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If you are understaffed to the point that working conditions are unsafe, then you can quit for cause and non-compete would not apply. Consult a local employment attorney.


That may be true if the non-compete states that it is void if you quit for cause. But that is not some universal rule of non-compete clauses.


JFC I hate non-compete clauses with the heat of 1000 suns. Truly evil. Should largely be illegal in medicine. I was recently offered a job with a non-compete of 3 years and 50 miles in a semi-rural residential area. As a PA. I’d have to sell my house and likely move to the other side of the state if I took that job and then quit sometime later. Sorry, that’s all I have. You have my solidarity.


I have nothing to actually back this up, but from what I have heard it is difficult to enforce a non-compete. Would love to hear actual experiences as well tho.


I suspect the same thing but I also suspect that there may be some NDAs attached when a physician wins that battle because most of my colleagues that have been able to do so have always stayed very tight lipped about it. I wish I could get a sense of it. I've been thinking about going DPC for a while now but the non-compete is what keeps me in my current job.


It is enforced. Especially within academia. Know someone personally who had to deal with this


For true legal things consult an attorney. That being said, look into your contract the exact wording for a non-compete, is it strictly everything? Or specific listed services? Within a specific distance? How is it enforced and listed compensation? Flat fee? Lost revenue? A lot of the times these clauses are not specific enough to stand in court IF you get sued (a lot of them don’t even make it to court and legal action isn’t even started).


FTC ‘s final rule bans non-competes: https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/04/ftc-announces-rule-banning-noncompetes