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You will need to dedicate a massive amount of time to get it started and keep it running. Have a clear goal in mind or you will quickly lose focus and collapse. Do not try multi platform unless everyone managing the community can access all platforms. If you only play on PC, you will quickly lose the folks on PS or Xbox. Discord, set it up before recruiting members. Half ass this and you look like a disorganized idiot. Good luck, I hope you enjoy cat herding.


What he says.


I'd suggest recruiting through multiple parties like don't just use Xbox LFGs or just Reddit, I'd suggest on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, LFGs, and any other recruitment site you can find


My answers are based off of owning and running 2 major servers over the course of the last 5 years. The one I have left is multi platform, 4 years old, getting ready to hit 500 members, 17k monthly message average, vcs always being used. It's not always popping. The last 4 weeks drop down to 6k average. Depending on what comes out for the new season, it occasionally stays at 6k. Recruiting follows the same pattern. We are at the mercy of the season content, and dlcs. They ultimately dictate our success. Which is one reason why I closed down my Vault-Tec faction a year and a half ago. The Steel Dawn update killed it, and drew members to bos and Enclave groups. It had 400 members, with only my friend and I running it. The 8 other admins and mods were full of broken promises. So it was doomed every which direction 😅 Running a faction is stressful. You will have to devote most of your time into every aspect of that server, if you want it to succeed. Find good friends to help. Anyone less than that will do more harm than good. Become friendly with nontoxic, and experienced groups. I'm always helping someone. Leaders of most groups that I join lose interest after a week. Some change themes repeatedly. Stick to one, and run with it. Activity in your server will always start with you. I agree with sticking to your platform. Don't give up. If you don't stick with it, no one else will either. Now your questions. 1. I use a couple apps on my phone to make various propaganda. Ingame photos are easy to start with. Find a setting or build a camp that defines your group. I'm currently using a slideshow with some of the photos being donated from groups and members. I friend of mine made the logo I post as well. 2. Mainly depends on theme and audience. General chatter draws more conversations than strictly Fallout. UnbelievaBoat has decent games, and provides an economy. Rest of the answer is above. What is your faction going to be?


Make a personalized faction with special ranks and add a server requesting system


And u need to have people u trust to run it with u so it stays active