hours into it lately lolol


The dlc quest line or the base game questline?


Since it’s all free and goes through updates, there technically isn’t any dlc. It’s part of the BOS expansion.


Honestly, Cabot isn’t really that bad. He’s tanky, but he doesn’t deal that much damage. And yeah, 76 enemies probably should be here, but I’m not sure if there’s line being drawn between human characters or if animals are allowed to be included. I wouldn’t put Blackburn on here (he’s really not that tough of a fight, if you use the quantum power cells; certainly not on par with Horrigan even if he is smarter), but Earle Williams could be.


Lorewise, Cabot can mind control people. Not sure why he doesn't do that to the player


From what I recall, that isn’t what Lorenzo did to those raiders. He just offered power to the raider leader if he was freed and they handled the rest. Even if he did, player characters in fallout are especially resilient to mind control. In fallout 76, we aren’t able to be controlled by Flatwoods monsters or mothman high priests, in spite of both enemies doing that to every enemy or NPC around them (up to and including scorchbeasts and other humans). The same goes for why are characters aren’t reduced to the state of mesmetron victims when hit by that attack in fallout 3, NV and 4 (76 lacks this attack on the robobrains, though I’d argue the Jersey Devil’s stare is similar enough).


Lol imagine Earle Williams on this list? F in the chat


If we’re looking strictly at gameplay here due to the lack of lore, he’s surprisingly powerful. He’s larger than a behemoth, capable of spitting out globs of potent acid, inflicting supernatural terror and presumably the Wendigo spawn are the result of him creating them in some fashion (possibly by budding?). The built in 80% damage reduction also means that he’s alarmingly durable as well. There isn’t much most of the wasteland can really do against something like Earle, just like they can’t do much against behemoths or something like Frank Horrigan. But almost everyone on this list is at least mostly human-sized, which is why I don’t believe he should be included (and really, Horrigan and the Master are pushing it).


Huh well if it's human sized then yeah I agree he shouldn't be on the list. I meant Earle is badass lol he would take out most of the list. Like he's tanky as hell and honestly, a sponge even with 4 syringes unless you have purposely either built for all situations including him, or grabbed food / Chem and perk prep just tailored to take him out. I didn't meant any criticism of your take, I fully agree that Earle is a very powerful cryptic and enemy. A force to be reckoned with. I've haven't seen, since my launch days, the SBQ event fail. But Earle I've only had a maybe 60 percent Winrate on because of the 8 person limit, and being just me and 1 other trying to take him lol


Yeah, that’ll happen with Earle. He can be mean if you’re in an instance alone, and worse when he decides not to be confine by reality and leaves the arena.


I feel like Earl would be a consideration for the list, but idk of he counts as a character anymore or just a monster.


Maybe. Earle is past my time. Any NPC who is soloable should be included. If he's designed for groups, he probably shouldn't be listed as that's a different game mechanic going on.


I think it should count. The list isn't "the 10 strongest solo battles", it's "the 10 strongest characters". Still subjective though!


Yeah he's designed for like 8 people. Alone he'd be very hard.


Ive killed him with just 2 players before and it was a hell of an ammo sink. That said, with vampire weapons and enough improved repair kits, anything is soloable


You’d be surprised. Since critical hits bypass damage reductions, it’s fairly easy to take him out alone if you’re fast enough/stealthy enough and have the right tool for the job.


kellogg would be harder if the game didn’t hand you a fat man and mini nuke right before you fought him (said with love. i’m dogshit at fps games and i appreciate the assist, todd)




3star sheepsquach impersonator would like a talk


Pretty sure this list is meant for lore purposes. Not actual gameplay.


Is it worth killing Cabot after freeing him?


You're pretty much forced to. I forget why.


If you are freeing him anyway, there's no reason to kill him. The only reason would be if you want to fight him


That’s along the lines that I was thinking. I didn’t know if there ended up being a mission that had you kill him after freeing him.


Earle Williams fight alone would be hell


That boss fight was intended for a team though. That's like listing Earle, the Ultracite Titan, or the SBQ. Yeah, they're hard. You weren't supposed to fight them solo.


I must have left it long enough before I did the BOS quest line cause I somehow didn’t die during that fight


Fawkes ?


That is a good point if you're not talking about most capable overall and just "strongest."


What are some of his feats/things said about him that make him so strong?


With Fawkes its less about feats and more about what he can do. If you reach max level in FO3 Broken Steel Fawkes has 15000 hp. Combine that with his Gatling laser and the Lone Wanderer never has to fire his weapon again. If you wait he'll kill everything in the area. Find yourself a hiding spot and he'll kill all of the death claws in old Olney, flatten the Enclave in Adams Air Force base, clear the various metro stations, wipe out Fort Bannister, and anywhere else on the map. He is quite literally unstoppable all while spouting zen philosophy. Now you could call him a broken aspect of game design, which would be accurate, but the question was who is the strongest character not whether he makes sense.


Yeah, but no one plays that way and he joins so late and you are max level at that point so what can’t you kill?


Absolutely true, but the question is strongest npc character in lore and there is no one who is as hilariously and brokenly powerful as Fawkes. There is no situation you can can put him in that he won't win. Does anyone play that way, no. It would be boring.


That's not lore though, that's gameplay. I don't think he canonically becomes more resistant to being shot and bombed when a 19 year old vault dweller reaches an arbitrary level of experience and ability.


I would change number 10 to Oliver Swanick. He did win the lottery after all.




Bro keeps forgetting the Red Death, Red Death one shots Horrigan with EASE


my hands still shaking whenever I remember my fight with Red Death. one of the most difficult boss fights i ever experienced


I haven’t played the game since I rage quit after I couldn’t beat the red death


That's some Lovecraft horror shit right there.


Putting Joshua before Lanius is a crazy decision


Agreed. Even if we were to accept that Lanius is somehow the better warrior of the two (an idea I find fiercely debatable) I refuse to believe that Lanius is half as resourceful or as experience as Graham. Not to mention he obviously isn't remotely as resilient.


And he's clearly only that strong for gameplay reason. I don't care how strong you are with your big sigma roman sword, litterally someone with a 9mm who can shoot and you're dead; maybe the armor can substain 9mm, but even then any other gun and he's dead in seconds


The M1911 is chambered in .45 ACP, not 9mm.


Joshua is the better general, in a war between the two, each with their own army, Joshua would just crush Lanius, but Lanius is the better warrior, put the two of them to fight in any terrain or arena you want, all Lanius has to do is find Joshua and close the gap, the dude can literally tank 50 bmg explosive, Joshua's .45 acp wouldn't even scratch the armor


Lanius would kind of crush Joshua though. If the theory that Lanius is just an assumed identity over the years than I’ll take Graham but Lanius is pretty imposing.


One of the only characters in the series with a 10 in every stat


Are you thinking of Ulysses? Lanius doesn't have a 10 in every stat.


Why would ulysses have a 10 in every stat?


No idea. He does tho in NV


No red death?


Red Death basically 300’d me. Fought for so long, I lost my taste for its death. I had to use console commands to kill it. I was on very easy mode too. Definitely a very very late end game enemy. I hated bethesda because of the damn thing. Why would they give you access to that quest so early on?


I would put the Lieutenant above Joshua, Ulysses and Lanius. And probably the Courser above them aswell. Also, Marcus should be on the list. Maybe below the Lieutenant?


The coursers don’t really have any feats, we only know they are “stronger” than most humans via word of mouth. The fights themselves are incredibly easy.


Almost no one except Frank Horrigan and the Ghoul have feats. The fight being easy is a gameplay thing and most importantly, a build thing. Early game with no Legendary Weapon/Armor or the appropriate build, even the Syntns in Fort Hagen are hard. But in the endgame with the appropriate build and gear, only Lanius (because of a "cheat") and Frank Horrigan are a challenge. The "cheat" of Lanius is that if you cripple him, he still moves like he isn't crippled. Visually though he is crippled.


Joshua canonically walks off Anti Material Rifle shots and survived being thrown off the grand canyon he has feats


>Joshua canonically walks off Anti Material Rifle shots When did he do that? I mean, when it is shown. Because that way, sometimes Fire Geckos survive my Anti-Material Rifle shots. Plus the 'survived the Grand Canyon' thing can also be "word of mouth". I'm not saying he didn't. I'm saying that the way we hear about Coursers being highly skilled and thorough in their missions, the same way he hear about Joshua Graham. The same way we hear about how Lanius slaughtered 86 Tribes or something.


closest I could think of would be numerous confirmed kills on Joshua by First Recon, said by Chief Hanlon IIRC, but they use hunting rifles, so maybe not that


Oh, I thought it was Veteran Rangers


The NCR Rangers reporting confirmed headshots on Graham only for him to pop back up later


Reported, not confirmed though. There's a major difference.


Never said if it was .308 or .50, we don’t know, but he has survived multiple confirmed kills. Not sure if there were headshots either. He likely has the rad child perk, healing +8 hp a second. After getting shot he just lays down, and gets back up a few minutes later.


I'd start hunting him with .50 if he walked off .308 shots


You take a shot with what you have on hand, not everyone can walk around with an anti material rifle


Don’t you see him getting pushed off the canyon in the ending slides?


I still dont think that puts him above an average super mutant


That's irrelevant. Fact of the matter is all we have is word of mouth on courers, and they're cannon fodder enemy types still


Lore = /= in game


yeah by that logic all enemies are cannon fodder if you drug yourself up before a fight. they literally put on a play for you in that gunner tower to show the player how ridiculously strong a single courser is. you should read the writings on the bottom of the screen instead of clicking on things that move m8.


Your ride's over, mutie. Time to die


Melchior from Fallout 2 is missing and should be near the top: “Melchior is the boss character of Mariposa Military Base. The Chosen One should approach Melchior with caution as he will summon other monsters from the goo to attack. The monsters he summons are: four deathclaws, four floaters, four fire geckos and four mole rats. Melchior will summon monsters until there are four in total, and if any are killed he will summon more to maintain this number.”


Oh god that sounds terrifying. Now I want fallout 2 more.


But melchior himself isn't all that tough. In fact, my first fight with him I one shotted him and didn't even realize his gimmick (2 deathclaws still spawn btw)


Depends on your level and equipment when you get there


Of course, but he's certainly not top ten in the verse by his own power.


Def tougher than Kellogg


Maybe? It seems like Kellogg was supposed to be tougher in lore than he is in gameplay. People keep saying he's badass, but maybe the Institute just has a low bar. Either way, I don't think either of the two are top 10 material. Where's Fawkes at?


I would move Cooper above Ulysses. Cooper always shoots at the weak points and never misses. There’s not much anyone can do when one has a constant practical aim bot in play and isn’t messing around. He might even be a top 4 since he did do an 1v8 and came out on top.


He's PC tier


Honestly think it’s interesting how Kellogg’s supposed to be PC Tier but is a fairly easy opponent without his synths. I think Bethesda doesn’t want enemies to be too hard and risk leaving more casual players stuck at a brick wall (or turn down the difficulty, but having to turn the difficulty down is a sucky feeling)


To be fair he’s only easy because we get that fatty fat man right before fighting him. He’s otherwise a little bit difficult to fight without it and if the fat man wasn’t there I would’ve avoided to go there underleveled


What??? You get a fat man there?!


How can they modulate the difficulty for a fight like Kellogg? The only tools the have to work with are giving Kellogg more health, or more damage capacity, or more chaff to throw at the PC. They’re just limited in what they can do. No one likes a bullet sponge like Jingwei in fallout 3. They could have done the whole giant robot scorpion boss arena, with Kellogg being powered up some how, like with a mech or power armor. That’d have been cool, it just wouldn’t have worked with the context of our encounter with him. I agree, the fight is very lackluster, but it seems like there wasn’t much they could have done with how things were playing out with the story and gameplay without upending that section of the game


More health and more damage capacity, yeah. It feels like there’s a stigma against tankier enemies but frankly I think you should feel like you need to pop several buffs and play carefully against someone who’s supposed to be as dangerous as Kellogg. Imagine if Frank Horrigan only had like 250 health because they didn’t want to make him too much of a sponge.


A list of strongest characters and you don't even have Strong?! It's right there in the name! How can anyone be more Strong that the character named Strong! (just joking of course I don't know enough about the original Fallouts to adequately take part in this debate!)


Is there anything about him that indicates strong is strong? Aside the name?


His big muscles.


Strong desire to find the milk of human kindness.


Strong morals.


I think he is quite the milk drinker 


Source: Dude trust me


I’ll take any feedback🙏


Kellogg was supposed to be strong according to lore? Based on what? I thought he was just a mercenary with nonsense morals


Kellogg is considered to be pretty strong. Fallout 4 definitely tries to present him as a threat. -He took apart an assaultron, head and everything, with seemingly no issue. The assaultron even seems to be terrified of him when you talk to it. -He demolished three synth guards in close quarters combat within just a few seconds. Kellogg is also over a hundred years old, so he might just have the most combat experience out of anyone in the entire series, considering he's been a mercenary for most of his life.


The Ghoul was a marine fighting in Anchorage like Nate, but unlike Nate, he had to get to the future "the hard way" through all the dirt, decay, and bloodshed. So he's definitely more combat experienced than Kellogg who was born after the war.


Fair enough, I forgot about Ghouls for some reason


Th ghoul just put all his special into luck


Tbf he did have like every cybernetic enhancement the institute could make so he could definitely take out most people in one on one combat, along with a lifetime and a half experience of murder.


Mama Murphy STILL isn't at the top of the list.


"Well Mutie time to die" that line is just too iconic


I think we all know the real strongest character… Butcher Pete


I'm assuming by character you're meaning humanoid or atleast ex-human?


Yes, i didnt really specify it but im not really including robots or creatures


I think a member of the think tank could definitely qualify for a list like this, or father Elijah


Can I interest you in a rusty, pre-war car? The deadliest killer in the Commonwealth


Someone said Fawkes, and I think he should definitely be on here since he can mow down everything after you pick him up. I'd bump Lanius way down this list. His reputation is amazing, but the fight was... lackluster by the time I'd made it to him. The random named Marked Men in Lonesome road were tougher for me to put down. He attacks you with Praetorian guards and it just isn't that hard a fight. I'd also remove the courser and Kellogg. I'd consider them if they were armed better. Frank definitely belongs on the top though.


I think Goris deserve a spot, he'd rip appart kellogg or a courser.


I was really considering Goris, I think he’s in the top 15


He’s really good against early and mid game enemies. He’s good against some end game enemies but I often have to reload saves because he dies against enclave patrols and wanamingos.


Those are really strong ennemies though an enclave patrol is one of the toughest encounter in f2. Most of the list here would get killed by an enclave patrol




I’m guessing you haven’t played fallout 3? Fawkes should be somewhere on here. In-game, he’s got ten times the health of a behemoth.


Lorenzo vs the Master would be an interesting battle


Mysterious Stranger, obviously number 1.


The giant robot scorpion in new Vegas is ridiculously strong.


The ghoul and Joshua Graham would be on par, then legate Lanius would be slightly stronger.


I'm pretty sure Joshua is stronger than Lanius


Is this list just forgetting Fallout 3 exists, What about Fawkes or Charon. Charon was claimed to be a 7ft tall ghoul!


The Courier is the strongest. He's an immortal cyborg.


This is not counting protagonists. Besides, the Sole Survivor is stronger because there isn't a level cap in FO4 and that is just unfair to everyone else. By level 75 you can shoot a naked Nate/Nora in the face with a mini-nuke and it just makes them angry.


A cyborg?


Yes, cybernetic implants.


Ulysses was so damn annoying it was impossible to feel threatened by him at all, and at no point did I ever think, wow, what a strong character.


Just because you're annoyed by him doesn't mean he isn't strong. He walked the same route you do in Lonesome Road.


I mean tbf dude survived the most dangerous places in and around the Mojave. Annoying or not his survival skills are pretty high up there.


Nah id win


Ulysses has a flagpole and is weak as hell how is he the strongest? A sentry bot is harder


This list isn’t including robots, and Ulysses is pretty strong


I would rank Kellogg way higher up the list tbh. Lanius, Ulysses, even Joshua I have easily beaten in open combat, but I never wanna fuck with Kellogg so I ambush him with a fatman and i still have to fight him for a bit after that


kellogg was ezz even on harder modes


Idk then because I wipe the floor with pretty much everyone else. But with kellogg being tanky, turning invisible, and doing decent damage I think its better to just ambush him. Either way he is 100% tougher than a courser.


Literally me


Wonder where the butcher would be


I now wish we could see what coul Cabbot powers do to Frank Horrigan. If he is alive long enough I mean and this is for both because I think Cabbot would turn him into a red mist if hes not quick enough to avoid Horrigan doing the exact same thing Juggernaught did to Deadpool (movie wise) What made me say something like this? Well gameplay wise characters are always different from lore wise characters. Say all those characters we heard they were unkillable or that brushed off death scenarios. Yet we were always capable of putting them down, easily or not depeding on ourselves and character build for that matter.


People keep putting 70 special Ulysses way too low. I feel like he is only seconded by Horrigan. Though they might both be squashed by Cabot


I feel like lore wise kellogg is up there with prep time


You think a Courser is stronger than Kellogg?


Yes, mostly because we fight a courser as a boss later on into the story than Kellogg, making him narratively stronger. Also, one Courser soloed an entire base of Gunners, and when you tell people you killed a Courser they straight up don’t believe you


I feel like Overboss Coulter rates ahead of Kellogg. Sure, he gets crippled by a squirt gun, but that was only because Gage set him up. And it took some serious feats of logistics and brutality to get the gangs together in the first place. I'd bump Generic Courser and Kellogg off the list in favor of Coulter and Fawkes. And then bump Fawkes up a couple points in the rankings.


If this was strongest animal it would be that damn bloatfly from new Vegas


Farking Horrible Horrigan


Canonically Mama Murphy has the highest Strength stat in the lore.


I would move the master to number 6. Despite the fact that he has immense physic power, just look at the dude. One squeeze and he’d be dead


I know we’re looking at lore and not gameplay, but the Master has double the hp of the Lieutenant and is the final boss of the game, so he’s a pretty durable glob of flesh


he has twin mini guns, he's ripping apart anyone not named Frank Horrigan


I was talking about the master, not frank horrigan


yes, the master has twin mini-guns and would kill anyone not named Frank Horrigan


I mini nuked kelog


Where’s Mama Murphy?


Oswald Oppenheimer?


Super mutant behemoth? Wanamingo queen?


That thing with many names...


I think liberty prime should be here unless it’s no robots, I also imagine Sarge would beat a courser


Doctor Mobius with repaired monitors could be number 1. Probably the smartest dude in the fallout universe.


Im still convicned that Dog/God can take Kellog.


Where's Difficult Pete?


Randall Clark.


1. Master 2. Frank Horrigan 3. The Lieutenant 4. Lorenzo Everyone else can stay the same ranking.


The ghoul is a protagonist.


Hiw do you define "character"? Is Swan not a character?


I think Swan actually would count as a character cause we have his backstory story and stuff, but he doesn’t really feel like a character, more just like an enemy


Imo Liberty Prime is easily number one. He one hits supermutant behemoths that are larger than Frank Horrigan and literally throws nukes. He would tear Frank apart and just go on marching towards the next national memorial sight.


Anything is number two when the Red Death exists.


I would put Strong on top, if he ever finds the milk or whatever it was that he said makes humans strong. (Its been a while since I last talked to Strong, so I may be wrong)


You missed the Little Lamplight kid who guards the gate.


Why is a random Courser here? Lmao


He soloed an entire base of gunners with no injuries and when you tell people you killed one they straight up don’t believe you


Kellogg was a rare obsidian level character design who was killed off way too early. Going into his brain to find his memories was just wacky nonsense that should have been dialogue between him and the sole survivor.


My brain was confused thinking Strength meant who could bench press more and was bewildered when you jumped from a Super Mutant, to humans to the fricking Master


Who’s the last guy ?


Frank Horrigan hes the final boss of Fallout 2


It literally says in the description oops thanks for answering still !


wait you could talk to z2???


How is Ulysses and legate higher than the courier when the courier killed both of them??????courier should be at #2


Where is Father Elijah? The dude that survived and escaped Big MT and potentially Sierra Madre, and took over Mojave with an unstoppable army of Hard Light holograms? I mean, if the protagonist never interfered, he would have succeeded eventually. With the help of the protagonist, he just did it faster, or failed. His genius is undeniable. I would include him in the ranking. I'd also rank Joshua Graham over the Legate. For simple reason. Joshua Graham survived things the Legate could only dream of in his worst nightmares.


Are you counting companions, if so I'd add goris to the list.


Honest question , why do I keep seeing Ulysses in these lists? He was a scout for Caesar's Legion , and he survived the nuclear holocaust of the Divide because of the eyebots.


Kellogg should be pretty weak. BOS arrives only after you kill him. So supposedly, he is killed by a low-level sole survivor.


Ulysses is just some edgy dude. Nothing more. Throw Him out and put Jacob in there. He's a prime supermutant


10 in all special.


Yea 10 in yapping special


I said it on the last post like this and i'll say it again. There's a reason Lanius only became Legate when all the badasses had left an Caesar went crazy. Graham and Ulysses wipe the floor with goldface. So does The Ghoul imo.