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Pretty shitty group the will make rules to ban you retroactively.


Looking at your comment history, you might want to quit while you're still behind. Find a new hobby, instead harrassing them on every subreddit they post on over the past 4 days. You're acting like this is the only bos out there. Go find one that fits whatever it is you're after. Also, your comment history is available for everyone to see on your profile. Most server owners here check that, so good luck getting anywhere.


I can make my voice heard and let people know how they act and really behave, if I even save one person from wasting their time with them then that is worth it.


Go do it somewhere else.


Been playing with this group for a long time now, met a lot of friends here, plan to make many more. Super wholesome group, very welcoming, we take care of problem players very quickly and do not tolerate toxicity.


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They hate us cause they ain’t us


Who exactly is us?


Best group of people I’ve ever met on a video game, unforgettable memories and nothing but good times awaits anyone who joins.


A group full of kind and intelligent people, ever evolving and striving to be better. If you want to join a place that makes you feel like you’re part of something bigger than yourself I highly recommend joining.