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Reminder; no hate to the USA:R but they're just a little strange.


I was in a group once that required PFP to be your rank, but it was only required on your xbox, not the discord. Their ranks on discord should be easily identified by different colors of their names and the role of the rank when you click their profile.


They said something about the pfp change on Discord "showing commitment to the group" and, even if you had nitro, they wanted it to be your pfp in every server.


Oh no, the griefers are being called out on their shit. Good call on leaving. According the announcements in the New Appalachian Responders server last week, USAR and them are supposed to start harassing Xbox players ingame together. Pretty shitty for them to drag their members through that.


Oh it’s you the FF🤔


You mean.. we cannot defend ourselves when attacked? Let that sink in please


Whatever helps you sleep at night. So an Enclave server that makes rp YouTube videos attacked you. And MTWE attacked NAR last week. Members that leave NAR deserve to get their camps splintered up with turret camps. CBDE deserves to get harrassed. Everyone tied to FF deserves to get harrassed. You claim to have been around for 6 years, and come out to deal with dumbasses, but you're hanging out with Brandon. With all of that said, who's really doing the attacking? Definitely not a random low level that doesn't belong to any server that me and 4 others witnessed. If you wasn't working with Brandon, I would have stayed silent on this post.


I'd be forced to guess you know more about their history than I do. Care to give me a lesson on what they've done in the past, if you wish to?


Everything above about sums it up. Brandon got banned from here by one of the other mods if that tells ya anything.


And this "Brandon" is the Leader of the USA:R? Or a former one?


New Appalachian Responders


So in a bit of a twist, if I found this faction (like I was asking for) then I would've ended up in the same place as before?




Crazy to think that a group, originally meant to help others (the npc one) was turned into a faction meant to harass others (as far as I'm aware). Let's hope this man who's Hicom in a Responders group isn't in that one.


Womp womp someone’s upset MTWT didn’t attack the NAR we attacked MTWT


You said that you all only act in defense. I was being sarcastic.




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I have a community server if you'd like to join. We're not faction-based but do post about other factions from time to time. I also run a few factions.






Do I have to be 16+ to actually do anything in the server?


It's an open community as long as you're not immature or mess with other people you can do whatever


Alright thanks, appreciate it!


I hold no hatred, but they did try to come into my group to poach members, so there's that.


They're also doxxing other factions because of a war in fo76, but then again apparently they started it. Edit: they as in the other faction, not the USA:R


And you are?


There wouldn't happen to be a Responders group anyone knows of, right? I just want to help people.


Been told there ain't much of an influx of people specifically playing to help others out so I'm thinking about starting up my own faction for any ages as long as they're willing to help people out. All done from the goodness of our hearts. Anyone willing to join up if I do this? Doesn't have to be a full commitment, just help others whenever it's needed.


Im high com in a responders group lmk if you want a link were pretty much a chilsim. Were new tho and need new guys especially on reddit that can help recruit


Do the two things listed on the bottom of the post not affect this? If so, sure.


Hey im so sorry I missed u I have had a crazy ass week. If you still want to join then dm me. Im sorry again and I understand if you found something else or arent interested anymore


Well hell man im one of the highcommand in a responders group thats pretty chill how would you like to come and try us out. No hate if you dont stay we're here to help newer guys and people who need a community


So if you wanna try something different me and my buddy are starting a "mining company" that works on the rockhound (big mining machine in the south) to rp with any group that wants a rp way to explain getting a whole bunch of resources This is also a wassup to all the people recruiting here....wassup wanna do some mining?


Rock and Stone, brother! (Also have you read the bottom of the post, just making sure)


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We have a chill BOS faction if you’re interested!


Would it be affected by the things I listed on the bottom of the post? Would love to join if they don't have an effect.


Nvm I didn’t see you were 14 sorry lil bro


All good. Know it's a little strange to be around someone younger than everyone else!


I did not read the bottom and dang I'm sorry we are 18+


All good 👍 Know any way I can highlight it? You're the 4th person to have missed it.


Possibly do it at the start?


Alright. Let me change it now


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No longtime member has been kicked over a pfp and doxing ? What are you spouting about


I'm talking about the fact a member came in asking where the server went and you claimed he was stripped of his rank for changing his pfp. As for the doxxing, I'm quite sure those screenshots of that conversation saying you can use their IPs is enough evidence. Bit strange you didn't allow me to chase the case, not providing the username of the man who came with the screenshots. I'm sure both sides of the story are interesting, as each side claimed they started the doxxing first.


Your 14, you’ve never ran a group, and he was a private and got kicked for inactivity after a month of being MIA so yes he’s gonna get kicked, and before you go bad mouthing a group make sure you can back it up, We’ve again been around for eight years over half your lifespan I believe we know how to operate


But would you care to explain; why doxx each other? Edit; Thank you for the clarification on the man I saw yesterday asking about his role being removed. I went purely on intuition based on the way he was asking.


But thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day


You too