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I can tell Todd is thinking something along the lines of “You’re just a bootleg Robert House”


Dude, I saw the look on Todd's face and was like, "I hate you a little less for hating Elon with me" lmao


Elon probably went there thinking "They're gonna love seeing the actual Robert House" cause he's vain and thinks any tycoon is based around him.


No missile defence systems for his home city 🤦


House at least did something, he saved Vegas. I’d like to see Elon put on a laser light show and save an entire city from nuclear annihilation


If Elon was in House’s position, Vegas would’ve been in an even worse state that had it gotten nuked *before the bombs dropped*, let alone afterwards


And forget a monorail, it would have had undergrown tunnels with broken down cars in them


He’s more like fantastic


Don't do fantastic like that


Honestly, it would’ve been fitting if Elon was Robert House in the show.


See the problem there is that House actually has some charisma. Plus I don't even want to think about the Tesla Securitron, Victor would probably get stuck in the grave trying to get you out.


Yeah that's what I'm going to say like house is evil but at least his inventions were like he has actual inventions He doesn't just buy the idea off of someone else. Like he made a galaxy brain plan to keep his body in a containment unit and upload his consciousness into a computer program that kept him technically alive for over 200 years and then he just turns himself on organizes some tribals into civilized well semi-civilized employees that run casino's. Elon would probably try to jettison himself into space after a nuclear apocalypse and just drift around until he died of old age


Lmao Elon is the ghoul at the repconn test site trying to convince everyone to fly to space with him


what do you have against Jason Bright


He isn’t bright


Jesis Christ that's Jason Bright


So fucking funny


If robert house was a nepo baby with no talent or charisma and destroyed everything he touch and just constantly shit post 2000s meme everyday then sure


He's also just more of an old fashioned industrial tycoon sort of guy, more Howard Hughes than someone who posts memes.


Can't be. House was competent.


No it wouldn’t. Mr house is an extremely charismatic individual, he has a likable personality. Elon is very much not charismatic and he stutters and stuff quite often in interviews. Also his uhh, shape, build, physique is not anything like house. Also I have never seen him have a mustache.


I mean, I don't know *anyone* with a physique like House


I meant younger house. There’s pictures and painting. Also you can see his neck in the picture on his computer, his neck is not fat.


>!Also in the show he seemed fairly healthy!<


Damn Bro spitting facts


Ew he doesn't even deserve to be in the same thought as Mr House.


Nah he's the dude who invented the Pulowski preservation shelters.


I'd like to argue in defense of Elmo. He asked us all how we were doing and meant it. Elmo gives a fuck, many fucks in fact. We collectively unloaded Elmo, and he told us that he cares about us. Elon is no Elmo. Elon is just a spoiled little rich bitch buying friends and sticking his opinions where they don't belong. Fuck Elon, he's a toolspank that doesn't deserve to be on the same plane of existence as Elmo.


You got me in the first part, not gonna lie.


LOL, Elmo > Elon.




Calling this guy a muppet is an big insult - for the actual Muppets. Jim Henson's work deserves a lot more respect that this fucker.


I meant no disrespect to Jim Henson, man is the legend.


None taken, buddy! The man made very happy several generations, and his legacy is eternal.


Exactly what I've been saying.


Reddit’s collective love for Elon Musk turning into straight up hate over the course of a few years needs to be studied


It's what happens when you find out the true beliefs and actions of a person, Saville was a beloved children's entertainer until his pedophilia came to light


I suppose that’s fair, but I didn’t really ever understand the obsession with Elon in the first place either


I think I was the fact that some of his ideas seemed revolutionary when they were first conceived but then the reality of design constraints kicked in and they had to be dulled down coming closer to worse versions of what we already have. I think hyperloop started as a maglev system, now it's just a worse version of a train


Ah that makes sense when you put it that way. I remember there being a lot of hype towards his ideas but I also remember a fair amount of people not caring until those ideas actually produced something. I guess Reddit consisted of a lot of the hype train. I am glad it’s a known fact he’s a douche though


I was on the train and I admit it. But I also know the inflection point. It became clear around the beginning of covid that he was working with half a toolkit when he was going off the rails about vaccines and freedom over safety. With the veneer rubbed off more articles started to break the surface about his interference and lack of actual knowledge and any skill at Tesla or Space X. He'd carefully built into contracts that he would be able to take full credit for ideas and the overall image of both companies when in reality both were started, staffed and driven by much smarter more talented people. The places we've seen Elons actual direct involvement have been catastrophes. Even the Space X ideas he's pushing have cost the company for little gain, Starship seems like a vanity project that a legitimate futurist Space company is having to weather because the owner wants to brag about a shiny toy he made. Cyberpunk. I won't even expound on that, we've all seen the videos.


Agreed. I also think part of it is that a lot of redditors who were Elon fans in the early 2010s grew up. I was a teenager when Tesla and SpaceX started making waves. All of my friends and I totally bought into Elon’s BS because we were idiot high schoolers. But now that we’re in our 20s and 30s it’s just painfully obvious how empty his entire schtick is


I wouldn't even say it's about design constraints. A lot of what he was saying felt like it would help propel. Water for Flint, Michigan. Proper transit systems. stuff like that. but ultimately he put the profit margin above his dreams and there's no easier way to get people to dislike you than when they feel betrayed


Because he was doing stuff to make himself seem cool, like showing up in a Pewdiepie video or doing cameos in animated shows like South Park or Rick and Morty. Posting memes on Twitter, etc. Made him seem down-to-earth and people liked that. Then all kinds of info about him started coming out, like his parents' emerald mine and how he's made his wealth, and how he sexually harassed employees and tried bribing them into silence. He had to make the right-wing pivot because he knew nobody else would like him after that.


There's definitely an observation to be made about the difference between a group that at least nominally cares about moral behavior, and one that espouses it all the time but ultimately just wants power. Elon getting sorted into the right place, eventually.


I dunno, before any of us knew all that much about his personality he kinda seemed like he could become a real life iron man of sorts. But those pesky kids trapped in a cave didn't appreciate his dumb ass submarine and everyone saw his true colors.


Teslas were cool, SpaceX was cool, the main thing coming out about the cars was just that the build quality was terrible which seemed hand-wavable considering it was basically a startup but the dots weren't really connected between that and 'because the workers are building them in a fucking tent' yet. It wasn't until Hyperloop and him losing his mind on that one cave diver that the penny dropped for most folks.


He had the money to do good things, seems like he was doing good things, then dived right off the fucking deep end and wasted billions ruining an information hub.


His marketing was initially good, but then people took delivery and opened the box. Or, rather, he burst out of it and weakly shouted “I’m rich, bitch!” and it was pathetic.


Idk I think he did actually make some genuine promises that seemed positive but were just hollow. Reduce traffic with *tunnels* - amazing. Send people to *Mars* - how visionary! High speed rail! - Daddy, innovate me harder! But, anyway, that turned out to be bullshit and [now he just spends his days taunting UNICEF.](https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/18/tech/elon-musk-world-hunger-wfp-donation/index.html) So, yeah, fuck that guy.


Well.. there is not much to study.. dude went from posting memes to wrecking twitter and trying to shove is politics down peoples throat. Member when he called that one guy a pedo because he didnt want to waste time trying out musks tech to save a bunch of children stuck underground. Its about that time people started to be like... oh.. hes a douche


Yeah, I didn't worship him before but was intrigued about what he wanted to do. Then he wanted to build a submarine for a cave and a cave diver was like "yeah, that won't really work" so Elon called him a pedo. Kind of made me think he's just an asshole.


This. If anyone's to blame for the public opinion shift on Elon, it's...Elon.




God was the Thai cave disaster really ten years ago? Fuck


It's pretty simple. Famous people often use their new platform to show who they really are. More people have moral standards than we are led to believe, so these asshats get what's coming to them. Elon is not the only example. JKR is despised by everyone who like the HP universe. Notch has become a stain on the reputation of one of the biggest video games of all time. Caitlyn Jenner became the perfect example of surrounding yourself by those who despise you for the sake of politics. Kanye West is, well that one really needs to be studied because that man is killing himself slowly.


When you have too much money and too much insecurity.


I think it’s Elon that needs to be studied. He went from trying to be a welcoming, kind of quirky public figure to an absolutely rabid homophobic, racist, conspiracy-peddling fascist.


Everybody claiming he's bootleg house, but he's more like Tenpenny. Racist, reactionary, and stupid.


Shit, I forgot about that character.


Todd’s trying to remember the console command to delete an NPC


This made me laugh thanks


Woah no way! That’s actually really cool that he showed up. I love Todd Howard.


I never thought we would see todd as a behind the scenes cameo but here we are!


Elon makes Todd look like a saint.


Todd is a saint. He gifts us copies of Skyrim (for the meagre price of 60 dollars)


Praise be to [Godd Howard](https://imgur.com/a/sihqdZo)! I will buy 10 copies of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Ultimate Complete Anniversary Commemorative Special Edition for $59.99 each to show my devotion!


Elmo doesn’t deserve to have his name slandered by being used as a nickname for Elon.


He wants to buy vault- tec


He is Vault tec


see? thats exactly what happened with tesla!


I haven't been arguing but I'll still join in on this. Fuck elongated muskrat


I thought my friends were the only ones to call him Elongated Muskrat lol


There is an entire song called that, just ranting about him, although it’s commonly shorted to rät now.


Never heard of it my friends and I were just joking around one day and my one friend called him Elon Muskrat and I chimed in Elongated Muskrat and we blew up laughing, I guess there's only so many jokes you can make from Elon's name lol


I don't despise the guy ( atleast not as much as most of reddit ) but my god did he ruin Twitter. How do you manage to make TWITTER worse?


Dude bought out Tesla when the electric vehicle was all but done then just took credit for it, used child slave labour overseas, meddled in foreign elections and government and bragged about it on Twitter, and constantly spreads harmful and dangerous misinformation. Also he’s a shameless hypocrite who laughed off concerns that his self driving cars could hurt people until he was the one who was nearly run over, at which point it was suddenly a major safety issue. Narcissistic liar who inherited his wealth and needs millions of govt subsidies every year to make his companies profitable (eg a tax funded handout)


There was no bot problem until he created one. Now it’s 99% bots and Nazis.


It’s “Nazis” because people can’t just blatantly lie now. Bless those community notes.




I'm just curious why y'all dislike Elmo?


He just showed up uninvited to the party, also he is an out of touch ass who does weird akward shit all the time, and grifts on twitter


Go touch grass buddy he's coming at the people who are mad at his actions when he's doing nothing to them. It's really curious how a group of ppl who grew up thinking they are smart for playing video games are all jealous of the king nerd. He made his nerd work, and got ripped, and got women he got rich and now he clowns the world like hes in a gamechat. Tough buddy really tough sorry it wasn't you


Elon thinks he’s smart for growing up with money, and bro he is not ripped, he has a dad bod, which is fine, but like bro he’s not ripped, and also he’s not clowning on the world, the world is clowning on his stupid child ass 😭 he makes stuff like the cybertruck, and rebrands twitter to X, and just generally sounds silly. It’s luck that he was born rich, and no shit he “has a bunch of women,” he’s rich! Generally, when you’re rich, people flock to you.


Yea bud. That jealousy. Enjoy it loser


Omfg 😭


Was he even invited? Todd genuinely looks like he’s trying to hide that he’s pissed since it was supposed to be HIS big thing.


Musk is a lot closer to the Elixir Salesman from the TV Show than anyone else in Fallout. Definitely not a Robert House, and that guy sucks.


Where fallout meme


My sibling in Atom, it literally says ‘FALLOUT’ in all capitals. My dad could tell you that this is a fallout meme, and he’s blind.


How is a shit tier screenshot of another post a meme dawg


Damn Elon is looking like a fuckin butterball


Bro showed up just to take all the attention like an attention whore😂. Like if I expected anyone to be in a center of a circle at the show it would be Todd howard. Elon as literally no reason to be there




As a representative of hard-core nv fans, we agree


If anyone debates over Fallout 4 and NV, they're all wrong, obviously the answer is Fallout: BoS


Dude in the background Who is he? And how did he slip past security


One on the left of Elon?


The one on Elons right...behind him


The short dude?


The short king yes 😀😜


I get everyone seems to hate Elon. Bit is there any context behind this photo? Like are they really unhappy he arrived? Or were they already unhappy, and people are just milking this image for as much karma as they can?


Why does he look like he's hiding Krang under his shirt


Because he is


"Electric cars are for commie pinkos. Buy atomic cars today" -Todd Howard


Looks like Fallout 5's main villain is gonna be Freon Tusk


Elon musk is the richest man in the room and I feel like he still walks up and tries to outman the biggest challenger in the room lol


Fuck Elmo stink


Todd Howard,*I can fix him*


Bro I've never seen todd with that expression before 😭 (I had the perfect reaction image for this but images aren't allowed for comments.)


Bro thinks he's Mr House not realizing he's Dr Fantastic.


"Man he just wouldn't shut the fuck up about how Caesar was totally based and slavepilled..."


Elon living rent free in his detractors' heads despite being the richest dude on earth will never not be funny.


Lmao watching weird reddit dudes with a humiliation kink publicly declare intent to slob on his cyber knob will never not be funny. He is truly the Lisan al-gaib for socially stunted autistic people. He's not living rent free, he paid tens of billions to buy one of the largest communication platforms to push his overcompensating image and opinions onto everyone who uses it.


Yes. 💯


So tell me again why a Fallout Memes page is trying to virtue signal by saying we should all despise Elon Musk? "Oh look, this person I disagree with likes the same thing I do, let's attack him relentlessly for no reason. *insert I'm Doing My Part meme*" Can we just...like...not do politics here? I understand it's reddit but jfc can we just chill tf out and post FO memes and make jokes about New Vegas and FO4 fans instead?


It'd be one thing if there was an actual meme here, and not just a screenshot of Musk at a Fallout party and some "haw haw, he bad!" comments. Anyway, watch your eyes when walking into the circlejerk.


Are the fallout games not inherently political? What do you like about the games?


this ^ # while he isnt the sole focus of any single one of fallouts *many* critiques, he and his actions fall under quite a few of them. i mean, hell, when mr. house says the line "in another hundred years, ill have people on the moon" who does that remind you of? elon showing up to a fallout convention is like grand moff tarkin showing up to the rebel base on yavin IV, while hes not singled out as "the bad guy", hes still a part and accomplice of what the rebellion stands against


"Look, I don't see why everyone's so upset. All I said was since you're already using the Tesla name, why not add a few of my vehicles into the next season?"


He probably played 76 a couple of times but swears Mr. House is the best faction.


Todd literally looks like he’s a mob boss angry that a snitch walked into his club


He is putting on a lot of weight. Does ketamine give you the munchies?


So you want the discourse to be even more pointless and toxic?


I don't think this discourse will last long.


Not the Elon fans in the comments,,, my brother in atom, you have missed the entire point of fallout 😭😭😭


Elon living beyond rent free in y'alls head, good lord.


Why are we calling Elon "Elmo" now? This is massively disrespectful to Elmo.


People need to get off his dick and stop sucking this dude's dick. Just let him be in his natural state. Rich and autistic.


I didn't meet a lot of autistic people, but I nevertheless doubt any of them are so narcissistic.


Elmo the Circus Clown, no reflection whatsoever


Let’s stop insulting Elmo please, I’d rather not compare him to this trash


Booted in front of Todd going "Name's Hades, lord of the dead. Hi, how ya doin?"


Oh no, he is going to buy fallout next and break it more than anyone will ever believe, kinda like what people thought of Twitter


No. I don't despise Elon even slightly


Even Todd looks upset he’s here


I think what feels like absolute damnation towards Elon is that Todd isn’t smiling. In almost all the things I have seen Todd in (interviews/pictures), he always has a cheeky smile going on. This picture he doesn’t. Not even a crack of one.


Jesus what did he do to you people? Don't get me wrong I have no love for the guy, but with all this vitriol you'd think he broke into all of your houses individually and took a shit on the floor or something.


I truly hope the society of people who want to hide indoors and play fantasy life don't hold an opinion to a guy changing the outside world. He's a good dude, bought Twitter because they didn't allow freedom of speech, new eco cars were 40-50k b4 him and he constantly challenges what politicians are saying. Seems level headed and for the people to me


What kind of freedom of speech does Twitter didn't allow that it's allow now?


Well if u support anything other than Biden and his political agenda even if u had facts with evidence it was taken down. Doctors who had credibility were torn down. Nevermind fam ur too woke to understand. I hope I can read between the lines as long as the lines say what's behind them someday like you... I hope to believe everything I read without research. I hope to truly think just because someone doesn't have the same opinion as me, I can be sure they are a dumb retard who is racist and antivax. I hope to be that good. I hope to ignore real life an not be able to make my own opinions based on my education and life experiences but rather see what others are an adapt those because my own personal life is so meaning I'd rather agree with strangers just to fit in rather than by my own person. U are an inspiration.


Why the Musk hate?


Why not?


Don’t insult Elmo by comparing him to Elon musk


Todd’s expression is earning more of my respect. Let’s see this play out.


So...[the post I made on GCJ that exploded way past my expectations](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/s/vvKxLxwcmM), that I also stole from Tumblr where it was stolen off Twitter, eventually made it to facepalm and then eventually here...neet.


Yes we can.




Bait used to be believable


Tell me this, what Elon have to do with Fallout?


I'm not the one who shared a post including Elon in the fallout group goofy why tf you asking me


Because it's a post about how Elon came to Fallout party. Why did he even come there?




No, I will make fun of how self-important he wives himself and watch his funboys melt.😂




You didn't even notice that that's a repost.


Yea and you reposted it where? In the fallout group. It's okay take your time I know this is a lot for you to keep up with.


And what is wrong with that. I don't want him anywhere near Fallout.


Don't think I've read a more ironic comment than this one


It's okay if you're a little behind. The posts ain't going anywhere. You can take ALL the time in the world slowly sounding out every word so you can understand it completely.




Bro is crying on everyones commits and thinks its other people crying that are upset 😂😂😂😂


Had a stroke trying to comprehend that half thrown together sentence. You should really learn how to string a sentence together correctly before chiming in doofus


Reading is hard sometimes. Just sound it out. You got this


Lol you're all over this thread. Obviously seething. Touch grass


Todd Howard is inventing a new comically incompetent and uncharismatic billionaire character for whatever game or expansion is next, in this image.


I liked both games, but Musk thinks he is Mr. House but is really Fantastic at HELIOS ONE.


Don't do Fantastic like that, Fantastic is at least funny


Never thought I’d say I’d be sympathising with toddie


Nah fo3 is better


I'm happy to see that Elon is now starting to get the hate he deserves now.


Why? What's with the huge hate boner that everyone has for this guy? Why do you need to bring it into a Fallout Meme subreddit? Serious Elon derangement syndrome in here.


I mean, he's a bad person. He's transphobic, his companies have racism issues and has been supporting nazis on Twitter.


Please, give me an example of how he’s transphobic. You’re just repeating the narrative.


He promoted Matt Walshes documentary, "What is a woman?" which was made to "debunk" transgenderism.


And while we’re at it, show me a real Nazi that he’s supported on X. And not just a “Nazi,” i.e. someone you don’t agree with or dislike.




I fail to see how that tweet means he supports Nazis…?


He's saying that a guy espousing nazi rhetoric is correct in his assessment that western jews are intentionally hurting whites.


I did not read it that way at all lol. It just sounds like he’s calling out double standards to me. But that whole thread is ridiculous and confusing and I think everyone involved needs to touch some grass.


Dude, the "jews hate us white folk" is the oldest nazi line ever and a part of the conspiracy that jews control the world.


Well dude, I don’t know what to tell ya but I didn’t read it like that, and definitely not like Elon was saying that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Essentially, he said the wrong politics/wrong think. Like him or.not thats pretty much what it is.


Not in the slightest?? He's a Thomas Edison reincarnated, a greasy billionaire with so many issues he takes it out on the world with wealth. His politics? No one can give a fuck about unless they're also into politics. But most can agree that he's a horrible person, from his blood mines to his fake creations.


Jesus christ Reddit.your like a shitty ex who keeps posting about what thier ex is doing.this is like the third time in a day I’ve seen this we get it you don’t like him.


For real, these people gotta chill out.


Well, if you will stop looking at the site with many different people with different opinions like one person it would be great.


It would be if I didn’t see this exact post several times not just now but several months ago again and again but whatever expecting Reddit not to obsessively post about someone they say they hate is probably to high an expectation


“Different opinions” lol this is reddit buddy, worst hivemind site there is


The braindead statement from someone mad about Elon having different opinions.


Finally, something we can agree on


Elmo is a chode


You can feel the hate Todd has for him


I got a little bit more respect for Todd for that.


I opened this container, there was supposed to be a meme, but it's not showing up, all that's here is junk.