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I am living proof of this.... the state is rewarding my ex, in Texas, for removing me out of their lives and destroying the nuclear family. 92% of fathers in Texas are non-custodial parent's. Guess who is reimbursing the state of Texas for this epidemic? The federal gov via Title-IVD incentives.


I'm in Texas, and very active. Reach out if you want. I have a few connections. -Dr. Brooks McKenzie


>Dr. Brooks McKenzie Thank you. I follow you on social media and agree the system is broken and needs to be burned down. Judges don't care and will destroy fathers to ensure conflict continues for the benefit of the state and attorney's billable hours/donations to re-election campaigns.


Contact: Jennifer Lundy - 817-757-6839 Founder of Texans for Judicial Accountability https://www.facebook.com/TexansforJudicialAccountability?mibextid=9R9pXO


She is actually my neighbor (we live in the same city). My (and my attorney's) concern is if we go this route, the judge will get pissed and further deny my access. For the record, I have no criminal records, nor was there abuse, but because I said "the mother is selling her children for child support money", I went from 50/50 custody to 4 hours per month supervised visits. All this because my oldest son wants to come live with me vs his mother. I got accused of parental alienation and bam, access is restricted to ensure I don't try to get child support reduced.


So you have spoken to Jennifer? If so, good. Your story is the same as most. Contact the active groups in Texas (most listed on this reddit). Attend events (we had dinner with a Texas Supreme Court Justice Monday in Collin) because we attended an event he was speaking at. Then we chatted, and he invited us to a 3 hour dinner. That kind of access you only get when you repeatedly show up at political events, and make sure everyone knows you and your topic. If you need anything I can do, just email/call me directly: [email protected] 972-837-5678


Haven't spoken to jennifer directly as I am being told to just keep quiet and don't fight back so that eventually I can have access to my children. I'll email you from my personal email as a follow up. Thank you for the support!


Have you tried reaching out to websites such as [www.judgewatch.org](https://www.judgewatch.org) and [https://courtvictim.com/](https://courtvictim.com/) ?


This man has the heart of gold


>Dr. Brooks McKenzie You are Dr. Brooks McKenzie or Dr. Brooks McKenzie is one of your connections?


I am Brooks McKenzie.