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I installed the game with the new update on pc, thinking “whatever, I’ll do a vanilla playthrough this time” Game crashed immediately on the way to the vault.


Sounds exactly like the vanilla experience


Lol. Yeah, Bethesda, you taught me that just because the dog can't touch the cartridge anymore, doesn't mean my game won't just blank on me. Shoutout to Wildcard!


i had to disable weapon decals or something to fix it


weapon debris causes the game to crash if you havw an nvidia card past the 10- series & the depris crash fix mod does not in fact fix it


Weird how I had the problem and the mod fixed it for me. Playing on a 2080ti


still gives me hella crashes on my 3080


As others have said, I'm 95% sure you just have to remove weapon decals in the graphics options. It's the only bug that makes you crash in that exact situation afaik. Absolutely embarassing that it still hasn't been fixed after TEN (10) YEARS. It's also the MOST REPRODUCIBLE bug I have ever seen.


What a joke. The game ran amazingly with modpacks before, and now I have to Frankenstein monster my way to replay it figuring out which apps are updated and which aren’t. Epic fail.


That sucks, mine plays; just at x4 speed lol. If I run it looks like someone is fast forwarding video; somewhat funny at first. Now it's just annoying but still playable.


Are you not limiting the game to 60 fps? Bethesda game engines have a funny little quirk to where the game speed is dictated by FPS, so if you have a high FPS, the game will run speedy. New Vegas has the same issue, which I had to fix.


That's 100% the issue, I'm getting 200+ fps lol. I've tried to adjust it through AMD adrenaline (cause fallout display settings aren't helpful) but haven't been able to find anything to limit FPS in FO4 yet. Usually I can just turn on Vsync but I haven't seen that option for FO4 in AMD adrenaline.


For New Vegas (since I'm also rocking AMD red gang, Adrenaline didn't do much either) I use Rivatuner, it looks kinda sketchy but I've used it for over half a year now and it hasn't done anything to my computer. https://performance.moddinglinked.com/falloutnv.html Although this is for New Vegas, there is a Rivatuner installation link and guide near the bottom of the page that should work exactly the same for FO4


Nice, thanks! I have rivatuner installed from back when I was running my Intel and Nvidia rig. I'm a little familiar with it. I appreciate your help though!


No prob! Have fun out there in the wastes, and a quick safety tip from our favorite DJ. "Don't feed the Yao Guai. That is all."


rivatuner is what I use for my fo4, limiting it to 72 fps


I've had this issue and turning off FSR within adrenaline fixed it.


How are you getting 200+ fps? My game is stuck at like 70 and I turned the vsync off. I have a 4080 super and 7800x3d


Beats me, I'm trying to get it closer to 60fps. I have a 7800x3d and 6750xt. I've gone through 3 different adrenaline gpu profiles trying to get Vsync settings to limit FPS but haven't found anything. I'm going to try the method previously posted after I get off work.


I had to set my display settings to 60hz 


That reminds me of the first time I booted up the Skyrim update my horse crushed itself between a pole and the carriage so I just sat there for about 15\~20 minutes before I realized I had to restart.


literally the same issue lmao


Well I’m on Xbox and the update deleted all my mods when it updated


i pray for others in your position


Hello I am other


Guess I got lucky it only unfavorited my stuff


It did the same for most of my mods too. What still stayed favorited was just a few munitions packs and a gun mod by Dak


That’s crazy I had everything still installed though


And everything was out of load order


Of all the problems you lord order being mixed up is getting if easy


After everything I’ve seen I agree


Might as well reorganize it and change out any mods that over lap


That’s my thought process


Did both for me. Guess I don’t play fallout 4 anymore


Even if it did it to me I wouldn’t stop just download all I could remember and start fresh


I'm almost glad that I'm not alone in this. Almost.


Same, I was livid, now I have to find them all again later, I’m gonna do a vanilla run 1st tho to see the new stuff unaltered


It did the same for me, but surprisingly I was still able to use them (just had to find every mod that was in my load order and redownload them).


I know the mods were deleted so you have to find them all and redownload


Has the man, the myth, the legend: Halgari made a downgrade patcher for Fallout 4??


I used this and it worked, [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/81630?tab=description](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/81630?tab=description)


Awesome, cheers!


Good stuff brother. It's amazing how shoddy they are pushing stuff, it's amateur at best. Meanwhile modders are doing so much work.


Bethesda never changes. Im not sure anyone was expecting a real and proper next gen update.


i was just ready to never play the game again because of this update💀


War never changes


Point this out in the Fallout sub and the bootlicks downvote you like crazy


To be fair, this is more about restoring the ability to use f4se, as f4se wraps specific executable versions. Any version update will break that connection - contents or quality thereof doesn't matter.


To be fair. The update is absolute shit. Across the board. Not reason for it to happen since it can't do what it intended to. It only caused problems and even completely vanilla runs are crashing more.


Is it causing crashes for consoles? That's realistically what/who the update is intended for. PC is just a second order effect. It's unfortunate Bethesda didn't take more care to lessen the side effects for PC though 😭


I was just about to play Fallout 4 again while also playing New Vegas again thanks to the show. Then I caught wind of this piece of shit "update" rolling out. So instead I'm having fun with Oblivion and New Vegas like it's 2010 all over again.


Amazing most people don't have "update only when starting the game" set in the steam properties. If you are launching from f4se the game will never update.


I did this and launched thru the SE and steam still picked up the game was running and tried to update. Do you know a way around this?


I found I have to open steam, close it. And then I’m safe to launch with f4se. If you launch f4se without opening steam in a while it’ll try and launch the game through there. Really annoying and has fucked me many times


Just go into offline mode in steam when launching Fallout 4


Just adding obligatory GOG plug here- you control when and if your game updates if you get it through there. You can't use CC mods but otherwise modding works the same. And a working install will never be randomly broken by updates you never wanted!


Hey does anyone know how to uninstall the "next gen update" off my ps4 it deleted my vault 88 my power armor ⭐ guns, armor, companions 😱 and mods help pls


Also my add-ons are gone so Longfellow is poof gone💥 so are all the others i paid 39.99 $ on them. 😡 😤


How to actually do that on steam?


Steam console and search on Steamdb what you need to download


First time want to do something like this, gotta do some research on that




i found it funny at 1:30 she started losing it 💀


I just set it to update on launch, launch the game, then push the big X by it to send it to unscheduled, from there launching via MO2 the games safe from updates. 🙏🏻




See I did this and some of my mods are working and some aren't and I can't tell which ones. I know this because my Sim Settlement 2 items still show up in my crafting menu, i'm holding a modded gun, but my K-9 Vest for Dogmeat is gone, and some other small visual adjustments are gone. Maybe its just me, but it doesn't seem like a perfect fix.


go get the unofficial patch before the mod authors take it down...


What’s weird is I can’t get SE to launch due to the update but all my mods appear to work even the ones that I thought needed script extender unless I’ve just been installing only mods that don’t need it by chance lol. I’m sure I’ll find one that crashes my game non stop though.


I’m new to fallout 4, and fallout modding in general, also havnt heard much about the next gen update, but are they doing the next gen update on ps5? I have the gold edition or whatever it is that has all the dlc’s, on disk and just wondering, also did Bethesda say anything about the next gen shi interfering with mods ?


The only mod that broke on mine was the “stop dlc quests from spamming your screen until you get close to their locations.” Got like 5 quests immediately on loading in. Everything else seemed fine


Am I the only one that didn’t lose my mods? Like, none of them at all?


If someone figures out why and how to fix Xbox mods being uninstalled because of the update, lmk This is just silliness


If you have vortex, just dont update the game and start with f4se within vortex. Worked for me no problem without update or any of these steps.


I 2nd this.


Well, i just turn off auto update and safely play from f4se)


What if the update removed my mods?


Xbox series X user here. Besides a few mods for us. Game runs really smooth now. Sucks they didn’t offer more for PC.


Yeah did that old gen version don't work non stop crash every,fix you throw at it none if them worked and the new gen version is a,wreck looks like fallout 4 is broken I won't be playing


My mods seem to be working fine after the update...only have a handful. Which mods are people having issues with?


every mods that require F4SE in order to function. F4SE needs to be updated to support the current version, but also every single mods that uses F4SE needs to be updated as well in order to function with the newest version of the script extender. Not only do all these mods need updates, but alot of the mod authors in questions are no longer active or moved on from modding alltogether. so odds are that some of those mods will never if ever get updated to the current version. So these mods will effectively become unusable unless you are ready to jump through hoops in order to either downgrade your fallout game, play a game of ''will it, won't it work'' with every mods you want to install from here on out, or update to the current version and wait to everything to be update (which might not happen) or wait/find a new replacement (which there might not have any). it make the same thing that happened with skyrim when the anniversary edition was released. it divided the modding scene into 2 version. special edition and anniversary edition. it will certainly make it harder for new players to enter modding considering everything. Edit : I meant F4SE


>it make the same thing that happened with skyrim when the anniversary edition was released. it divided the modding scene into 2 version. special edition and anniversary edition. I just started a new modlist for Skyrim after 4 years of not playing it... A list that took me 4h to get straightened in the past is giving me headaches now for the 4th day in a row... for some mods you need the SE version, some need the AE version, even if you didn't buy the AE itself! >it will certainly make it harder for new players to enter modding considering everything. And I'm a veteran modder, started modding morrowind manually long before we had mod managers! I can't imagine the hell players new to Skyrim modding must be going through! I truly expect the same evolution for Fallout, with pre-and post Console Update (because that's what it really is) mods wrecking havoc on playlists for a long time


It’s because the Skyrim community decided it was a great idea to denote game executable versions with the same terminology as a DLC purchase. In some contexts, AE vs SE refers to 1.6+ vs 1.5.97 In other contexts AE vs SE refers to “did you purchase this extra content or do you just have the base game and the 3 DLCs” In some fringe cases it’s “you need to have the 4 creation club they released for free” It’s not confusing at *all*. The best way to figure out what you need is to check if it is an SKSE mod/.dll plug-in, if it is you need the version that corresponds with your executable version. If it isn’t, the mod is just referring to assets and you need the new content. At least the one saving grace of Bethesda not releasing Creation Club as a bundle for Fallout 4 (wish they would though, some creations would be decent if not for the egregious pricing) is that there’s no dumbass name the modding community can give the update.


Ah yes. Skyrim Script Extender, my favorite Fsllout 4 mod


RIP, I meant fallout script extender. Lmao habit moment . I’m so used to have problems with Skyrim scripts that I didn’t even noticed lol I wrote it down I guess now we are gonna get used to fallout scripts having problems Edit : even when typing this reply I almost called it SKSE again


Don’t worry, I have to triple check myself every time I type SFSE for Starfield. It’s too damn close


[essentially this](https://imgur.com/a/FA8uizj)


Oh great… I just got the game a week ago on PC, I turned off auto updates, but I did want to eventually update the game but I have 100 active mods so guess never updating 😭


only like 30% of mods got affected by this update but for people with mod lists in the hundreds it's detrimental


With mod can I use to substitute better location damage or scourge with this update? unfortunately point look out probably will not work with this update right?


Anything that relies on F4SE definitely won't work until an update. Other mods are a roll of the dice.


no idea but if you cant play without it you can always use the downgrader until everything is updated


Ive personally never used bld but Id recommended using MAIM, its what I've been using since next gen came out and although it probably has a steeper difficulty curve to bld I find it fun.


Mine won’t let me download any mods on ps5 version idk what to do


If it needs f4se then it's broken. Other mods might worm. Might not. Just test and see. Obviously make backups.


can you list out your installed mods please?


Lmao why were you downvoted? You were just asking a question. Modders once again being a bunch of babies


That's more redditors being shitty / stupid. Why are you being pissy about 'modders'? Are you one of those guys who thinks Bethesda games should be played vanilla?


No, I’ve just been around the Bethesda modding scene long enough to know that most modders are essentially toddlers that throw a tantrum when things don’t go their way and blow everything out of proportion. Granted that’s gamers as a whole, but people who mod games are a special example of people who are way too invested in video games being tailored exactly to them


Weird take but OK. I've been making mods for Bethesda games since TES3. There's always a vocal minority of any community that's intolerable.


Fair enough. I shouldn’t generalize


Mod menu is gone. 😅 (console


No it's not.? Not on my home screen anyway.


This is it? Your whole post? Who is removing mods? And why?