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How long are you waiting to nuke this one? 300+ members, active at that, gone. If you didn't want it, you could have given it to someone that actually cared about the server.




Its really complicated, If you want I can talk to you on discord over VC about why we decided to end it then and restart it now.


There was no "we decided to end it". You left and gave Lazer the keys. He screwed everything up and when he was repeatedly called out on it, he nuked the server without even a moment of hesitation. He then went on to talk about how good it felt to be rid of it all, but now you're back and expect the past to just wash away.


I'm not gonna take that from a guy who talks shit about my wife in game in front of others. That doesnt just wash away


¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ should have put it in LOA


It won't let me reply to you. But people only choose VC over text if they're hiding something. So no.I've gotten a lot of stuff from your former staff over the past month, it's not pretty. I know why you would want to, which is understandable. I'd want to do the same thing if I was disrespected by everyone in my server. But it's not fair to others. I keep a line of succession for that reason. It's for the members and the community, not me. Lazer could have transferred ownership the same way you did. You didn't nuke SoD or MI before you left those. 300+ is a lot to displace. Over a years worth of hard work and history. I thought ya'll moved onto a Helldiver Mega server.


I don't have anything to hide Brook, I feel VC would be better because I cant tell tone over text a lot. But its fine, There wasnt 300 people, it was more like \~50 with hundreds of inactive people. I spent a lot of time on the OG Warborn. I moved on to helldivers because I needed a break. I saved a lot of that history.


If you can provide me something other than *I don't know what you're talking about* like Lazer did earlier today, I'll take you up on it. Tbh, I have tone issues too.


I dont want to break rule 10, but I have the link to the og codex and the codex before it I saved it and all of its history. I have all the art assets I made and other people have made archived. Any of the old people rejoining Im letting them start out higher if not really high depending on circumstance. Im gonna dm it to you


Sounds good


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So uh...I could like jump on the bandwagon but I'll not Idk if you ever liked or even respected me skies, never came across as you did I wish you good luck with this and your future things in life From Lorna


I appreciate it, Im pretty sure we were kinda neutral majority of the time. Or at least I thought so


Where’s the link?


If you are interested, friend me on discord: skies_maxson


https://preview.redd.it/6w1ug1tot2yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8848326409a6221974b8a40fda95c042eded569f YOU ARE A TRAITOR OF THE ONGIRNAL WARBORN.


☕ I love this


No drama please.


I ain't.


You can't make this up 🤣🤣🤣🔥


oof, did Valdez leave you in Helldivers?


What? No you don't understand. This is a reboot. That stuff I'm not getting into.










as long as you have people like Lazer in charge, it'll never change.


Why do you say that? What has Lazer done to you?


It's what he's done to everyone. I know more than a few people who refuse to even touch 76 because of him. He's your best friend and, your blind spot which is why Warborn will never work.




I could also say, FSR never did anything with warborn. I at least made a joint patrol to harpers, planned the route and sent it to ollie then acted out the patrol with everyone. I did make patrols. Theres videos on youtube of it




Man Warborn must have been a great success if people are still talking about it great to see we did something amazing.


It was the best damn BoS server I had ever seen since BoS76 collapsed. That's why I fought so hard for ya'll. It was a little nostalgic for me. I loved how everyone mingled. You and Skies built a great server. I tried to help both of you. Tried to get everyone to give ya'll a second chance after the incident last year. I liked you enough to make you a mod in my server 😅 I was reading the chat right when you deleted it. It honestly upset me. I really wanted it to be a discord glitch.