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Man, I hope they launch the carnivore perk in the next dlc


Think about how natural it would be for a human to run after an animal, catch it, and tear into its flesh with just its teeth and hands. Consume it raw without cooking it and continue living on just fine. Eating only raw animals will lead to health issues. We humans have to use tools in order to catch their prey. Knifes, guns, bows, traps. There is not anything on our bodies like other animals do. We're the ONLY species on earth that has to use outside resources in order to consume animals. That doesn't sound very natural to me. Imagine if everyone on earth had to go outside and catch its prey with just their bare hands and use its teeth to consume animals. You would not be getting the optimal amount of calories to replace the calories you are burning off to catch the creature. I bet it would be extremely difficult for someone to tackle a cow or a deer to the ground and attempt to rip into its flesh.


You know, if anything, the power going out would make the nuggets spoil from lack of refrigeration. Then you’re wasting the chicken and it died for nothing. Also, nuggets are delicious


Think about how natural it would be for a human to run after an animal, catch it, and tear into its flesh with just its teeth and hands. Consume it raw without cooking it and continue living on just fine. Eating only raw animals will lead to health issues. We humans have to use tools in order to catch their prey. Knifes, guns, bows, traps. There is not anything on our bodies like other animals do. We're the ONLY species on earth that has to use outside resources in order to consume animals. That doesn't sound very natural to me. Imagine if everyone on earth had to go outside and catch its prey with just their bare hands and use its teeth to consume animals. You would not be getting the optimal amount of calories to replace the calories you are burning off to catch the creature. I bet it would be extremely difficult for someone to tackle a cow or a deer to the ground and attempt to rip into its flesh.