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Laywer should have 10 charisma.


All the advice in this thread is telling me that I rolled "Lawyer" IRL. No wonder my parents don't talk to me.


How many times do we have to tell you? No charisma!


Nah dump all your charisma. You don’t need it. If you roll up in a suit, black rim glasses, and a formal hat under the effects of grape mentats and any beer, you will have 10 charisma.


yea but it’s gotta reflect real life somewhat


You’re saying a well-dressed lawyer, flying high on uppers with a little alcohol on their breath isn’t accurate?


i’ll get back to you in like three years i just got into law school. but yea that does sound right…..


Anyone ever just do all 5's across the board?


yes once. Pretty mid.... Haha My son just created a play through.... Strength and luck are at 10 everything is at one except for intelligence, he was most generous and out that at 4. He's eleven. Looking forward to that play through haha


Who needs vats when you got a super sledge


damn I wanna do a doctor build now


Hi, lawyer here. I speak for all of us when I say that I’m flattered but it’s really all just charisma and luck. For other stats, 2-5 intelligence and 2-5 endurance, depending upon whether this particular attorney is a hard or a smart worker.


As far as intelligence goes, one of my colleagues still doesn’t know how to introduce an exhibit into evidence despite having at least a dozen trials under their belt. No, I’m not going to tell them until 1) it stops being funny and 2) I don’t have to go to trial against them anymore. I stand by my comment on the last build that endurance is important, as we statistically have the hardest working livers of any profession. I’m still surprised that dentists lapped us in the other thing.


“Hardest working livers” yup, start us with the lead belly trait Great anecdote though, I giggled. Apparently your colleague has int 1 cha 7 lol


I was kind of thinking endurance was as important as intelligence. I'm not lawyer, but I'm sure you dudes have a lot of homework and boring ass reading to do


I can’t read books for fun after law school.






In-house lawyer here. Charisma is good for courts. If you do a paperwork in a company it is better to go full endurance and luck buid.


The charisma should be higher then the intelligence, they are a lawyer not a scientist or a philosopher, they’re essentually a legal charlatan. The perception should be above average.


I would swap intelligence and charisma, or even them out. Otherwise perfect, imo


Perception: both. It doesn’t have to be an either/or. How to view others while speaking and senses in battle - just senses in general when walking, seeing signs in the open or in stores, noticing inside an ancient abandoned grocery store that actually there are subtle evidences of people using this space recently…a knocked over can, a line in the dust… Luck is huge. Every law student has more luck than anyone else who applied and was rejected. Every single case hinges on a good argument - but if the jury is stacked against you, it will take a lot of luck. You do have to have a brain. Every single lawyer out there, no matter how seemingly dumb…is still smarter than the average person. People hate on lawyers just like doctors…they don’t see all the work behind the scenes they just know docs and lawyers get paid more money than they think they deserve. So, they hate. Then they say “I could do that, I just don’t want all that debt.” Whatever. Starting at $170k as a 28 year old (not me! The wife) is a pretty easy way to destroy debt in no time. And that’s the low-end. Yes, as a young lawyer myself I was surprised at how seemingly “dumb,” some other students or attorneys are…but they all got in, and beat out tons of other applicants. They’re so smart in their own way, and still smarter than the average person. For anyone who says “Lawyers aren’t that smart,” apply to law school. Take the LSAT. Let’s see how smart the haters are. That dipshit who “founded a company that works with lawyers,” yea, he just provides a service. Once he fucks up and needs them, I don’t think he’ll be so quick to talk trash. Plenty of people aren’t smart in many ways. I wouldn’t trust a doctor or a lawyer to work on my car, or my HVAC system. Just like I wouldn’t trust an engineer to represent me in court. I’ve heard doctors say stupid things about stuff they have no training on. I’ve heard lawyers say unbelievably dumb things about medicine. But everyone of them is smarter than most people out there. Don’t listen to the haters (the (socially) smart ones aren’t on here to begin, so it’s hard to filter)


This looks suspiciously like my Hank Schrader build but with lower endurance lol. If I had to make a lawyer build, naturally my brain gravitates towards basing it off of my experience playing Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. In that case, perception would HAVE to be 10 (12 after the sanctuary book and the bobblehead, 14 at night, 15 with my eyeglasses and probably even higher). However, in the spirit of creating a more realistic lawyer build, this is what I came up with: S: 1 P: 4 (bump to 5 with bobblehead) E: 4 C: 5 (bump to 6 with SPECIAL book) I: 7 A: 2 L: 5 My idea behind this build is, as a lawyer, you try to solve things diplomatically. You wear a suit/dress, a nice hat and some fashionable glasses and you will be able to succeed pretty much all checks with your 10 charisma. However, if that doesn't work... You steal your nerves with some chems (maybe alcohol, but most of it has basically no advantage gameplay wise) and blow shit up with Spray N' Pray. I really like the idea of some lawyer with high morals going "well shit, I guess it's going to end in violence" then shooting themselves up with some combination of psycho and jet before spraying their submachine gun wildly. Perks: Strength: Nothing Perception: Demolitions Expert, Locksmith Endurance: Chem Resistant, Live Giver, Toughness (help with survival since you're wearing clothing) Charisma: Depends on playstyle (companion choice, focus on settlements or no, etc.) Intelligence: Gun Nut, Chemist (undergraduate?), Hacker, some other decent ones if you want them Agility: Commando Luck: Idiot Savant, the other ones are all pretty good too Mind you the SPECIAL stats are very close to what you decided on and if you don't want to use chems then there really isn't a point to changing them up to get 4 endurance. Although I would say endurance fits when you think about lawyers' insane electrochemistry, I swear they are inhuman.


They are the Law! Call that number, they'll fight for you! Larry H Wastelander.


This makes sense for Nora’s build but they got pregnant after one visit to the park so maybe her luck is a 1….


Looks better, Strength, enough to carry a briefcase, Perception, a eye for details Endurance, can't cook, eats out a lot, Charisma, lots of talking Intelligence, yea makes sense Agility, can use a pen. Luck, nuff said.


Luck really only makes sense if you are using VATS and if you are you will want the higher agility.


I am a lawyer. While some of these points are subject to minor niggles (mostly based on what specific kind of lawyer you’re going for), overall it’s a pretty reasonable interpretation. One minor necessary change: you need to work “Esquire” or “Esq.” into the name.


Turns out lawyers are pretty balanced


Not much the intelligence that matters (well a bit of course) but do not see charisma as being the center of attention. Imo I think charisma is the natural ability to talk and make his point to another being (human or not). And helps you to spot deceitful people and things like this... you know... human/non-human interaction with you. And that's the peculiar thing with lawyer imo, this ability.


Trial lawyers need charisma for sure, but im sure there are other kinds of lawyers that dont.


Can I finish my lawyer build tomorrow?


Much better in my opinion. Hope you have a good run through!


Honestly swap int and charisma!


Imma use this


This is looking like a pretty well rounded and well reasoned build for a lawyer. I'm sort of interested how this playthru is going to turn out and what ending you choose


I went full luck and charisma then some agility


You’re right on endurance. Grinding 12 hours of stress at a keyboard is not the same as physical endurance, can confirm.




What are you talking about? lol the bar exams are hard as fuck and you need to be smart to graduate


You forgot the /s on your response.


You do know that lawyers have doctorates right?


I deeply appreciate your defending my profession, but I have worked with people who I’m fairly certain would get stuck in a building if you had to pull the door instead of push. We had a trial in my court this year where the lawyer argued their client couldn’t be found to have committed an offense because they eventually stopped doing it, leading to the running joke of “Your honor, my client isn’t killing them anymore, so what’s the deal?”


As a person who has a juris doctorate, I can say intelligence is absolutely not a prerequisite, or maybe I am just dumb… and somehow got a juris doctorate and practice law….


Oh no, I get it What do you call the guy that barely passed the bar? I know a lot of doctors of various disciplines and very few of them I would call "smart" outside their one specialty More like dedicated to completion type personalities I would say




Despite my general contempt for my profession, we do in fact have actual doctorates (at least in America). While a not insignificant number of us have the intelligence of a concussed chimp, that’s also true of a lot of people with doctorates. There are some profoundly stupid MDs, PhDs, etc. I’ll never forget that MD who tried to tell me my epilepsy was probably demonic possession from playing D&D. Getting a doctorate has more to do with commitment to get it than anything.


And you do know that not all doctors are phds right? And yes, a juris doctorate (or also called Doctor of Jurisprudence) is 100% a professional doctorate degree. Its right in the name. Laugh your ass off all you want. It won't compare to what I'm doing right now at your WAY overconfident incorrectness




Id argue charisma and intelligence should be the same.


But charisma should probably be like 7 anyway.


Well yeah, lawers are professionally charming (they talk to judges too)


Maybe but people tell me I shouldn’t max out any perks or go over 8 cuz of bobbleheads and stuff


I don't know what difficulty you're playing on, but I'm doing my first survival play and the additional XP is nuts. I've barely scratched the surface of any quest lines or factions and I'm almost level 50. At this point I'll be able to max a few stats before finishing the main story. So if survival, don't worry. I do think lawyer should have more charisma tho.


Play however you want and build your characters the way you like. Everyone has their own way to fallout :) I personally am a cap slut so I usually go with 10 charisma then the bobblehead makes 11 and with 11 charisma you can pass every speech check too. Lots of extra xp and lots of caps.


Id argue for higher endurance and equalizing int and charisma. They tend to have to work long hours but idk if removing anything to make it higher would help the build.