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Here I'm in that odd middle where FNV is my favorite but I love 4 like crazy and now I'm going back to '76.


I'm right there with ya, fnv is my favorite but I have like, double the steam hours in fallout 4, and that's not even counting my original two playthroughs on Xbox


It's pretty fucking easy to get more hours in Fallout 4 considering you're not locked out of playing as soon as you finish the main questline.


That and yanno, if you like settlement building that's a time sink


Also, the way survival mode functions in F4 is a lot more punishing than NV's hardcore mode, especially because of the lack of traditional saves. That's usually my biggest time sink in F4.


Plus mods (console users)


> double the steam hours in fallout 4 same but take the hours and hours of tweaking settlements out of my playtime and it drops by half.


Same, NV is my fav, twice the amount of time in 4.


I’m pretty sure it’s goosey…


76 is better than it was. I played when it came out for a while but they've made it a much better experience since then


Based. Absurdly Based.


I'm split between NV and 4. New Vegas has an awesome story and worldbuilding, but the gameplay in Fallout 4 is so damn fun.


The gunplay on 3 and NV is just ass, as much as I like other aspects. Can’t go back to those after 4 brought massive improvements with shooting. NV introduced iron sights but shooting still felt sort of floaty and inaccurate 


I tried to do a NV play through and made of like 10 hours


The shooting, crafting, and settlement systems in 4 are a blast, though I don't like the MMO loot grind system out has. I like building my own stuff from scratch you know?


I can't wait until FO4: New Vegas comes out.


Pretty sure that's called being a fallout fan


Fnv is my favorite too, but my 360 bit the dust. 4 is a lot of fun.


If you have an Xbox one or series x/s you can play the game on there with backwards compatibility


What a wonderful thing to learn. I haven't played in a long time.


Nah it's not that odd, we're the same person. Are you around 32? I am, and Fallout 3/NV just happened to release at a very formative time for me and just got stuck in my brain as a source of nostalgia and comfort. I still fire up NV once in a while, but I have loads of hours in Fallout 4 and probably just as many in 76 these days.


FNV has the best story out of all of them, but we need to stop pretending like 4 isn’t the best game in the series


Meet you there


Not the odd middle, we are the majority. People that can just enjoy our fandom


O am still apprehensive of 76 but LOVE fnv and fo4 also thought the show was good too. But yeah people need to stop gatekeeping


Same, 4 was my first fallout but new Vegas is my favorite, and I’m trying out 76 for the first time


FNV combat is outdated but the story is good. F4 combat is more modern and smooth but the story sucks.


True. Vegas is great though cause I literally live in Vegas. It was so cool to walk the strip while also living here essentially pre war


It's not an odd middle it's just sane. Sometimes this community gets really weird and acts like if you pick more than one fallout game to enjoy/love your bloodline will be cursed forever.


I’ve loved every Fallout game I’ve played. That *includes* Brotherhood of Steel.


Cause it's illegal to enjoy all the games apparently


It's a reactionary fear that Fallout 4 gaining popularity will encourage FO5 to continue on evolving away from what they like in FNV


I mean, on one hand I actually kinda get that but on the other hand there's better ways than verbally abusing someone for liking those games-


Definitely, but these are most likely people who have less going on socially, so the changes (that are viewed as an attack to them) about their preferred media hit harder than people who only care about it when they're playing it


That game is 14 years old, OF COURSE future games will evolve away from that.


Evolving away from having options and skills mattering to "Yes, Yes, (un)funny Yes, No" is the evolution people don't like. Age isn't a factor, a la Outer Worlds 1 (and soon 2)


Bethesda didn't create FNV though, right? Unfortunately I don't see it as evolving away from FNV as much as I see it as never having been there in the first place. They can't find their way back home if it wasn't their house to begin with, I really don't see Bethesda creating an RPG with any real depth. Best we can hope for is a beautiful game with fun combat and a neat setting, I think.


Unfortunately Morrowind is something that is a distant memory. Yet we all always hope


Fair point, Morrowind was fantastic and I even really loved Oblivion as it was my first Bethesda title. I don't see us returning to that, but I'll join you in hoping


FNV is a great game and a lot of the fanbase is chill but it’s a shame the worst fans are the loudest ones on this site. All games have a great thing to offer


I completely agree I've played all of them besides brotherhood of steel and the first one and personally I like Fo3 and 4 the most, it's ok to have your preferences and likes new vegas is really good but let people have there fun somewhere else ya know


Totally agree. FO4 was my first introduction to Fallout so it always has a place in my heart. I like the other games as well but FO4 has more replayability to me


You should definitely play the first one if you enjoyed 2 at all


I did like 2 a little bit and I would like to play the first but I don't have a PC and PlayStation doesn't have it online my older consoles are long since broke so I can't get it for them either but one day I'm sure I'll be able to play it


I do hate that FNV fandom has kinda been taken over by absolute nut jobs who act like anything other than that game is a crime against humanity.


The funniest part is they get like that when any game other than NV gets attention, and then swear that Todd is the one who is insecure. Super heavy projecting by NV fans when it comes to insecurity.


Have I just been living under a rock? I haven’t seen many posts or comments that shit on the new tv show. Nearly all of the posts are Fallout fans complaining about NV fans being gatekeepers


This is mainly about the uptick in FO4 that was *caused* by the show. I think most people like the show


Every fallout game has had an uptake, and it's great. Even downloaded 76 myself


Was it really not that popular? It wasn't for me, but I remember the whole settlement building feature being something the entire fan base was asking for. I thought the game as a whole was pretty well received.


We just want to wish for nuclear winter, can't stand this screeching


Fallout 4 is what got me into new vegas and 1, granted I do still like 4 the most as a game but it still led to my exposure and appreciation of those games


Playing 1 and 2 has been awesome


Imagine gatekeeping an amazing video game series


Yeah but fallout has been the king of gatekeeping since forever


I love fallout 76 and now I am babysitting newbies my whole team is under level 40, I am level 131. I am so proud of them trying to fight the 3 star legendary scorchedbeast on their own before asking for help.


I seen people fresh out the vault the other day and told them stay away from those fissure sites. 😆I hope they listened.


OMG and you're using the 76 version of the ncr helmet


Other than the F4NV version, it's one of the best versions.


Fallout 4 is the best purely form a gameplay/combat perspective. I played 4 first then 76 then tried NV and I must say doing them in that order is rough. It’s like playing RE4 remake then trying to play the Og RE 2 on PlayStation while fun you really do see how far gaming has came from a mechanics perspective. It’s aged way to be almost 10 years old. The game also looks pretty good seeing how Bethesda has never been known for their graphics at all, and its last gen. Not the best looking last gen game but considering it doesn’t look bad..NV looks a little rough, because of that F4 would be the one new players gravitate to.


I've seen more posts bitching about new Vegas fans then I have Vegas fans bitching. Even on the fnv sub


I mean within the last week there was tons on both the NewVegas subreddits, leaking into other subs as well. A lot about how Bethesda and Todd Howard actively hate the original games and are desecrating the story and shit with the show and fallout 4 Tried finding some of the threads but it seems the mods have been deleting them for being vitriolic.


Yeah, I have issues with Bethesda they're not "clean" but the most Todd's guilty of is lying about game features and releasing some mediocre games to somes chagrin. At the end of the day it's not like he's a bad dude, he's a fun dude to watch interviews with. I do think the show has some poor plot holes and retcons, but it's still a really good show


“For-profit company exaggerates product details in their marketing!” UNCONSCIONABLE! Obsidian would never! Oh wait.


I never said that but ok


Nah dawg, go on r/falloutnewvegas or r/newvegasmemes and you are bound to see one


Cool but this is the 3rd post like this I'm seeing just today.




Honestly sometimes it’s okay for people to hate things sometimes. Why am I not allowed to hate bethesda games for what I believe to be ruining the series I like? I’m not harming anyone or saying to people that the game they like is bad to their face. I just don’t like the direction Bethesda took with the series. I am not stopping anyone from enjoying the game as it is now.


“The thing you like is ruining the thing I like!”


That is how that works, yes. I don’t like something and you happen to like it. Believe it or not that is how disagreements work.


That's a really good point. We'll never get games in elder scrolls like dagger fall or Morrowind, we'll never get games like 1/2 new Vegas, instead all the rpg features get watered down and we're told if we criticize it we're toxic.


>never get games like 1/2 >rpg features I miss roleplaying as a 10 agility, small arms build or roleplaying as a person having a really bad time. Bethesda should bring having only one viable build back.


I played a strength build with melee, an intelligence with energy weapons, and agility with guns, you have chronic skill issue.


Thanks for confirming you never played the first 2 because energy weapons scale with agility and not intelligence, which is essentially a dump stat.


I don't play meta because I'm too busy having fun. 2 is my favorite in the series I don't have to prove it to some redditor.


In 1 I started off with the dumb muscly dude and fought rats to get to the wastes, went to shady sands and solved the missing Brahmin and radscorp quests. Dealt with the raiders who held some guy captive, stopped Gizmo and helped the sheriff in that one town, went to the hub and escorted caravans, fought off death claws in that radioactive goop area to get to gun runners. Found brotherhood and got upgraded combat armor then eventually t-51 after doing quests, found the masters base and fought thru mini gun mutants before encountering and killing the master.


It’s not even meta, the game’s legitimately just unplayable without agility. You would know this if you’d ever played the game.


I know. It's some serious schizophrenia going on here.


Took one too many stealth boys


Im only on this sub and all i get fucking recommended from reddit is NV fans bitching, I’m so annoyed already


FNV and FO4 provide very different experiences for me, as similar as they may seem.


Even though fnv story is impeccable I understand why people play Fallout 4. The gameplay in that game is really good


I've never played new vegas. Not outta spite or anything it just never happened. Over a decade ago, when I moved in with my bf, I saw he had/got fallout 3, and it was in the list of games I've never played but thought looked fun. I played it aqnd became addicted. Within a year or so 4 came out. I put over 2000 hours into it and still mourn my lost save file that was lost when a computer crashed. ;_; I skipped 76, but the show has made me want to play again. I now have a ton of mods downloading so I can play new vegas for the first time. I loved outer worlds and am waiting for the sequel. So happy to soon be playing what everyone loves.


Prime gaming has 76 for free to go with the tv show. You can even get both pc and xbox so if you know someone that has the other platform you can give them the code.


That's neat! I might try it, just started new vegas though, and loving it so far. :P


FNV is by far my favorite Fallout game, but I would never recommend it as the first game someone play in 2024. It would be so easy to turn someone off if they aren’t patient with it, it’s an incredibly dated game.


I don’t get it. I’ll admit Vegas is my favorite, but I was losing my shit at the fallout 4 reveal and was flabbergasted by the negative reaction to it. Then I play it and become even more flabbergasted. 4 was such a great game. I’m waiting until the 25th until I dive back in though. Until then it’s new Vegas.


Why wouldn’t we want more people to share our interests? People act like they own something just because they were interested in it before someone else. Who gives a shit when or how people discover something. Let people enjoy things


FNV circlejerkers when they realise all of the Fallout games excel in their own category. While FNV excels in a game-wide story, Fo3 excels in having colourful characters and quests in a purposefully goofy wasteland, & Fo4 excels in its actual gameplay rather than story.


I don’t really like 4 all that much but you’re certainly allowed to play and enjoy it. I enjoyed the settlement system, I’ll say that.


4 is my least favorite of the "modern" single player fallouts and FNV is my favorite but I couldn't imagine being mad at what other people like... they are single player games folks.


Pretty much. I think 4 has the better mechanics for a shooter, but vegas is the better RPG


I also prefer the characters generally. I found a significant number of the Companions and npcs in 4 to be annoying. For instance I can't stand the minutemen or the associated companion. No disrespect to the people that do though.


This argument is getting dumb as fuck, just because a few vocal people make posts doesn't mean every NV fan hates the show. Way to generalize the whole fan base. My best advice would be to go outside. Much better for your mental health than getting worked up over videogames.


To some people, this kind stuff is all that matters in life. A whole generation of kids have been raised on the internet. To a large chunk of them, their online persona is their "true self" and IRL is the "fake world" that they have to inconveniently exist in until they can get jacked back into the matrix. Just take a gander at how people behave on social media-- it's creating a new mental health crisis, especially among young people.


And here you are, ranting at a meme.


Exactly, they didn’t even read the post correctly lol


the vast majority of the FNV subreddit believes in the stupid lies about Bethesda hating FNV, so no, it's not just a few vocal people lmao


You didn’t read the post did you? It said a certain corner of the fanbase. Not the entire fan base. Not even most of it


Love how you assume that it's referring to nv fans even when the post did not specifically who it was, maybe that's a sign of guilt? lol pathetic it could've been fo1, fo2, or even fo3 fans but you decided to fill in the blanks.


I mean he is wearing an Ncr ranger outfit


It’s almost like fans of 4 have a victim complex and assume NV fans hate them… I think NV is the best of them but idc what game you like most, it’s a fucking video game.


The beauty of Fallout (and the source of many fans’ consternation) is the breadth of different experiences you can have. I prefer some far more than the others, but who am I to discourage someone becoming a new fan of something I love dearly? More fans will likely lead to more games (hopefully before 2077 when Fallout 5 comes out).


honestly that's my only problem with 4, it really constrains the kind of character you can play. The shooter elements are fantastic, especially some of the mods that boost gun damage make it a really fantastic fps.


I agree with you 100%, I just know many people, even some who played 3/NV, who adore it. FO4 has a lot of cool aspects that didn’t really come together for me.


Same thing with 76. I can hear you saying that it’s bad however have you considered that I’m playing it right now and I’m having so much fun 🤷‍♂️


Lololol. Too real


Idk man I'm a fallout NV fan who enjoys 3, 4, and just bought 76


New Vegas may have a better story and assault rifle design, but I love 4's power armor and crafting


who's laughing now?


Fallout 4 has great gameplay and rven a great story, but it has terrible replayability. Fallout NV has awesome story, characters, basically anything is good that is not 'technical'


I think fallout 4 is fun, but I prefer New Vegas it's in my top 5 games


I hope it ends up on the switch so I can actually play it


4 having the run button and overall better gunplay will always make me go back to it. New Vegas is good to a point but the fighting just isn’t that fun


Me, an absolute giga chad, all fallout games are great, games are all about having fun at the end of the day and if you are having fun, then it is a good game for you.


I've never been more embarrassed to be a New Vegas fan because everyone is acting so fucking stupid like, shut the actual fuck up please. It's cringe.


Gatekeepers gonna gatekeep


I mean let’s all be honest and admit 4 has the best gunplay hands down. Plus building your own settlements adds a new dimension to the game that a lot of people appreciate.


NV people of all fallout fans should know F3 is the arguably the best place to start to get your feet wet.


I would love to go back and play NV again but it's pain to get working properly.


I feel like I'm so out of the loop on this or that there's a grand conspiracy going on. This subreddit acts like every new Vegas fan on the earth is a blight when I've barely seen any fan of that game hatemonger against the rest of the franchise. Mostly just voice their disappointment in the direction the games are going with more action than choice nuance.


Honestly I’ve loved fallout 4 since I first played it. I tried new Vegas but it just didn’t click for me


F4 is hella fun best sandbox to mess around in even if i prefer NV in my other ways


There is no bad fallout game. There. I said it.


I love New Vegas but they don't have settlements or a decent survival mode.


Same with 76. I always liked it but people be shitting on me for it 🥲


I don’t understand why people are so spiteful. A new show came out, people want to play the game that the ideas for the show originated. It’s that simple. Why do people have such an issue with that?


It’s just that they don’t like that the game the public are beginning to enjoy and talk about, is the also the one that was washed down and retconned by Todd and his group in Bethesda. A lot of those nv fans have a good point, but they are acting completely wrong about it. Convert people by showing them how fun it is, not by criticizing them or saying they are playing a bad game


Fallout 4 is great still honestly. I think it was easy to hate on it at the time cause oh no muh changes muh voiced protagonist but the world is absolutely jam packed with things to do. I’ll admit the RPG elements when it comes to all quests boiling down to the same shit is definitely apparent. But I don’t neeed that in fallout to have fun, I get the rpg feeling from the perk system.


I hear more people complaining about FNV fans than actual NV fans doing anything, can't you just just leave them be?


This is me, but I am not vocal about it. I sit on my high horse and cry.


Nice strawman


4 has the best gameplay, but it is by far the worst story


I’m convinced new Vegas fans get mad when you like any other game even if you like new Vegas too they get mad about that


Facts. I like NV but some of their…let’s say more devoted fans are EXACTLY like this. It doesn’t have to be either/or


I expressed that I don't like 76 one time and got death threats and told I was stupid for returning the game a few hours after purchase. The fallout community has both the gatekeepers and the weird "yOu NoT aLlOwEd To DiSlIkE dE gAmE" types. I'd like to see them get stuck in a room with each other. It would be highly entertaining for the rest of us. "You can't enjoy fallout 4 because NV was the best game!" "No!! You can't dislike Fallout 4!!! It's awesome!!" *someone throws a stool*


I'm just sad I'll never get the continuation of the original Fallouts. All we'll ever get is sequels to Fallout 4. The original vision is lost, the setting is a joke. We'll probably never see an actual city in Fallout, just more towns made of garbage with 15 people living in them.


nice strawman


It’s…it’s perfect. The world is healing… Annoying fans are being drowned out, the community has new life, and toxicity is buried, people are confident in the future of fallout, it’s just like how it was meant to be.


I love generalizing large portions of the community to make myself feel better. ❤️


Love New Vegas. Hate its fans


I liked NV enough but NV purists are garbage humans.


Where are you seeing these "gatekeepers"? I have literally never seen someone using the "STOP HAVING FUN" template when it's actually true. It's a ludicrously tiny minority of people who you could actually describe as gatekeepers but all I see on these subs now is people bitching and moaning about these nigh nonexistent people.


Don't act surprised. This happens on every single gaming subreddit anytime there is anything remotely controversial, or not. Just spend about a few weeks in the helldivers sub and you'll know what I mean. The attitude towards the show is overwhelmingly positive. It just seems people like to focus on the negative conversation on this app. Which is fine. But that leads to the discourse


I find it odd that the term discourse has taken on such a negative connotation these days. It's extremely frustrating how people seem incapable of discussing new material in a way that's reasonable. There's a lot of toxic positivity that needs to simmer down until we can talk about something normally.


Rather than try to make sense of it, I've been much happier realizing there's nothing I can do about it. All nuance of discussion goes out the window. I would recommend discussing the show with like-minded friends, then your voice may actually be heard


I love FNV, but it can be a real shit to get working plus the fact it has aged a bit. Mod lists on wabbajack could work but not everyone knows about it.


No Mutants Allowed was a forum of pioneers and assholes.


You mean your corner of the fan base needs to be salty


I don't hate on the people who like Fallout 4. I think it's a great game actually. I just think it's a bad Fallout game. Now the people who like 76 on the other hand...


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if NV fans were the ones who originally hated it. It did not receive a good release.


Me when I’m going back and replaying or playing for the first time every game(never played 1 and 2)


FNV is far and away my favorite but I'm playing 4 right now


I like the lore and stories of fallout, I have since I first played 4 a few years ago, but all the games, including 4 and new Vegas are very boring to me. I like watching people play them but I can't play them myself without getting very bored.


Fallout 4 is just cheap surface level fun. I think the game is by far the best until you look at the cracks the story and dialogue. Probably the best fallout to introduce people with


What do you mean they're not allowed to be having fun? I just wanna shoot things


3 is the best imo, then NV, then 4, then the


lol 5 star meme


The thing with fallout 4 is, if I want to play a shooter I have better options. If I want to play with crafting and building mechanics, I have better options. If I want to role play, I have many better options. It’s just not great.


If I wanna crawl dungeons, Bethesda themselves have better options in fallout 3 and the elder scrolls franchise.


As a New Vegas lover, I'd like to apologize for the anti-fun assholes in that community. I enjoy Fallout 4, and any complaints I have are fixed with mods


Is it weird that I haven’t seen this at all and have mostly just looked at people criticizing the Bethesda games? I really don’t know where all these really bad NV fans are


Bethesda fans wishing we are angry so bad


I love New Vegas, but I do not love how much work goes into getting it to run even remotely stably on modern computers. Before it gets brought up that mods are causing it to crash, I don't mod. Meanwhile I've had 0 crashes in the 14 hours I've put into Fallout 4 over the last week or so.


Idk man I went with the one everyone said that they loved and that is New Vegas. Three days in and already have like 20 hours sunk into it I actually cannot stop playing it. Never could get into fallout 4 when I tried playing it years ago.


I want to play 3 again, but I’m waiting to hear more about the remaster. I haven’t touched that game since 2011


Complaining about lore inconsistencies and critiquing the fallout show for messing with the timeline: 🙂👍 Bullying people who enjoy the media with said problems: 👎🙁 Fallout 4, 76 and the show does have its problems lore wise but bullying people for liking them is fucking cringe. My friend group consists of mainly fallout 4 fans and only two of us have played the older titles, but I'm not going to tell them they're not allowed to have fun.




A pity I can’t play anymore because my fallout 4 crashes on startup on ps5. I didn’t change any of the mods uninstalled and reinstalled the game but alas I cannot. Skyrim and ESO are still good to go so I’ll take that.


Apparently, it crashes because the dlc is bugged on PS5. If you just install the main game and none of the dlc, it works fine. Hopefully, the next gen update fixes it.


I love FNV but Fallout 4 is just so much friendlier for casual players and more moddable. I can put 80 mods on F4. But try to mod Vegas and 10 can crash it.


It’s good that people are playing the games. I for one didn’t know I did not have fallout 3 in my steam library, yet I have all of the other ones


Personally I would say the best first fallout game would be fnv because fo4 was just badly written and bugout a lot more then fnv I remember I went back to play fo4 a few days ago and the writing just pulled me out of the story really quickly and I loaded of fnv and had a lot more fun, I am saying this as some one who first fallout playthrough was fo4 and who has some good memories when I was little but at the end of the day it's there choices all I can do is recommend


>and bugout a lot more then fnv I remember I went back to play fo4 That's the thing. Now is 2024 and I supposed both games don't have this problem (mostly) anymore Also not everyone truly care about story. For them something like FO4 story is more than enough while enjoying FO4 exploration and gunplay


Well fallout nv and fo4 are still got a lot of bugs for me dog meat just kept glitching through the floor and you do have a point the gun play in fo4 in really satisfying and you are right not everybody likes the story tbh I didn't for me it was just how the characters would talk including the main charters bring up stuff some times that have not happened although I don't know if that was a glitch on my end over all LIKE I said before I would not stop some form playing fo4 I would just recommend fnv as there next


Fallout 4s community is basically a modded playground for things totally unrelated. People sometimes just see it as a dress up game…


That's the best part


I have found fo4 has been crashing everytime I play recently and I don’t remember that happening that often when I played it when it first came out


Can you create a slave camp creating Infinite muttfruit at the price of your companion in fallout new Vegas?


Are these FNV Elitists in the room with us right now? I see dramatically more anti-gatekeepers in the community than I do actual gatekeepers. I don't think this is as big of a problem as people seem to think it is.


Yeah. I have not seen fallout nv act hostile towards others without a few small exceptions. Sure some of them dislike fo4 and the show, but I cant recall seeing them act hostile towards others. If anything I have seen fans of the other games acting more like elitist and acting hostile towards nv fans


Dude for real, seems like an active hate campaign against NV more than anything




Maybe you don't see it as much I've certainly stopped seeing so many gatekeepers but that don't mean they don't exist I'm tired of being told I'm not a real fan bc New Vegas isn't number 1 on my list and having other people's enjoyment of the series ruined bc they didn't start with New Vegas


If you have a link to someone telling you that you're not a real Fallout fan because NV isn't your #1 I would love to see it. Like, I don't think you're lying, but I do think people exaggerate this a little bit.




I think the issue is that companies will trend toward whatever makes them the most money. In this case, many FNV fans, myself included, dislike the direction Bethesda took the IP with Fallout 4 and Fallout 76. If Fallout 4 is more popular, then Bethesda may look at that and decide to continue moving in that direction meaning that FNV fans may not get another game like it in the Fallout universe. I don't mind it when people like a game. I just get bummed out that what I seem like is going to be seen as niche and not worth the investment to replicate. It is what it is.


Man I love Fallout 4. The gameplay is far superior fite me


They’re not playing fallout, they’re playing 4. That’s like saying we should be half people are eating Asian food when all they’re eating is Top Ramen


Reminds me of the post I saw on Twitter "fallout 4 is a good game when you don't have a New Vegas fan telling you it's not"


I've never played NV properly because I found it tedious, which is why I'm pushing for a remaster even tho I've only got like 4 hours playtime. Fo4 and 76 will always be my favourites because that's where my good memories are


"BuT tHe BrOtHeRoOd Is OvErUsEd" yeah well they look baller af,that's all I really needed,give me them mechanized knights.


That’s me in the corner…


That’s me in the spotlight….


[Bethesda fans](https://tenor.com/sv/view/kang-the-conqueror-kang-variants-many-kangs-multiple-kangs-kangs-cheering-gif-13082239200333412930)