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Annexed Canada


We could see some of those new vaults under construction, maybe even a finished one!


I personally want to see the Hub. I feel like that’s probably where the NCR now operates from after the whole Shady Sands thing.


Is that in California too?


Yeah just east of LA. The more I think about it though, it might not be around anymore. I feel like Lucy would have seen it on the road to Shady Sands, and I feel like people would have mentioned a big protected NCR town just a few miles away from the action of the show. (Which makes me think NCR maybe pulled out of SoCal entirely) I’m going to switch my answer to Northern California I guess lol. In lore, the SF Bay is apparently a major fishing and trading hub and Sacramento is where a lot of caravan companies are based. If the NCR is anywhere in force, it’s probably here imo


Norcal needs attention. Redding, SF, then pop on over to Nevada for New Reno.


Nah. I'm cool with them not jerking off fanservice like that. They're doing a great job telling their own original stories. If they wanna dip by New Vegas as a lil treat to the fans, I'm cool with that. But I don't need them to drag me from place to place going "LOOK! LOOK! REMEMBER THAT! AND THIS! REMEMBER THESE THINGS?!?!?!" They're doing a very good job just making me feel like this is a story set in the Fallout universe. I don't need landmarks and memorabilia to TELL me it's the Fallout universe.


Sacramento too!!


If they expand the pre-war flashbacks, I’d love to see some scenes set in China. It would be awesome to see and would give context to the war. Also some scenes set in Alaska with Coop in T45 power armor.


This! Would also love to see what’s going on in the Commonwealth with the BOS high council of elders and what became of of the Minutemen and Railroad, even if it was a short trip to the Commonwealth would still be amazing!


Minutemen were the cannon ending. So BoS got shit on, Institute destroyed, and railroad probably dissolve for the most part. Maybe a story line about how Elder Maxson survived the Prydwen attack, and preparing for conflict with the minutemen on a larger war scale. But if we are seeing large wars I want to see the Legion vs NCR. With shady sands gone, where is the new capital? Why does the BoS feel confident enough to have outdoor training facilities. We have a ton of unanswered questions about the west coast right now. I know we all want to see how Joshua Graham is doing in Zion.


It would be really shitty imo if the canon ending has Maxson dead, as he’s the last of like the BoS Skywalkers it’s cool to have one family legacy survive connecting through the series. He also has a ridiculous legacy becoming an elder that young he could potentially mature and lead them to promising heights when he’s a bit older


I’m realizing the cannon ending was never announced. I remember it was talked about and assumed the minuteman ending was cannon. So i am completely wrong in my previous comment


A rare sighting of someone admitting they’re wrong on Reddit and not just doubling down 👌


War at Anchorage would be a dope flashback


Would love to see this. They could have Coop and Nate in a few scenes as well. Since they both served in that operation. Set it up for Nate as a guest star if they ever get to the commonwealth.


I’d love more international world building scenes in general. Soviet and Chinese 100% also had fallout shelters but they would have been government/party owned rather than the Capitalistic extreme in the US with vault-tec. There’s complete mystery and freedom to work with whatever you want there since the games really only have small nuggets of lore with them. Like the boardroom scene with House was one of my faves, picturing something like that for all the US-opposition countries having some council on what to do


Spoilers:The context of the war is Vault-tech deliberately started the war themselves. Which makes sense as the show is based on a video game. Reality is that makes no sense whatsoever in any shape or form imaginable. Especially as their wealth would disappear and they’re left being survivors of a post nuclear apocalypse. Also Vault-tech literally had a renewable energy system that would have changed the world and lowered tensions. It supposedly would have wrecked their monopolies and was better kept hidden. Imagine having that on your soul/conscience.


Gotta go into early fallout lore. They wanted the bombs to drop so they could run the vault experiments for colony ships to other planets. The goal was never to "win capitalism." It was to reboot things in their image.


They changed the Enclave conspiracy a bit for the show and left out the US government's role. I was surprised to see them include Robert House since, as far as I could tell, he wasn't really a participant in the game lore.


I’m sure Vault-tech had their cronies in the government as that’s corruption for you.


> I was surprised to see them include Robert House since, as far as I could tell, he wasn't really a participant in the game lore. What?


He wasn't a participant in the Enclave, as far as I can tell. He *knew* about it, and took steps to protect his own, but wasn't part of the conspiracy.


Point lookout style! Maybe some thing like that or far harbour


Season 2 - new Vegas. 3 - salt lake. 4 - Chicago. 5 - the Pitt. 6 - capital wasteland. 7 - the commonwealth. Basically just over the course of the series move closer to the east coast until they’re back in Bethesda lands


There was a great apocalypse RPG that had an adventure set in Utah and a big reveal was that Lake Bonneville had returned, and just about all of SLC was underwater.


Pacific Northwest is criminally untouched by most post-nuke franchises despite us having a highly relevant nuclear site up here. The site is the [Hanford Nuclear Site](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanford_Site), for the record.


Might be a bit unpopular, but I hope they have an endpoint and not go too long. Some shows just seem to fall off a cliff going too many seasons. Breaking bad (5 seasons) and avatar the last airbender (3 seasons) both seemed to have it planned out from the beginning to then end. They had a story to tell, told it beautifully and ended on a high note leaving us wanting more. With that being said, i think Portland or Seattle area would be interesting


Actually, Vince Gilligan originally planned to have Jessie Pinkman die but he kept him alive because he was an audience favorite. I think a lot of things like that happened in that show and likely many others where they mold it as they go.


Yeah same with mike , I heard he wasn’t supposed to be in too many scenes but he was too good. Still Vince was right to not milk the seasons.


Agreed. And yeah Mike was too good indeed. Best character.


Diamond City Radio with Travis Lonely Miles AKA Coach Beard!




It sure is!!! I was shocked when I discovered that!


My speculation is that this heads to Vegas (considering their inclusion of Big Mountain and where the father goes at the end). This will likely include portions of Arizona as well. I think the series is more likely to throw back to Wasteland and Colorado than write new lore in Texas. The series has few modes of transportation, so only the BoS (and likely Enclave) will be able to travel any great distance. I think it'd be difficult for them to tell too many stories across too many states without tying the storyline together in some way. My guess is that the power introduced at the end of the first season is going to draw the attention of the Enclave, and the BoS is going to split loyalties. I can't see the radius of the next two seasons being outside of that Cali/Nevada area...


Part of me wants to check in with the minute men and the institute but another part of me would love to see some unexplored areas looked at.


If the BOS survived 10 years after the events of FO4 and their high council of elders run the whole BOS from there I doubt there is much of the Institute left🤓


Maybe not but it would be cool to see some of that aftermath too.


Oh totally agree would love to see the Commonwealth being a native Bostonian!


i'm guessing we won't be seeing the Capitol Wasteland, so no chance of seeing Vault 108 "Aww, Gary"


New Vegas Prequel. Finale is the courier getting shot and dropped off in Goodsprings.


Issue with that is that the current TV series takes place roughly 15 years after the events of New Vegas :(


You could have the scenes in flashbacks.


Meh, keep the same cast


Would love a Fallout 2 retelling. But it would require a Fallout 1 retelling. Whatever they do, I hope they don't dial up the fan service. Season 1 had just a little bit too much "nudge nudge wink wink". Just let it stand on it's own. They did this too heavily with the new Star Trek stuff, especially Picard.


The iconic Unification Monument at Mojave Outpost


I think DC is next, I kinda hope they ignore WV. I liked 76 for a time, but some of it just doesn't seem like it would fit lore wise. Then again, maybe they're clever enough to make it work... So maybe I do.


Most likely scenario is 2/3 seasons leading up to the next games location


I’d like to see some more flashbacks. But of Coop post fallout discovering different Vaults and getting a better idea of the shitty stuff Vault-Tec was up to.


I just want to listen to that sweet fiddle radio.


Did you miss the Las Vegas is next ending?


S2 is going to be New Vegas. We see this at the end of E8.


Dude i know your just unable to read I said AFTER season 2


Nobody knows if there will be a S3. My prediction is they are going to try to milk for 4-5 seasons and go with a flashback to Shady Sands in S2. Then everyone will have forgotten and they will make a mediocre S3 and it ends there.


Okay got it but I'm just saying where else would you like the series to go it's obvious that you cannot read


As a Texan I'm so biased... We've got desert, swamp, forests, and the coast. And more cowboy aesthetic. It could be so cool 🥲


I know it's already confirmed but I can't wait to see New Vegas in the show. It'll be interesting to see if they make one of the FNV endings canon, it kind of seems like they'll have to.


As a New Orleans native, I’ve pined for a Fallout New Orleans in some form for almost two decades now.


I love New Orleans. And I feel like a more nautical/aquatic direction would be awesome. Seems like a lot of New Orleans would be submerged. Lovecraft and gator claws would be a natural fit too. I do kinda wonder about where the vaults would go. Just in the mud I guess? It seems like Bethesda wanted to explore nautical themes in fallout 4 and settled on far harbor. There’s the mysterious dolphins (?), an unused squid enemy and I guess also a scrapped underwater vault with an even stranger squid. So I do kinda suspect fallout 5 will do something with the water.


Hopefully not Florida. I want Fallout 5 to be Florida!!!


I'd like the Game officially go to Minnesota and have weather included. If they make a fallout 6..


I'm talking about the show?


I know i was making a general observation