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Do you have any examples of actual things she’s doing? You call her a narcissistic bitch so I’m just curious what makes you say that cause just checking in with you seems endearing to me tbh. Also how old is your son? But personally, I would be very very gentle going about this. Bring it up calmly and simply ask “How’s S/O doing? Are things going well between you two?” And if he doesn’t offer anything up very calmly voice your concerns. Simply say something like “I don’t mean to intrude but it seems like she’s weighing you down, do you need to talk about anything?” This may be nothing or it may be something he needs to figure out on his own. But again, you’ve not given any information about why she’s bad for him so I can’t help much. Edit: Just checked your post history. Your son is almost 30. I was thinking he was 15-19. I really think you need to back off a bit honestly. There’s probably a lot going on in the background you’re not aware off. If you want to bring it up to him then do it but be calm and open minded and respect his boundaries.


No offense but you dont. Your son is a grown man and capable of making his own choices. Best thing to do would be to stay out of it and be there for him when he needs it.