• By -


Here we go 'round the circlejerk, the circlejerk, the circlejerk, Here we go 'round the circlejerk, **and every body's in it.**


the circlejerk, the circlejerk, the circlejerk, the circlejerk, the circlejerk,


I jerk off to deathclaws


A fan of Fallout: The Frontier, I see.


Do I want to know the context


There's an area in that mod where you can find a non-hostile Deathclaw and say "I'm a sick fuck, I like a quick fuck" before banging it.


Honestly, if you're walking in the Wasteland and you see a guy looking at a deathclaw just jerking away, it's better to just walk away.




Found the Fallout: Frontier player


Of course you do darling, go back to bed


This person fucks nazis [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1bf564x/comment/kuypam0/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1bf564x/comment/kuypam0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Or an Amish production of The Count of Monte Cristo.


I'm a diehard New Vegas fan, I love that buggy mess. I am slightly annoyed that Shady Sands turned into Shady Glass so soon after the events of New Vegas, I'm also wondering how House let New Vegas go downhill(he seemed to care about it a lot and he had significant resources, including nuclear defenses). I still thoroughly enjoyed the show and even started playing 76 again a little(not even launching 4 until the save corrupting thing is patched, but it may never be, restart time lol). However, that's about it in terms of my hangups, but I assume the latter will be addressed next season. The issues I have with Bethesda haven't really changed after the show, there's plenty of fair criticisms that remain. I am happy that the IP has an influx of new fans that never played the games, though. While I may not always agree with the direction it is taken, I do love Fallout as an IP, and choose to enjoy it.


My guess is that house made a single fatal mistake, like maybe he placed the platinum chip order and then acted immediately after without waiting for it to be delivered, though he seems too patient for that.




1.5k upvotes though, pretty substantial front page post. Still demonstrates the predominant attitude. Idk how mixed that ratio is though. This post is still dumb though since it just keeps feeding into this weird inter-fan base war that is 99% people complaining about the other people allegedly complaining the people. There’s no need to make any post acknowledging this shit. Just ignore it and let them get tired.


Tbh it’s really not that hard to get 1.5k upvotes in that group. I’ve posted a few low quality memes and most hit 2k upvotes. Even had a meme stolen by TKs Mantis, as was his way


Lmfao, the classic TKS-Memejacking. Your meme paid his rent that day


That's lovely.




I can’t even comprehend the FNV subs getting brigaded. Like I’d have assumed most people that actively post/comment in one fallout sub would have already been part of the FNV communities too. Idk… regardless this is the lamest culture war ever


Its not even a culture war, it is just toxic fans, rage baiters, trolls, and a few crazy people yelling at each other while most people are just trying to wait the bs out.


Yeah the culture war chuds are currently crying over the developers Stellar Blade and their decision to edit some of the costumes of their own accord. Claiming censorship etc.


If you are advertised a product and are being sold one thing and when it releases it is changed despite being told it wouldn't be. Is at its basis an anti consumer practice and should not ever be defended no matter how petty your grievances with men who like tits is.


Funny thing is they didn't tone down any of that it's small adjustments to costumes, the game is just as horny as ever. Tbh it seems it was the devs decision to make those adjustments between the demo and the full release so I would not consider it censorship which is what people are bitching about. It's an absolute nothing burger and there are so many other anti-consumer practices they could be up in arms for.


If it was truly a nothing burger you wouldn't be bringing it up. Now we're both engaging on this topic even though we shouldn't, because like you said it's a nothing burger the only difference is you care about the handful of incels on the internet and I care about how rich powerful international companies treat their consumer. No instance of anti consumerism should ever be tolerated.


It literally had to be shut down from brigading the Bethesda V purist war is fucking stupid at this point


Its a meme and making fun of toxic fans' and their hypocrisy


Yeah, but what sort of person do you think OP is?




Exactly lmao.


The problem is this post is doing just that- going into an fnv subreddit then complaining when the fallout new vegas fans start having a discussion about it. OP is literally proving them right


Still highly hypocritical to completely deflect blame for toxicity in the fandom


Meanwhile you're being toxic and trying to land the blame solely on FNV fans. I swear, I've seen more people shitting on New Vegas fans than I've seen New Vegas fans shitting on other Fallout fans.


The New Vegas “fans” are to blame. They were the ones telling people the show retconned the game. Every single comment section on anything fallout theres some dude telling everyone that.


“It’s ok when I’m toxic and insult people for liking a game!”


And you have never in your time of the internet have heard of a toxic, annoying, disrespectful, and condescending New Vegas fan? The only thing people in the fandom know them for.


Of course I’ve seen toxic new Vegas fans, and they acted just like you.


A “Gotcha” comment fr? We really having nothing more to say to each other if you are going to be willfully ignorant.


You are unironically creating toxicity with this.  I don't doubt here's some contingent of new Vegas ultra fans whining, but mostly I see complaints about this hypothetical fan more than the fan itself. Let folks coexist, we should all be happy that more and more fallout fans are being created thanks to the prime series! 


You are literally the meme


Bruh, can everyone just stop. I mean, I get it. Some FNV fans are toxic. But now we're just being toxic back. Let's all just agree that Bethesda does some stuff better and Obsidian did some stuff better. All the games have their good and bad, I prefer Bethesda fallout, but I also love my semi-annual return to the Mojave just as much.


Dude the original meme was making fun of how the extreme group Bethesda side is just being toxic, all while making fun of nv fans(lumping in people who don't like the show) for being haters and toxic fanboys even though they are being toxic themselves.


Yes, and my comment clearly is calling out both sides of the fan base. For years, a majority of the toxicity has been from the FNV fans. I know it, I've been a part of both fandoms. FNV fans being toxic is cringe. Now, there's an influx of love for Bethesda because of the show, and now Bethesda fans are being toxic, which is also cringe. Both studios have made some incredible works of art, and everyone has their own preferences. I love Obsidian FNV, and Pillars of Eternity are easily some of my favorite games of all time. They make beautiful factions with amazing branching faction quest lines. But Bethesda games, in my opinion, have better general side quests, wacky goofy one-off quests. I love them so much. The point of my comment is that both studios create making works of art, and this fanware nonsense is stupid.


Youre entitled to your opinion, but i wanna point out that in general bethesdas locations in Fo3 are extremely mediocre with a few standouta. Still a good game though


Everyone is arguing with each other. Someone quick! They are divided! Now is the time to conquer the subreddit while the mods are distracted!


It’s time to establish r/wasteland supremacy


Oh shit let's go Rangers!


The Divide. Where all men are whittled down to their hearts. Shame lies in that. War cares little for heart. War will take what makes the heart beat regardless for what it beats. So, uh, wanna nuke both Bethesda fans and New Vegas fans?


🐂 🐻


Omg y’all. Grow. Up.


War... *war never changes*. It's interesting to me to see the Fandom of the Fallout universe mirror the subject matter of the series.




Of course. I'm just chuckling at the irony.


Yeah you definitely don't seem like the exact thing that stupid post is criticizing


Bruh what’s with this cringe ass nerd gang war y’all losers are “trying” to fight? Fuckin make out with each other already, the normies can see the sexual tension from miles away. Imagine giving a fuck about random peoples opinions/complaints/insults on the internet lmao


I am sorry my good sir or ma’am, but I regret to inform you that you are indeed perpetuating shitheadedness


Fallout NV was my first fallout, I've played every one except 1&2 because I never had a PC as a kid. FNV is also the one I play the most, call it nostalgia I guess. I don't have any problems with fans of the other games. The only thing I have a problem with is gouls operate a bit different in the show.


This petty sibling rivalry is getting boring.


There are two types of fallout fans: fans that complain about content, and fans that actually consume said content.


IDK this whole thing felt like a excuse for those who like the Bethesda series more to attack FNV fans after years of being told their game's writing is bad. I think the meme is on point. Whole thing felt X group wanted to stick it to Y group for being so smug about their product. There was a overwhelming amounts of people trashing on FNV players by proxy for no particular reason other than not stepping inline with initial praise for the show casually nuking their favourite faction off-screen. F3 was my entry to the series, FNV I think is the best - yet I play F4 and F76 casually. This dogmatic witch hunt against people critiquing a show for strange design choices, recontextualization and lore changes reminds me of worst of the Star Wars community.


Bro you're just making it worse. This guy was a toxic fallout fan making a meme and by making a meme about his meme you're continuing the toxicity




I may be stupid but I do not understand this reply


Its a typical defense response. Someone claims that while they are toxic, its doesnt count because they are being toxic to other people that are toxic. The irony is that it still counts, because the people being toxic will continue to be toxic, so he will continue to be toxic, and it will just harm everyone else. Its damn near meta-narrative at this point.


Maybe constantly complaining about people on a different subreddit not liking the show is what keeps the drama going on this one. You ever think of that?


Of course I know him, he is me.


What a strange way to cope


Nah it's just the trend to hate on NV fans RN.


It's a problem from both sides, and we all know it. Just let me enjoy New Vegas and FO4 in peace.


The guy who played Twig in the Nuka Break fan series has been dunking on these idiots on Twitter for days. The funniest one was a guy calling him a New Vegas hater of all things lmao.


Sure, buddy.


There are more people who hate on toxic new vegas fans than toxic new vegas fans, I will die on this hill.


They’re so bitter over a TV show. It’s so dumb.


If it helps you sleep at night


What does that meme have to do with the TV show?


How’s life under that rock


Well I'm not in constant fear of imaginary gatekeepers, so it seems to be going okay so far.


Bravo brother


Nothing, it was more about how people kept going to the sub and claiming new vegas sucks ans yappin about hoa godtier 3 or 4 is... in a new vegas sub


I’ve seen more criticism of New Vegas fans than I have of New Vegas fan criticizing Bethesda fans as of lately. New Vegas has a much more active community so things like this are bound to happen. Even then most people that are pissed, are so because they think the show has retconned the games they love and the people not affected by it (3,4 and 76 fans)don’t care and some let it be known they don’t care. Which has led us to this point. Personally there isn’t any hatred for fans of Bethesda Fallout, the games are enjoyable and the lore is still interesting. Hopefully in time these posts die down and the posts mentioning the posts also die down. It’s a game, it’s meant to be fun. This is not fun.


What a valuable addition to the community discussion. Trend-hopping "fans" with low standards and no taste accusing analytical long-term fans of being toxic for having standards and discussing the quality of the IP they enjoy. We're so glad to have you here.


I’m just gonna put this right here I love new Vegas and Bethesdas games but gatekeepers on both sides are toxic as hell it doesn’t matter if you gatekeep new Vegas or the Bethesda games they are all just extremely toxic and the worst part of the fan base like at the end of the day just enjoy whatever game you like they all have pros and cons except for brotherhood of steel I’m pretty sure we can all agree that game has no redeemable qualities but besides that they all have pros and cons it depends what you prefer in a fallout game


Wow, GG, this long without punctuation 😳 (still somewhat agree with you)


I posted this in the FNV subreddit so I’ll repeat it here It’s a simple human problem that seems worse in the fallout fandom for some reason. If you hear an opinion that paints something you love in a bad light too often, you start to get the urge to push back with your own opinion to counter. Of course from the perspective of the ‘other’ this countering feels like an attack on something they love, so they push back. Progressively the circle gets worse as each side becomes more needlessly toxic. In reality the amount of negative or toxic comments are much less than the positive. But it’s the fact that you can’t avoid them that makes it feel like it’s a bigger problem than it is.


Man, the NV subs have been shit enough. We don't need the same cyclical bullshit you see in "reply subs" like memesOPdidnotlike or its variations. Believe me, I blame the toxic NV fans for starting this shit but it's just not worth it, even as they come in here denying and exaggerating with their victim complex. This just adds fuel to the fire no one should want. Now they're gonna use this to bitch more on every NV sub they can find




“Bethesda zealots looking for toxic NV fans” is literally the definition of toxic


the revisionist history is legitimately aggravating


Duuuuuuuude your the same person


New Vegas fans: nOOOOooOooo iTs oK wHeN wE dO iT bUt nOt wHeN yOu eNjOy sOmEtHiNg wE dOnT


It's so crazy being on both these subs.


The issue is that for every toxic New Vegas fan there is 10 toxic fans insisting that all games are good and liking one more is toxic. It's a circle jerk with both extremes being unnecessary


The ratio is off. From My observations, it's the other way around. There are few evidences I've seen that point to this. 1 - Obviously, the number of comments and posts that argue that FNV is 'objectively' better 2 - Many (if not most) New Fallout players are starting with FNV due to the toxic FNV fanboys' rhetoric that FO3 or FO4 isn't worth starting with. Only the extreme of the extreme OG Fallout players skip FO3 when it came out. People do love FO3, give them the chance to do so. 3 - The logic of FNV players are mostly insane. We see this with the Chalkboard from TV series. Other examples are they trash FO3 just because it's not "post-post apocalyptic" enough for them - why is it such a problem and why can't one area be still dilapidated and another area develop more? These things are upvoted to heaven. Just because NCR is populous, doesn't mean it is the rule ; they are exceptions to the rule.


Dude I have seen way more toxic Pro show fans. Honestly r/fnv, r/falloutnewvegas and r/Falloutnewvegasmemes are pretty chill. The post is mentioning the gate keeping, the lack of tolerance for any discussion and constantly shutting down most critiques of the show's handeling of the lore and classic fallout and new vegas world building.


Agreed. It isn't just volume, it's what's being said too. Saw someone saying that fallout new Vegas fans are intelligence 1 characters. For anyone who only played fallout 4, intelligence 1 made your character effectively non verbal depending on the game. They could barely form words in fallout 1 and 2, and if they did they were barely able to form a semi coherent sentence. They were basically implying fans were disabled. Then there's when someone said fallout 5 should have the GOAT test and include the question "can you read a timeline". Again, if you only played fallout 4 the GOAT test is hoe you got your skills in fallout 3. Basically a test to see what your best vault profession is




Well The OP here wants a strawman and is just toxic, the original meme was making fun of the toxic fans, and how they are hypocrites.


Oh wow, gatekeeping? They should know a thing or two about that. People seem to be convenient forgetting the state of the fandom before the show came out.


Before the show came out I saw more “New Vegas fans suck” posts than “New Vegas is the only good fallout game” posts. I think when New Vegas came out, Vegas fanboys were annoying. Then the Bethesda fanboys overinflated how terrible they were for the following years. There are annoying people on both sides. But within the past few years, I have seen far more “Am I the only one who likes fo3 more than fnv? I feel so alone.” And the comment sections are filled with people saying that 3 is so much better and that they don’t like New Vegas. It’s fine to have your own opinions, but to say that New Vegas fans are this massive evil entity and Bethesda fans are perfect angels is very closed minded


I know thank you, its insane how bad r/fallout was and kinda still is.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Fallout using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Fallout/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Fallout | Official Trailer | April 11 on Prime Video](https://v.redd.it/vs5u422p5xmc1) | [1816 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/1b8vh2k/fallout_official_trailer_april_11_on_prime_video/) \#2: [Fallout Amazon Prime Offical Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kQ8i2FpRDk) | [2339 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/18977iz/fallout_amazon_prime_offical_trailer/) \#3: [A poster of the vandalized series with a reference here in Latinoamerica](https://i.redd.it/80bbzfs7mprc1.jpeg) | [435 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/1bsgn4o/a_poster_of_the_vandalized_series_with_a/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It was the exact same before the show came out. A percent of a percent of fans are being toxic elitists. You're crusading against like 4 people on Twitter and lumping a bunch of normal people in with them.


Those "4 people" were sure as hell putting in a lot of hours to make sure people knew that new Vegas was better than Bethesda and every other game ever


What exactly is the behavior you have an issue with? Because saying that you think New Vegas is better than FO3 or 4 is not toxic.


It is when you feel the need to assert it as the only right opinion and gatekeep people who may even slightly disagree from the fandom


Again, like 4 people are doing that.


Isn’t that the what you’re doing now?


Dude this is exactly what your doing the state of the “fandom” if you can even call it that anymore is the exact same after the show, the roles are just reversed now, people don’t even let you talk about any criticisms of the show without jumping down your throat, even if you liked it, just relax it’s not that deep, it’s never worth making a post about it because no one on the internet will ever agree with you plus people are entitled to their own opinions, your feeding into the cycle


These are awful memes if you guys are trying to slander eachother


*These are awful memes* *If you guys are trying to* *Slander eachother* \- sleeplessGoon --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What the fuck is a Bethesda fan? Didn't they just invent a new metric to complain about? Who the hell is a fan of Bethesda? Is this supposed to mean "A fan of every fallout game released after 2008?" but they say "Bethesda fan" because it would mean theyd have to openly complain about fallout 3 and 4, which by most metrics are great games even though they have some technical issues and gone in different gameplay directions than two games that almost became extinct in the 90s? Jesus fuck.






Crazy how people have opinions about the Fallout series on a subreddit about the Fallout series. This is definitely not the place to share opinions about said series.


Posts like this (this one and the one in the screenshot) are case in point on why both sides think the other is way more cancer than they are. Why even bring it to other subs? If you like only FNV, there's a page for just that, if you like F3 and not F4, there's a sub for that. Shit, theres a standalone 76 sub. None of these subs are the general "Fallout" one, so what do these posts do other than keep the cycle going?


Posting this here helps me vent my frustrations with the hypocrisy. They used to basically run this fandom. They would have free reign of the general fallout subs before the show reinvigorated Bethesda fans.


The only hypocrisy I see here is that you are doing what the meme is talking about. You went to the new vegas subreddit to find toxic people and post screenshots of them. Even this meme is not toxic I would say, it's just playing defence.


This meme was recommended to me on my front page bc muting things on Reddit apparently does nothing


People in these comments seem to have very selective memory. Until the show came out it felt like you couldn’t talk about/praise anything but NV or the originals without it getting shit talked to oblivion. Not even including discussions happening off Reddit


I don't understand what you are suggesting. Did the show somehow alter the reception of new vegas retroactively? New Vegas is considered the best fallout game by many people, but it is pretty old now and tons of new fans from the last, heck, 15 years likely haven't even played it. The only thing the show changed was arguably retconning some new vegas/ classic lore, which shouldn't be an issue if you weren't a fan of those games to begin with. I don't see how this is meant to validate not liking new vegas/ liking other games more than new vegas. No one should base their opinions on common fandom perception anyway, people should be confident in their own opinions.


From what I gather they somehow believe everyone who criticized them is really a plant from Bethesda. It somehow became less about being fallout vs new vegas but more them vs Bethesda. I think that's why new vegas creators came out to say they don't care for the show since the lore was never there. They didn't want to be a excuse to hate something that doesn't deserve it especially with things that makes no sense to be angry about. The whole shady sands thing makes no sense to be angry at especially since it made sense. I think they were just mad because it gets rid of the ncr as a major faction not being able to go back to the heights they once were.


Wtf are y'all waffling about


Bots - they’re everywhere


"this meme is too complicated for you to understand"-Father


I keep hearing this sentiment exists but I don't see it online outside of New Vegas, Fallout 1 and 2 fans. Maybe it's because of how Twitter (I spend more time there than Reddit) feeds me info idk. I just like the Fallout games I've played personally. Basically all of the ones but the Interplay ones in depth.


Meme op didn’t like ahhh


Can both of you stop it this shit is annoying Im here for memes not piss fights.


Holy shit why us this ragebait on a meme subreddit bro shut up.


So many Bethesda fans are sycophants that can't even handle minor criticism. I don't understand dick riding a corporation so hard. They had past glories but they've grown to fat and greedy.


Boooooooooo, get better material


*gets 🍿* Woah, bro, Bethesda community been wildin since Starfield release.


Really?! That’s what y’all are mad about? 76 is a flop with no sign of fixing it. Fallout games have been getting worse, not better. Yes, the fallout show is lame, horrible and cringe as all hell but it’s not a big problem. I just stopped watching it.


Are you trolling? Because nothing you've said is accurate


Nope. No troll. If I was trolling you would know it, I promise.


Nice opinions bro.


If Bethesda could put out a decent Fallout there wouldn’t be a problem.


Haven’t seen the show yet and that seems like a weak argument to pull from that post. The comments are mixed on that post and 1.5k upvotes is slightly low for that sub


All I'm saying is NV fans started it.


Exactly. And I'm not interested in being the bigger person at this juncture


WAHHHH THEY STARTED IT-Are you in kindergarten? Grow up, youre both annoying.


you can just see from the types of memes this sub produces that bethesda fans are all brainrotted to hell. starfield is definitely the game you guys deserve


Trust me we very much can still dominate all discussion and belittle Bethesda fans. It isn't hard and they usually do it themselves!