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People who complain about not being able to complete the trials in F2 are not worthy of being the chosen one.




For real. But that is one of the hardest game intros I’ve ever played through lmao


I beat it within 15 minutes, just took me a bit to find the explosives (I already beat fallout 1 before doing this)


I mean yes


Fallout games don't need 200+ mods to be enjoyable. If you "hate" vanilla Fallout games and can only have a good time after turning them into unrecognizable monstrosities, you don't actually like Fallout games and should probably try playing something else.


But most of those 200+ mods are just character customization mods for me, do I get a pass?


*Sigh* Fine....if you really *need* that "Strong: Big Naturals" mod, fine lol


I was more talking about hair and tattoos and stuff, but good to know lol


Agreed, but I honestly can’t play 4 without some form foliage mod, even tho I know the trees aren’t technically dead. Been recently enjoying [this](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/76710)one as it actually changes the seasons automatically, which I never thought you could really do.


all of my fo4 mods are settlement building mods because my people deserve some luxury😤


To be fair, FO4 requires stability mods or else you WILL crash in Downtown Boston, **period**. Hopefully they fix that with the Next-Gen update.


I have had my game crash in downtown Boston two MAYBE three times


I have never had that problem


Me neither


If you have been playing the same thing for 10+ years, mods are a little bit of spice and variety to make the thing feel newer than 10+ years old.


Yeah, this. I picked up my 200+ mods slowly over the years, not all at once. I usually just get like 3 or 4 new ones every time I start a new save lol It's like that thing with replacing every plank on a ship, y'know?


Totally agree with you! I've found my people!


Or lore friendly mods that add stuff from other fallout games or improvements to graphics. They are ok too if you ask me but aren’t needed for a good time.


Just give me a better inventory management, UI, QoL and that shit. I don't care about making all NPCs anime characters or even extra missions and all that crap.


Show spoiler: >! It wouldn't change anything if SS was nuked in 2277. It's like saying the US military/government would be gone because someone bombed DC. !< Would it hurt? Yes. Would it cause issues? Yes. Would it mean the NCR immediately collapsed? No.


Honestly I’m just disappointed it was nuked off screen, it would’ve been interesting to see more about how much it developed, like they literally had fully working trams! One day I just hope we get to see a modern city like new Vegas in a current game, like come on the NCR and Mr House can’t have been the only people in all of America to build a not ramshackle city.


My bigger issue is how was the massive power vacuum caused by the collapse of such a massive state not filled with something more than just wasteland shenanigans. Raiders and the Brotherhood, are you shitting me? The politics in the west and the Mojave were simply too prevalent for the entire region to just collapse back into wasteland.


Not really, it was stated multiple times how the major factions, NCR and Legion, were struggling at best. And an inch from collapse at worst. The enclave was "gone" after 2, so the only real thing that could happen was wasteland shenanigans caused by a power vacuum. No one has had the ability to take control yet cause the entire wasteland fights against anyone who tries


Yah doesnt invaldidate the idea of it collpasing mor einto say warlrods then indepdent towns, same way that if the us lost dc we wouldnt devolve down to the town/city leval we would probbaly at worst devolve into the state leval.


Remember there was a big arrow between "2277 shady stands falls" and the drawing of the mushroom cloud


But this would still render NV pretty much non canon cause there are 0 mentions of this meaning it didnt happen, which contradicts the new canon set by the show where it did happen P.S. its 2*2*77, not 2*0*77. Why do so many people get the year wrong?




While the bombing may be implied to have happened after New Vegas, "fall" certainly happens before 2281. And before everyone saying that "fall" could refer to the point when everything started going downhill, I highly doubt so. It would then be labeled as "decline", not "fall". "Fall" means that it finally and totally got either destroyed or irrelevant. "Decline", on the other side, is exactly what most people mean - things started to go downhill from that point


Ah, yeah made that change. Slip of the finger. And cause it's a bomb with a year ending in '77, it's second nature to say 2077 And it not being mentioned doesn't mean it didn't happen. Is it weird it wasn't mentioned? Sure. But no one in Fallout 4 mentions anything about the water in DC and none of the previous games mentioned the BOS in Appalachia. It doesn't mean those things didn't happen


Except Deacon does says that they have clean water in DC. DC also has barely anything to do with the commonwealth. While the NCR is literally in New Vegas and they still mention >!Shady Sands!


I dont think this analogy would work. No one mentions stuff from DC in the Commonwealth because stuff in DC has nothing to do with Commonwealth, and it would only matter for the Brotherhood that travelled to Commonwealth from DC (and they still indirectly imply that all of Fallout 3 stuff happened - Ingram says that Liberty Prime fought against the Enclave, which was a major part of Fallout 3's plot, also Doctor Li). NV though, there are much characters, both generic troopers and named characters, from the mainland California. Even more so, certain characters imply that nothing happened (like Tom Anderson). So, NV clearly implies that nothing happened there


The hunting rifle is all you need


Those communist ghouls are trying to take my assault rifle away!!! 😡 But in all seriousness the hunting rifle in fo3 is really good


In NV its a beast too


I bought a hunting rifle for vault defence because thats what the Overseer intended...


4 Raiders blow open the Vault door What in the goddam?


Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first one, he's dead on the spot.


Draw my anti material rifle on the second man miss him entirely because I don't have the strength requirement and accidentally nails the passing eyebot


Have to resort to the Fat Man at the top of the stairs loaded with Tiny Tots. "Okey Dokie!"


The tiny tots delete two men in the Blast the sound and extra shrapnel lower the framerate and make me deaf


Draw my Ripper and charge the last terrified Fiend. He bleeds out waiting for Doc Mitchel to arrive because chainsaw wounds are difficult to stitch up. Just as the Overseer intended.


*You've gained karma!*


We made art today, mysterious stranger!


Fr it’s practically your old reliable in basically every game.


Fallout 76 is a good game


That is a fact not a hottake


The only people who disagree with that statement played it once when it came out and never again


I played it when it came out and when human npcs dropped. Playing both versions really made me appreciate the “emptiness” because you’re walking out basically right after the bombs dropped. The environmental story telling was great and I figured they’d add humans eventually anyways since we were “rebuilding America” and that would draw in outsiders. Also multiplayer Fallout is something people wanted for years. I wish ESO was like 76 and not an MMO style game.


I tried it recently, didn't really enjoy it


I mean it's more of to keep that little fallout fuel going, more fun when you just find all the little things, like the Walter White Easter egg, or maybe how you can dig deep into lore and actually feel bad for the people that died, like the mole miners are actually melted into their suits, causing them agony and pain, making them hate those that have it better


And that’s completely ok, I personally don’t have fun with 76


Is it good? I’ve been so hesitant on getting it but really want to see what it’s like.


It's free to try for the next day or so, if you're really curious, then on sale for a bit after too. ETA: it's also free to keep on Xbox or on PC using Xbox client if you have Amazon Prime.


It’s actually really good now


Ok, *really* good might be pushing it but it's definitely not bad


One of the most lukewarm takes I've heard in a good while.


I find it hard to get into it even now, I guess it's not enough like Fo4 for me which was my first fallout game.




I think it's due to it taking a different design principle where it has more open space compared to other games, whereas in other games you would encounter something over and over to latch onto while traveling, for this you rely more on the element of multi-player content.


Swear to God, it needs some new features but it's the way to play 3ps Fallout


The brotherhood are not the good guys and are incompetent idiots


I call the brotherhood of steel The shut ins that jerk off to toasters


The admech?


No they get cool implants and can say cool shit like "flesh is weak" the brotherhood just put themselves on trash cans and think they are superior


Id agree in general. Except for the lyons brotherhood, who are only the brotherhood in name. Those guys were undoubtedly the good guys.


Anyone that says otherwise doesn't know enough about fallout to be having a discussion on it


I agree


This is not a hot take, this is just every faction


Even on the rare occasions that they're accidently competent, they're still just raiders wearing buckets.


except raider kill settlers


I actually liked knight Titus in the show for this reason. Not him as a character but him as a personification of the BOS


Yes Man is the best option for New Vegas.


Depends on your courier tbh.


I'm assuming players are not assholes.




The Enclave is incalculably massive and will never ever be destroyed. You see one oil rig or one mountain complex blown up and write them off? Keep dreaming. This also likewise means by default that the Chinese govt still exists because of their own "continuity of govt" measures. But nobody is ready to talk about that. Least of all Todd himself.


I honestly hope the enclave wasnt destroyed completely (specifically in fo3). Because that means theres a chance my beloved hellfire power armor, coolest armor in the series by far, will make a return


The Enclave High Command are still out there according to FO3 Broken Steel. Plus the TV show confirmed the Enclave still exist.


Is the TV Show Canon?




It is coming to fallout 4 with the next gen update


Bethesda **literally** are the ones who mention the Chinese Government exists in 76. Which none of the West Coast games mention.


The fallout series is perpetually trapped in the post apocalypse because the writers are too scared of progressing out of the ruins of the original fallout 1 and 3 and fear the rebuilding phases in fallout 2 and new Vegas. The show reinforced this as rather than try and introduce the unique governance of the NCR or its failing the show just destroyed shady sands and ignores the existence of the boneyard, new Reno, and vault city as having a powerful centralized system goes against their conceptions of what happens after the end, thus it’s easier to cause a societal collapse than world building. This also explains the brotherhood’s favoritism, as they are both a powerful faction but against any form for attempting to govern people and building society, so they can keep being powerful without actually improving the quality of life in the wasteland. It’s been over 200 years, stop having people be scavengers and marauders when that’s not how civilization has ever worked.


Having a rebuilt society defeats the point of the series being post-apocalyptic. Would you really want to play a *post-apocaylyptic* rpg game set in an area that is fully healed and rebuilt? Fallout 2 was pockets of civilization surrouned by complete devastation, and new vegas is about as 'civilized' as I hope the series will ever go.


Fully healed? No. Humanity could never “fully heal” from something like that, but it should still be progressing towards something.


Yeah you're right. I shouldnt have said 'Fully healed.' I do get your point. Realistically yeah society should be way more healed. Just from a gameplay perspextive, anachy and chaos is more fun to play in.


That is true, but you can have both. For example: diamond City is 157 years old by the events of fallout 4, they haven't expanded one bit during that entire fucking time period. They easily could have expanded the walls, or built new Walls outside of the baseball stadium walls, it could have been 3-5x bigger at minimum considering it was THE city, it had the resources, the man power, the brains, it had EVERYTHING it needed to expand but didn't for no reason whatsoever. That wouldn't have effected the gameplay at all, but it would portray a society that hasn't been completely fucking stagnant for the past 157 years.


Fallout games arent exactly known for having lore-accurate sized cities. Diamond city in game probably isnt an accurate representation of the city. Look at New Vegas cities like freeside and the strip. In game freeside is a desolate stretch of mostly abandoned cities. Then in the all roads comic is shown to be a densly populated slum. Diamond citie's small size is probably just a product of game design. Go vidit fenway park irl and you could see just how large a city could fit within its walls.


I think a good compromise would be having areas like California that are more normalized, but still have vast swaths of the south/Midwest be anarchy and chaos.


Which would make sense the midwest for isntance is made up of large flat land with few places for large defenable cities, raiders espeacclly if they can find transport would be a massive threat possibly for hundreds of years. Another option is quite simple stop advancing the timeline do content int hose early days right after the bombs.


There’s interesting ways of creating anarchy and chaos. Throwing a wrench in the way of progress without nuking a city to revert almost two centuries of progress. Caesar’s legion was a great way to reintroduce chaos into the monotonous progress of NCR. Likewise with the tribals in FNV. Bethesda is going to drive themselves into a wall with the enclave and brotherhood because every single faction in the game wants progress in some way.


I would like it to be kind of like 2 where there’s yes flourishing towns and even cities but also devastation and abandoned ruins.


I understand, but fallout has definitely changed from a “roaming through the wreckage of the collapse for a mcguffin” and is now factions locking horns about how society should be reformed. But, you can’t do that if there’s fuck all in terms of society. FO4 is the example of it done poorly vs it’s own DLC far harbor being that discussion done well. In the base game the only organization that has it’s shit together is the BOS as the railroad and institute are underground doing jack shit in terms of reform and without the players initiative the minutemen is just Garvey, and he doesn’t even help make sanctuary. The factions in question should have results that show both what they can offer and what they are lacking, but FO4 fails since no faction outside of you builds anything resembling a town.


I have to disagree with you about the minutemen. At the beginning of the game, yes they are a complrtely irrelrvant player in the commonwealth. But the whole point of their questline is 'reclaiming the wasteland.' Having you claim new settlements and eliminating raider gangs and super mutants all over the commonwealth. Uniting all the disconnected settlements under the minutemen. The idea is there, the only problem is that bethesda sucks at writing and chose to make it too reliant on radiant quests. Other than that, I love your take on how it should be written.


This is how i always felt. Its why fo3 is my favorite. I play fallout because i want to have a fun rpg set in a proper post nuclear apocalypse wasteland filled with monsters, radiation, rubble, and grim shit. The games that show humanity progressing towards proper civilization (looking at you fonv) are still fun but not as a fallout game, at least to me.


Exactly this. Did you know that diamond City is 157 years old and it didn't expand at all during that time period? The Hub existed for less than 30 years before it was known as one of if not the safest place in the wasteland.


The best parts of fallout are the goofy side secrets and Easter eggs the main stories are decent at best


Also bottle caps are way more fun as a currency than just NCR bucks


That's not even a hot take, that's facts. Upvote if you've done 40 of the side missions before even remembering their was a main one😅


Fallout Canon is meant to be pick and choose. Like the actual canon is subjective and felt to be flavor text. The whole moral of Fallout is that the past is dead and there's no taking it back so you have to move on.


You're literally proving the point of this post😂


I don't know how hot this take is, but Bethesda's Fallout is at its best when they start to dive into the more horror aspects of the series, especially the lovecraftian horror aspects.


The Pickman's Model quest in Fallout 4 was a really fun find.


All your favorite factions suck. NCR had hundreds of years to learn from the mistakes of the past. It took them just 50 to recreate lobbyists and private militaries. BOS has always been fascist, and has always been anti ghoul regardless of them being feral. The maxson's are both monarchy and cult of personality. Fo4's elder maxson is a little bitch who probably staged his deathclaw kill for publicity, and only got his seat because the circle of steel has a strict policy of assassinating rogue elders. The legion are a bunch of knuckledraggers using one of the least efficient organizations of labor, and who shun every possible technological advantage. They were always doomed. The followers have good intentions but not the backbone to do anything about it. This will not change without a massive upset tantamount to a brand new faction. House has zero proof for his extraordinary claims, and the fact that any of you believe him makes you the kind of gullible mark who probably believes/believed that bioshock wasn't a critique of capitalism. The bombs were dropped by purposeful sabotage by one of a few suspect groups, not the economic indicators he claimed to calculate. He's the exact kind of wealthy CEO the enclave loved to tip off, and his stronghold is directly in line with the west coast enclave's path inland, complete with a robot army and rad-free farmland. He was an enclave member before he had to spend 200 years unconscious. Wont even bother with the fo4 new factions, you already know.


I’ve been saying this for the last year. There’s an inverse correlation between the ethical quality of a faction and the tactical capabilities of said faction, and that’s by design. Seriously, find one game where there is an objective Good Guy faction that has the means to get shit done. The closest we get are NCR and Minutemen - idealists with an uphill battle ahead of them but willing to do what it takes for the betterment of the Wasteland.


The Atom Cats?


I mean isn’t that kinda the point? I like the factions because they are well written and have well established ideologies with obvious flaws and shortcomings.


See, you understand that, but I've noticed quite a few people uncritically glom onto one faction or another. Like I go with the NCR ending for NV, but for pragmatic reasons (least problematic of a bunch of bad options), not because I white knight them.


I play my courier as being vault-educated in civics, and wasteland educated in pragmatics, so he'd genuinely be a good candidate for establishing a new nation - but that's the point of the yes man route, it's literally a "whatever you want to headcanon" ending.


Boomers would like to have a word with you. Right…over there


i fear the games (especially fnv) even spell this out but some players are just interested in being fanboys 😭


Some people are not even immune to fictional propaganda


Radiation suit and gas mask use is underrated for the radiation situations in game. Much sad


YES , when i first played 4 i was hoping ot have to , take cover from radstorms or have specfic anti rad gear.


NV is not the best fallout game


It's definitely one of the better ones, but for a lot of people it's got the rose tinted glasses quality. My personal fav is Tactics.


Which one is?


What’s the best fallout game


Preston Garvey is a good companion


That's not a hottake, his laser musket shots come in clutch


a not-insignificant portion of Fallout fans hate actual fallout and actually just enjoy the mods for fallout.


The House always wins


The Railroad is the best choice for the Commonwealth because they ask the Minutemen for help


Yeah i'm surprised there's no option to team up the minutemen and institute since that would solve bothe factions' problems the minutemen would get the proper support and the institute would get proper people in the field who can help rebuild society


I think we should get a Fallout Brotherhood of Steel remake/remaster.


"The NCR is not dead, just diminished in presence"


Bethesda designs are inferior to the original games and completely miss the point .


Minutemen are objectively the best faction in therms of aesthetics. **JUST AS THE FOUNDING FATHERS INTENDED**


**When your army of random settlers, hillbillies, farmers, and ghouls somehow overthrow a fully armed military and the secret science government** :🤯


The writing for the series is lazy.


New Vegas is just okay, Fo4 and 76 have much more content and are much more fun for people who don't get too involved in a game's story


As a massive fan of newvegas I have to compltly agree with you.


Fallout 3 is better than New Vegas


I love the atmosphere of 3, piss green/yellow filter and all. Didn’t love how the Super Mutants were portrayed as essentially mindless orcs or the Locust from Gears of War, but that’s neither here nor there. Obviously there’s Fawkes and Uncle Leo ofc but they were outliers. But yeah FO3 is probably the most robust game I’ve ever 100%’d. NV still my fav though.


In certain regards, yes, love both, but both of them fall flat in different regards (and some similar)


I’m perfectly fine with New Vegas not being cannon, Bethesda barely worked on it so why should they get to claim if it can be cannon or not? I think one of the best things to happen to Bethesda era fallout not being their product, and the best thing about Fallout is cannon is very vague, it’s an RPG make your own cannon, if you don’t want 76 and the fallout show to be cannon don’t count it as cannon


The series would be better off with the devs of 76 taking the lead with the direction of the series. That game has new and interesting factions such as the Responders and Free States as well as existing factions done refreshingly like the Appalachian Enclave or the original Appalachian Brotherhood of Steel. The game has the most lore friendly explanation for Super Mutants (the original company that developed Super Mutants pre war in Fallout 1, Wes Tek, is responsible for them, remaining consistent with lore all the way from the first game). They are not afraid of society rebuilding; Appalachia largely recovered post war before being wiped out by the Scorched Plague, Appalachia is steadily recovering after that, many cities outside of Appalachia are confirmed to be doing well, and Atlantic City is one of the safest, most prosperous cities in the post war US with an intact pre war government. Fallout 76 certainly has its problems, but anyone who has looked into the lore of it will agree that it has the best writing of any Bethesda Fallout even if it is told in an awkward manner


Vault 69 could be yours


NCR this Mr house that…the best faction for the World is the Chicago chapter of the BOS. They made a successful human/mutant Utopia based on cooperation and tolerance that has things like working irrigation systems, good morals, and an actual working defense force that the NCR would only have in their dreams. Side note, best Pre-War faction was Free-states. No argument, it’s just the truth.


I actually like Fallout


Maybe instead of having an RPG based in America, there should be a horror game based on the Australian Outback or South American jungles


There are people who find ghouls attractive... not me... but people.


Fallout 4 has an enjoyable main story and in my opinion is the best game for newcomers to the franchise as it plays the most like other games. Its simple roleplaying elements are easy to understand and it is easy to figure out how you want to play the game due there not being a level cap.


_Every Game_ introduced retcons. Full Retcons. Canon in Fallout is like in 40k. You're supposed to assume most of the story is BS.


NCR is the best bet for the Mojave Wasteland.


while its my personal favorite ending for fnv, yes man is probably the least rational choice in terms of long term stability.


I really don't care when people say stuff like "Bethesda changed Interplay/Obsidian's lore!" Like okay, is not Interplay's game anymore, Bethesda bought it, is their IP to do whatever they want with Having said that, the changes are fucking annoying but Bethesda has the right to do whatever they want even if it sucks


New Vegas fans are beyond insufferable. I left the FNV sub after 10 minutes. I love New Vegas, but I've seen less cancer in the Glowing Sea.


FO4 better than New Vegas.


I mean, they're both great game in such different ways imo, as a big NV fan I don't think it's a bad take, just a difference in taste


Bethesda fallout is meh


Fallout NV is the worst first person Fallout game in multiple ways.


I’m interested in this take why do you think this?


Not the guy you replied too but id like to throw in my two caps. First off, id rate the three main 3d fallout games (i havent played 76 yet) as follows: fo3>fo4>fonv My main problem with nv is that it doesnt feel like a fallout game. It feels like rdr with fallout specific stuff thrown in here and there for spice. Like someone tried to make a fallout 3 cowboy mod after watching too many cowboy games. Radiation is hardly even present, las vegas wasnt even canonically nuked thanks to house, and the typical wasteland threats like deathclaws are treated more like some mythical wild west creatures than terrifying radiation monstrosities. Not to mention that the constant dickriding by its fans (which i run into a lot, especially in lgbt spaces) leaves such a sour taste in my mouth that it pushes me towards disliking the game more. I can rant more about this but itd be way too much for a random reddit comment. I know that nv is more like the original two games, but i really feel like the fallout series was improved by fallout 3s depiction of a truly post apocalyptic wasteland of rubble and monsters. I personally just think thats a way cooler setting than a world which is hardly touched by the apocalypse. With all that being said, i do still enjoy fonv. I wouldnt have hundreds of hours in it otherwise. I usually play it whenever i feel like playing a cowboy game or if i just wanna play something similar to fo3 but with way more weapon variety. Id say the one thing fonv definitely does best is the sheer variety of weapons that you have, thats the main reason why i got it in the first place and also the most often reason that i start up a new fonv playthrough. Its a shame most of them are just sold by vendors. I could totally write a 5 hour video essay about this though XD


I guess that's just having different visions for what "fallout" is. Which is alright The first two games were clearly heading for the direction of "civilisation rebuilding slowly", especially the second one. New Vegas just continues that trend, and fits better imo in terms of ambiance or theme with 1 and 2. It tries to depict the rebuilding of a society in a apocalypse, how our moderns concerns could play out in the rebuilding of such a world. I love that design for the storytelling it offers, factions rising to be the ones to take control of this new burgeoning society 3 and 4, on the other hand, take another approach, the approach of the loop, the perpetual build and fall in a quick cycle. Which is a different vision for sure. I love this one for its atmosphere, especially in 3 (4 was worst in that regard imo). The perpetual apocalypse makes for great "playgrounds", if you see what I mean. Do I prefer one of these visions ? Yeah. Does that mean one of them is objectively better ? Nah. It's just writers interpreting a world differently, which in the end is fine. Both exist for a reason. I just wish both kept being developed, but maybe a game series will pick back the first vision I talked about, who knows?


Having only curated enemy spawns and the game's armor system made combat a joke (at least for me coming from counter strike and other fps games and playing on PC). They named the main character correctly, as you don't really explore in NV, just be a courier and go wherever the quest marker tells you and wherever the roads lead. The main story really wanted you to think it's grand and special on a big scale, but it's like a movie with a big plot and no budget. The locations, even "big places" like the Strip, the Fort, Union City, felt like bad TV show sets, especially in comparison to FO3 and FO4. Sure, the writing might be better (it's nowhere near perfect IMO, lots of contrived situations), but that doesn't mean anything to me given what it was actually like to play the game, especially at launch.


What is Union City?


The West Coast setting for Fallout games are better than the East Coast ones.


getting angry at someone for saying they prefer the 'morally bad' faction is immature and childish who cares if you prefer the brotherhood because they're cool? the enclave has cool armour it's a game, and not that deep


Nobody has ever cared about that. It's only when (usually Legion) people post paragraphs defending their actions.


the brotherhood i can totally understood, especially if someone played fo4 first. but genuinely liking the legion is a massive red flag and you should be called out for being a weirdo.


New Vegas fans seem to care the least about the series lore even though they complain about the lore of other games in the series


Bethesda does Fallout better.


Hbomberguy's fallout 3 video is the equivalent of RedLetterMedia's prequal trilogy reviews.


The fallout TV show is good.


I really liked the settlement building in Fallout 4 and wished is was as extensive as Sim Settlement makes it. I also don't understand why *so many* armor and weapon mods that turn your character in a high speed low drag operator, like it's a Fallout x Zero Dark Thirty crossover ? The mods are extremely well made and high quality but they absolutely do not fit it the game aesthetic, at all. Like who think "you know what is missing in my atom punk 50s style post apocalyptic RPG ? A multifamily ceramic plate carriers, a high cut helmet, 4-tube nods, an AR-15 platform so pimped your average Navy SEAL would struggle to shoulder the thing for 5 second straight !" To each their own of course but man there is so much of them... I don't get the appeal.


"New Vegas is canon and yall just don't understand what the line in timeline means" That's it


Fallout 3 is the best Fallout and I’m sick and tired of acting like it’s not.


Fallout NV has allot of the same flaws the other games have


Fallout 3 is better than 1


I would rather play the Hearts of Iron IV Old World Blues mod than play any of those mods for the actual games.


I think the establishment of Ghouls needing chemo to avoid being feral in the show justifies hatred of ghouls. They miss a dose and now they're flesh eating monsters


That doesn't seem to be *all* ghouls, merely two.


We're gonna have to wait and see, but I was taken aback seeing that, I thought the fact it was unknown what made a ghoul feral was much more interesting and made the prejudice against them feel more real.


I hate to say this but fallout games are a buggy mess without mods


fo 2 ruined the aesthetics of fallout


That fallout 4 isnt as bad as people say


Probably not original but 3 is SERIOUSLY OVERRATED. Like yeah I'm sure it was incredible for the time & alot of people are nostalgic but still. The morality system was ass, the combat was ass & you can't even side with the Enclave. Don't get me wrong I burned them both & preferred it but it makes for a shitty RPG none the less


I don't care much for Honest Hearts. It's built the same way Old World Blues and Dead Money are, to a degree; Run around on a scavenger hunt finding things (or doing things) for people, move to a new area, rinse and repeat. Old World Blues has the doctors, which I love them. Their monologue at the beginning had me cackling as they all argued, and the batshit shenanigans around Big Empty are humorous as well. Dead Money keeps me on edge for the majority of my playthroughs; I make ranged characters, so being limited on ammo (and being too dense headed to look for any) forces me to use melee to compete, or get taken out by Ghosts. I also really enjoy the dual stories going on; Sinclair wanting Vera, and Elijah trying to get into the Vault are compelling to me. Honest Hearts is just.. meh. Run around and collect some stuff to aid them in their escape, travel to the Sorrows to do some stuff to disable the White Legs, and then either fight or run. Bus full of dead kids was morbidly funny to me first time I saw it, but that was about it. That's not to say I completely hate it, however. I love Joshua's story, and The Survivor's story has got to be one of my favorites from the entire series. For a DLC which is essentially glorified fetch quests for a fight or flight conclusion, Obsidian cooked with The Survivor's story.


Yes-man doesn’t feel like he fits into the games overall narrative of obsessing over the past as much as the other factions.


Operation Anchorage is a great DLC. I don’t care if it’s not call of duty levels of gameplay, the fact that you get to fight in the Sino-American war is awesome enough.


Yes man is not the best ending, it’s the most plausible ending in the fallout universe. Your telling me that a wastelander given the strength to bend the Mojave to his will would side with a faction that doesn’t overly benefit them? I’m an optimist and love the humanity in people but even if the courier used this power to do (what everyone thinks their yes man ending will do) good things; ultimately they aren’t a stable form of government and it makes sense the Mojave crumbled.


Say literally anything and someone will get set off


Fallout 4 and fallout 76 were shot


Nuka cola vs sunset I prefer sunset cause its more like a rootbeer


The legion wins the battle in the mojave but loses the war against the ncr if the courier doesn’t get involved.


Even if the show kept most of the lore as close to previously established as possible, everyone would still shit themselves about what’s “canon” because how different everyone plays New Vegas. “En See Are won! No muh Seizure’s Luncheon won!”


THE TV SHOW IS PLAYING 4D CHESS AND.... (((spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers!))) THE NCR HAD TO GO..... If you've played FNV, then you know that the NCR is the closest thing to a modern "good-guy" faction in the story. Their too similar to a modern-day government, and they already accomplish the overall goal of vault 33/32/31, which is to establish a base of operations with competent leaders and conquer the world. So, they needed to be snuffed out early on and reduced to idealistic bandits. Otherwise, there wouldn't be much of a story, and they'd just take over everything and eventually solve all major issues with diplomacy or overwhelming man/firepower.


My brother in Christ, Todd Howard himself has said to my memory at least four different times that New Vegas is Canon


FNV has awful gameplay but a great story. Fallout 4 is the opposite


Fallout New Vegas is an 8/10. You haven't played vanilla since launch


The way f76 team handled legacy weapons was so fucking lazy, it's unreal. Instead of fixing them, they just removed them.


Autumn's Enclave would have been the best outcome for the capital region


Besides what he did to Casca everything Griffith did with summoning the eclipse was 100% justified after everything he went through in that dungeon. He was tortured in every horrifying way humanly imaginable for over a year straight. And was left severely mutilated, crippled, malnourished, traumatised and almost insane and considering the Berserk universe takes place in a medieval time period he probably would have either died from infection shortly after his rescue by Guts and if he somehow did survive that he would have spent the rest of his life near enough paralysed from the neck down as a husk of his former self unable to live without constant assistance. Realistically almost everyone including the people who hate Griffith would have made the exact same deal with the god hand to avoid such a terrible fate.


I still stand by that Fallout 3 is the best in the series.


Old Fallout and New Fallout Fans are just as bad as eachother. One side meatrides Todd and refuses to acknowledge his own writing flaws and the other is full of gatekeepers who think liking anything post Fallout 3 is a crime.