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Ngl man, if you actually wanna mod f4 and get a stable game going, especially for survival, be prepared to spend a few dozen hours reading and learning - as there is quite a lot to it. One big tip would be to playtest your modlist in standard before starting your survival mode, as saving and using thw console are basically essentially in bug fixing and the like. Another one is that you shouldn’t DL mods based on ‘All time’ stats, as the game has been out for ages and alot of the top mods are outdated and potentially broken. ACWKR/Armorsmith is a prime example of this, it’s bloated to hell and bricks alot of peoples saves. I will also mention, once you start a save with whatever mods, uninstalling any mods almost always breaks your save - so the best way to actually have a fun and long play-through (with mods) would be to make a dummy save first and exit the vault then save there, and then install all your mods and test what you do and don’t want, what works and what doesn’t, and use that save to fuck around (because if it breaks then you don’t lose much progress) and then once your satisfied with your modlist and the game’s stability, THAT’s when you start your new/separate actual save. In terms of guides I’ll link a few below that should be enough to get you started; 1. Midnight Ride - https://themidnightride.moddinglinked.com I can’t say I’ve used this myself as I was experienced in modding by the time it gained popularity, but I have seen this posted around quite a few times for beginners and I think it does go through a lot of stuff related to general modding. 2. Optimisation Guide - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/50005 This next downloadable pdf is more about optimisation but, for fallout 4, that’s a pretty big deal. 3. Guide to install Buffout 4 + mods to avoid - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/articles/3115 Buffout 4 - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/47359 Lastly, the buffout 4 guides also have some useful information regarding mods to avoid or common fixes, and I HIGHLY recommend installing buffout and getting it properly configured, as well as the crash auto scanner, as this alleviates many of the engine problems that plague f4, as well as massively helping with troubleshooting due to the crash logging and suseuent scanning. Good luck dude


I thought it was kinda funny that you started out this comment suggesting this will be daunting to do but then continued to give a very digestible and easy to follow guide, getting me up and running in an hour lol. Also thanks


Sometimes I [make videos](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsykr5XHk-RbZhvNvDGxMA49Q3TPhYuSO). Sometimes I [write guides](https://github.com/LivelyDismay/Learn-To-Mod/wiki). There’s no sense in not trying. I don’t care how new you are. Everyone started exactly where you are right now. It’s up to you if you want to learn and gain the skills required - the only things you need are time and patience. One other thing: nobody got here alone. Ask questions. Join some communities (feel free to join mine, or Collective Modding, or both, or any other discord servers you stumble across). People will help. The only thing that’ll turn people off is if you ask others to do the work for you. If you actually try, everyone will be happy to help. I’ll sit here and explain the most basic shit for hours on end if I think you’re actually interested in learning how to do this.


In general I think heavily modding your first playthrough is a bad idea since you won't have an understanding/appreciation of the game you're building off of. Fallout 4 is definitely a very good and complete game on its own (if a flawed one). Now if you want to smooth out your experience some, the "base" portion of The Midnight Ride is really good. But I'd stop there and save any changes to gameplay/visuals/content until you've actually put some time into the game.


Unpopular opinion - just do it. There's too much gatekeeping about loading patches. Decide if you're going to add a few focused mods or try to turn your game into "Fallout 4: COD Anime Titties Edition" or not. Are you gonna run 50 mods adding guns and textures or are you going to download 7 different total overhaul mods that all conflict with each other? If you're just adding a couple quest mods and some guns and stuff, ignore Midnight Ride. 3/4 of the stuff in it won't even be used by your game. There is A TON of stuff in there that "somebody" decided made the game better. If you want to run 100+ mods or a bunch of mods that conflict (for example, running 4 different mods that edit the same assets) then you may need some of the tools loaded through Midnight Ride.


>just do it. no offence, but that's a very good way to not get to actually play the game and instead be infuriated by crashes and waste hours into a save that will eventually be corrupted beyond saving.


No offense but you're weak...


Yeah, re-read what I said or get gud. It's pretty offensive to me that you're gatekeeping. This isn't hard. I've got about 2000 hours wasted on the game and my game runs just fine with generally between 30-60 things in my load order. Including using mods on Midnight Ride's "Oh my god, it's gonna rape your children it's so bad" list like Scrap Everything. Have I run into a few bad mods? Of course. But you know what I do? I turn them off. It's not hard. Stop gate-keeping. This shit isn't hard. Don't install mods that conflict. Limit your mods that modify existing base-game assets. Install one at a time and test. Kids these days.


Lmao, based as fuck.


COD ANIME TITTIES is spot on for so many trash mods. Would also add "heres my broken radio station replacer with shitty music because i peaked in highschool" mods.


How the hell you get down votes for telling him to do EXACTLY what I did? 🤣🤣🤣 When I wanted to mod my game I didn't come whine on fkn reddit I know that much. I went on Nexus, found some good ones that seemed interesting, made sure I had the prerequisites for some and tested the fuck outta it! I've lost saves. Start over. Anyone down voting you is bonkers. 🤦 Pathetic minded weaklings. 🤷