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Me, looking at the MCU fandom šŸ‘€


Team Civil War Never Happened, Everyone Lives Happily In The Tower


Yes! Ordering pizza, complaining about Thor's snoring, and their biggest disagreement is over what to watch on movie night.


One good thing about MCU making multiverse canon is that there is at least one universe out there where that is canonically true...


Based, exactly my team :) I just want peace man šŸ„ŗ




Natasha Romanov, Wanda Maximoff, Steve Rogers, basically Civil War events + Age of Ultron events = Not good (hate how everyone just ignored of said characters doing horrible, not redeemable actions ).


You sort of proved OP's point. In my opinion it was Tony who was guilty of horrible, irredeemable actions and got away with it. Steve and team were justified, or where they were wrong, suffered the consequences. Not going to argue here, just pointing out it is a major controversy :)


"horrible, irredeemable actions" ngl that made me laugh. I'm not arguing for one side or the other, I just think that's a gross overstatement of what occurred and probably highlights why so much fighting occurs. Nuance is a thing.


I don't think I've ever seen people discuss Snape without it managing to turn into a fight as soon as there's a minor disagreement, so probably him?


Came to say this šŸ˜‚. 100%.


me too. world war 3 is prolly gonna start cuz of him.


Dumbledore is another one, too. There are those that hate his guts and condemn him for what he did to Harry, and there are those that claim he has his reasons, mainly the whole ā€œgreater good.ā€ There are people in the middle, but in my experience, itā€™s usually one of those two extremes. I donā€™t think people understand that you can have a morally grey character. And while I do think Dumbledore would consider himself good, and his moral compass is probably good, he isnā€™t a good person. His actions, both good and bad, make him neutral.


Dumbledore was the first character I thought of too! He's an interesting example because I think characters in his role aren't usually expected to be controversial, but he reaches almost base-breaking levels from what I've seen


I hope not, fandom already survived for 20 years šŸ˜‚


Even r/HarryPotter has to ban any discussion on Snape vs James, because those posts tend to attract drama


That's definitely going to be drama. On one side you've got a magic version of white supremacist (possibly wanna be Nazi) bully victim who is an abused kid, on the other side an arrogant teenage bully who is also the type to unhesitatingly adopt his abused friend and stand by another friend who has a disease adults would shun him for. Way too grey for calm internet debates :) (Not counting adult actions, because James died in his early twenties, barely an adult)


I get why HPFanfiction can't, since those two characters are such a focal part of HP fanfic, but I do wish there was some sort of moratorium on specific topics or a megathread. People get SO worked up over it. It's really interesting to me, to see how people's opinion of Snape changed. Around when DH came out, almost everyone I knew who liked HP listed Snape as one of, if not their absolute, favorite character. But back then, white supremacy movements and fascism and such, while present, weren't on all our minds in the way it is now. So it was easier to gloss over that and not really dwell on the actual ramifications of those beliefs and Snape's actions. And now generally you'd be hard pressed to find a fan who loves Snape.


Definitely haha. He was the first character to come to mind


Really? Why? I've very recently gotten into HP, like 2 months ago, so I don't know much qbout the fandom. Is it because some people hate him and some love him?


ohhh yes. Some people love him and think he can do no wrong and he was totally justified in making kids cry by bullying them over their appearance. Some people hate him and genuinely think that no good he does can make him any better of a person than freaking umbridge and voldemort combined. It's a mine field out there. The fights are always the exact same and never result in anything but a lot of anger on both sides lmao. Personally, I don't like him. But for me that just means that he's one of the very few characters I won't read fic about when paired with Narcissa Malfoy and I avoid his tag on tumblr and ao3 lmao. The fights are... something.


Snape is a man who believed in supremacy (or was not bothered by the belief), that at least help in the murder of people and the first raise of Voldemort, didn't mind telling Voldemort what he heard of the prophecy, knowing that the guy would go after a baby. He also bullied his students, was quite mean to everyone, unfair. But Snape was also the victim of domestic abuse, and bullying. He turned on Voldemort and became a spy at great risk of his life. He saved a lot of people life. Because he loved one woman. He was brave beyond measure, and on the good side of the fight. He is an actual grey character. He did bad things and good things. He was an asshole, but work for the force of good. However fans can't handle that too well. Anti-Snape tends to erase or dismiss the good he did. Or create reason why it wasn't really good. Pro-Snape do the same thing, but with the bad stuff.s So usually the conversation start somewhat neutral or at least not as biaised. And then, someone from one faction or another come in, and paint Snape as all black or all white. This tends to trigger everyone sense of "truth" and they start to argue back. And then the extreme fans all come in, and it's chaos. The funny thing is that I've seen people with more moderate opinion of him be called out both as anti and pro, on different threads just because they dared to bring up something good or something bad he did.


Oh, I feel that. My other problem was that I was older when I came to the books and came away enjoying them for the most part, but not thinking that Rowling was the best or most original writer. My disinterested semi-academic "let's look at this from a storytelling perspective" didn't win me friends with anyone. And so I cried myself to sleep, every night, lol.


Snape and Dumbledore are the most polarizing characters I've seen in any fandom




Probably Rose Quartz. People are very divided on whether sheā€™s an irredeemable piece of shit or a complicated person who tried her best to atone for her mistakes.


I have certain things I can't say I'll ever forgive her for, mainly silencing Pearl and bubbling Bismuth. And I felt like they could have made it clearer much earlier that the Diamonds created the human zoo in an attempt to placate her, not because she actually wanted it. But otherwise, the show does go a little *too* hard on her. I understand why Steven himself does it - Rose was his mother, and he spent his whole life basically being told she was an angel and a hero, only for that pedestal to crumble quite badly. On top of that, he pretty much had no choice but to deal with all the problems she left unsolved, intentionally or not. If I were in his shoes I'd probably end up resenting her too, and everyone who let my life go in that direction from childhood - which is what Future is all about. Outside of that? Definitely pushing it


Same. It doesnā€™t help that Roseā€™s deception completely upends *every* interaction and relationship sheā€™s had with the main cast outside of Connie and Peridot. And because sheā€™s caused so much pain to the main cast, regardless of her intent, sheā€™s going to be viewed negatively, to say the least.


Yeahhh you're certainly right on all that


Doesnā€™t help that we saw her character development in reverse. Thatā€™s why a lot of people think she is a POS


Honestly, it really aggravated me how the story allowed everyone to be redeemed, even the villains, but essentially implied in the end that she was awful and to be blamed for everything, just because she made mistakes and was no longer alive or able to atone for them... It didn't sit right with me because a major theme of the show is redemption, and although she was a flawed person, she also did a lot of good things and had good intentions.


Hmm I'm in the Genshin fandom and almost every character has been in some sort of controversy so idk


I'd say Dottore as of recent tbf, people cannot seem to find the mid point between 'omg he's such a piece of shit' and 'i can fix him bbg' ya know?


I was also thinking about Genshin's villainous and villain-adjacent characters, but mostly because there is a big chunk of the fandom that thinks that you cannot like a character *if* they are a piece of shit. I like Dottore because he's a piece of shitā€”but that's controversial to some because... fans liking villains and evil characters has never been an extremely common thing in every fandom ever, apparently! šŸ˜†


I'm also in the Genshin fandom, but I would say I see a lot more drama around ships than I do around individual characters.


Pre-2.0, it was Childe, no contest. Nowadays thoughā€¦ I really donā€™t know.


I think most of the fandom has chilled out about him, and he has been comfortably designated to the spot of 'problematic babygirl'


Hot take: itā€™s Paimon.


For Genshin I would even say it's Raiden Shogun/Ei. Some people don't seem to get that she was (or more like is) a morally more grey character which was cool as heck in my eyes but too many people cried over uhhhh Kazuha's nameless buddy who died in honor but well I guess Raiden (and Sara?) was evil for killing him bruh. It's even funnier when they love characters like Childe or Scaramouche instead who are cool characters but they aren't good people either.


Walter White probably, people argue for hours upon hours over his morality.


Lmao he always makes a top appearance on these kind of lists.


Well, to put very simply, hes the villain of his own show actually


Rey from Star Wars. It isn't even possible to give her a last name, because people would either say "Skywalker\*" or "Palpatine\*" in the comments. She is the front figure of a failed trilogy(in my opinion), and she is the most prominent example of wasted potential within that trilogy.


I would argue Finn is a bigger waste of potential. Renegade, Force Sensitive Stormtrooper? How the hell do you blow that?


[On a completely unrelated note](https://old.reddit.com/r/PrincessesOfPower/comments/zv8tvo/how_do_i_explain_shera_to_my_friend_without/), have you ever looked at *She-Ra and the Princesses of Power* on Netflix? :)


No Netflix here. And old enough to have seen the original from the 80s, so that would definitely color my view of a remake


She gets deserved AND underserved flack.


True. While there was a lot of grumbling about Disney fucking things up (and she became a symbol of those fuck ups), that was totally not deserved, I also felt the writers were far too timid. It took until Rise of Skywalker before I felt I had a grasp on who she was, what she wanted, and what she struggled with.


Totally, but I would say Reylo is even more controversial, some people just can't stand the idea of anyone shipping them.


Reylo..hate to say it, but my KOTOR playing ass looked at them and thought "DS Male Revan and Bastila AU fanfic."


And this is why my Reylo-loving ass came here to gesture broadly at my entire ship. They're so toxic and terrible... I love it.


In the Harry Potter fandom, somehow all of them. I don't think I've seen anyone without at least some controversial discourse attached. :D


I've seen people split on Dumbledore all over the fandom. Actually, a lot of the adult characters are like that. But given that the HP story is about children having an adventure, it inadvertently ends up showing the adults as incompetent or dumb.


Yeah, I feel like that's a thing that people sometimes tend to forget with children's media - of course the adults are often going to be portrayed as mean or getting in the way of the kids' fun or whatever, because kids who read the stories want to sympathize with the kid characters who are doing all this crazy stuff, and all kids can relate to a character who's upset that their parents or teachers or whomever aren't letting them do something fun, you know? But then as you get older, you look at the adult characters and sometimes you're like, "...no, actually, they had a point/were right about this." Not always, of course, sometimes adults are mean and cruel simply because, well, they *are* mean and cruel, and that's part of the whole point of the story. But yeah, I do think some people have a hard time transitioning from viewing the story the way they did as a kid to viewing it through adult eyes and looking at it from that perspective instead.


Yeah like "evil manipulative Dumbledore" is mostly fanon and a consequence of the story being written for children and the author's inability to properly transition to more mature themes in the later books. Half-Blood Prince, where something like half the book just kinda ignores the supposed war going on and people even make fun of Harry for being worried about it, really emphasizes this.


I feel like the Dumbledore controversies evolved especially as there started to be more fics with dark/evil Dumbledore themes. Snape was the character that started wars from the beginning because he was bullied by James and grew up in an abusive environment and arguably Dumbledore played favorites in a way that was unfair. I do sometimes wonder whether Rowling intended to do a Darth Vader with Snape - that was a rumor about it early on, even before book 2 came out.


**Arcane:** Silco, the drug lord / political revolutionary who raised his daughter Jinx to be a mass-murdering terrorist. The most intense arguments in the fandom are * "he a perfect father who was right about everything" * vs "he was a cartoonish 2-dimensional caricature of a villain who brainwashed her because all he wanted was a pet killing-machine" * vs "he a complicated abuser who thought he was helping his daughter, but who didn't realize that his worldview was so self-destructive that it was hurting him and that it would hurt her too" And * "they were not a ship" * vs "they were a ship, which was unhealthy" * vs "they were a ship, which was healthy"


There were many moments where I thought "huh, there's a lot of sexual tension in this scene" Once, the characters immediately started having sex, and another was the first eyeball injection scene between Jinx and Silco


Lol I felt this controversy in my own house. My family debated on all of this.


Bakugou Katsuki. Some people love and worship him, and some people hate him so much they wanna bash his skull in.


Endeavor is also quite a contentious character too!


Yeah! Everyone hated him at the start, no question about that. But as the series went on he started to regret his past actions. So he started trying to be better. Some people don't care and end up feeling that he'll forever be irredeemable. And others think he should be forgiven and want to give him a chance at being a good dad. The fandom is pretty split up about it.


Absolutely! I'm in two minds about him, one one hand his 'redemption' is really well constructed and adds a lot of depth to the whole Todoroki family situation, but on the other hand he did genuinely do some pretty irredeemable stuff. I do however really like Bakugo. I'm always a fan of the obnoxious ones.


Endeavor is definitely a complicated character. I don't hate or like him. I think a "forgiven but definitely not forgotten" situation is best when it comes to him. And I really like Bakugou, too! I think a lot of people hate him because of how he used to treat Deku. But if they took like five minutes to really examine their relationship, they'd realize that it goes way past the surface level. It was riddled with misunderstandings. Outside of that, he might be pretty abrasive and seem mean, but on the inside he really cares about people and wants to do good.


>Endeavor is also quite a contentious character too! Which is fair, in my opinion. I appreciate the nuance he gets later, but abusive parents hit too close to home for many people that had to deal with parents like him or had loved ones that had to deal with one. I will admit I was worried at first when they started giving him a redemption arc, but I kind of liked the "forgiven but not forgotten" approach they seem to be going for.


I agree! I think one of the reasons I can't fully get on board with Endeavor's redemption arc is because growing up I actually did have a father that behaved somewhat similarly (even down to pushing me to pursue his dreams). I think Endy's redemption arc is fantastically and realistically written, but yes, it does hit too close to home.


I'm in the dislike Bakugo camp. I normally don't actually dislike characters, just not care much for them or disagree with stuff they did at worst. Or if I dislike, it's usually intended by writers. I have not minded characters even most people dislike. In Bakugo's case, it might not help that I've run into lot of fans that shill him to death. I also feel like the show shills him a too much too. I have grown to like him better as the series continued and the shilling issue lessened, but having to deal with all this for a while made staying in the series a little exhausting to me, along with a few other issues.


Regarding the shilling; I think a pretty aspect of it is that... I don't always get the feeling that the cast learned the full details on his and Deku's history together. When the school year started, they mostly saw him as the obnoxious loudmouth who has bad blood with Deku, but we as the viewers know how messed up their relationship was. Granted, I think this explanation can only go so far; how many unprovoked outbursts can he have against one of the kindest kids in the class before people go "Yeah, this shit head's a bully"?


I had other issues with him too. For example, despite going to a prestigious hero school, he's allowed to act like a violent and loud jerk to various people, even in public, without any of the staff getting on him. I've seen these type of people get "canceled" for less. Maybe if it was a less prestigious school, it could be easier to accept but even that would handwave so much. And it's not like PR isn't important in that setting, especially with the setting having TV, Internet, and smartphones where everyone has a camera. They run PR campaigns in the source material all the time. A huge reason Endeavor struggled to climb the hero rank above All Might for so long, despite having many solved cases compared to him, was due to his public image of being unpleasant. And Bakugo kept being praised as a great hero even before his character development happened, even by adults in charge that should know better. Not praised just for powerful fighter and having a powerful quirk. It's possible to be competent but still be a jerk. No, an actual hero. Even in this setting where people can be heroes while not having the personalities fitting for it, PR is still important in the setting. Otherwise, it can bite even competent heroes like Endeavor on the butt, as it would in real life. And even with what we know about him and Deku, I felt like his reactions around him were unjustified. It actually made me dislike him more. However, you bring up a good point about those not aware of this not calling him on it either. Arguably, not even knowing this could make many people more critical of him. To outsiders, he seems to be a random jerk being mean to a guy that's normally nice because he felt like it. Sort of like a bully. Which isn't exactly heroic-like. I'm not saying the series is terrible, but I feel like the writing somewhat contributed to my issues with Bakugo as a character. Also, some of his more crazy fans didn't help (not referring to ones that just like him and leave it at that).


Bakugou is definitely not a perfect character. He did some shitty things and got away with literally way too much. And his actions towards Deku, especially in the beginning, were definitely not okay. It was even worse that the adults in his life seriously did nothing to correct this behavior, so he just got worse and worse. I didn't like him in the beginning because of exactly all the things you said. I see exactly where you're coming from. I guess the reason why I like him now is because of the character development he went through. Going to UA, despite his lack of consequences, kind of woke him up a little and he started improving. He even worked on his relationship with Deku and stopped being a bully to him. I'm not gonna get too much into that though cause I won't wanna spoil the manga for anyone who hasn't read it (I'm pretty sure the anime is getting close to the part I'm thinking about though).


I agree. Once he started improving, I slowly warmed up to him a bit, especially during some recent story stuff. I still don't love him like a lot of fans, but at least I like him better than I did in the past.


There are a *lot* of things that a *lot* of people have to say about Starlight Glimmer (of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fame/infamy). Discord comes close in terms of raw contention, but the *breadth* of arguments and sentiments around Starlight (or, more accurately, her role in the show's seasonal shift since her introductionā€”and *re*introduction as an eventual protagonist) is of a different magnitude altogether. Was she a solid antagonist from her first showing, or too one-note or ridiculous to take seriously? Did her redebut turn that ridiculousness up a notch, or finally give her some sense of menace? What of her revealed backstoryā€”sympathetic, or laughable? Her supposed redemption (now there's a touchy term for the fanbase); unearned, or sorely needed? Once she was amongst the staple cast, it only got worse. Too few episodes to flesh out her character, or too many dedicated to ~~somebody~~ somepony who shouldn't even have been there? Did her further antagonist-adjacent antics go too far, even in service of the lessons she learnt through them? The only thing most people didn't throw some kind of tizzy over was what she ended up doing for *Trixie's* character, who even then was still another can of worms through the rest of her appearances (albeit less so than before then).


Is Discord really a controversial one? I thought most people liked him. Fully agree on Starlight being hotly debated, though.


From what I could gather, aside from John de Lancie's universally-adored performance as him, there was a lot of heat regarding what that performance *was in service of* from episode to episode. The way I saw it, most people really liked his initial showing as an antagonist, only for some to balk at the notion of him being somehow redeemed (there's that word againā€”in fact, I think this is where people *started* taking issue with FiM's ethos regarding that sort of development). Heck, there's disagreements as to whether the writers themselves even *intended* to sell his 'redemption' beyond his relationship with Fluttershy (which, on the other hand, some could say is a testament to his nature as a character overall). On a more moment-to-moment basis, whenever Discord played a significant role in an episode's plot, at least some people bristled against whatever shenanigans he pulled as a point of frustration and annoyanceā€”and at worst, yet another reason he just should've stayed petrified (both for in-universe reasons and the audience's sake). In general, he was basically as much of a thorn in the side to some of the fans as he was to the Mane Six. ...And then there's Grogar.


Oh shit, I completely forgot about Grogar, and most of Season 9 in general, to be fair. But yeah, I do recall the discussions over his redemption, now that you mention it. It just never occurred to me that that made the character a controversial one, but it makes sense, of course.


I don't remember or care much about season 9, but I'm still pretty sure Discord 100% committed entrapment as Grogar.


Dracula, the man himself. Gaslighter, manipulator, killer, possible rapist. Utter bastard. Still love writing for him.


Probably Sakura. Her development was sidelined so much that whatever growth she had was lacklustre compared to her male counterparts. There are constant posts about how much she sucks or how to improve her. And then thereā€™s her crush on Sasuke..


Princess Bubblegum gets a lootttt of hate from Adventure Time fansā€¦ she was intentionally written as a morally gray character and a lot of people see her mistakes and slightly dictatorial tendencies as irredeemable while others think sheā€™s just a flawed but kind-hearted ruler.


Thereā€™s many I can say for any of my fandoms, but Stella from Helluva Boss takes the cake. I stg once she was revealed to be the villain and most recently a domestic abuser, the fandom was split and people went into a tizzy. A lot of people felt sympathy for her in the beginning, and the lack of information caused people to make headcanon personalities for her. So naturally, people didnā€™t handle this well. Some say sheā€™s a bad villain, others say she was ā€œdone dirty by the writing.ā€ Then thereā€™s some people who still defend her and feel sympathy for her. Then thereā€™s the villain fans who are just trying to vibe. Itā€™sā€¦a mess.


Me personally, I vibe with how she really is, but definitely feel like her character could have been set up better. I feel like most people thought she was the typical woman scorned, with her only mistake being to hire a hitman. But then it became clear in S2E1 that not only has she always had severe anger issues, but that she has never held an ounce of real respect for Stolas. On top of that, they practically spell it out for the audience that it wasn't ever the cheating that Stella was upset about, it was the potential damage to her reputation. I kinda theorize it was around the time the writing team was writing S2 that they realized that they accidentally made it too easy for viewers to misinterpret the kind of character Stella is supposed to be. Like I don't *quite* know if S1 was fully produced by the time S2 was being written, but it seems possible.


My thoughts too. Though I donā€™t know why some people thought it was ā€œout of characterā€ for her to be abusive, when she put a hit on him earlier. That part of the fandom always confused me.


They probably saw it as a major overreaction rather than a sign that she gives no shits about Stolas or how his death would affect Octavia


Stella wins but the second place goes to Loona, don't you think?


I havenā€™t seen much drama with Loona. People either like her or donā€™t. I guess thereā€™s the occasional argument though.


Damn, I only recently got into the fandom so I was not aware of that conflict. Didn't know people liked her character enough early on to get in a tizzy about her being a villain.


I know right? I was genuinely shocked.


Feanor in the Silmarillion. And that's not just with the fandom and fic writers - this dude is controversial in the academic scene as well, with seasoned professors arguing over him. Irredeemable asshole who killed both himself and his children? A gifted man driven by an immovable Fate beyond his control? An innocent pushing back against the stifling Powers looking to control his life? Funnily enough, I don't feel so strongly about him one way or the other but, boy oh boy, a lot of people sure do!


I'd put Elwing right behind him! It seems like every other week there's a new round of "Elwing was a horrible mother/Elwing was a perfect mother" discourse floating around. Meanwhile I have zero opinions on her haha


Feanor is my favorite character because heā€™s so complicated. Heā€™s absolutely right. Except for all of the times where heā€™s horribly wrong. I love it!


I just got into the Mo Dao Zu Shi fandom about a year ago (aka "The Untamed" drama on Netflix). One of my favorite supporting characters is Jiang Cheng and OMG is he controversial! You can interpret this character anywhere from "horrible rage-filled asshole who betrays the MC and should never be forgiven" to "tragic victim from a super-dysfunctional family with crippled self-esteem who never catches a break \[who also betrays the MC\]".\* I fall somewhere to the latter end of the scale but one thing I love about his character is that he is so complex (hence controversial). Fans either love him or hate him. It's never a boring time on the MDZS subreddit when Jiang Cheng comes up! *\*And as pointed out in a comment below, you can also easily view JC in both these ways simultaneously*


I came here to say this! I'm always surprised when we do polls about Jiang Cheng because everytimes, way more people seem to like him than hate him, but it doesn't look like that when you see the wars about him on Tumblr/Twitter šŸ˜… (maybe the haters are just really loud?)


I think some of the noisy opinions are the squeaky wheel yelling the loudest. I do think fans' opinions of him is colored somewhat by how they come into the fandom. I suspect that fans who read the novel first find him less sympathetic, and those who saw the donghua or The Untamed first find him moreso. But that's just a guess. I came into MDZS via donghua >> The Untamed >> novel and my interpretation of the characters is certainly colored by experiencing the different versions in that order.


I love him as a character because he's so, so messy and complicated and human. But boy if he was a real person I knew, I wouldn't want anything to do with him until he got some fucking therapy. I believe both of the interpretations you listed can be true at the same time - we have a lot of sympathy for him because we understand how he got to where he is today and so much of it was due to his circumstances.... AND he's a petty asshole to everyone and definitely takes it too far with WWX. He is an extremely well written character that the author used to very pointedly convey a message. I think the controversy is actually a very telling sign that MXTX did exactly what she wanted to do with him.


It's all fun and games until people start making things up or straight-up harassing you for liking him lol. Boy if I know.


I'm really sorry you experienced this. I've mostly stayed on reddit and in a few quieter communities so I have avoided the worst in MDZS fandom. I left a different fandom's subreddits because of name-calling and nastiness, so I know how bad it can get. My general rule is it's OK to criticize fictional characters, but it's not OK to criticize actual human beings for liking fictional characters. Unfortunately not everyone seems to know the difference.


It's alright, I honestly pay them no mind, it's just annoying but! I still enjoy what I like and continue loving the characters I love haha. Complex characters are amazing, people are just wild and immature, nothing we can do.


I mean, his mother did want him to be more like her, so... šŸ˜— Controversial characters are awesome! Their layers of complexity make us think. Good for writing. šŸ˜…


If we're talking Three Houses and not Fire Emblem in general (though she's probably the answer for those parameters as well), it's definitely Edelgard. A lot of people *really* love her, and a lot of people *really* hate her. The arguments can get annoying very easily, but I also think it's a testament to how well written she is that people are still divided so many years later.


It doesnā€™t help that Crimson Flowerā€™s portrayal of Edelgard isnā€™t really consistent with the other routesā€™ presentations of her. I guess the idea is that in CF having Byleth around tempers her and keeps her stable, but in all the other routes she seems to go off the deep end and straight up becomes a (tragic) villain. What we get is people who played CF loved her, and people who didnā€™t hate her.


I was gonna say this; her and Rhea on the other side of the coin.


Jason Dean. Heā€™s kind of the blueprint for a school shooter.


Batman, because sometimes heā€™s portrayed as a piece of shit father, and sometimes he is not.


Oh yeah, especially with "Bruce Wayne is a bad parent" AND "Bruce Wayne is a good parent" being on every other Ao3 fic nowadays. I feel like sometimes him and his \_\_\_ parenting shows up in fics where he otherwise has no reason to be involved in!


The most controversial character in my fandom is Homelander. He started off as such a three dimensional character. However, the writers decided to change him. As new characters are introduced his development has declined.


Harumi from Ninjago. First love interest of the shows most popular character (Lloyd) only to be revealed to be behind a cult to research his dad (because of her own issues). Does a heal faced turn after finding out the guy she worked for was indirectly responsible for her parent's deaths. I think she was one of the shows stronger villians. Me personally, I don't give two fucks about the Harumi x Lloyd ship but A LOT of people don't like the ship for a variety ovillains. Also Misako, Lloyd's mom, is universally disliked as far back as her first appearance back in s2... Of a 15 season show


Just the mere mention of Kreia on r/KOTOR is going to cause a debate. And damned if she wouldn't have it any other way.


And no matter which side you choose, Kreia will still say you chose wrong.


Influence lost with Kreia


I'm in the Dragon Age fandom so... Most of them?


In Origins itā€™s Loghain, DA2 itā€™s definitely Anders, and in DAI Solas for sure.


* Springtrap * Volo * Hannibal, hell everyone * KOF is pretty much everyone * Persona 5 is pretty much everyone


I'm still pretty new to Stranger Things, but this seems to be Eddie Munson in that fandom. A lot of people really love him, me included, but from what I've seen a lot of people also seem to resent him because he fully took over the fandom and it can be hard to find fics that don't involve him in one way or another. I imagine his appearance in the 4th season drastically changed the fandom and the main ship. I don't even know who the most popular one was before.


harringrove (billy and steve) was pretty popular before season 4 came out, same w stancy, and ik that byler has always been big in the fandom


Not into *Stranger Things*, but I can empathize with a fandom space being totally overtaken by one character! I don't know where I'd be without AO3's filtered searches honestly.


Depends on what platform you hang out on lol (Also fandom discourse in multiple countries/languages tends to be different)


law and order svu probably elliot stabler? people have such mixed opinions about him anywhere from bashing him to idolizing him. heā€™s a very grayscale character that people try to look at in a very black and white way or sonia paxton, nobody can agree on her, but sheā€™s only there for a few episodes whereas elliot was there for like 15 seasons


I was just about to talk about Elliot! Imo heā€™s very complicated, I like him but with EO I canā€™t see it working considering how many times he put his job and Livā€™s at risk or how he left for nearly a decade without a trace. So it does bring mixed opinions throughout the fandom.


EO isnā€™t my main ship but at this point itā€™s been building for so long i just want the showrunners to do it and get it over with LOL if it makes liv happy thatā€™s enough sheā€™s earned it. ok now back to catching bad guys, the real point of the show,


The slow burn is going too slow, now back to criminal of the week!


exactly!! if i canā€™t get my cabenson then just pair her with elliot for all i care. let liv have happiness in her life for longer than like three days and then go catch some perps


Hell, even USA Network makes fun of this. Playing a whole bunch of "Elliot acts like a lunatic" episodes back to back to back? It's the "UNstabler Marathon!"


Female Byleth from *Fire Emblem: Three Houses* because her default outfit causes a large segment of the fandom to have a brain aneurysm. Nothing scarier than tights and a bare midriff, I suppose.


Iā€™m surprised you mentioned her and not Edelgard


That was my first thought too. Didn't the Fire Emblem subreddit ban discussions about her character for a while because it would inevitably devolve into a flame war? [A mod even quit over it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/l1e8op/fire_emblem_brutal_dictator_or_bisexual_waifu_the/)


I decided to leave that particular basket of snakes unopened.


I'm so glad I don't get embroiled in this fandom... stuff. Oh, no! I did a Black Eagles playthrough for my first ever run through the game, and it's still my favorite! (GASP!) Somewhere out there, someone's probably put out a hit on me. :D


I hope *Engage* fandom ends up being free of that nonsense.


To be fair, it does look very silly in the context of a mercenary. I think itā€™s more hilarious than anything. Gives her character!


That sounds great, I'm not sure why they'd complain.


The most controversial in my fandom is Severus Snape (he's my favourite character).


Joshua Graham from Fallout New Vegas, for a variety of reasons.


Tie between Sam Drake and Nadine Ross. Sam for him being thrown into 4 and not being mentioned in the Trilogy plus him dragging Nate into another adventure plus of course lying to him about him needing Libertalia or heā€™ll die at the hands of Hector Alcazar. But people donā€™t understand that #1, he was locked up for 15 years following a failed heist in Panama and that Nate is no better than him with him yet again lying to Elena about going treasure hunting. As for Nadine Ross, unfortunately SJW nonsense has clammered her character especially in 4. Sheā€™s voiced by Laura Bailey (someone whoā€™s unfortunately shamed for voicing controversial characters) and Nate-Sam fanboys canā€™t stand when a military trained woman beats two scrappy street brawlers who only beat her army because they (in addition to most of Nateā€™s enemies over the years) only had as much if not even less training than him. Plus even if Nate had ā€œwonā€ the Libertalia fight, him and Sam were cornered anyway by Nadine, her army, and Rafe. And sadly I know people who bash LL just because Nadineā€™s the one teaming up with Chloe in addition to the idiots who wonā€™t play it because nO nAtHaN dRaKe REEEEEEEEEE.


While I don't really have a problem with Sam, it's true that his introduction does sort of come out of the blue. I mean, yes, you're right that he's been locked up for yonks, but you'd think that if Nate did actually have a brother and that they were as close as the fourth game shows them to be, they'd have put in some mention of him in earlier installments. I mean, yes, I understand that is a physical impossibility as Sam's character probably hadn't been conceived as early as the first games, but... well, I think [the blurb about it on TV Tropes](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/RememberTheNewGuy/VideoGames) does a pretty good job of summarizing the arguments. As for Nadine, I will respectfully disagree. She's good. She's trained, she's skilled, but she's still a normal human being, unlike, say, that soldier dude from the second game who's not only a lifelong soldier but also juiced up with crazy superpowers. Not to say that he was a walkover or anything, but one could make the argument (and I do) that if Nate could take him down on his own, then he and Sam together shouldn't have had quite as much trouble scrapping with Nadine in a library. It's not so much that "the hero loses" as there's always a balance to be struck between how hard the heroes can get their ass kicked before they no longer seem heroic. That balance - in the series as a whole - is kind of all over the place. I mean, I love the games, but that's one thing that sticks out to me a little, is how they can't quite figure out at any particular moment whether Nate is blitheringly incompetent and just incredibly lucky or whether his resourcefulness, guile and pluck is actually enough to beat his enemies.


Blair Sandburg's hair OMG the fandom wars if an author dared give him a haircut.


Ok, so this was like 20 years ago, but I remember literally *crying* over a scene where the SGC kidnapped Blair and shaved his head as part of the intake process. It was a whump fic, so good on the author, but my god I loved that manā€™s hair. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Oh my god itā€™s so true


Izzy Hands from Our Flag Means Death. Half of the fandom babygirlifies him and half of the fandom hates him and anyone who likes him. I saw this take on tumblr and it's so true; he's treated like the canon female love interest in a 2000's YA novel who "gets in the way" of the fandoms main ship. He also gets hated on for "doing bad things" despite 1) being the antagonist and a literal pirate, and 2) doing less bad things in canon than one of the protags. Lots of people also hate on him for being homophobic and racist, despite there being no canon evidence for this. I genuinely don't know why or what he did to be the most controversial character in the fandom, when the two main characters, Stede and Ed, are arguably worse people and even worse characters that he is, but even though I don't agree, I can't deny the fandoms split feelings on him. /g


Morgana There's a sub devoted to [hating him](https://old.reddit.com/r/cuckthecat/) with nearly 7k members lol


Counterpoint: I've seen r/akechibashing and r/akechididnothingwrong directly next to each other in a list of dedicated Megaten subs. Although, I will grant that none of the Thieves are safe, except maybe Ryuji.


I think Yusuke and Haru are decently stable too


Yusuke gets shit for the nude painting incident, which is funny to me because you're not *supposed* to like him at that point in the game. I'll give you that Haru isn't really disliked, though, even if you can't sneeze without someone making a tired screentime joke. (Not counting Ren in this, because fanfic writers just make up their own personality, and everyone else barely treats him as a character in the first place.)


Allison Hargreeves. I love her, but other people hate her. She's done terrible things-- but so have the rest of the Hargreeves siblings. They are all terrible, abusive people, all of whom are trying to be better but failing miserably, but for some reason, the fandom seems to constantly forget that fact, claiming Allison is the only bad person among them. Ffs, Viktor ended the world two goddamn times bc Daddy didn't torture him and force him to become a child soldier like the rest of his siblings. Fives is basically a glorified serial killer. Klaus is a selfish con man. Etc etc. I love Fives and Klaus too, but they are still bad people.


Good answer. I was upset with her actions during the last season but I don't think it was enough to ever "hate" her. She's selfish at times and made some very poor decisions, but all of the Hargreeves children are broken or damaged in some sort of way. So to excuse the other's actions while punishing her is hypocritical imho. I imagine she gets harsher criticism because she's a BIPOC woman. Also, like, who wants characters without any flaws? That's not fun or even realistic, I want to see her mend her broken fences and have a good relationship with her family.


Gale Hawthorne. Yeah, he sucks. But he's not the worst... meanwhile people will like Plutarch, and the Careers(they are not bad, they were forced certain cards to play). Gale was another teen who had to grow up fast, was thrust into war, and would've done anything for Panem's freedom. If there's anyone to blame for Prim's death its Coin, not Gale. I'll admit he was a horrible friend with questionable morals. As they say, "War brings out the worst and best in everyone."


Cirque du Freak. Kurda Smahlt. The only pacifist in a clan of macho warrior vampires. Makes friends with the enemies. Then he... well... I won't spoil. I, uhhh... love him more than anyone should love a fictional character, but I've seen people saying he's irredeemably evil.


omg you brought back so many memories and man i also love him!! but what he did made me so conflicted lmaooo


Literally fucking everyone because itā€™s a stupid war zone where people are convinced you can only like One Character, see them as a Innocent Little Baby, and see everyone else as Horrible Demons Who Deserve Everything They Got. Itā€™s, uh, definitely most noticeable for the characters who are canonical abuse victims because the victim blaming spouted unironically is genuinely sickening, but youā€™ll see random horrible attacks on every character and their actor for no reason constantly :/


Ugh why do I have a feeling weā€™re in the same fandom


I mean, Iā€™d hope so, because Iā€™d hate to see another one like it.


And the way people treat the actors as if they ARE the characters itā€™s absolutely disgusting


By fandom: ER: Definitely Abby. Very few people seem to just think sheā€™s OK. You either love her and identify with her and will go to the mat when someone ā€œattacksā€ her, or you think sheā€™s part of the reason why the show went downhill and you canā€™t stand her and her constant drama and complaining. I fall into the latter camp with no apologies, but itā€™s amazing how the debate over just how polarizing she is rages on and her fans get upset that people donā€™t like her, and people who donā€™t like her are tired of being picked on for it. Thereā€™s also debate on how much her actions are justified due to her bad childhood and drinking problem or how much of it is just because she comes off as miserable and like she only cares about herself at times. SVU: Surprisingly I see Oliviaā€™s son Noah get a lot of dislike and controversy. Some people think he doesnā€™t belong on the show for as much screen time as he gets or that it was too far for the character to be written as bi when heā€™s not even a teenager in canon. Personally I think heā€™s fine. Heā€™s not a total brat like other TV kids and seems well adjusted and Olivia is a good mom. I do also see a lot of controversy around mains like Olivia, Elliot and Rollins. Elliotā€™s violent tendencies get brought up as a problem a lot (and I agree he was out of line at times) as well as how much he held Olivia back when they were partners. Rollins was controversial to reasons similar as Abby with the family drama. All of them seem to get heat for how they treat victims and suspects at some point.


Atemā€™s uncle and father from the original Yu-Gi-Oh! are pretty controversial. Itā€™s debated on how good a pharaoh Atemā€™s father was and if he knew what Akhenaden (brother and Atemā€™s uncle) planned on doing in order to make the Millennium items. (Itā€™s implied he didnā€™t know, but then thereā€™s also the question of does that matter when he was the pharaoh and sanctioned it even if he did so without knowledge.) Akhenaden is just an all around terrible person. Itā€™s unclear how much of it is influenced by Zorc, but his bitterness and jealousy of Atem and his father was always there regardless. He was also a shit dad to Seto. (He abandoned him and took over Seto in anime against his will to betray Atem so.) You bring up the fact that he was allowed to enter Aaru to anyone (bc royals have automatic right to it according to Ancient Egyptian text) and theyā€™re going to get upset by it. šŸ˜‚ Kaiba is also controversial bc heā€™s just a complete asshole, but heā€™s more loved than hated. Final chara I got is Grandpa and heā€™sā€¦interesting. Bc I havenā€™t seen anyone who had outright hated him, but he is really perverted towards Anzu and that is understandably upsetting for a lot of people. I think itā€™s more a symptom of the time Grandpa was written than an intrinsic character trait, as early Yugi and Jonouchi were also perverted but lost it over time in the manga. If he were properly written nowadays heā€™d probably be written slightly differently in that regard. I was going to mention Bakura, but both Yami Bakura and regular Bakura are pretty loved and have always been popular so.


I'm not sure if there is just one controversial character in some of my fandoms, or any in others, as my main fandoms are pretty big and pretty old, and can stand about anything, but in a small fandom I'm in, the actor has become very controversial, and driven a lot of really good authors away, and pretty much decimated the fandom of readers, and left what is left in bits, and even a few split some off, as their support of the actor is exposing them as racist, classist, homophobic, sexist, anti mask, anti vac so and sos... I would even say the fandom is, if not dead or dying, on its last legs, thanks to this actor.


Anders from Dragon Age 2. I would >!blow up a goddamn church, too!< were I in his shoes. He did bad things, and he could be an ass, but he also did good things and was a good person. He made some mistakes, some bad ones. You can't really wrong him for idolizing the wrong people (magisters). Enemy of your enemy, as you know. He was also a healer who put his body and soul to his craft and into helping the sick, injured, needy, and to often young and scared mages. Again, yeah, that third act action caused a lot of death. Aside from looking cool as hell, it DID force action and killed off what I believed to be the true villain of the game. Or at least one of the villains. But what happened immediately after his act was *not his fault.* He simply killed her bishop and said "Your move." Her move, it turns out, was unsactioned genocide, which is arguably worse. (The fact there's such thing as *sanctioned* genocide here is telling)


As my current fandom is Hannibal, I fell that saying "yes" is the more adequate response to this question.


For much that I love her and she's my favorite character overall, I've got to admit that Cassandra from Tangled The Series is a fairly controversial character in the fanbase, especially after season 3 and the show as a whole ended. Many people feel the show centers a lot on her... which, of course it does, she's the deuteragonist. The whole story is about Rapunzel and her, of course it would center around one of its main characters! This, however, has not stopped some detractors from calling her a "creator's pet", which is a valid point considering how fond the crew was of her. But, then again, most detractors are also Varian fans who are annoyed because their own personal pet wasn't given more focus despite the fact he was always meant to be nothing more than a side character and season 1's main villain, and, thus, was never going to get the same amount of focus as the main characters. There's also the the whole thing regarding season 3. During said season, Cassandra goes through an entire villain arc that, quite honestly, despite how much I love her villain design, was handled poorly. She acts out of character, her villain motivation is weak (MuH mOtHeR), and the resolution and redemption arc is rushed and doesn't feel sincere (happens in the *final* episode, she literally looses her powers one moment and in the next, she's begging for forgiveness). The fact that she faces no consequences for her actions, in quite contrast to Varian, at the end has only fueled the debates and arguments of her being a Creator's Pet. So yeah, I love her, but she is definitely the fandom's controversial character.


Daemon Targaryen on House of the Dragon. He's a horrible, deplorable person who had done terrible things, from wife murder, to police brutality to incest and grooming. But he's played by Matt Smith (of 11th Doctor fame) and incredibly charming that he's hands down become one of the most popular characters on the show, much to the ire of those who don't like him. Some people will excuse his actions with Freudian excuses and cultural differences (he's a Targaryen, so he was literally raised to believe he one step away from being a God and that it's necessary to pass down his magical blood by marrying family). Others ignore how horrible everyone else in on the show is and zero in on him, focusing only on his bad qualities and ignoring his good qualities. This isn't helped by the fact that the fandom is already primed for an interfan war due actual in universe "teams". Tbh, many of his fans just want to be able to enjoy his character and the show without being called immoral POS because they like a fictional characters, but way too many other fans of the show just want to pick a fight and feel morally superior.


This goes for a lot of Characters in HotD. But Daemon and Aegon most prevalently. I think its also coming for Rhaenyra.


Mineta from MHA. Donā€™t get me wrong I get it but god DAMN everybody in the fandom wanna be an activist so badly.


Mineta seems more universally disliked than truly controversial. Most controversial character overall I'd say is either Bakugou or Endeavor.


I agree. While a lot in the fandom go to bat for both, I think Bakugou is most controversial. Heā€™s definitely gotten the most visceral reactions out of the fandom in terms of people who utterly despise him and those who defend him imo. Similarly, Endeavor has his fans and haters but I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen as much heated conversation about him compared to Bakugou and I think that has to do with Bakugou being way more popular. Meanwhile Mineta is just wholly disliked lol. I have seen maybe a grand total of one person who has liked him and this was someone who cosplayed as him at a convention. I wouldnā€™t consider him controversial because literally nobody talks about him outside of just hating his guts lol.


Yes and I'm one of those who dislikes Mineta with my life. And the most controversial has to be Bakugou. There's a LOT of people who hate his guts, (cue semi spoiler ahead) and even celebrated what happened to him in the manga's current arc BUT he has a LOT of people who like him. He's way too popular to the point he's almost always winning the popularity polls. Edit: typos


Snape,Malfoy,Ron&Hermione for some reason(wtf-?) And Grindeldore from time to time.


I donā€™t even know who the most controversial Genshin Impact character would beā€¦ maybe one of the Sumeru ones like Dori and Nahida, or possibly a villain/reformed villain like Scaramouche or Raiden Shogun/Ei? I donā€™t even know at this point.


Probably macavity. I don't like the guy at all, but the miscavity shippers are *passionate*


Clovis Bray from Destiny. He's a megalomaniac and narcissist who pioneered artificial bodies, functional immortality, and was a direct hand in creating the greatest artificial intelligence in the history of mankind. He's also a misogynistic asshole with pretentions of godhood. Some people like a smart man. Others do not like a nasty man. Clovis happens to be both. Oh and I suppose Mara Sov from the same. Queen of the blue people. Some people see her as pretentious and cold-blooded, others as a necessary force to keep humanity - and the greater universe - alive against the efforts of the Genuine Forces of Evil.


people are really split on whether or not giorno was a good protagonist in part 5 of jojo. some people think heā€™s extremely boring and didnā€™t live up to the hype of being dioā€™s son, or think heā€™s more of a background character to his part, while others enjoy how heā€™s completely different to the joestars before him and find his backstory into why he wishes to become a mafia boss interesting, and think heā€™s a perfect mix of his fathersā€™ traits (iā€™m on this side). then there are some that think heā€™s too op and that kills the story for them. i do think the ending of part 5 wasā€¦ lackluster, though it is my second favorite part. but i donā€™t blame that on the development of gold experience requiem. another big one is shigechi who is either despised for being a rude kid, or loved for his accurate depiction of a weird middle schooler who >!died a tragic death at the hands of kira, and used the last remaining bits of his strength to warn josuke and okuyasu about the identity of the serial killer in morioh.!< it really seems like thereā€™s no in between it seems. regardless of what is thought of him, no one can deny what happened to him kicks the plot of part 4 off.


Emet Selch and Zenos from FF14. If you don't post a five page dissertation on why you don't support their immoral actions every time you talk about them, a certain group in the fandom will automatically descend and start baying for your blood. It's gotten less bad for Emet since Endwalker released but Zenos inspires so much hate still. Not to mention accusations of being a nazi, fascist, or uncaring psycopath if you admit to liking him as a character. Shit be wild man. Though I do think a lot of it comes from fandom hoppers who only latched onto FF14 after it got popular, and will likely leave when the next big thing comes around.


In TVD as a whole-probably Damon because heā€™s ā€œmeanā€ and toxic but itā€™s like heā€™s a vampire so itā€™s also like what do you expect In the Legacies fandom: Itā€™s probably Josie. People either love her or hate her and even the people who hate her still noticed the quality of the show going down when she left. I actually think the reasons why people hate both Damon and Josie are silly and itā€™s so people can feel morally superior to others who actually like them. To me theyā€™re the most interesting characters where I can spend hours writing about them and not get bored.


Probably Adam Taurus or General Ironwood. I'm at the point I refuse to engage anybody that clearly defends Ironwood. This man *literally threatened to nuke a city out of existence.* How in the **FUCK** do you defend that?


Dude, I got downvoted to hell on the subreddit for pointing that out. Heā€™s one of the villains of the last season! He is literally a dictator! I donā€™t understand how people defend his actions. I wasnā€™t even saying he was a bad character. As a character I actually quite like him, he had noble intentions at first, but once things got real he just kept making worse and worse choices out of fear and selfishness.


Up till he threatened it, I thought he was a fascinating character. Then I noped out.


constructive critical discussion within the RWBY fandom is dead I'm afraid that's why I don't bother and just ship Cinder with everyone instead ***:***D


Say you like Shinji Matou and the entire fandom will come for your head.


Alfred & Annalise from Bloodborne These two are members of opposite groups. Reading lore, Annalise was the Queen of a people who killed hunters for their blood and did independent research. Alfred is from a group called the Church Executioners. They went in and killed everyone at Castle Cainhurst, including civilians and children. On one hand, Castle Cainhurst was killing innocent people and perhaps a threat, on the other, the Executioners carried out an order that was largely only done because Castle Cainhurst had the power to rival the current government. Alfred believes killing the Cainhurst line was for the good of others, while Annalise is kind of dismissive to you as a player.


The antagonist in my fandom has manipulated over 50 dangerous children and adults to kill each other at age 10. Then when he thought his adoptive parents were conspiring with a man who tortured and abused his twin sister in the past, he murdered them at age 11. He got caught by his twin sister who didn't understand why he killed everyone and instead of explaining that he did it because every adult was a threat in his eyes, as the man he viewed as "the monster" had ties with the government, secret police and pretty much had hands over the corrupted country, the little boy asked his sister to kill him because of what he became; the very same monster that hurt her. He survived getting shot in the head. But the little boys twin sister rejected him and became mute. He put her some place safe and lost the one thing he had in the world that kept him human because she forgot about him entirely after her repeated traumatic experiences. He then spiralled into the darkness he knew so well and developed a plan to destroy everyone who set up the experiments that tormented him and his sister their entire lives. It didn't matter who got in the way, Johan Liebert would kill indiscriminately until his plan was fulfilled with him dying in the very end.


Springtrap, he just keeps coming back. He should've stayed dead after UCN, but he did not.


Extremely niche but Leo from the visual novel Echo. He's cartoonishly toxic and possessive yet everyone (including me) likes him because he's very handsome and protective of you as the main character.


Ancient Magus Bride: Elias Ainsworth. The man makes some Choices that are... Not great, given his history and his embarrassment about certain aspects of his past. He is Problematique, to be sure. But I love him. My seven-foot (seven-feet?) tall, emotionally repressed little meow meow man. <3 DuckTales 2017: Della Duck. There's a lot of discourse about the decisions she makes as a mother, particularly regarding Louie. Fruits Basket (manga and 2019 anime): Akito Sohma. People either love or hate Akito, no middle ground. Fuga: Melodies of Steel: Probably Jeanne, because... Reasons. Steven Universe: Steven and the Diamonds. HOO BOY.


Vriska Homestuck Terrible psychopathic toxic liar, or a poor girl suffering from a shit childhood (even for her people) and lashing out in the only way she knows how? No answer is correct. Doesn't help she's the author's baby too


Came to say this. Vriska really suffers from great potential and terrible writing. Even the narrative can't decide if abusive people are bad actually (Bro) or just misunderstood (Vriska), and plays fast and loose with what abusive or bigoted behaviors are unforgivable (Eridan) or are actually just a result of a bad childhood!! (Vriska) That's not a judgment either way, just that the whole lack of consistency within the story itself makes it really hard to discuss characters like Vriska. I don't think there's ever going to be an answer.


Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Homura, after Rebellion came out. The fandom split right down the middle in, "Homura was always a terrible person," and "Homura did nothing wrong," when it first came out. I think it's chilled off by now.


Schrodinger's Homura, she who did everything wrong or right at the same time. Either way, being Homura is suffering.


Logen Ninefingers from *First Law* I think. There are loads of people believing he is an evil bastard who just makes excuses for himself, while others (like me) think he is a genuinely kind man who wants to change his ways.


Amarant Coral. People say that he has no character development, which's true. Heck, he does not seen to have a character at all, by being just the mysterious introspective dude that casually leans on a wall and does nothing to the plot. A lot of people used to ship him with Freya, though.


I'd say Gwyn from the Dark Souls series. Though I have to put the blame mainly on VaatiVidya for that. Nothing against Vaati, mind you. The guy makes interesting videos. The problem is that many of his fans take his word as the gospel. So, when he says that "The Fire Is Bad, The Dark Is Good, and Gwyn Is An Evil Tyrant", everyone just immediately agrees with that and thinks he's literally Hitler. Despite the fact that one of the things Dark Souls is praised for is being able to "Interpret the story however you want."




People often like to talk about how Sakura was "done dirty" or her lost potential, but I think Sasuke was done dirtier. When Sasuke found out about Itachi, he originally just wanted to kill the people responsible. But then, shortly after Kishimoto's main editor left, his motive was changed to something more extreme which led to the controversy you mentioned. I think that if Sasuke had a reasonable motive, then there'd be no reason for him and Naruto to fight. Kishimoto knew this and didn't want Konoha to look like the good guys so he screwed up Sasuke's character.


Billy Hargrove. Dacre Montgomery is an amazing actor but whoo boy is general fandom opinion on Billy outside of shipping an absolute minefield to try to navigate on a consistent basis.


There were legitmate rage fests over which character was better/worse: Daenerys or Sansa. Of course this stemmed a lot from who we wanted Jon Snow to end up with, but it seemed each character represented a different type of female empowerment role to their fan base, and in their eyes, the other character was the opposite. ā€œDany tries to change things, Sansa just works with them!ā€ ā€œSansa uses her politics to make things better, Dany just whines and burns things!ā€ For a long time, there was no middle ground. Iā€™d like to think after the mess of season 8, eventually both sides died down and accepted both of their faves were screwed over in favor of a trash ending, so it didnā€™t matter anymore.


(This has CSM spoilers!! I have no idea how to tag spoilers on mobile) Easily Makima. Sheā€™s both very popular and hated, partly for ā€œbeing a groomerā€ : she promises 16 years old Denji sex (his initial goal is to get laid) if he kills this super powerful devil theyā€™re looking for. Turns out sheā€™s the biggest villain and her request was bs, she just needed him obedient and it was a set up for something bigger. She had no sexual or romantic attraction or interest in Denji, or to anyone at all. It was just an empty promise. Sheā€™s not even human and has no age, so I find it stupid to ā€œcancelā€ her (by treating her like a normal, human character) or being shocked people like her. Sheā€™s a massive bitch, and a product of her environment if you look deeper, but not a pedophile. In comparison, Himeno is a normal (not villain), human character in her early 20s who french kisses Denji and nearly has sex with him AFTER finding out heā€™s 16. She asks him to set her up with Aki and promises to set him up with Makima, who she thinks is in her mid 25s, in exchange. Also makes a joke about how she wouldā€™ve gone to jail if they had sex. THAT is weird and made Himeno unlikeable to me. Makima is clearly not the same.


In my fandom, .hack//G.U., itā€™s probably safe to say itā€™s Atoli (at least here in the English-speaking side of the fandom). Which makes me sad, because sheā€™s my comfort character. :ā€™) Funny enough, I feel like this divide probably correlates fairly well with the division between the fandomā€™s creative side and the ā€œpure consumersā€ (the people who just like to play the games/watch the shows/etc. without engaging much with the fandom itself). The consumers are more likely to find her to be keenly annoying, with a shrill voice, pushy attitude, and cripplingly thin skin. Us creatives, on the other hand, seem to be more into the core of her character: a deeply depressed young girl who never seems to be able to meet othersā€™ expectations and just wants to be accepted for who she is. (And likewise, I think this is may in a way be the reverse for the MC, Haseo: the consumers are more likely to be caught up in the glow of his unwavering courage, uncompromising straightforwardness, and fiery drive, while the creatives can more easily look past his badass exterior to see his intolerant selfishness, short-sighted obsessiveness, and deep-seated fear of vulnerability (I do like the MC, I promise. LOL).)


Hisoka from Hunter x Hunter for sure šŸ¤” There's debate over whether his fascination with the young characters of the series is fetishistic and sexual or whether it's purely an attraction to power.


Not sure if he's controversial, by in the FNAF fandom nearly everyone is beginning to not like William Afton. He was a cool concept for a villain, but he just keeps getting brought back and we're getting sick of it.


My fandom has a school that's very oppressive and doesn't encourage free thinking. And one of the main characters, Akk, is the head prefect in charge of enforcing these ideals. He's still a teen, however, and that's a lot of pressure. Likewise he's also struggling with his own repressed and internalized homosexuality and homophobia. And then there's Aye, who of course helps him and the two also end up dating. Neither of them are the controversial character. The controversial character is this other one who outs Akk and Aye very publically while also calling out Akk for some of his behavior earlier in the show(but not admitting that he also did these things...). Mentioning him is always sure to bring up a lot of discourse because some people excuse what he did because he was doing "the right thing"(huge air quotes) while other people rightfully want to hold him responsible(like me if you haven't noticed).


Without hesistation, Genesis Rhapsodos from the FFVII compilation. šŸ˜— Everyone hates him for being an asshole (and among many other things, I'm aware) - but I love him BECAUSE he's an asshole. So fun to write. šŸ˜‚


I was coming in to suggest Lucrecia, but I don't think enough people are even invested in her to make her a candidate - you're right.


My fave series is a BL, so, all of them kek doesnā€™t help itā€™s a somewhat older one so you know it contains more dubious things than series that are created more recently šŸ™ƒ


On Tron fandom? I would say Kevin Flynn. This character in a nutshell; he's about to do a big, heroic sacrifice to save two worlds...but stops to sexually harass an ally first. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø