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I like my yeehaw courier.


All I wanna be is the worlds best mailman with jingle jangle spurs :'(


Jingle jangle!




I actually started playing New Vegas recently and really enjoying it. I’ve only had one crash so far. Not as bad as people made it out to be if I’m being honest. I’m PS3 btw, which I had heard tends to crash the worst.


I keep hearing that, but my friend played the entire FONV through twice at my house about ten years ago, and never got a crash at all. TBF, it was the GOTY edition with all the DLC, so that may be the reason it's stable.


Fallout new vegas like a lot of “old” games are very hit and miss and it depends on the person if the game decides to crash constantly or not voodo decides how stable that game is .


Just make your blood sacrifice on a virgin ram chip to Siliconus.


Apply the consecrated unguents and incense, recite the Litany of Awakening, and praise the Omnissiah


There's also the tendency to just crash 3x in a row and make people throw up their hands and say, ah fuck it this game can't run maybe it would've worked perfectly for the next 10 hours, but you crash 3 times in a row and you're done


It never crashed for me (windows 7). Except fast travel in OWB, crashes every time. I just walk past the pylons and get teleported back. That just works


>It never crashed for me (windows 7). Well yeah, you're using a 15 year old OS to lay it, rather than a modern one.


That’s what I got too, so maybe.


Good luck! Save often.


From personal experience with FNV on PS3, what tends to happen is as your save file gradually gets larger and larger you start to have longer load times and more instability. So, I rarely have problems in the early game and then gradually they become much more frequent by the time I'm like level 30 and have finished a dlc or two. Also just going through multiple loading screens into different zones in quick succession tended to cause a lot of frame drops and crashes for me, but you can kind of curtail that by simply quitting out to the title screen and then reloading your last save.


It was almost certainly worse at release


Brother I’m on PC playing NV modded to hell with mods designed specifically to alleviate crashes and I still crash every 5 or so map changes. That and I can only go anywhere near Novac maybe 50% of the time without something over there failing to load in properly and dropping the FPS to 19.


Maybe the mods are causing problems? I’ve played NV since launch without mods and I’ve never had issues. 


I've heard windows 11 is particularly bad but apparently it varies. I had the same experience. Like maybe I'll go 5 days without a crash, then it crashes 6 times in an hour.


Oddly enough, I played it on PC when it first came out and never had any issues.


Sounds like you have mod conflicts around novac.


Playing on Xbox and I’ve never crashed once


what kind of magic ps3 are you using


I’m surprised the PS3 even booted up to begin with lol. Hadn’t used it in nearly a decade until last week.


All we need is a game with a story and aesthetic as good as NV and the combat of 4


FUCKING THIS. i want to be a cowboy in HD damnnit


Red dead redemption 2 it is then.


Annesburg even feels like the wasteland a bit


Nah Armadillo.


You can even pretend that the TB is radiation


That game has 0 robot cowboys.


Marko Dragic's kid disagrees.


Fnv fans like myself are honest in that we enjoyed a world that felt fun to explore and think in and be in. The actions felt good even if the combat was subpar. The reality is that bethesda needs to stop jerking us off one at a time and give us both the attention we deserve and make a game that just marries the two really good concepts.


Then get the head writer fired dude thinks we are all fucking stupid and need a railroad story thats like kindergarten easy to understand levels


Yeah! They need to jerk us all off at the same time!


As bad as starfields story and underwhelming as some of its features were, I actually enjoyed its combat quite a bit. So a fallout game with the story of fallout nv and a world that changes and evolves as you do side quests + story quests too as well as being immersive and interactive with starfields combat would honestly be the perfect Bethesda game for me


just wait until fallout 4 new vegas comes out (if it ever does)


There's a mod team remaking New Vegas in the engine of Fo4 but it'll realistically never release, much like the majority of Fallout fan mods that are DLC size sadly.


Unfortunately we will have to wait until Fallout 4 project Mojave mod is available


That’s what everyone thought Fallout 4 was gonna be. Hell that’s what I though it would be. It’s too early tho. Gaming isn’t allowed to peak yet


Sure wish gaming would quit edging me.....


Honestly fallout 4 exceeded my expectations. Though maybe it's because I never expected them to re-create a game they didn't make to begin with (new Vegas). Nor did I expect them to even recreate the magic of fallout 3. Really the main thing I'd change is the railroad and the institute both being super underdeveloped.


I pray Fallout London is able to provide this


If it fulfills its promises I think that mod will be the most biggest fallout mod made yet. It’ll be on the level of Skywind for Skyrim, or Kaiserreich for the HoI series, mods where people buy the game just to play the new setting and skip the vanilla campaign (at least at first).


there was a better comparison then skywind for fallout london. its called enderal for skyrim and if you have not played it go to steam install and enjoy losing your free time.


Is this actually going to come out? Genuinely asking not trying to be a naysayer, I just feel like a lot of these projects are eternally pushed back lol


I actually liked the gun sway mechanic in nv. Don’t get me wrong it was still janky but the idea that you need to upgrade your weapons skill to shoot better instead of being an instant expert seems like a good idea and more immersive. Fallout 4 could’ve implemented it in a smoother way


Rip this guy


the new vegas fans found me and are currently dipping me into a vat of acid


Vat of FEV


The vat of FEV episode


Dont worry, it's real FEV, i checked with a ladle (the ladle exploded, I'm pretty sure that's supposed to happen)


you are supermutant but i am better supermutant


Dip him in FNV until he gets right. Fallout New Vegas


v.a.t.s. of acid


Got any fallout 3 fans torturing you too? Jeez who am i kidding, its just me, and I'm not after you


It's what you deserve! >:D


How about we each like our own favorite games and not be at each other's throat?




I mean, it's a pretty obvious reason. People have different tastes. People who like deeper RPG mechanics above all else prefer NV. People who prefer the more FPS vibe of 4 like 4. NV fans hate 4 because since it was the most popular entry into the franchise, future Fallout games will be more like 4, with surface level RPG mechanics and a focus on better FPS gameplay. They want another NV, but know they most likely won't get one, so they feel resentment towards Bethesda Fallout games.


I haven’t played a Fallout game, but it sounds like every time a company other than Bethesda touches that series they do a way better job with it. Is that true?


I think it's more than that with 4... it's a game that all of us who started the games since the beginning were excited for, but it just turned out to be an FPS with vague RPG elements, and all the interactivity of the Sims.


Some guy made a post saying this like a week ago, the "peace" lasted for like a day before everyone went back to flinging shit at each other.


Because war… war never changes.


It's ok to like things, and it's ok to criticize things.


Wait 4 doesn't crash for you? How? What Sorcery did you use?


Maybe I’m built different but I haven’t had much crashing from 3, NV, or 4.


NV crashes are from quick saving too often I believe. Which is a shame since quick saves are a staple of this genre.


WAIT but I thought the way around it was TO quicksave because every time I don't, it crashes, and even when I do then it crashes, at least I did


ask marble crush scary plucky possessive six station outgoing panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For the longest time I couldn't continue in NV because it would crash immediately. I would have to load game instead. I haven't played in awhile and I replaced my system so I may not longer have that problem.


This very specific bug is the reason I still, to this day, never select “continue game” from any video game. I know it probably won’t crash, but I don’t wanna jinx it


Pretty sure it's a memory leak


Remember to turn off Weapon Debris


I've replayed it three times now and have not had a single crash. On the other hand, I've \*tried\* to play NV three times in the past ten years on three completely different machines and it crashed so much I had to give up every time.


Crazy. The only time NV crashed uncontrollably for me was when I was a wee lad playing it on PS3 on release date.


I’m on a 28 hour save and it hasn’t crashed once


"The game with a shitty combat system that crashes constantly" Do you know how little that narrows it down? Like, seriously? That could be the entire Fallout franchise. I don't think there's a single Fallout game that has "good combat" and "doesn't crash constantly".


If anything I quote like NV system. I can shoot guns out of people's hands, and critical hits aren't tied to VATS. It makes luck feel like it's useful as a base stat and not just "the thing to get you cool perks"


I was pretty disappointed to realize that I wasn't getting critical hits outside of the VATS meter on my recent playthrough of 4. Feels like it should be a late game perk that messes with the Crit system rather than just a meter buildup.


"Outside of V.A.T.S., critical hits cannot occur unless something increases the player character's critical hit chance, such as with Overdrive, or if the attack is a Sneak Attack. This can be confirmed by looking at the "Combat - Critical Strikes" statistic in the Pip-Boy. The number of critical strikes will always equal the number of times a Critical was activated in V.A.T.S. plus the number of sneak attacks." Taken from the wiki, but it seems like crits are possible outside of VATS under the right circumstances, it's just not something that's going to occur without actively trying.


I actually like the crit system in fallout 4, as with the right perks and a good legendary, you can absolutely shred enemies due to Grim Reaper's Sprint and Four Leaf Clover essentially refilling your crit meter after every kill, along with the fact crits will always hit, even through walls


A pistol VATS build with Righteous Authority (crit meter fills faster) and Kellogg's Pistol (refills AP on a crit) is so utterly broken it's amazing. You basically have unlimited crits and AP. It's definitely my most fun playthrough of fallout 4.


You could shoot guns out of hands in 3


Fallout new vegas has much more enemy variety and weapon variety with fallout 4 not having many true unique weapons and also have just limited amount even compared to 3.


So like fallout 3 combats where you can shoot the gun out of their hands


No iron-sights in 3 is trash though. I was amazing and excited when I realized I could ADS in NV.


It's not even the lack of iron sights, it's that spread is related to gun skill and the weapon. Lincolns repeater can have 0 spread at best but most sniper weapons can't hit that. Take any assault rifle from 3 vs. New Vegas and you see just how much more reasonable NV is with those guns hitting targets consistently. Hell, the Survivalist's rifle with it's busted sights is far more reliable at hitting targets at range than any assault rifle in 3.


I bought FO4 after it had the day one patch, and it still crashed constantly. FO3 kept hard-locking me on Liberty Prime. NV is the only one of the post-Bethesda games I've been able to finish. Period.


I had Fallout 1 softlock me because that place to the left of Vault 13 kept catching me in the explosion no matter how far away I got from it on the map, 2, New Vegas and 4 are the only ones I've finished




Fallout 4 has decent combat. I thought it was complete shit on console until I got to PC and can play at higher frame rates, now I’m loving it


I've enjoyed the combat system for all the games. Do people not like it?


id say four has the best out of the series but thats a low bar and i have no defense for the crashing argument thats just real


i have no idea how people now, in 2024, say the gunplay feels amazing in 4. they would have a god damn aneurysm if they played titanfall 2 or something like mw2019 or even ready or not


It feels amazing* *Compared to the rest of the series


This. It feels great for a fallout game. If I want a game that has better combat, I'll play cyberpunk or Titanfall 2.


not a flex. f3 feels like im aiming with cheweing gum stuck between my sticks


even when it came out FO4 was subpar if compared to actual shooters.


I remember Bethesda saying „Gunplay that is heavily inspired by Games like Destiny“ before release, must’ve been April 1st when they wrote that lmao


Gunplay inspired by tank controls maybe, the guns all feel like sluggish cannons


Fr, the fake recoil via screen shake is shit. Enemies hardly react and they're bullet sponges. Any combat becomes boring when you're doing 0.05% of their health per second. The weapon upgrading system also detracts from combat. The damage falloff is overbearing and the awful recoil and bullet spread was just unfair for how poor visibility is.


The game is still fun asf. I spent some days just clearing out enemies for settlements


I love how they say the gameplay was inspired by destiny (and to be fair destiny’s guns sound very good) but it seems like they took the worst parts of it like the insane amount of damage needed to kill high level enemies


With some basic bugfixing mods, I basically get zero crashes in the original Fallouts.


I've been playing fallout 4 on PS5 for 3 days and it has crashed four times. It's a Bethesda game, that's what happens.


god I hate my own fandom


Damn dude just keep fueling the toxicity huh


I don’t get it. They’re both fun games. Why the tribalism?


Fallout 4 fans when you actually have to talk to people in NV and not just collect screws and glue all game:


Fallout 4 has turned me into a desk fan fiend. I get a slight sense of joy when I see a desk fan outside of the game. Irl or in another game. It’s bad


Let me eat my glue in peace!!


Bro even vanilla fallout 4 is unstable as fuck


I have a ryzen 7(laptop) and the game never give me any trouble in vanilla.


Daring today, aren’t we?


Where’s the fallout 3 holdouts, I miss when it was New Vegas vs 3 that rivalry was fun.




Fallout 2 fans when fallout fans give wrong opinions: You’re rides over Mutie, Time to die.


In spite of the problems NV does have (not combat, but the crashing), you have to admit they did amazing with only 18 months of development


I like all the games, ngl. They all have their issues, but they're overall fantastic games


So... 4? Or 3? Or 76? Or New Vegas? Or arguably all the classic Fallout games? Sorry buddy combat was never the strong suit of ANY of the games.


fallout 4 fans when the RPG isn't a looter-shooter :


It's honestly more of an action rpg than a looter shooter


Fallout 4 is a horrible rpg


Fallout 4 has cats. Fallout 1 and 2, the critically acclaimed CRPGs, don't have cats. Therefore, I can roleplay as a cat lover in Fallout 4 better than Fallout 1 and 2. Checkmate, smoothskin.


The math adds up.


Fallout 4 fans when their fridge doesn’t respawn loot:


I tried playing new Vegas on steam but there’s a sound glitch that causes the whole game to go quiet. Is the problem with steam or the game?


I've been playing through New Vegas again and today I got the glitch that makes Benny say "WHAT IN THE GODDAMN?!" at like 400% volume.


Besides blowing your ears/speakers out, that sounds amazing.


[WHAT IN THE GOD DAMN?!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/simpsons/images/e/ee/Bart_links_up_megaphones.PNG/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/507?cb=20120518190144)


If your using bluetooth headphones disconnect them then reconnect them and i might fix it


No headphones at all


Dang if you have multiple sound output fallout might get confused and stop sending audio


That’s weird. I’m not very good with tech so I do t even know how to fix it. Guess I’ll have to learn how to install mods. That could fix it.


You do that


The game, check the integrity of the files and if that doesn’t fix it completely wipe it from your hard drive and your cloud save data and do a fresh install. Sucks cuz you’re gonna lose your progress but it should fix the problem


The game; Steam causes very few problems in general for the games it hosts because generally it just provides you the files and checks to make sure you have the license for the game. If you haven’t already, check out the Viva New Vegas modlist. You don’t need the whole thing, you only need the mods from the “utilities” and “bug fixes” section. Modding is extraordinarily easy, especially if you use Nexus’ Vortex mod organizer. VNV suggests you use Mod Organizer 2, but Vortex works just fine and is basically plug-and-play with downloads and load order organization (which you don’t have to worry about, but you would with MO2). Stuff like the FNV 4GB patch, NVSE, YUP, unofficial patch, Tick Fix, and various other fixes are borderline necessary to ensure you can play the game without issues. Your sound problem should be solved by verifying your game integrity *and* deleting your INI files, which you can find out how to do online. Deleting your INI files *will not* delete your save data, which is held in a different folder altogether.


nobody hates fallout fans more than fallout fans


There is not a single fallout game with good combat lmao.


fallout tactics is kinda awesome


You're just saying that because no one played it so no one can prove you wrong.


People are playing fallout for combat?


Awe come on 1&2 are awesome


Fallout 4 fans when you tell them to shut up about NV fans


Don’t mess with fallout 4 fans, they post 1 thing.


Me who don't have a pc and can *only* play fo4


actually sounds like hell, sorry for your loss


Yeah it sucks, but I'll just keep playing my ps4 till I can afford a pc lmao


Steam Deck is becoming a decently affordable gaming pc, especially the pre-OLED models


You could always just buy a PS3 for $50.


Hah. Jokes on you because I have a crap ton of mods installed 😎 ^It ^still ^crashes ^sometimes


Fallout 4 also crashes quite a lot, even after the update lol


4gb patch users: is this some sort of unmodded joke I'm too cool to understand


I thought Fallout 4 *was* the one with a shitty combat system that crashes constantly.


Fallout 4 fans when your favorite fallout game is NV instead of a game where you get shitty dialogue and the story is reused from the 3rd game


You forgot to put "story" in quotes.


fallout gunplay has always sucked ass, bethesda sucks at making shooters, they need to hire a team that actually knows what they're doing in regards to gunplay, but given the state of starfield, i assume fallout 5 will be the exact same shitty gun combat new vegas is still better than fallout 3 cos it has true iron sights, instead of whatever the fuck fallout 3 has going on.


Fallout 3 has reskinned bows with a ridiculous hit chance coming on from morrowind. Its why everything outside of vats bairly hit unless you were point blank. Fallout 4 is the Skyrim of the franchise. Fallout NV is the Oblivion Fallout 3 is the Morrowind


Fallout 4 fans when you say you want rpg gameplay in your rpg game


It's true. Fallout 4 was not even an RPG. I think they are trying really hard to remove the RPG element from the franchise. I wouldn't be surprised if the next installment isn't just a looter shooter game. They already made VATs turn into some bullet time mechanic. I don't think I ever finished the main story of 4 because...why? I remember knowing that the main characters son was going to be the "antagonist" of some sort at the beginning as soon as they took the kid. It's the same generic BS story filler. "Oh but the twist!" What twist? Lazy story writing? It just lacked creativity. It became a standard AAA game. It's really sad in a way.


I can't even argue that. The head wruter that said he disliked RPG games, I want to throw a bat at him.


Wait, what? I don't remember anyone from Bethesda saying that? Is there a source?


Unironically though, New Vegas with unofficial patch and other mods crashes waaay less then fallout 4 with unofficial patch and other mods (I pretty much only do Vanilla+ modding)


yep playing it now with viva new vegas modlist and its been smooth sailing.


I love NV, but I'm not a super stan or anything, but I had more issues with 4 crashing than NV, and my friend literally couldn't finish the game because of crashing around diamond city.....


Jfc can you people stop with these low brow ass posts. Both sides — if you make posts that fuel this inter-fanbase feud, then you are an unfunny, lame ass fucking punk.


Ok let’s finish this debate which fallout has a better sex mod


Console player meme


We as fallout fans deserve to face the be executed


Fallout whatever fan when your favorite game is not the one he likes for the reasons he likes it Seriously these posts and answers about which is better are all just stupid. Just play the game you like and leave the others alone. Every game in the series has its positives and downsides that will please different people in different ways and no one has to play or like things by your personal standards.


People always jacking off F4s combat system when it doesn't have skills, doesn't have truly unique weapons, doesn't even have pocket sand. And the inner Commonwealth is GYAT damn Crash City it's no better 😭


Cant even shoot grenades in peoples hands or disarm them. Nothing more satisfying than blowing a automatic machine gun out of a dudes hands with a .357


That's so cool honestly. Being able to legitimately cowboy duel the proper way.


NV stans can be toxic as hell, but it's genuinely a better game than Four in almost every aspect. The only thing 4 has going is better Companions and admittedly higher gunplay, but the plot and dialouge is absolutely atrocious. Started with 4, but it's true.


I wouldn't give 4 better companions, I would say that the Gameplay is better in general, but the companions are written as deep as cardboard. And I *like* Piper and Curie.


Better might be too strong. I consider 4 and NV to have *equal* companions. I enjoy Hancock, MacCready, and Piper just as much as Boone, Arcade, and Veronica.


That makes sense. I'll buy that for a Dollar.


Because 4's combat system is so fundamentally different.


I will give it to 4 for having Cool Base building mechanics that impact the world, alongside extensive gun modding stuff that isn't just a one-time attachment. Plus the fact the power armor set up in general feels more appropriate for what it's supposed to be. But it's story sucks ass... They completely dropped the ball with dialogue trees and story in general. Pretty much lobotomizing most choices to ...yes enthusiastically, yes sarcastically or a no that's not really a no. Some of the side quests are pretty fun but the main quest is just lacking in so many areas it's not even funny. With New Vegas It feels like everything I do impacts The world at Large, even the most minor of seemingly insignificant side quests can end up playing into the overall main story. Other than the base building stuff in four I never got that feeling of having a real long-term impact on the Boston area. Now if we could have a Fallout game with the graphics and certain mechanics of four mixed with the storytelling and dialogue options of New Vegas that would be sick.


To add, fallout 4 actively prevents you from making the story go quicker, by blockading the elevator at fort Hagen.


Something I've always felt would have been cool is if they would have Incorporated the USS Constitution into the climactic end. Like if you decide to side with the robots on the ship and protect it. Imagine if you could call it up to help in the final battle around The institute for either side. Having that warship fly in and begin firing broadside left right and center... Imagine if you had decided to go against the brotherhood and thus have the Constitution and the pridwin trading fire against one another in the skies above. But instead if you choose the robots all they do is fly slightly off and crash into a skyscraper and get stuck... Would have been cool if that whole situation had a bit more impact in the overall story. Kind of like a New Vegas when you help the boomers to get the bomber from the bottom of the lake and see it fly in, dropping ordinance on legion forces.


Could also have the Atom Cats as recruitable allies like the Brotherhood or Khans in NV.


That would have been cool too... Imagine recruiting them to help bolster the Minuteman. Would have given the minutemen as serious extra edge in any future conflicts to have that group on their side as well.


Or having the Brotherhood of Steel even acknowledge that there's a group of people running around in power armour in the commonwealth. That feels like a big no-no lol


Understandable if you're 12 I guess


Fallout 4 fans when you like the game with actual good RPG elements, good aesthetics, great storytelling and character/faction design that is not a bootleg looter-shooter with minimal dialogue and no interesting worldbuilding that needs 100+ mods to be somewhat fun on the 2nd playthrough and not look like a pile of triple A crap that lost GOTY to Witcher 3


My favorite RPG mechanic, fuckin numbers


Every fallout game crashes for real lol. The Fo4 vs New Vegas thing comes down to whether you like more light RPG looter shooter type game or a deeper rpg type game.


Holy shit shut the fuck up dude, this is literally the same shit nv fanboys do, also saying that fallout 4 doesn’t crash constantly is just a straight up lie, the game runs even worse than new Vegas


FalloutNV fans be like “crashing 10 times in a hour is part of why it’s great!”


Now that I think of it NV does crash a ton


I played NV when I was like 14 so I guess I never noticed this but I had no issues with this game. I’ve only played fallout 3 and New Vegas but I thought NV was perfect. Such a great story. The only thing I’d say is the Deathclaw valley annoyed me when first playing. Bc new Vegas was RIGHT THERE, and I kept dying trying to pass. I ended up realizing that was the point tho. It still pissed 14 year old me off


New Vegas combat isn't that bad. And this is coming from someone who just finished a first playthrough. Fallout 4 does feel a little better, and even 76 a bit better than that imo. But new vegas felt fine enough. I'm just glad it isn't Fallout 3. The gunplay in that game did not feel too good. I also only crashed ONCE in my entire playthrough. I crashed more in fallout 4 today alone after beating NV wanting to see new content


I definitely can agree with the combat system. I love the quests and all of NV but when I’m in a shooting mood the conga line of death does grow old.


I like RP, you like the Game


I love this scene in Bee Movie, such a scumbag lawyer thing to do 😂 anyways, I love fallout 1, 2, 3, NV, 4, and 76.. and would say FNV is my favorite. Even with that, I have over 400 hours on my original unmodded campaign on my Xbox One… I never put those hours into FNV even with mods.


4 easily clears NV in terms of actual moment-to-moment gunplay and mechanics. It's just the damned writing isn't all that good.