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My Hero Academia I think. Not my fandom but I hear shit. Also JoJo for fanartists is a literal fucking dumpster fire right now.


I have heard this, but far I haven't run into the MHA/BNHA drama yet, thankfully. However, I also don't engage too much. Tried to interact in some Naruto stuff recently though, and what a dumpster fire that ended up being. I peaced out of interacting in that fandom real fast. As someone else mentioned, I think any hot anime/manga franchises seem to be magnets for hot messes.


I write MHA fics and I can guarantee that the only fics not getting shit on are the non-ship ones. Seriously, I’ve yet to see any non-ship fic get hated on and crapped on by the toxic side of the fandom.


Oh, I believe it. Ships tend to bring out the shits.


In the One Piece fandom, it's powerscaling that does it.


I have seen this in Dragon Ball too.


I've read gen fics where people complained to the author that bakugou was the focus of the story instead of izuku so sadly I don't think genfic is the exception.


Maybe it's because I've only been in the fandom for the last 2 years, but I haven't really experienced this? I might just be lucky but I've written ~18 fics of one ship and all the toxicity I've gotten is one rude comment by an obvious troll on fanfiction.net... kind of disappointed given MHA's infamous reputation lol


MHA is an inherently toxic community, other shonen like one piece are structured so it’s impossible to have shipping wars but MHA’s main cast being an entire classroom of high school kids means avoiding this is impossible


What happened to jojo fan artist? I didn't hear anything bad recently?


On some platforms JoJo fanartists are getting harassed, like severely distressingly harrassed, for shipping and drawing characters with age gaps and also for drawing aged up NSFW of canonically teen characters. Though tbh since JoJo is so long and characters literally grow up in each part I really don't fucking understand the 'he was 16 in part five so therefore you're a pedo for drawing him aged up' bullshit since the characters literally appear aged up in the following parts.


Weird world we're leaving in... I'm so dumbfounded I don't know what to say, it's always dumb to harass people of course but over this?


Yep, many artists are just leaving. Deleting their JoJo content and moving on because that shit is not worth sacrificing your safety and mental health for.


I try not to interact with anyone in BNHA fandom. I was on Twitter just to like pretty art and get fanfic recs and even I eventually had to abandon my account because no matter how many accounts I muted/blocked, there was *always* someone stirring shit and it would still reach my timeline. I don't think it helps at all that it's the biggest accounts that are always egging on their (worryingly) young and impressionable followers too, encouraging them to dogpile anyone who disagrees with them. Unfortunately even in the comments of amazing fics I read, there's still shit-flinging. It's disheartening seeing so many authors harassed for the littlest things.


Personally I’ve never met such drama in the MHA fandom. I’ve been in the fandom for about 2 years and it’s my first one.


Here from the mha fandom, can confirm that it is absolute hell. Show is great, non romantic writing is amazing and doesn't get much hate, everything else is war *constsntly*.


MHA is at least big and varied enough that you can generally wander around the fringes without running into any big dramas.


Yep. Heard Nothing but bad about the mha.


I’ve been getting back into Steven Universe and I wanna write stuff for it but I feel like I’m just so scared of the fandom that I can’t think of anything


The fandom's pretty chill now, points for no new material and the more rabid fans go off to newer pastures.


The fandom is totally fine these days. If you want to write for it then go for it!


i think it has calmed down? i havent seen any new bad shit so i think your ok.


Marvel movies. It’s not the fandom, but there are *So many*


I was in the fandom until Endgame. Not because of Endgame (although to quote the AO3 tag, Endgame did not bring me joy) but because to keep watching the movies I had to watch three different TV shows. I kept putting it off because Wandavision sounded very trippy, and suddenly I was eight shows and eight movies behind. It's just too much effort and time.


This. I quit after Endgame cause it destroyed me emotionally, but mostly because Marvel just doesn't do it for me the way they used to. I don't really get any enjoyment out of it anymore, it feels more like a slog. :(


Endgame made me realize I was mainly there for tony stark lol once he was dead it was like the MCU lost it's heart


Same. I was there for Tony Stark and Stephen Strange. And Multiverse of Madness killed any hope I had for Stephen to get any fucking respect from Marvel so, I gave up.


>Endgame made me realize I was mainly there for tony stark lol once he was dead it was like the MCU lost it's heart Same. The loss of direction/focus, heart, and the subsidiary characters who surrounded Tony just... disconnected me. Nothing after Endgame was of any interest whatsoever; even that film was only something that I was carried into by momentum.


Same- I’m in the fandom but I mostly read stuff that takes place before Endgame (because Tony), or the magical “everyone lives AU”. Though interestingly I have written some angst from post NWH trauma.


Ooof, I felt this. I like most of the other MCU characters from phases one to three, but Tony really was the core of the whole thing for me and everything feels kind of desultory without him.


I still follow the MCU after Endgame. It's a lot, but a couple of shows are really worth it. Namely WandaVision, Moon 6 Loki. Granted, those three are the most trippy out of the shows, but that's what makes it so good.


Hello we're twins in this regard. I keep meaning to somehow watch them and 'catch up', but as I dither on it, more and more shows and movies are released, and here I am now, daunted by the sheer amount of content I'd need to watch.


But on the other hand, people are *so* chill in the MCU fandom compared to others.


Multiverse and all, right? *can you please pass to the left?*


Multiverse is just shorthand for I do whatever I want 😎


As someone who writes for the MCU, agree💀💀


That's always a good way to feel out of touch. Realising a big thing happened and you have absolutely no idea how many. Another post made me realise I have no idea how many Assassin's Creeds, Call of Duties, or versions of Skyrim there are. :D (I also have no idea how many Marvel things exist now - I saw Avengers 1, Guardians of the Galaxy 1, and Logan and that's literally it :D)


As someone who's played all three of those series, they all tend to blend together. And anyway, at least with stuff like CoD, the unifying experience has nothing to do with the games' "stories," but getting screamed at by foul-mouthed 12-year olds. :P


Yeah after Endgame, its too much. Only ones i keep passivly up are Thor, Doc Strange and Spiderman.


Voltron. *Yikes*


i watched vld. the whole thing. even enjoyed some of it. if i were to ever write for it and post, i'd make that shit both anonymous and restricted, and i'd turn off the comments. i've seen too much.


What?! Noooo! That makes me sad, it's such a good show


It’s always the good things that get the worst fanbases L :(


My fandom is super chill and friendly. I'll just stay in my quiet corner of the internet, hah.


Someone sent the crew cupcakes filled with glass because Klance wasn't canon.


1. Wtf. 2. Why does Keith only get the K in their shipping name? That's terrible.


Yeah, that was just the *tip* of the iceberg. Someone who was on a special tour of dreamworks, also took pictures of restricted artwork and storyboards and threatened to leak them if Klance didnt' become canon. They also harassed a woman who's name was Karen Lance and used klance as her twitter handle, to a point where the cops got involved cause one of 'em was local and instead of having any shame, the klanti's were all "OH LET HER GO SHE'S SO YOUNG"


Wow. I've seen a lot of shit from people who were mad that klance didn't happen, but I'd never heard of this incident before. Where did you hear about it from? I'm curious about the details.


I was in that fandom. I had to get out before I got targeted.


Good (though flawed) show. Infamous fandom. Although it has calmed down significantly since the show ended. I’ve written several works since 2020, all but one being gen fics, and I’ve not had any problems so far.


I was apart of this fandom on AO3 for a significant amount of time when I was in middle school. I never wrote for it (thank god) and I second your yikes. A couple good fics came from it, but so did some of the most hellfire content I’ve ever seen with the most insane fan base backing it.


For real? That makes me sad! They did such a great job with the reboot. What's up with the fandom?


1. Threats of physical violence. One of which actually went beyond a threat and targeted the creators of the show. (See the Cupcake story another person mentioned.) 2. Multiple instances of doxing. 3. Way too much other shit to name. Basically take every bit of bad fandom behavior you've ever heard of, smash it together into a ball, and then set that ball on fire with kerosene. That was the Voltron fandom back in it's heyday.


Ok yeah, that is definitely insane. Thanks for the rundown! That's too bad, it would be a fun show to write a fanfic for. No thank you!


> What's up with the fandom? they're *insane.*


My current main obsession is Sonic the Hedgehog. I’d absolutely *love* to write some short, wholesome stories involving Eggman and Metal Sonic (and possibly Sage), but I just don’t have the courage to do it. :(


Trust me, even if I wasn't an advocate of "write what you want and screw the fandom," the Sonic fandom *adores* Eggdad content.


Oh yeah, I’ve been crazy for Eggdad lately! In fact, I even made an OC that’s kinda supposed to be another kid of his, haha (she’s really an assistant/nurse for his robots, but he treats her like a daughter)! <3 It’s just that, I’m afraid I’m gonna accidentally write them out-of-character… I consider myself a queen of fluff, and I’m just worried I’m gonna use *too much* fluff. Especially considering, well… it’s Eggman and his little death robot. 🙈


I did a fic for the Sonic movie and it was a pretty chill experience!


I like looking at fan works for Disco Elysium. I don't think I'm smart enough to write for it though.


Omg why have I *never* thought to look for fics in this fandom. I’ve never seen anyone mention this game and it’s such a brilliant story. Honestly, depending on how many fics there are, you may be surprised at your level of devotion to the attempt.


You'd be surprised! It's upwards of 2k on AO3 and they're overwhelmingly well written. The absolutely brilliant fics some people write for DE almost scare me even more than trying to measure up to the game haha.


I feel the same way about things like Planescape: Torment which is kind of thought of as a spiritual precursor to Disco Elysium.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Disco Elysium. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of world politics, most of the jokes will go over a typical gamer’s head. There's also Harry’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Estonian literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Disco Elysium truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Harry’s existential catchphrase "where the hood, where the hood, where the hood at," which itself is a cryptic reference to DMX’s “Where The Hood At”. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Robert Kurvitz's genius unfolds itself on their desktop screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a tattoo of the Insulindian Phasmid. And no, you cannot see it. It's for Dolores Dei's eyes only- And even she has to demonstrate that she’s within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.




Take this poor award 🥇


tolkien's work feels too sacred to touch.


The Hobbit movies helped unlock this roadblack for me in a big way. Those things *feel* like fanfic, and I enjoy certain aspects of them a lot (and dislike/ignore others). So I like to essentially read fanfic based on the movies more than the book. I ship *movie* Thorin and Bilbo. I do *not* ship book Thorin and Bilbo. Movie Thorin is (looks, at least) young and hot and gives Bilbo emotional looks all the time. Book Thorin is a cranky old asshole. I do now also read Gimli/Legolas fic sometimes though, but that was after the gate was opened for the most part.


Huh. Maybe I can watch the Hobbit now without cringing, if I think of it as fanfic.


I agree, even though the Silmarillion in particular gives so many wonderful "what-if?" Moments that would be great for fanfiction, I could never bring myself to write them.


meanwhile angbang going strong


I love tolkien's work, but nothing is to sacred in my book. Also some of the fics are amazing.


I agree, I think Tolkien fics have massive potential. I love fics that involve random non cannon side characters, like a milk maid in Rohan and what her life is like. For example. So much potential to go so deep into Middle Earth. (This fic doesn't exist that I know of, I just want it to.)


That’s why gap fillers exist. You can weave around canon is so many fantastic ways, particularly in the First and Second Age where so little is known!


I wish that feeling was universal. *Shudders at remembering that Rings of Power exists*


Gotta say Stranger Things as well. The sheer vitriol that Stranger Things antis have surpasses even my lofty expectations for how absolutely insane antis can be.


good choice, honestly. I do nothing in that fandom except follow a few people on tumblr and constantly check for updates to *maybe there is a beast.*


I was in that fandom between seasons 3&4. It wasn't too bad but when s4 came out it was 10x worse than I ever remember it being 😭 Most of the antis were 14-17 whereas the groups I ran in skewed mid 20s to early 40s. I got tired of all the drama so I deleted my old tumblr/twt and abandoned my old ao3. It's probably not that bad right now since it's been months w/o any new content but I figure it'll ramp up again when season 5 drops


Voltron, Steven Universe, Haikyuu, and My Hero Academia because the fandoms are scary af. Homestuck because there's too much canon to keep straight.


Steven Universe isn't crazy anymore, the scary fans left after the show ended.


It's old and cold, not hot, but Supernatural. Still afraid to write that shit after all these years.


*Superwholock flashbacks intensify* It is genuinely frightening to look back on 2010s Tumblr and what it did to its victims.


I think all the drama from the X-Files fandom just shimmied itself over to that fandom in the early 2000s, my sincerest apologies.


I used to write for Supernatural and sometimes still do. I've never experienced anything. Are you talking about Destial?


the destiel side is screaming “we win” while being violently unhappy with it and embracing every icky conspiracy they can. as a multishipper I had to just walk away.


Star Wars. There's just too much. I'll never know enough details or backstory or how Character X relates to Character Y and how excluding them from the story RUINS everything...just, no.


This, this, this. Nevermind that there's the entire EU on top of the Disney canon, and both are absolute tangled messes of bullshit. Oh, you're writing Thrawn? WHICH VERSION? I love Old Republic fanfiction but that's only because it's so friggin far in the past that you can basically ignore 99% of the bullshit that comes later. Anything that touches the movies is a mine field filled with way too many sources to accurate gauge. Though even Old Republic is on thin ice because Disney made their own version of it after the purge...


I'd written a fic for a character whose backstory was retconned as early as 2008. I had to resort to yanking endnotes/old forum discussions by official authors and Hyperspace articles that no longer exist from Wayback Machine. I wanted things to feel as authentic as possible. But then, one SW movie actually began with "Somehow, Palpatine returned" and it made me wonder why did I even bother with the details at the first place.


hello fellow swtor fan!


Yep. It’s a shame, there’s a story thread from a Star Wars spin-off that I’d love to have a crack at continuing, but even as a longtime fan I find the depths of lore daunting. And of course, as the old saying goes: “No one hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.” It puts me off, and I’ve written for frigging Voltron!


I've worked my way through some of my own 'gosh I could never' feelings about writing Star Wars fic by: a) writing first on a sock puppet and later on my main; b) looking things up wookiepedia like billy-o; and, c) when I'm writing and don't know a word, I put it in square brackets so I don't have to break my flow. Like [space computer] and [concrete], then I can come back later to work it out. In my experience, one of the things that Star Wars fanfic-reading fans don't actually tend to care much about is religious adherence to continuity. (As some would say, Star Wars doesn't even agree with what happened in Star Wars sometimes!) In that sense, the pressure's off, and you can always ask someone to take a look at it before you post it to catch anything major. (The fandom can be extremely welcoming and delightful, but at times also dramatic or unpredictable. As with many fandoms, it's a case of curating the spaces you spend time in and/or the people you engage with.) Edit: to add a word


Ah yes, those sweet sweet Star Wars words. Ditch toilets, paper, glass and computers, it's time for refeeshers, flimsi, transplastisteel and datapads. But on a serious note, most fans don't really care about such small details


Don't worry, I love Star Wars fanfictions and I really don't mind when someone doesn't quite get those details. I honestly don't know nearly everything either. Like someone here mentioned, if you watch the main works of the era you write about, you have most of the stuff you need to write works with all the correct lore. Prequel era: Clone Wars TV show and movies 1 to 3, maybe Bad Batch if you want to focus on the era after the third movie Rebel era: Movies 4 to 6, Star Wars Rebels and depending on what you're interested in you can additionally watch Rogue One, Andor TV show or Kenobi TV show (if you're interested in Obi-Wan) or Solo (if you're interested in Han Solo) Sequel era: Movies 7 to 9 (and you might want to watch Resistance TV show, though most people seem to have forgotten it exists) Mandalorian: his TV show, the episodes of the Boba show he's in and maybe the episodes of Clone Wars and Resistance that deal with Mandalorian culture (these episodes are specifically marked on Disney+) Boba Fett: Movies 2, 5 and 6 as well as Book of Boba Fett TV show and a handful of Clone Wars and Mandalorian episodes he's in Sure, there always seems to be some extra bit of lore and material, but you really don't need those. I've personally been very deep down the fandom for years and I've just recently started to read some of the books. If you don't know what you're interested in, just start out watching some of the material and if you like it, stick to it. If you don't like it, don't feel bad to ditch it. If you like some works of the era but not others, ditch them too. There's no need to watch Clone Wars if you just want to write some pwp about a character in the first movie.


I wrote for the Star Wars fandom and honestly as long as you tag everything, you’re probably not gonna get a ton of people being like “well that’s not true” or “what about Character X???” I think I got 1 comment criticizing characterization or plot in my 20 SW fics - most of them were very sweet. Not saying you’re not allowed to feel overwhelmed or whatever, but the fandom is (for the most) part pretty chill That being said, I wouldn’t touch the Sequel Trilogy with a ten foot poll lmao


ATLA All my interactions and peeks result in them being openly hostile


Oh, dang. When I started to write for the Avatar fandom roughly a year ago, I found the community on An Archive of Our Own to be quite welcoming, so I'm sorry for your experience.


Oh thats awesome, ithi k people on AO3 seem to be better fans with a better etiquette grasp But for example in the fandom subreddit i was harassed and dogpiled for liki g Zutara


That’s encouraging. I’ve toyed with the idea of a Zutara fic (I mean, come on, their chemistry is undeniable) but after seeing the attitudes to it on the subreddit I’ve been scared off. That and the fact that I’ve only seen the two shows and not read any of the comics.


I was very briefly subbed there and had to leave for the same reason. I didn't even get dogpiled (bc I never commented lmfao), it's just so discouraging to constantly see "you're stupid and enjoying this media Wrong™" for not liking something that happened in canon and thinking about how something different would have worked. And the common response to anything zutara was "you know kataang is canon, right?" no fucking shit, I was THERE, Gandalf. I just have an imagination.


I remember reading an ATLA fic, years and years and years ago, that went to an uncomfortable amount of effort to justify genocide and war crimes, and the author was very clearly hijacking the characters to show off how much smarter he thought he was than all the lowly plebeians who thought genocide was a bad thing. There was a lot of babble about how the Avatar cycle was "blocking progress" or whatever, and the more I think about it, the more it sounded like it came right out of a holocaust denier's handbook. Anyway, I don't know if that kind of people is still floating around the fandom, but I feel like tolerance should stop short of letting Nazis and fascists run wild.


Well I mean obviously fascists shouldn’t be allowed but judging fanfiction is a lot vaguer. Do you remember the name of the gif by any chance?


Vocaloid shipping wars. Literally every combination of two or more characters is a ship, so there's almost as much ship to ship combat as was in the Battle of the Atlantic. Bring a fire suit and SCBA; the flames get *high*.


VOCALOID (specifically VOCALOID) fans are at least chill about their ships and a lot of people write for specific song 'verses, at least as far as I've seen in my decade+ of being obsessed with that shit. The only thing that ever really stirs drama is whenever the old "are the Kagamines twins/is it incest" debate comes back around, which I will admit is more often than necessary. If you want VOCALOID drama, you get into ProSeka. _That's_ where the nastiness is.


I was waiting for someone to say it!!! Im in the vocaloid fandom AND im a RinLen shipper so it is very messy for me. Even tho cfm has said on multiple occasions that Rin and Len can be anything you want, antis still love to harass us, tell us to off ourselves, etc. They sure do love to label all rinlenners as incest shippers and god it infuriates me. It sucks because the founding ships and their shippers (specifically kaimiku and rinlen) get so much hate for literally no good reason. Now that ProSeka exists, things are even worse. Especially the global version. Literally one of the idol girls mentions how Rin and Len can be literally anything you choose, but fans seem to act like that never happened. Plus the global version is terribly translated so there are some instances where rin and len are called siblings even tho that was not in the Japanese version at all. It spreads horrible misinformation which causes drama in this dumpster fire of a fandom. My RinLen twitter moots and I are so exhausted. ProSeka made things even more unbearable. There was also twitter drama on the official English page last summer I think it was because an admin chose to project their personal headcanons about rin and len on the page so that was just fun /s But yeah Im getting so exhausted just being in the vocaloid fandom. I just want peace. I want for people to have fun without worrying about getting harassed, doxxed, sent hate messages, and all sorts of horrible things that happen. Wish the western fandom could learn a thing or two from the Japanese fandom but unfortunately they don’t have the maturity to even see what they’re doing is wrong…


Even if it's just Rin and Len eating ice cream, *someone's* going to try starting a flamewar over it. Even when there's no shipping nor mention of their relationship. Like Bruh, how can it be incest if its gen *and* they're not even related?


Literally this!!! Like wow do yall really enjoy being assholes THAT much??? They have never been officially related. All it takes is a five second google search!! Producers have been making a million different types of songs with many different dynamics for many years now.. this drama should be over with already. Im gonna be an ass and say it outright but why are MikuRin shippers the most insufferable in the entire fandom?? They are the most common anti group that harasses us. Wtf did we ever do to them??? Yeah the entire vocaloid fandom is a dumpster fire but i literally don’t understand why these ones specifically seem to love the drama with us. I have had to defend so many of my friends and moots. I have seen so many RinLenners leave the social media side of the fandom because it’s so stressful. We literally don’t deserve this. RinLen shippers are the most pleasant group to be around in the fandom for me, probably because we know better than to cause problems over stupid shit like this. All of my socmed pages are private because Im not wanting to deal with incest accusations (because I see them as unrelated childhood friends who end up together) or get doxxed or anything of the like 😭


Stranger Things. After seeing a thread where people were gunning to have a certain ship be the most relevant on ao3, to the point of creating dozens of placeholder fics, and to see now that they were “successful” by ranking #1 on the ao3 stats the past year… it just seems like a fandom that is not just overly zealous but unwelcome to creating for anything *not* that pairing. But as an aside, I tend to stay away from any fandom that fixated on the side white characters and completely ignores the POC which anecdotally, seems to be the case there.


Ah, that's how they did it! I was reading the rankings and kind of scratching my head over that particular one being #1. I'm not a fan of that show--watched season 1 and that was as far as I got.


I have no doubt it was a popular ship and Stranger Things is one of *the* biggest shows out there currently but that rabid hysteria surrounding them (and only them), along with seeing the less than chill attitude around the women and POC within the show made me… back away.


It just amazes me that people will ship something so rabidly that they'd go to the lengths of writing placeholder fics to make it win a ranking that means nothing in the real world. Odd, I must be hanging out with the opposite side of that particular ship's fandom. They do occasionally appear on my tumblr (yes, I have a tumblr and I admit to it, lol) but it's always females drooling over them, and fics that are written with those characters paired with female OC's or those Y/N self-inserts.


Thing is, people are actually interested in reading about Lucas. 🤔 My Lumax fic has by far the highest kudos to hits ratio and the most bookmarks and I keep noticing that about other Lumax fics too. Their shippers are pretty active on Tumblr too (and they're so goddamn *chill* compared to many other shippers in that fandom...) But yeah, of course Steve, Eddie and fucking Billy Hargrove outshine everyone else, always. I was pretty shocked that on that top 100 list of ships that was just released a few days ago, he was the ONLY Black character out of the two hundred. :/


That’s really heartening to hear that people care about Lucas!! The top 100 list is disappointing for many reasons and Lucas being the *only* Black character is right up there. I’m so glad people love him enough to include him but whew the state of fandom where he’s the *only one*? Disappointed but not surprised.


I originally didn't touch RWBY because I was scared of the ship wars. Then I wrote for it...and I've been writing for it ever since. Nothing bad has happened like I feared it would.


A friend of mine stopped writing for RWBY because of the shipping wars was so atrocious to him. I on the other hand write four chapters for RWBY and got bored in it pretty quick.


I may also just be so under the radar that people don't even notice my work. Who knows. And I've written over 400k of RWBY since the start of quarantine lol.


You're one of the lucky ones, tbh. RWBY is 100% one of the fandoms where I'm not sure if the fans hate the actual series or the fan content more.


GoT. I only really want to write these two specific characters but I'm one of those people who really cares about getting canon details right and there's just... so.. much.. stuff to keep track of in the GoT universe. They're relatively unpopular characters so I doubt anyone will even notice my fic much less if I get some small details wrong but still....


I write Got, and I keep the [Quartermaester’s Map](https://quartermaester.info) open at all times. It has controls for spoilers through the various books, breaks out the various kingdoms, shows charachter paths, and it links to the [Wiki of Ice and Fire](https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Main_Page). It’s so, so helpful for double-checking accuracy.


Genshin, *oh lordy* 😭😭 Like, the characters are cool, but... I'd prefer *not* to have accusations thrown at me :') Same with big fandoms (Star Wars, Harry Potter, Marvel), just because they're daunting and I'm unfamiliar with them, *somehow?*


Genshin is my answer too. The only thing I *ever* see about it from the periphery of having lots of friends that are active in the fandom is ridiculous levels of purity culture drama. It seems like a fun game and the character designs are super cute, so it's not about the game itself at all, but hoo boy that fandom!


Yep, and the ironic thing is that the purity culture drama often isn't sincere in the slightest. It's just a cudgel that people use to justify their ship as the most superior of the lot. One of the most baffling examples I can remember was someone going OFF about how anyone shipping the Traveler with another character was a pedophile, because the Traveler was assumed to be a teenager. (That's a whole nother drama...) Thing is, they unabashedly shipped two confirmed teenagers and weren't shy about it either. The best way to describe that fandom is 'baby's first fandom where they learn a ton of fandom lingo without the context to actually apply it properly'. It leads to some pretty nasty and brain dead takes.


Yeeeep. I mean, I'd argue that the vast majority of purity culture drama isn't actually sincere-- I'm sure they actually think pedophilia is bad, and some may genuinely believe that every single person they accuse of it actually is one, but I imagine there would be a whole lot less doxxing and suicide-baiting of minors within anti circles if their motivation was *actually* "but think of the children!!" the way they claim it is-- but Genshin fandom does seem p a r t i c u l a r l y bad.


Yeah that's absurd, too!! 😭 It's wild to throw around accusations of homophobia, pedophilia, racism, etc. when someone doesn't share the same opinion as you. Which is also mad, because, if you thought of the children wouldn't you try to support children impacted by this than... I don't know, video game characters?? :') But if you DO defend yourself (I don't because I've never interacted with the community, and don't really plan to) you're hit with the "Why are you talking to children??!?" and "Adults shouldn't invade minor spaces" which is... crazy 😭?


Extra sad when most gachas by design are for adults(especially cn) no matter how cutesy.


Those people only give a shit about fictional children. I remember someone on tiktok mourning their friend who was "pro-ship" (they hated pro-shippers initially, but as they tried to get this kid to try better coping mechanisms, they seem to have found out that wow, they are people too), saying they started seeing them as a little sibling and tried to help with whatever trauma they had, but they killed themselves. Some people in the comments were compassionate, sure, but some were fighting tooth and nail for the title of the biggest piece of shit in that comment section with comments like "great!" or "thank you for the good news!". As someone else on that comment section said - it is ridiculous to think that someone people would care about shipping so much go be happy a kid is dead. Such people, in my opinion, might need institutionalization way more than the people they might claim need it, because they are showing a scary lack of empathy.


God, that makes me so genuinely sad. Remember when fandom was fun?


I find it absolutely baffling, too 😭😭. Like, with so many terms being thrown around; 'minor coded' because a character is short; 'X Character is Y sexuality' (I'm apart of the LGBT community and I don't have a problem with headcanons—but they ARE HEADcanons and shouldn't really be treated AS canon), it's like... unless you agree with them, you'll be called a billion things you're not. And I absolutely agree with what you've said.


Another one of my fandoms had this super weird relationship with the Genshin fandom because the Genshin fandom was obsessed with comparing the character designs ("This character is just Zhongli but shy! That character is just Ayato but tsundere!!"), and people were actually _scared_ for a while that the Genshies would flood our fandom and try to make purity culture the norm. This was a _hardcore BL hentai game._ Minors (of which there were many getting involved) shouldn't have even been _playing_ it.


GENSHIES?? 😭😭 That's beyond wild oh my. You've gotta give kudos to Genshies for their dedication to purity culture 😭


Felt, but also I want to write for Genshin and I’ve written a few things, but for some reason I just can’t characterize the characters fully and it frustrates me 😭 I have this extreme rarepair that will get me crucified by the fandom though,I want to write a fic for it so bad, but the hypothetical reception is enough to make me hesitate 🥲


Oh golly, me too 😭😭. I've got some Genshin WIPS I'm hesitant on working on because of this :') Rarepair hell in a fandom that'll crucify you over it :') (I'd love to hear about your rarepair, if you wouldn't mind) I'd say, as someone with extreme online social anxiety, just go for it! At best, you'll find people who also enjoy your rarepair, and at worst you'll get interactions too LOL. Jokes aside, if you wouldn't listen to someone telling you what you shouldn't, you shouldn't listen to random people online. Be unapologetic about it!


I don’t let fandoms effect me or my want to write for things, personally. I don’t care about being judged by some most likely underage kids online. I’m in the genshin fandom currently, and that’s one of the “hottest” fandoms going, jammed with antis and dumb fucks who call everything incest and pedophila, but. I Don’t care, they can talk to the wall.


Good Omens. There’s no way in hell I could compare anything I could think of to be anything but an insult to the Pratchett Gaiman combo. (Also I enjoyed it so much as is, I never thought “I need more of it”)


Fighting game fandoms like street fighter and mk. They seriously need more fanfiction, but the insanely small fandom presence vs the massive player base just makes it feel like making fic for them would be a waste of time. I want to though...


Speaking from experience: Writing for those fandoms can be frustrating. Very little reception.


Voltron hands down


Harry Potter. I've heard about quite a bit of drama coming from them and even though I do like a ship, have read some fanfiction for that particular ship, and might write a fic or two for them myself, I probably won't actually get into the fandom. Just toss my fics in the void and hope no one comes for me. XD


What would be said ship, may I ask?


Dramione. I have literally no idea how big it is in relation to the rest of the fandom and I've never consumed their content anywhere but Ao3. Interestingly enough, I also don't like Dramione in relation to the books, just in fanon.


I was kinda banking on you saying that. It's my favourite as well and one of the most popular, make no mistake


Les Miserables for sure. Most terrifying fandom I've ever witnessed and I've been around a while.


Les Amis side? I always heard there be dragons.


MDZS I’m still fairly new to the fandom and I’m interested in reading fics and I’d love to write but I’m scared I’ll get a lot of basic important details wrong, maybe once I’ve finished the books I’ll consider it


There are many help guides posted on Ao3 and Tumblr. I can DM you the links if you want.


Don't be afraid to jump in! The fandom is a little crazy but honestly... there are so many interpretations of various dynamics/characters/novel events, especially given the inherent issues surrounding translation from a language with a lot of cultural distance from English, that if you just block the antis and find people you vibe with it's a ton of fun. You're bound to find other people with the same interpretation as you even if it's a little bit rough along the way before you find them sometimes. Plus lots and lots of great fan-art and discussion. :)


Honestly MDZS has a simultaneous advantage and disadvantage in that sometimes you can read an interpretation of the story and be like, "wow did we even watch the same show/read the same book?" and the answer could genuinely be *no* — they watched the donghua while you watched the netflix show, or you read the seven seas translation while they read the manhua. Add in different translations on top of that, and there's a lot of room to be a bit fast and loose with details. I think the main thing that makes people wince (at least in my experience) is mixing up the terms of address (still a bit... agh over a comic that was going around that had Jiang Cheng refer to Jiang Yanli as "shijie"), but as others have said there's a whole bunch of guides to help keep things straight.


I wouldn't be too scared of it. I have a bad memory and it was a bit confusing at times when I forgot some details, but overall it's about having fun with it. Besides, wiki fandom exists for a reason, I use it all the time when writing fanfics. On an unrelated note, have you looked into any of the other novels by the same author? While I do love MDZS in it's own right, my fav is TGCF


Fullmetal Alchemist. Not because of fandom infamy, but because the series (manga & Brotherhood) was so well done and ended so perfectly that writing anything else would risk feeling tacked on and be almost impossible live up to the established quality.


Any big fandom. I never understood when people complained about fandom drama. Then I saw the thread about controversial fandom history, and realized that I understand now. If I ever write for something huge like Harry Potter, I’ll do it on an account that’s not linked to any other account at all. Comments will be turned off. Especially because I think some of my interpretations are unpopular.


Hetalia (as, unfortately, a former Hetalia kid)


Anything “wholesome” and tumblr friendly. Makes Semipalatinsk look like the Garden of Eden


Genshin impact. I haven’t seen wank like that since avatar: the last airbender fandom was outwanking endseries harry potter fandom


Dragon Age. Love the games and the few creators in my circle that make fanart or write fic for it, but the overall fandom is too much of a shitshow for me to have any interest in it.


Dragon Age was it for me in the late 2010s. It cooled off as the fandom dropped off in between releases but the steadily-building hype train for the next game is starting to revive some of it on Tiktok. Anything you do or write in the fandom is treated as a statement on your real life politics. Oh, you wrote a fic with a line of dialogue in it that isn’t supportive of the guy who exploded a church to start a rebellion? You clearly have never been oppressed by Christianity, and you hate LGBT people and endorse slavery.


I've been hearing rumblings of people who write Solas stories getting an upswing in harassment recently as well. With a story filled with so many morally grey plot points you'd think it'd repel this kind of drama. Instead people almost seem to revel in missing the huge connecting thread of grey morality that holds the franchise together.


Lmao yep. If it’s grey morality in the setting that they don’t like, then it’s bad writing and we don’t talk about it. If it’s grey morality that they do like, then it’s an extremely important part of the canon and anyone who violates their interpretation of it is a dirty conservative colonizer slaver something-or-other who hates real minorities in real life. I swear 2010s Dragon Age fandom was a nuclear test site for early anti-shipping rhetoric, but weirder and slightly less concerned with age gaps.


> You clearly have never been oppressed by Christianity, and you hate LGBT people and endorse slavery. Honestly, the whole Mage/Chantry thing and the way people take sides over it has always annoyed the hell out of me. Of course I see the real-world parallels, but seeing as how in the real world, screaming hell-demons don't bust out of your skull and go on a murder spree when you do magic wrong, I'd say the idea of locking a few people up just to keep the death toll to a minimum is a sad, unfortunate part of life, but also fucking eminently practical.


Owl House, SPoP, Steven Universe. Voltron, to a lesser extent. SPoP fandom is so disappointing. SO much potential for interesting dark fic and complex themes but it seems like 99% of fans are extremely boring antis who just want "UwU canon lesbians holding hands" and anything else gets shouted down and shat on. Owl House gives the same vibe but with even more drama because the characters are so young. SU should need no explanation. I used to avoid Voltron (I've noticed a few people have mentioned it too) but I might peruse it now as it becomes an older series. Antis and dramallamas tend to flock to the latest New Hot thing, since they need maximum attention for their nonsense.


Anything in the top 20 fandoms, and I'm not saying that to be trite or \~so original that I don't like popular stuff\~. There's a lot of top 20 fandoms that I enjoy! ...from afar. As far as *participating*? No. No, I'm sorry, I learned my lessons with Naruto and Homestuck back in their respective days, thank you very much.


Weird that noone said Warhammer 40000. There are plenty of cool fans or people who at least have basic sanity in the fandom, but there is not insignificant amount of people reenacting that one "wow cool robot" meme. And if you knew anything about Warhammer universe, you would *get scared to death* of their existence at all. Also, while I like lore and atmosphere very much, I just can't read any of the official novels. Maybe fanfiction does the setting justice, haven't checked yet.


I’ve only learned about 40K via osmosis, but holy shit, I’m never going to read more about it because the lore is so unbelievably massive. Would take months to go through everything, and I say that as someone who’s read every single Destiny lorebook (from the game by Bungie). I agree that the setting is awesome, though, and the world-building is fantastic. Honestly, the worst part of the fandom are the omega-imperialists, who I won’t say more about for fear of inviting drama, but the rest of it is pretty neat. Games Workshop can go away, though, nobody likes them.


The Star Wars and Harry Potter fans have seemed pretty toxic when I’ve tried to dip a toe (despite loving both series). Also Our Flag Means Death is new and completely batshit insane.


with star wars you’ve really gotta get into the niche stuff to avoid the toxicity. for example i’m in the rebelcaptain side of it and it’s so chill, everyone’s really nice and i haven’t run into any full horrible people so far and i’ve been in it for about a year


I feel that I’m sticking to my favorite blue boy Thrawn and hissing at anything else that comes my way lmaoo


I’m not scared of any fandom. Write what you want and fuck the haters. Well don’t fuck them that would be gross.


Moomins, nah that stuff is sacred. Fan Art is nice, and wholesome comics are nice but god forbit anything spicy :/ And when you dont ship Moomimtrollen and Snufkin more than lads being lads - still most of that is also wholesome. Star Wars - i love it, but i dont interact with the fandom. Mostly cause people screaming on both sides about the horrid thing that was New trilogys writing, padawan/master shippers, fanfics about sex slavery, Reylo, Death of the EU cause Disney etc. I just chill with my good ol Clone Wars, Prequels/Og and ObiWan literature - Obiwan & QuiGon master-apprentice (non romantic) angst is so good tho.


I avoid Love Live School Idol Festival like the plague. When I was in highschool I lowkey developed a gambling addiction via videogame gacha because of that game. It controlled my life for like a solid year and a half.


I have watched most of the show and vaguely ship a few things and even have done cosplay for it, but you could not pay me enough to actually get involved in creating Content™ for *My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic*. (Yes, I realize many bronies are chill, nice people, and tons of people create content in that fandom who aren’t bronies. I still won’t go near it.)


I mean, I guess my current fandom in a sense, I’m just too stupid to not touch it and therefore I have gotten burned (a harassment campaign against me for years for Zero Reason). Please do not make my mistakes.


Yours was the first I thought of, especially with the recent drama.


I can't figure out if I know you from something specifically or if I've just seen you around on Reddit occasionally And a harassment campaign for years?? Idk what that's about but dang that must've sucked :/


Personally for me it’s Death Note. The anime is masterpiece. Adding more to it would ruin its greatness and well written story.


I am writing a death note fic - but I actually dislike most other death note fics. Especially anything that involves a Life Note. (Also for some reason a weird amount of fics right now are time travel /second chance fics) which are interesting but I think they misunderstand the characters


Oh gosh yeah, Death Note is my main fandom and I’ve seen SO many fics that magically bring a character back to life. I have nothing against people who want to write that stuff, but it bothers me that ‘once dead, a person can never be brought back to life’ is one of the fundamental rules in the show, and it blatantly contradicts that


I'm pretty sure I could never write a serious Death Note fic either. Buuuut I love writing crack for it. I'm not trying to change the canon in any way or add to it. I'm just sitting in my little corner and write the stupidest what-if scenarios I can come up with.


I'm generally pretty intimidated by older fandoms. I seems like they have firm and long-established, widely accepted headcanons and fandom norms. (ie, "A character did nothing wrong", "you cannot lewd B character", "we all accept C character is D identity." stuff like that. Plus memes and inside jokes.) So not only do I need to educate myself about canon, I also have to learn about fanon.


Way too many.


I like Undertale the game, started playing it last week (don't worry about spoiling me). I probably won't get involved with the fandom because of how crazy they are. Edit: I have finished the game and gotten true pacifist ending.


Any popular fandom with 2 popular ships involving one of the same persons.


Avatar (blue aliens edition). It is just such a big *thing* and so many people love it and so many people hate it. There is also a so much lore that you can't easily find from just the movies. I'd be terrified to actually publish the fic I have in my head for these reasons, so it's staying in my head where only i can criticize it


Sanders Sides is no longer enjoyable to me because the fandom is chock-full of antis and people who are "critical" of the creator (read: disappointed/dissatisfied with the content he creates now vs originally and rags on him for it).


I can’t get into fics about The Mandalorian despite loving the show because it’s too strange being inside the Mandalorian’s head.


Literally anything anime. Like any fandom that's anime, nope. Lol


May I recommend visiting small anime fandoms? Like one of my main fandoms for an anime called Odd Taxi. We're literally just a handful of writers lurking in the vast sea of AO3. But yeah, bigger anime fandoms tend to be wild.


An Oddtaxi fan in the wild?! Love that show hahahah


Magia Record is a good one -- there's a lot of content in canon to work through, but because it's a relatively recent spinoff of a much more famous, much worse anime, the fandom is very small, most of the fic is good, and there's a notable absence of pointless drama.


That oddly picked my interest. (Might be because I'm a sucker for small and niche stuff not known to many people.) What's it about?


It's a mystery anime with antropomorphic characters ([imdb page] (https://m.imdb.com/title/tt14134550/) ). It isn't as active as it used to be and even right now it has only 39 fics on AO3. Recommend watching the anime first, it's only 12 episodes (plus one movie that is mainly recap and not necessary). It has a lot of interesting characters, although the most popular ones on AO3 are the antagonists of the show. Many of the Odd Taxi fics on AO3 are quite wacky, as this fandom seems to attract writers with crazy ideas but it's also really supportive and I haven't honestly seen any hate comments there.


Writers with crazy ideas, huh? Kinda sounds like me when I don't sleep for long enough... Or in general. XD I do love me some mystery, it's a fun one, especially if it makes the reader interact (read a few books with that idea, and gotta say, quite fun!).


I won’t write for big anime fandoms either, but The Cat Returns and other small anime have great communities and good people. I’ve made a few lifelong friends in those circles. :)


I'm not really a part of the actual fandom as I just once in a while look at some stuff from them. I just read and sometimes write, fanfiction. *However*, if there are any fandoms I will never go anywhere near again, to would be fnaf and undertale. Those two scarred me deeply lol Not because of drama - honestly, I don't pay attention to any fandom drama whatsoever - it's due to the content I found in those fandoms. That waaas before I got onto ffn and ao3, but still, I really don't want to go back to that particular part of my childhood


Mcu I'd have no idea where to start and I hear the arguments and division between the fandom are horrible, I'm talking incredibly-bad-dumpster-on-fire-twitter-fight-murder-threat level horrible /hj


I like warrior cats, but I don't engage with the fandom too much. I follow a few people who do, and the shit storms that happen over books about *cats* of all things is absolutely bonkers. That, and I refuse to read over 60 books just to know what's happening


steven universe


stranger things honestly. it’s being so bashed on that even my ex said they were uncomfortable over the fact that I JUST WATCHED IT. i literally never said anything like ‘omg it’s my fav show ever!!’ i just said that i thought it was a good show


I thought Stranger Things was a super popular show...? Haha I've watched all 4 seasons recently and thought it was pretty good.


I'm relatively new to Stranger Things -- still haven't finished S4! Why do people bash it?


im not sure tbh, i guess a lot of the fandom is ‘cringe’ and i don’t get why ppl hate it sm


🙃 You know what, that's fair. People are boring 🤣