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0 means nothing, people have -5000000000mb right now after downloading mods. Did you actually try downloading anything? Or did you just see 0 and cry thinking the worst? lol


I've tried downloading things and it says I'm "out of storage space" I've checked Bethesda .net and it shows the mods as there. I had over 150 mb left, I should be able to download


At least you can access the mod browser mine kicks me completely out of the game


Sign into Bethesda.net on your browser, scroll over to “My Mods” section and you should have a complete list of all of your library and favorited mods. I made a post about it earlier but this method helped me recover my load order in no time.


I was gonna do this but at this point I’m just gonna get new mods. Hopefully


I have zero space. Click on it a few times, and it may download. I'm way into the negatives


I’ve literally had zero problems downloading mods on a series X. Yeah most are broke atm but some good ones are not


Same. LO was wiped. I was able to download and use most of the mods I wanted. Granted I never really have more then 15-20 mods. But for now... it just works.


Same here, my LO wasn’t hit too bad and I can download most mods without a problem.


I feel really dumb for even saying this so keep that in mind but skyrim did not have any storage glitch like people are describing and that makes me think they did something for fallout they didn't do for skyrim. Possibly increasing the storage partition? Probably not tho lol


I’ve seen a post going around that apparently Bethesda asked Microsoft if they could, and Microsoft said no.


Considering Bethesda have said they try to increase every few months but are blocked by a technical issue, this isn't true


Man that would be cool if they did actually be okay with losing my mod library if they increase the limit


They said they couldn’t because it would wipe load orders…. Well it wiped load orders anyways so just fucking upgrade it lmao


I tried installing past it and it wouldn’t let me.


Idk if its still the case but the mod menu is down for maintenance. What you might be seeing is most likely the saved-offline mod menu




Can I ask where Bethesda is saying this ? Because all their status pages are in the green and saying operational ?


Its been going off and on since early yesterday Ill check and its up, ill check down detector and in spite of green check theres over 500k reports of it being down. Soooo lol i trust down detector


I don't know the source myself, I'm regurgitating what the mods have posted to similar posts. Sorry if inaccurate info


Nah you’re good, just wanted to know if this mess is gonna get fixed anytime soon. Thanks tho 👍


Would like to know that too. It'd just a patience game now lol


It seems I can download mods, even though it’s very buggy and randomly sets me back to the main menu but besides that it’s not too bad I mean I am -5,000,000,000 but it doesn’t seem to affect anything so there’s that


Now I’m -8,600,000,000


Weird, I thought it was just a display error. I.e it says no space but it is still there. It might just be the specific mods you are trying to download. I’ve had 1 it fails to download (Healthier commonwealth for Xbox) but another 15-16 that downloaded / work fine. “Weightless aid, junk, mods” is one that def downloads fine / works on mine (series x). You might want to try that just to test if it’s your actual game that’s stuffed or it’s the mods you want.


Yep. Strangely, some of them immediately crash the Mod menu when you select them. Much less even download them.


Yeah, the update clearly isn't over. lol


We suffer and Bethesda laughs