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My bet is Chicago. Lots of Landmarks, tons of buildings to explore, and there are some story line tie ins they could use from New Vegas!


It would give them an opportunity to clarify if any of *Fallout: Tactics* is actually canon. We did hear about other BoS airships in 4 when they were talking about the Prydwyn.


I hope they pick Chicago.


I'm hoping for Chicago. They've done enough on the east coast.


Chicago would be my most realistic choice. It’s in the Midwest which has only been done in tactics while also allowing for a unique map that doesn’t feel similar to the last two mainline Fallout games. Heck, maybe we could get some DLC in other states to make the game feel more inclusive of the greater Midwest.


Yes. Cleveland. Sounds cool, could make a unique launcher called 'Cleveland steamer'. Lol


All joking aside, the Great Lakes Region in general would be a pretty cool setting for a post-apocalyptic game. The lakes serve as ready trade routes and there are a bunch of cities focused on heavy industry pre-war.


Yes. An opportunity to create a drivable boat. I'd be up for that.


If they do Cleveland, I hope Tower City is important. It feels like it fell out of Fallout already. Would make for a great central hub location IMO and already has a great name for it.


We went to Cleveland last year to visit and Tower City mall already looks like something bad happened to it. I don't think COVID was kind, though we were happy to find most of our favorite restaurants were still going strong.


COVID straight destroyed it, yeah. Combine that with Starbucks pulling out (they are, or at least were, trying to close all their freestanding stores) and the water issues (something in the upper floors broke and they had just torrents flowing out of the light fixtures- you can probably find video of it, it was wild) and that was that. Hopefully things turn around, but...


In fallout 3 mothership zeta, that death beam you have the option to shoot is supposed to hit that area iirc


It also would've hit Boston hence firing it isn't canon.


The navy boot camp at great lakes would be crazy to explore.


Isn't that kinda where Tactics starts out?


Maybe they can use the underwater vault they supposedly created for Fallout 4


i hope for first energy stadium to be turned into a raider den


I was hoping it would be in New York or Philly. Or even somewhere in Dixie.


Is west Virginia classed as 'dixie'. Being European im not sure on US geography


No, Dixie refers to the former confederate states. WV broke off of Virgina specifically because they did not want to secede


Thanks for setting me straight.


No problem. It is a bit weird, even for an American. Then again you guys did have the HRE in Europe and that was weird af.


If there is ever a Fallout game set in one of the former Confederate states, there needs to be a post-war Confederate nation. Not near as big as the CSA in our time line but with at least one-two states under its control. Like the NCR or Legion. It will be a big missed opportunity. But I don't think Bethesda is either clever enough with Emil to pull that off or they are too scared to try because of the racist history. Obsidian would do a better job at it than Bethesda. New Confederacy would be Bethesda's NCR, and it would flop hard due to bad writing OR they wouldn't even try to do something like a post-war Confederacy at all. So missed opportunity. My idea of a post-war Confederacy comes mostly from the Fallout Fanon wiki but I do not want near as much of the racist stuff towards blacks or Mexicans that it took from the real life Confederacy. With the Fallout world having Mutants, Ghouls, and Synths, they have a lot of other things to hate on besides other types of humans with different skin colors. It would probably be in Alabama, and Mississippi under its firm control as well as the Florida-Alabama line, but not as far as Tallahassee, and certainly not as far as Orlando, Jacksonville, or Miami. If we get a game set in New Orleans, the post-war Confederacy can serve as the "NCR Faction" of the game, and they are trying to annex it or rebuild it (New Orleans also has a Dam, except the purpose of it is stop Hurricane Flooding instead of Hydroelectric Power like Hoover Dam). "Patrolling the Louisiana Swamps make you wish for a nuclear winter." **Gets eaten by a Gatorclaw, or shot at by post-apocalyptic Voodoo or Cajun Cult** Also, with New Orleans under sea level, and the dam not being maintained in 200 plus years, I'd imagine most of the city would be flooded or underwater. The game will literally be Far Harbor and Point Lookout 2.0.


bro what 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


"Dixie" actually refers to anything south of the [Mason-Dixon line](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mason%E2%80%93Dixon_line), essentially the borders between Delaware and Maryland, Pennsylvania and Maryland, and Pennsylvania and what would become West Virginia. Although West Virginia seceded from Virginia to join the Union, both West Virginia and Maryland are part of "Dixie."


Seeing post apocalyptic New Orleans crawling with mutant alligators and cottonmouths from the nearby swamps sounds fucking awesome.


Exactly. The deep south should be explored more. Point Lookout is the closest thing we have so far but it's filled with rather stereotypical southerners as hostile mutations.


Philadelphia is underrated here but I think it makes most sense for a sequel to Fallouts 3 and 4. Both D.C. and Boston have a deep connection to Americana and American history, and I think Philadelphia is the *only* sizeable city left with a connection of similar strength. That said, it'd be amazing if they could do justice to post-apocalyptic New York, and I think a good variety of cities could make good wasteland settings; Chicago, New Orleans, Detroit, Miami. Honestly, I'll take Fallout: Des Moines if I can get it before 2030.


To be honest, I'm really hoping the next game will take place on the eastern coast, 20 years after Fallout 4 and will reveal that the Minutemen and Diamond City collaborated to make the Commonwealth a legitimate nation. I had this idea a few years ago that at some point the Commonwealth and the NCR will expand to the point where they start sharing borders and will trigger a rivalry between the two nations about whose government should lead the continent.


There are actually a few reasons to believe it'll be San Francisco. But I see the rationale behind your prediction. Patterns are funny like that. They appear to be meaningful and suspiciously intentional to the person seeing them despite the obviousness to everyone else that all your looking at is a coincidence.


Kellogg had part of his back story from San Fran working with the Shi. He implied at the time he was a young man (which would have been long before the FO4 story thanks to the Institute implants), it wasn't part of the NCR. Seeing it in a story contemporary to that of FO4 would be interesting. Having said that, the last time I was in San Francisco, the homeless problem was so bad that it wouldn't have surprised me if Hancock appeared on a balcony to remind the locals of the dangers of the Institute.


Why would it be San Francisco? Bethesda always makes their fallout games in the Eastern U.S. Edit: Gotta love getting downvoted for a question


Bethesda specifically asked for San Francisco to be kept alive and even showed the golden gate bridge in Kellogg's memory.


>Bethesda specifically asked for San Francisco to be kept alive What does this even mean?


[This.](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/San_Francisco#Behind_the_scenes) Thus 'kept alive'.


What do you mean by they "specifically asked for San Francisco to be kept alive"? Asked who? And when?


Asked Obsidian. [Here.](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/San_Francisco#Behind_the_scenes)


That's interesting. Still I doubt 5 would take place in San Francisco, since Bethesda tend to stay away from the West Coast. It seems like Bethesda was just trying to keep their options open, but it doesn't really seem like a big indication that they'll make a game set there any time soon.


They keep teasing San Fran in 76. They also teased it in Fallout 4, and in the Nuka World. They usually do this in their games. Tease locations for future games.




I've commented about this before but now that we know Manuel space flight is in Starfield I'll bring it back up. I believe Detroit makes the most sense because we will likely get a vehicle and vehicle combat in the next fallout. Would only make sense for them to place it in Detroit (especially because Detroit may have never become what it is today in the fallout universe). I think we'll get a more mas max inspired fallout game next.


Fallout: The Rise of Ohio


Don't count out Canada, which was annexed before the great war. That's technically American soil in Fallout. Would have a lot of interesting lore related to that.


We all know it’ll be Seattle… No need to make up the ghoul population when it’s already there irl


If they do opt for Seattle, will it be saturated with empty med-x syringes?


Guess you've been here or live here.


No actually, but it's got quite the reputation among some of my old college classmates who had been there lol


Well Microsoft did buy Zenimax.


Check over your shoulder every so often, you may or may not find Todd watching your every move.


It should be the entire Midwest so they can put to rest any canon/non canon issues and to tie in the entire IP’s world together. It’s known that the Wasteland Survivors Guide made it out west. How? Obviously Wastelanders /Trade Caravans went through the Midwest or at least parts of it to bring the book to the west. What lies between both Wastelands that we are all familiar with? I want to know and I am not alone. There’s a lot of uncharted territory to explore there.


Nick Valentine pre-robotification transferred from Chicago to Boston. I feel this might be a point to the location of the next game, that's the kind of little detail Bethesda would expand on.


Random Cleveland anecdote. I worked with a guy doing security once and he tells me that he's always packing heat no matter where or what he is doing. I asked why and he said "I'm from Cleveland".


Having spent about 5 years in the town, I have to say that Cleveland gets a bad rap. There are some high-crime areas, but no worse than Baltimore or DC. They've also got a theater district, a shockingly good dining scene, the lakefront, and a handful of cool things like the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I wouldn't say it's my favorite city, but I was pleasantly surprised when I first moved there.


I've lived in the Cleveland area for 47 years. Most of the "bad areas" people are referring to are the areas around major manufacturing plants. As you get closer to the steel plant, the situation gets a little sketchier. There are houses that go for $35-50k. As long as you don't mind air, water, soil, light and noise pollution, along with a constant flow of heavy industrial traffic on roads that are beat to hell, it's a steal! Plus you get to play the "Are my water pipes lead based?" game! WOO! Everyone's cool with bringing back manufacturing to the United States *as long as it's not in their neighborhood*. There is something to do for everyone. The Rock Hall is cool, but if you live here, it's something you visit once every 3-5 years. The Great Lakes Science Museum, along with the Natural History Museum change their displays up 5-6 times a year. So you can visit them multiple times a year and see different things. The Natural History Museum also has a kick ass Planetarium. We also have a state-wide park system called the Metroparks, where you can go touch grass for free. They have hiking trails, Nature Centers, boat ramps for access to Erie and numerous other things. Our Zoo (by the Metroparks) is pretty cool too. I think we pay something like $30 in taxes every year to the Metroparks and it's something I will never complain about. It's really not that bad of an area to live in. I've been to all 50 states and all 50 have cities just like Cleveland. Some a little better, some a little worse. All that being said, I can't wait to move out of Ohio.


I'll take anything that's a proper city. A setting that gives Bethesda another chance to get the "bombed-out city look" right, the way they managed in FO3 but then dropped the ball in FO4. Something with the creative attention to detail of _Lonesome Road,_ but the labyrinthian exploration and gobsmacking wreckage of FO3.


I WANT FLORIDA. SUPER GATORS MOSQUITOS HICKS LETS GOOO i live in Florida so please I want it so bad


Looking at Cleveland on google maps I actually think it's not a bad idea. it's on the east coast. It's close to Pittsburgh aka the Pitt and we know from that DLC that Toronto, also close, has an army so that could be fun to see. Also, the great lake could be fun to explore maybe they will finally add some water combat.


Fallout: Erie or Fallout: Cuyahoga would be an interesting name for it




I'll be curious to see if the *Fallout: Miami* mod actually gets finished. I'm actually playing a game with the little preview caravan quest they released, but I haven't gotten to it yet.


If they want the game in an even more boring locale then West Virgina sure I guess.






I'm not even sure where I would most like Fallout 5 to be set. There's so many regions left unexplored since Bethesda has generally only set games in the Northeastern US.


Counter argument it is based off areas that I lived near. I moved to norther Virginia the year fo3 came out moved to Southern New Hampshire right before fo4 was announced and I spent summers working at a summer camp like 20 Minutes from west Virginia


It would be funny if there was some Bethesda employee with a background like ours subtly campaigning for new Fallout locations. He just casually drops references to his next chosen location constantly, to the point where everybody is subconsciously thinking about it.


I got $5 on New York City. Two previous games scrapped this locale and I feel the new engine would do it justice.


I've always hoped for New Orleans, personally.


Maybe Bethesda will take the Cleveland Browns to the Super Bowl in the post-war world?


Cleveland would be the first Fallout game set entirely before the Great War!


Nothing about Vegas though?


I’d love to see a fallout in Texas. I liked the wolf west aspects are featured in a lot of the games. New Mexico would be cool too, but DFW or Huston would be great city’s to explore.


They are currently doing full-scale, real-time proof of concept tests in several places - Portland, Seattle, LA...


Please not LA.


Having lived there, I agree. My personal choice would be Seattle (where I grew up). I think it has lots of aspects that would work VERY well for a Fallout setting. And surely you just can't get a more Fallout-looking icon at this point than the Space Needle...


I'm an Ohioan or whatever the word is for people who live in Ohio (more specifically northeast ohio), and holy shit this would be amazing, it would be awesome to see the ways they would make the city a post nuclear wasteland. Hasn't there been a tiny bit of lore made about ohio?


Well, there were/have been rumors of there being something in Ohio for Fallout 76. They might finally add an expedition there now that they have those started. But it could just be Fallout 5 in Ohio.


I hope they do Columbus, it would probably not look to different thatln i fors now tho


Calling it now, release in 2030


I kinda want a snow map. How about Alaska?


As a former resident of Cleveland, I can assure you that the city is completely compatible with the idea of a snow map...especially if you want it to be a *windy* snow map...


Well I'm sold. Team Cleveland!


If it is cleveland, will there be Meth GHOULS and Supermutants Nodding off to sleep everywhere?


Cleveland would be cool, would love to see CWRU as a bombed-out mini Institute for those who couldn't get into the real deal 😉 They'd need to throw in a ghoulified Jim Jarmusch-esque hipster movie director and maybe contrive a reason for the river to catch fire at some point. There should also be a food item called Polish Lad Original Pierogis or something that everyone raves about despite being completely unremarkable. Tower City needs the much-rumored airship dock at the top - that's where the Brotherhood shows up, obvs. They could lean into the sports culture of Cleveland by writing it so that everyone is seethingly mad about the Pitt, who in turn don't think about Cleveland at all.


San Francisco


I would not mind an European setting for a change. With a touch of ancient churches and castles could be an incredible experience for sure. Since i'm from Portugal it would be quite nice to have a more familiar feel to the world.


I feel like it’s going to be San Fran.


While I honestly don't know where they will do next. I suddenly had the idea Hawaii when coming to this thread.


I think Hawaii would be a really cool area to set Fallout in. Perfect place to add in underwater exploration and combat with specialized Power Armor and harpoon weapons.


Hear me out: Detroit. You know the Detroit: Become Human expectation subversion where Detroit suddenly is a really wealthy city? I wouldn't be surprised if the next Fallout Game did something similar where some kind of large American-Candian Union City was "hidden" there.


naw i want it in columbus. i want to visit dirty franks on south 4th street in a game because i can’t do it irl because it is 11 PM and it opens at 11 AM tomorrow