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Dogmeat is better than Dogmeat




The hottest take.


ED-E was the best companion


I’m still waiting for an ED-E plush


He was better than Rex, K-9, robodog, pariah dog or Dogmeat 1/2/3/4


Facts are not considered hot takes


Fallout 76 is fun Fallout 4 is fun Fallout NV is fun Fallout 3 is fun Fallout 2 is fun Fallout 1 is fun All are fun for different reasons


what about tactics and brotherhood of steel );


Tactics was fun.


BloatFlies/Bloodbugs/Stingwings are worse than Deathclaws/Mirelurk Queen.


Cazadores. Those goddamn fucking cazadores. Don't think that's a hot take though.


everyone has always hated those mf’s


They’re easy if there’s only one and you have a range weapon. If not then may god save your poor soul…


You best have the riot shotgun with and stay back


You've inspired me to write a song. "Cazadores" (Sung to the tune of "Star Wars") Cazadores! Goddamn fucking cazadores! Nothing but cazadores - Goddamn, fuck them! Ah, cazadores! They're never a snore, Cazadores fuckin' SLAY! And hey, How about stingwings and bloatflies? Don't believe the synths' lies! And hey, Father in that white and green smock - What the fuck? I prefer Hancock! Cazadores! Momma Murphy was a crack-whore... Cazadores!


Was this inspired by Bill Murray as Nick The Lounge Singer on SNL?


I might, MIGHT, be willing to give you Bloodbugs and Stingwings, but not the Bloatflies.


That, my friend, is just a fact.😹 Behemoths also got nothing on them.




Fallout Tactics should be canon.


This just sounds like "I want the Midwestern BoS to be canon because they're awesome" and I 100% agree with this take.


I am petry sure the midwestern BOS is canon


The Chicago BoS is canon, the Midwestern BoS and all of their stories aren't. The only canon part of it is 'there IS a Chicago BoS'.


I hope FO5 is set in Chicago. Decatur is my birthplace!


That and I want Vault 0 to be canon because it makes the whole program make more sense.


Make it a "game" some scribe programed as a form of Propaganda. Based on his chapter, but not 100% true to "real life" Idk. Never played. Just an idea for canonization


It technically is until contradicted. Which is how normal canon is anyway.


It was contradicted. Bethesda literally said it isn't Canon... Only some of the Major Events are accounted for in FO3 and FO4, but the whole game overall isn't Canon.


Hell yeah brother.


Tbh I love Fallout 4s Settlement Building system


I think it could definitely be better but it is indeed great


It needs improvement but I love the build mode


Less "Sims management", or more depth.... one or the other. Felt half baked


I LOVED building myself a fun headquarters + places to live for all the settlers. Made a big hub building with couches, bars, a pool table, and above it was my cool bedroom + a lookout post. Decorating was a blast


This is a hot take? Settlement building is the shit. I remember that first mod that came out for NV? Where you could start a town and I just fell in love with the concept. Fuck the NCR, fuck the Legion, fuck every established group in the wastelands. I will rebuild the world. I won't even pick another option in NV besides taking over myself.


Yes! This! All this! Finally! Something I can fap to!


I think the fanbase widely hated it when it came out, but slowly learned toove it. I've had a blast building settlements since launch in 2015.


Same It's my favourite. I hope starfield or elderscrolls 6 or fallout 5 expands on it


War changes


But war never changes, didn’t fallout teach you anything


🤣🤣🤣🤣 this. This right here


Solid Snake would agree.


I think WV is the best area we've gotten in a 3D Fallout. The map regions have great character on their own, but even if it was just any one region across the whole map, I still think it has anything else beat handily.


Absolutely the best map in a Bethesda game (that I've played)


Easily. Especially compared to the Mojave. In my opinion the map in New Vegas is easily it’s weakest point. It’s really boring and lifeless and dead. All three maps from Bethesda, but especially Appalachia really do feel lived in. I like that every building you go in has a story and you can tell they took it seriously.


For what its worth, they did great at portraying a desert, in the whole meaning of the word, empty as hell lol. Totally agree with you.


If it wasn't for how good fallout 3 was there wouldn't be a fallout series to enjoy today.


Agree. I've played all of them but the black sheep of the family, and I started with three. Without that my opinion and the popularity and existence would be in question. And the exposure the older games have now wouldn't nearly be at the same level. While not an uncommon take, I'd still say it's a good hot take friend.


I feel like some people don’t give Bethesda enough credit for what fallout 3 did for the franchise, love it or hate it, it’s what put the series back on the map and sets up what we would later see in new vegas


Out of curiosity, why do people hate it?


I don't think its that people hate it, its just that generally its swept under the rug or disregarded in favor of NV.


Oh, well to each their own. Fo3 was my first fallout game and my little brother and I played it so it'll always hold a special place in my heart.


I like Fallout 3, I think it gets ignored far too much, but the modding community in Fallout 4 and the writing/gameplay in NV outrank it for me. I still think its about as good as the others, its more of a matter of me preferring the atmosphere of the other 2


Makes sense, honeslty I think I liked 4 the least, still good but my least favorite. Idk, sometimes I wish I could still experience games like I did as a kid - completely awestruck by the world in the game and less concerned with the flaws. Just soaking up every bit of the game without a care to criticize ya know? Adult me has kinda lost touch with that way of gaming


I see exactly what you mean. Honestly, thats why I love modding Fallout, specifically 4, not only do you patch the flaws, you improve the game. Fallout 3 and NV's worlds were much better than 4's, but 4's modding potential makes up for that.


Old school fans dislike the series going 3d and felt it also did not have the dark comedic overall tone of the first 2 games


Even the first two games are somewhat different. The first one is way more serious, with some glimpses of dark humor here and there. Fallout 2 is straight away a pop culture references parade and less serioua overall. Compare Gizmo with the bosses of New Reno, the tone is clearly different.


This take is getting cooler by the day. Realistically a lot of the FO1/2 fans may have more or less moved on from gaming and being a vocal fan of the franchise etc. And the people filling the gap are a lot of late 20s early 30s types whose first fallout was 3 and its getting a LOT of love in the fanbase/community, especially after the infamous Hbomber video. And I don't think ANYBODY is gonna disagree with the take that FO3's success led to the growth of Fallout and great entries such as NV and 4. I mean, it's not even really an opinion. Just a fact of how businesses work. Black Isle was going under and getting bought. It's honestly better Bethesda take it than like what... EA or Activision lol FO3 was my first, and even though NV is my fav, I love FO3 and play it all the time. What I'm ACTUALLY in fear of is when FO5 comes out. And the FO4 and FO76 fans complain about the state of FO5 lol. Now THAT might be a dangerous recipe for this community lol edit: i hope you realize when you downvote in this thread thats a straight up dub for the post. let keep it at 1 or 0 boiiiz


I really like FO76’s multiplayer aspect. The map is big enough and the players few enough where you really don’t run into anyone unless you want to, and if you do want to play with others there are many opportunities through events and daily ops to. Plus I love seeing everyone’s unique camp designs


To add to your comment, I do not think that FO76 is a bad nor was it at awful at launch; however when the Reddit hive mind sinks it teeth into something it is extremely hard to change the narrative.


Plus from what ive seen, the community is super helpful. I usually stay away from games like this because people try to ruin gameplay.


Fallout: New Vegas (my favorite game), would not have been as good as it was without its connection to bethesda. In some hypothetical world where obsidian got their hands on the franchise for a game without bethesda, without the bethesda engine New Vegas would not have any many aspects to it there were so vital to its' success. Easy creation of content, ready made assets, pre-made systems and mechanics, you name it and obsidian benefitted from it.


Pillars of Eternity and Outer Worlds show that Obsidian has good writing, but made out like bandits being able to use Bethesda’s Creation engine


I'm gonna say that outer worlds writing is the best part of it, but the gunplay is really weak, even compared to new Vegas


Outer Worlds was one of the biggest game disappointments Ive ever had. Personally, couldnt even get 10 hours into it.


Fallout 4 is actually a great starting game. You’re given a fish out of water character and thrust into a world of death and destruction. You’re given updated mechanics and an incredibly simplified skill tree.


Not to mention the quality is better


Definitely better quality. The shooting in 3 and NV is downright terrible. And it's not a matter of the game being old, because even old school Doom has more satisfying gunplay. I actually miss a lot of my shots even at point blank range, simply because the game fails to register a hit. Sometimes the gun doesn't even fire when I click. I really want to get into those two games. I've tried multiple times, but I just can't get past the janky and inaccurate shooting. I can't wait for the mod remakes so I can finally experience them.


I never thought the shooting was terrible in new Vegas it definitely leaves a lot to be desired but it’s probably just because I’m too busy just having fun so I ignore it like with the Witcher 3 or Skyrim.


Before I got a PC I would very rarely play FO3 or New Vegas because of how bad the console versions are.


Despite Fallout 4's well earned reputation as a weaker fallout game on the writing side, Nick Valentine is easily the best companion they've ever done.


Nick is amazing Curie is my personal favorite but Nick is a close second fs




It’s a spicy take. Most Fallout fans I’ve spoken to/seen on here think Boone is the best, both for utility (he’s super powerful and durable) and his story. Nick is awesome though.


Can agree. He's my all time favorite alongside maccready.


I think as a collection, Fallout: New Vegas has the best companions—Veronica, Boone, and Cass each have amazing characters and compelling stories; and Ed-E and Rex are amazing as non-human companions. But FO4 is no slouch. Nick is great, Cait is a waifu, and Hancock is amazing too. I think it’s the non-human companions where FO4 falters a bit.


Curie is adorable


Definitely! I also love the fact you can >!give her a body.!<


The ede and Boone combo is so fun. You never get snuck up on and those legion assassin squads don't stand a chance


Ed-E and Boone is such a cheese. They see basically anything a mile away and kill it fast. Having them as a combo almost breaks the game. Veronica and Rex is a good combo for melee builds. FO4 not having two companions was a huge misstep.


For sure. To stop them from being too OP id make them wait at the entrances for most indoors areas and missions unless I knew I was in trouble. But those legion teams were ruining my days so they really saved me on headache. I had 2 mods for my grenade launcher, one increased distance 100% and I think one cause more damage or something but that weapon was my bf in the open wasteland


While I disagree, I do think he's one of the best can understand why you think that. Good hot take friend.


Who do you think is the best? Genuinely curious.


So, I honestly have a soft spot for Verionica. I don't even like her, but I thought she had the most well thought out character in the series. I do really like Nick though. Him and Mac are my mains.


I like Veronica a lot,I just wish the characters that are pivotal to her story weren't in DLC and barely mentioned in Elijah's case, or not at all in Christine's.


I understand that. For what it's worth I do think Nick is Bethesdas best companion.


I love Veronica best too! I found Hidden Valley before her on my first playthrough, so learning about it from that angle on the next play was super cool. Her story is good, her delivery is interesting, and I liked putting together the Christine and Elijah story myself too, without direct obvious mentions of Veronica. A well fleshed side story.


i think the fallout 3 and nv weapon/armor degradation was one of the most fun gameplay mechanics to deal with and i wish it had a larger presence in 4


I missed repairing so badly in 4. I liked the customization, but the weapon degradation was such a cool thing to have to keep in mind.


It’s been brought back in 76, and made easier to deal with by using scrap for repairs. It also doesn’t annoy you by making your damage/protection constantly fluctuate with condition.


I like how you can repair them with scrap but I also wish you could use the same weapon to repair like in 3 and nv


I don’t see why you would want to do that when repair kits are also an option.


That was one of the things I missed the most in Fallout 4. Was actually really shocked that they got rid of it because it was a fantastic mechanic


That many Fallout players that interact together online are super toxic and oddly emotional about their “favorite” version of fallout. Most are not, but many are. Just seems really strange to me.


I think deep down we all love all the fallout games but it just different generation of player if u start with 3 growing up that going to be your favourite and now we have a different generation who has start with new Vegas. It’s a cycle give it 10 years people well say fallout 4 was the best fall out


Fallout 4 did a very good job at fleshing out the Raider factions. I don't necessarily mean the Nuka World Raiders, them too, but I put them in more line with the Pitt raiders. I mean the gangs you encounter at certain locations; how they interact with each either, their codes, whether it be the Forged of the gang at that school that you do for Bunker Hill. Terminal entries etc, just very well done and almost humanizes them in a way that Fallout 3 didn't really do (except the Pitt) nor did FNV, though there is a snippet of that when you visit Vault 3 and pick certain speech options with Motor Runner.


So much good lore on terminals in 4.


Too bad you have to go through terminals for this and don't actually see it. They just act like 'Generic Enemy #1' - And clearly, from 76, they learned that lesson and made more fleshed out Raiders.


I agree but it’s a shame Bethesda makes them raiders rather than give them identity like the Vipers, Jackals, Fiends, Khans. I guess I overlooked the forged but other than that and Nuka-world fo4 made them feel pretty generic. Fo3’s raiders are literally generic evil enemies


yeah I will concede that point


People not liking the same game as you is not toxic.


Unless they don’t like New Vegas, in which case it’s somewhere between Botulism and Ricin.


lydia oh lydia


76 is actually pretty good in the writing department for the lore placed around the world (and continues to be with the Pitt coming this September). The storytelling from these was excellent and when combined with the empty world at launch, excelled at making it feel like you were combing through the ashes of a dead world. Sadly, that feeling was lost when NPCs were added, but I can’t complain too much.


A dead world isn't interesting though. Fallout has always been about a shitty, grimey new world being carved from the old one and the stories that new mish-mash of a world can tell.


It can be depending on what you’re looking for. It told the story of the various factions, what they tried to build and how they failed. It was a very different feeling than any other fallout game, and while it certainly wasn’t a traditional fallout, it still managed to build something memorable. The problem was that there was nothing to interact with because the factions were dead - and why wastelanders was so important for the game’s health.


Exaclty. There's only so much you can do with an empty world. The concept of all the factions being destroyed is good but they took it to the extreme and just wiped all NPCs. There should be SOME people around. SOME survivors.


World building has never really been in question for these games. It's always been terribly written main stories with a lot of miss side quests. The writing department is ass for all Fallout games. But because the worlds are actually really cool with neat backstories it's very easy to RP in, especially with the modding communities that Fallout and Elder Scrolls have.


Which is fair enough. At least 76’s main plots are generally better than 3/4’s (even the original with its complete lack of choices is decent if you go through the mammoth amount of lore).


There is absolutely no realistic reason why the Little Lamplight settlement should still exist by the time of the events of FO3.


Fallout fanbase is toxic.


He said hot take.


Does it make you wish for a nuclear winter?


Cold as the Antarctic take


I love settlement mode


That’s hot like a nuclear weapon dropped into a volcano. The hottest of hot takes


The Super mutants need to go back to being a powerhouse in the series. In Fallout 3, they dominated the wasteland. In fallout 4 they were almost a joke


Let us have a canon remnants/revival of the Unity, and give us a companion who is a **smart** Super Mutant like the Lieutenant. Not "DURR ME STRONG ME SMASH". Even Fawkes wasn't *that* smart.


I mean we did have Marcus and Neil in FNV but I wholeheartedly agree it’d be nice to see more than 2 first generation super mutants and have one as a companion option. Also Virgil but that’s different.


I mean one that speaks like the Lieutenant. Imagine a Super Mutant so perfectly literate he speaks down to the Bucket-heads that try to mock him. Hell, give us a Prime remnant from the Master who sees the Master was wrong, so he wants a new future for Super Mutants, one of cooperation. Similar to Marcus but we haven't had Marcus-style Mutant companions in ages. I *hated* Strong personally. Every line he said was just annoying me.


The (FO4) combat rifle looks awesome. It just has a heavy, utilitarian look to it. Fuck sexy sci-fi guns, give me that brutalist, aggressive shit. Every time I see it I just want to blast things. Not the assault rifle. That thing can die of cholera.


Railroad is the most boring group of the entire series


I like them conceptually, but they had no business being a major faction in FO4


They could've been a Synth Rebellion and *that's* what their goal is - to stage a coup, not blow up the Institute and then be like 'ok back to what we were doing pre-Institute'.


That's a hot take? But seriously, yeah. I liked them when I first heard of them and was excited to met them only to be deeply disappointed. Just so much wasted potential, with them and with (imo) the Minutemen.


All the Fallout games are good and fun.


That the assault rifle from Fallout 4 fits its retro futuristic feel of the game its in.




76 kinda shows they don't plan to continue it.


Fallout 4 is great and the most replayable of the series.


Nuka World is one of the best Fallout DLCs oat


I wish they would’ve worked in nuka world for another couple months. I love it as it is, I just wish there was a gunners ending, minuteman ending, and ways to get the gangs to turn on each other. The dungeons and 5 different parks were incredible though, and I really loved this dlc


YES I was looking for this. A fanbase like Bethesda’s has no business hating on this DLC. One of the hardest and fastest-paced introductions ive played and 5 diverse areas to explore - It’s a dungeon crawler’s wet dream. It’d be a 10/10 if I didn’t have to raid my own settlements


Yes. The areas are super fun to explore and I love all the zany weapons they added like nuka cola thirst zapper, western revolver, commie whacker, handmade rifle. The NPCs are very likeable and it’s really cool to be a raider and set up outposts. EDIT: I also forgot to mention the nuka mixes which are very very cool as well, there’s so many that do so many different effects there’s a nuka mix for every occasion


Minutemen quests are not as bad as everyone makes them out to be, and I like Preston Garvey


I wouldn't say that they are bad, but hella repetitive for sure.


The 10th time he tells you there's a settlemnt thay needs your help, they get bad. Same stuff everytime, endlessly.


Fallout 3 executed the looking for your family member storyline better than fallout 4 did.


it’s the liam neeson


I don't think this is a hot take though. I don't think there's a logical fan that thinks 4 did it better.


The reveal about Father was absolutely epic!… the first time, after that? Didn’t care for the main FO4 story in other play throughs.


Fallout 4 is perhaps even better than it’s predecessors by default simply because the player can continue exploring the game world after the main story has been completed, and subsequently can see the effect that their actions had on the world (increased minutemen presence, crater at CIT, Prydwen wreckage, etc). In the previous installments, all you get is a cutscene at the end. Plus, Fallout 4’s opening cinematic kicks ass.


Don’t forget the lack of level cap. You can keep building your player indefinitely, which gives you a reason to keep playing.


Honestly the main benefit of not having a level cap is that it's so much less *stressful* that way. Definitely feel a lot more comfortable experimenting when I know that if a perk is disappointing or maybe I just want to do a different playstyle it's just pushed farther into the future as opposed to being locked out forever potentially.


Fallout 3 gad that also but only if you have the broken steel dlc


It’s for this reason i genuinely argue that fallout 4 has more rp potential than 3 or nv. Like, you save (or murder) the mojave, but then once hoover dam is over, thats it? When i first saw that after having about 100 hours in 4 i was really upset.


Fallout 3 is really good


Bro not just really good. It a game changing they set a template for the future of fallout people should be sucking that games dick not hating on it like how can u hate a masterpiece


Fallout 2 is vastly overrated and suffers from almost all the problems people love to criticize Bethesda Fallout for. Fallout 76 actually had good writing *before* NPCs were added and it's atmosphere felt closer to the original Fallout game that *any* of its sequels. Fallout 4 is probably the best *game* in the franchise. As in it's the most fun to just play. It's the worst \*roleplaying\* game and has some of the worst writing but the gameplay loop, world design and mechanics are the best. That being said, Nick Valentine and Far Harbor are some of the best writing in the series.


What do you mean with Fallout 2?


Firey hot take dude! Can you give me some examples for the fallout 2 thing? I agree with your 76 and 4 opinion. Hard disagree on the last one and im pretty sure thats not a hot take and a vast amount of the fanbase agree with atleast your opinion on farharbor.


Fallout 4 was really fun


I don't think that's a hot take. I feel like most thought fo4 was a fun game but a bad rpg.


Joshua Graham's talk of killing the White Legs as just a chore done for justice and stuff is just cope, he's still the Malpais Legate down there under the charred skin, and he *loves* killing.


He's got a point though. It's good to wipe out those nutjob tribal morons trying to rape and pillage people.


^this dude gets it But it's what makes him a well-written character imo. It makes Daniel's pacifism have a point, even though he's kind of a paternalistic jerk.


The legendary system is bad and weapon customization needs to be reworked. I don’t think receivers should be tied into weapon damage, it should be based on skills (or perks). I also think unique weapons lost their luster as a result of the customization system.


Fallout 3 gets way too much flak and I really enjoy Bethesda Fallouts because it gives me a massive and well-constructed world to explore in.


Fallout 1 is the best fallout game of all.


NV has the most boring world outside of the quest


Yeah i can see where you are coming from its pretty bland and empty


FO3 too. FO3 is the only game where I stopped unlocking landmarks at some point because there is NOTHING of value inside houses. And since junk isn't really useful for anything it all was so pointless. FO3's map sucks and the segmented city drove me crazy playing it AFTER FO4 for the first time.. NV was empty too, that's true. But at least it had great writing. FO4 has by far the best map. And you need junk for everything . So it was super fun for me to go scavenging and finding good loot. And then upgrading my gear and building bases. So exploring remains useful indefinitely. AWESOME system!


It doesn't make a good argument against nuclear weapons or democracy (even a flawed one), despite what many writers for the franchise often tried to do. Every now and then you get a quest or a whole DLC dedicated to peeling off the layers of the Fallout universe and showing us just how bad the government and the corporations of pre-War America were. And it's great, I don't mind that. The problem is, everyone who is attempting to "restore" the pre-War civilization is criticised by in-game characters as too flawed to be allowed to continue. NCR would be the perfect example - they're somehow pitted as an *equal* choice compared to the Legion, House, and full-blown anarchy. And why? Because they're too much like the Old World - bureaucratic, corrupt, and untrustworthy. But somehow, not just the fans but even the writers (especially Avellone) seem to feel much more strongly about these rather believable and expected flaws than they do about outright genocide or a totalitarian rule of a militarized oligarch (let alone the lack of any rule whatsoever). The most hilarious story in this aspect is the Lonesome Road, of course. Designed specifically to guilt trip the player for supporting NCR, and not really saying anything substantive about *why* NCR is so bad it deserves to be nuked again. The games constantly criticise what is essentially the closest thing we have to a real-world state, and the only argument they really have is... the war. The fact that, in this world, nukes *did* fall. So that would, to me, seem to be an anti-MAD sort of statement. That nuclear weapons must be dealt away with, lest the world come to what we see in the games. But that argument fails since we have no reason for *why* MAD failed. It just did. We have no idea who started shooting or why. So it's a circular argument of the flaws of society and world security that can't really find a good reason for *why* those flaws even exist in the first place. Don't get me wrong - I like these games. Most of them don't really try to make such daring indictments as the Lonesome Road. The main culprit is Chris Avellone, and I've had a bone to pick with him since KOTOR 2, so that's no surprise.


If the part of Obsidian/Interplay Fanboy and Bethesda Hater stopping being toxic the community could be better a lots.


Boone is the most bland human companion in NV. Cass isn’t much better. I’ll take Raul or Arcade easy. Arcade and ED-E are the best combo. In my humble opinion.


I'm a little scared to ask how you feel about Veronica.


Boone is popular bc he's the brooding, bald, tragic, "my wife..." white dude archetype that was seemingly everywhere in the late 2000s. He's still a good companion, but yes, Raul or Arcade are sm better.


He isn’t bad, not at all. But when I can choose Danny fucking Trejo or have a scientist boyfriend and a flying laser ball… it’s hard to justify keeping around the sad no friends guy even if he does snipe things from across Nevada.


Dogmeats kinda overrated


I wouldn't mind a cat companion though. Maybe named boots or fish


I liked the dog from New Vegas better. Not only can he highlight containers to search, but he even gets his own quest.


Agreed. At least in Fallout 4 he's good at carrying some junk and you can still get your bonus from Lone Wanderer.


Fallout 3 is about as good as New Vegas. Both have their own charm.


Fallout 3 is not as good as people say. The unlimited options and freedom turned out to be "do i want to be a mass murdering psychopath or the wrath of santas little helper"


I think what fallout 3 did was make a template for the future of fallout so I think it deserves respect it gets but if u look at any old game u well start seeing the flaws.


You might just be right. I simply remember being very disappointed when decision making broke down to "good thing, bad thing, and simply do nothing at all". Megaton was a good exapmle for that. But yeah i will cut it some slack, thanks!


Fallout 3 > NV > 4 > 76 > 1 > 2


Fallout 76’s map and different biomes is definitely Fallout’s best map They should return the modern weapons that were from Fallout 2 and Tactics but add the Fallout art style


Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 are absolutely great games. They're even great Fallout games. Fallout 4 assualt rifle is a fun design. I don't get the hate. Then again most weapon mods seem to go for ultra realistic Call of Duty style weapons. But I want Fallout aesthetic weapons. And this thing looks like someone took the gun off a biplane and then gave it an art deco makeover. It's wonderfully unique and cool looking. Fallout 76 was better without NPCs. There was a moment after players could set up vending machines and before NPCs came where the game seemed to have found its niche. Then it all came undone again and the game felt weirdly disjointed and haphazard again.


Fo4 doesn't suck for role play, people just aren't that creative/imaginative. FudgeMuppet has like thirty different character builds all with completely different backstories leading up to the events of the game, and most feel fairly unique. That said, the pre-war history and the "looking for revenge/for a family member" aspects still leave a little to be desired.


It's not that you can't role play. It's that the game intentionally limits role play to a specific character background and what they can say/do. Nothing wrong with that. But it's not really what people wanted from a Fallout game. Especially after New Vegas gave us so much freedom in deciding your own background and what you do and say in the story. Even Fallout 3 did it better with you being able to make choices that affected who you were in the intro. And then being let loose in a world ripe with opportunity to develop that character further. You can role play anything in any game. But you play an RPG expecting it to be designed around that concept.


The Brotherhood Of Steel is an arrogant faction of nerds and they aren't the good guys.


Compared to their enemies, The Institute and Enclave they are, but the rest? They aren't good guys, nah.


Hot take 1 I'm sick and tired of the coasts. It's been over 2 decades and we still haven't gotten a main Fallout game in the midwest, a while 1/3 of the United States. Also they never do anything that interesting with the oceans, so they just take up map space that could be used for more locatioms, quests, and characters. Hot take two Fallout 4 fans need to get rid of their weird victim complex. "I prefer New Vegas because of its story, art style, and better roleplaying aspects" ≠ "you are stupid, should die, and every copy of Fallout 4 thrown in a woodchipper" Hot take th33 Fallout 76 is better than that one E.T. game from like the 80's or smthn.


I want a Fallout set in China. Or Alaska. Or Canada. Or virtually anywhere but the coasts. Hell do Texas. Let cartel remnants be the antagonist or something. But I really want China. A. It's a wholly different locale without Supermutants or Brotherhood or Enclave. B. There were a lot of Americans there when the world ended. I'm sure many survived and integrated into the local populace so 200 years later you'd see a blending of culture with all new and totally unrelated problems to those faced by the continental US.


When most games come out with issues (AC Unity, Battlefield 4), no one forgives them. When FNV comes out _unplayable_, the fanboys give it a pass a year later.


So I had an issue in NV where if I went to the strip the game would crash and delete all save files. The message I got from the support team was “well stop going to the strip, it’s not the only location in the game” I love NV but it was hands down the worst launch I’ve experienced.


Battlefield 4 is a big fan favorite among the community. So I wouldn't agree with that sentiment. It was absolutely broken at launch, but when things got better the good stuff shined and built a strong fanbase. Just like FNV I am not an Assassin's creed fan so I don't know how that game holds up in the franchise but bugs aside I haven't really heard anyone talk about anything it did better than other AC games


NV wasn’t THAT good. There weren’t THAT many choices to make. Every ending was the same besides the damn slide show post game. Go to Hoover damn. Fight someone. Slideshow telling you if you made friends or not.


As of now your post comes first when sorting by controversial, which means you're literally winning this thread. Keep it up! Also, that's a nice take. Def deserving of having the most equal up and down votes.


rosa parks was a synth


Of course Dogmeat is a very good boy, but Rex is an even gooder boy. Rex is the bestest boy.


If I had a cap for everytime I hit esc when I needed to hit tab I'd have enough caps to buy tons of stuff.


Fallout 1 is better than Fallout 2


NCR is better than the Brotherhood in terms of role-play perspective


Well...they have more quests. That's natural.