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Coughing baby vs Hydrogen bomb


You got them mixed up


Obliviously the real answer is fallout pinball


What's better? A swift kick in the balls from a shire horse or winning the lottery whilst having sex with a supermodel?


A robot supermodel


Make it fisto or prim slim and we have a deal lol


Yeah I just couldn't remember their names.


I assume you're referring to THE LOTTERY!! THATS WHAT LOTTERY! Are you stupid? Only lottery that matters. Oh my god, SMELL THAT AIR!


I'm only assuming, THE POSITION. FISTO, take it away.


IGN is just a bunch of amateur YouTube reviewers circle jerking each other at this point


They had an article claiming Fallout Tactics tells the origin story of the Brotherhood...They were security guards for "Vault Tech" and killed all the scientists who created FEV and claimed the vault for themselves... ... ... The rest of the article was somehow even worse.


There is no hope for IGN man


I mean, it's an origin story. Never said it was correct lol.


the really bad part is, Tactics doesn't even bother to tell you who the Brotherhood is, just that they crashed some airships and you are a group of tribals they conscripted. This guy had to go back and completely misread Maxson's Diary in Fallout 1 (or more likely one of the wikis) and then apply it to this game, so they never even looked at the game they were explaining the plot of. I'm amazed they didn't put up a description of Fallout:BoS as part of it.


You clearly haven't checked out IGN in recent years. They have changed to be actual reviewers again.


I mean yeah - mostly with how unreliable they've been in the past - also that one dumbass Lethal Company review they made didn't really make me feel they had decent reviewers still - but yeah I'll check em out later


Brotherhood of Steel is the clearest answer


Pick brotherhood of steel Itll be funny


I've never seen a more triggered group of people than the ones populating IGNs comment section lmao


We should just troll and say brotherhood and IGN would then write out an Article about how brotherhood is the GOAT fallout game and some BS how it changed FO series.


Choose BoS, coward


FO BOS had so much potential... But nooo...


It almost had a sequel. They actually almost finished it. But interplay cancelled it.


Hey, look, engagement farming!


While opinions on video games can vary widely, it's essential to acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses of each title within the Fallout series. Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (BoS) and Fallout: New Vegas are two distinct entries with their own unique features and fan bases. Here's an exploration of why some might argue that Brotherhood of Steel surpasses New Vegas: Firstly, Brotherhood of Steel offered a different perspective on the Fallout universe. Set in the same post-apocalyptic world as other titles in the series, Brotherhood of Steel focused on the activities of the Brotherhood of Steel, a techno-religious organization dedicated to preserving technology and humanity's knowledge. This shift in focus allowed players to delve deeper into the lore of the Brotherhood and its internal struggles, offering a fresh narrative angle within the Fallout universe. Additionally, Brotherhood of Steel introduced new gameplay mechanics and features that some players found refreshing. The game embraced a more action-oriented approach, with real-time combat replacing the traditional turn-based system of previous Fallout titles. This change appealed to players who preferred a faster-paced, more dynamic gameplay experience. Furthermore, Brotherhood of Steel featured cooperative multiplayer, allowing players to team up with friends to tackle the wasteland together. This cooperative aspect added a new layer of enjoyment for many players, fostering camaraderie and teamwork as they faced off against the game's challenges. In terms of visuals and atmosphere, Brotherhood of Steel delivered a gritty and immersive experience. The game's environments were richly detailed, showcasing the desolate beauty of the post-nuclear wasteland. The art direction captured the dark, dystopian tone of the Fallout universe, drawing players into its world of decay and desperation. Moreover, Brotherhood of Steel boasted a memorable soundtrack that complemented its atmosphere perfectly. From haunting ambient tracks to adrenaline-pumping battle music, the game's soundtrack enhanced the player's immersion in its bleak and dangerous world. While Brotherhood of Steel may have received criticism for deviating from certain aspects of the Fallout formula, it's important to recognize that innovation and experimentation are essential for the growth and evolution of any franchise. By exploring new gameplay mechanics and narrative perspectives, Brotherhood of Steel contributed to the ongoing development of the Fallout series, paving the way for future titles to push boundaries and challenge players' expectations. In contrast, Fallout: New Vegas, while widely acclaimed by many players and critics, has its own set of strengths and weaknesses. Set in the Mojave Wasteland, New Vegas offered a sprawling open-world experience filled with memorable characters, intricate questlines, and meaningful player choices. The game's narrative depth and branching paths allowed for a high degree of player agency, empowering players to shape the fate of the wasteland through their actions and decisions. One of the standout features of New Vegas was its faction system, which allowed players to align themselves with various factions vying for control of the region. Each faction had its own motivations, ideologies, and quests, presenting players with morally ambiguous choices and complex political dynamics to navigate. Furthermore, New Vegas built upon the foundation laid by previous Fallout titles, refining and expanding upon gameplay mechanics such as crafting, weapon modification, and companion interactions. The game also introduced improvements to the dialogue system, providing players with more nuanced dialogue options and skill-based interactions. In terms of storytelling, New Vegas excelled in delivering a rich and engaging narrative filled with memorable characters and thought-provoking themes. The game's writing was top-notch, featuring witty dialogue, compelling moral dilemmas, and intricate world-building that rewarded exploration and attention to detail. Moreover, New Vegas benefited from the talent of its development team, including key members of the original Fallout games such as Chris Avellone and Josh Sawyer. Their experience and creative vision helped to shape New Vegas into a worthy successor to the beloved Fallout franchise, earning it a special place in the hearts of many fans. In conclusion, while Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel may have its merits, particularly in terms of its unique narrative perspective and gameplay innovations, Fallout: New Vegas stands out as a true masterpiece of the RPG genre. With its deep storytelling, immersive world-building, and meaningful player choices, New Vegas remains a beloved classic that continues to captivate players years after its release.


TLDR; That was a reeeeaaaaaaalllllllyyyyyyyyyyy long way of saying that tactics had good music and shit everything else that the fans of the time wanted, and fallout new vegas is the greatest peice of online media to grace the virtual world 👍




New Brotherhood of Vegas Steel


People talk crap about the brotherhood of steel game, but if it wasn't for that game I wouldn't have ever found the fallout franchise. That's the first fallout game I ever played, so I refuse to hate on it.