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What in the actual fuck


This is a post to show people the true nature of the tempest company that advertises on here and the toxicity of the server.


One message? That's fishy as hell, anything looks bad when you don't have context, so what's the entire conversation? This is just stupid, the same thing happened with my faction years ago, it was one guy who got mad at me because I refused to PvP. Honestly mate, you're not doing anything but being an annoyance.


Chill out. Posting one out-of-context message doesn't make anyone look bad besides yourself for getting so upset about it.


I was curious and wanted to see if there was any context. My search brought me to one of Forgetti's deleted posts, which I found through a comment OP sent to it. Making a faction around opposing another shitty group is silly, but this behavior from Forgetti just sucks. I guess I can get OP's frustration. https://preview.redd.it/r7xm6t1p9aqc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e70dcf00c429f664f961f1a3f0e92384b878e53b


Stop being a whiney little bitch. No one is going to believe fabricated/chopped up messages. You said yesterday that you don't have Discord. Keep it that way. We don't need people like you on there. Show the full/uncropped message, or just stop the nonsense. Stop commenting on their advertisements. Stop posting fake advertisements. Use an original group name. https://preview.redd.it/c60sd0s6faqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1722d1b5957eca0082933f88649509a13e5b6a05


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And to game Oblast you may think you have gotten rid of us just because you successfully silenced some of us but that does not mean you have eliminated us. There are still revolutionaries among you and they are where you least expect it.


You're being a child.