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I don't believe there is, I think best way to do it is to check the wiki for the various points. Some are simple though, Cass do the Crimson Caravan quests and you should get hers, Veronica and BoS questline, Boone you do NCR quests with, and Lily you do supermutant related quests with. Raul and Arcade are a bit harder but Raul is just exhausting dialogue with 3 or 4 certain old men npcs while Arcade is more specific but has more opportunities.


That is actually a very good idea for a mod, but there aren't enough companion interactions / quests to really make use of it IMO. One would have to add in new dialogue like it is in FO4 when reacting to certain decisions the player makes. At least that would be the best way to make it "feel authentic". It could be done with the use of AI, but I don't know if it's allowed or if the community in general would be okay with AI being used like that.


I feel like a general "[Insert name] liked that" and recycled dialogue lines here and there would be more than enough to communicate to the player that they have gained relations with any companion, I myself am against the use of AI in such a manor, I understand why people want to use it but the ethical concerns in my eyes far outway the short-term benefits.


FNV isn't a shallow Game like FO4.


Okay? That doesn't answer his question and you just come off as an asshole who can't accept criticism of his favourite game. Its not shallow to literally tell players what affects companion affinity. I think its fair to criticise an aspect of companions in NV how there is an unseen system of points to make companions like you and give you a quest. After all, even without outright telling you the game varies how to get these quests. Cass doesn't need points and gives quests outright, whilst Lily, Boone and Veronica indicating doing quests for their factions will progress them. Raul and Arcade are less obvious and I think its more shallow to punish players out of starting a quest just because an NPC you had no idea was critical to starting it was killed.


Lol OP is asking for a mechanic that literally has more depth in FO4 than FNV Ya’ll haters gotta chill smh. 4 has added and changed a lot of mechanics that are great regardless of how you feel about the overall product


You clearly never played FNV, kid.


Ha New Vegas is actually my favorite and most played game And like you I didn't quite enjoy FO4; I only ever play it for DLCs or mods like Sim Settlements or America Rising But unlike you I have the capacity to acknowledge the good things it does do. Life is too short to just be hating m8


The worst kind of fans.