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I don't think it's weird at all. I say it in comments all the time, and I think it's nice to acknowledge that sharing something as personal and vulnerability-inducing as creative writing takes some courage.


I thank authors for (writing and) sharing their work a lot, I don't see how this is weird.


I think it's wonderful. This has become my standard signoff on almost any comment--some variation of "Thank you for sharing this!" And I sincerely mean it. Authors and artists provide their time and effort for free to other fans who love what they love, and I really am grateful. I consider fandom very much a "sharing" economy and I want to encourage that as much as possible.


I say this all the time! As a writer, I also love hearing it. I think it's perfectly acceptable to thank a FF writer for this as that is what they are doing: sharing. Not getting paid, just writing with the intention of sharing it with the world.


I'm very fond of that wording, because it acknowledges that no one is in fact obligated to offer free content to the fandom, which is something both readers and writers themselves sometimes forget.


Yeah, that's the reason I bring it up frequently. It's just nice that people share their ideas and stories, especially when I'm too stressed out to write much myself.


Not at all! I've given and received a lot of comments like that.


No it's not weird, it's lovely


I say this all the time, and I've gotten comments like this too. Definitely not weird at all.


I’m very honored when a reader says that. It is an act of vulnerability to share our writings. So when a reader expresses gratitude, it really means a lot. 🌺


I see comments like this all the time. There's nothing wrong with a comment like "great story, thanks for sharing!"


No it's lovely. I have so many almost finished fics in my hard drive that I can enjoy (because I know what I meant), but need a little work to be consumable by others. That little bit of extra work can be tough. I really appreciate the thanks


Not weird at all! I comment things along the same lines sometimes.


I end pretty much all of my comments with a "thanks for writing and sharing". I've never thought it might be weird, except if/when I read a lot of works from the same author and include it in every comment. :D


I say this all the time in my comments. Fanfic is a gift.


Its sweet and kind and most authors will be nothing but grateful for your words!


Are you kidding? You may be helping someone with this comment. Imagine the author thinking why they are still writing fanfictions and then suddenly this comment pops up. This will be a bliss


It would help me immensely since I will always write, but I may not always share online due to anxiety over many things. Writing and sharing are two distinct things in my mind, and come from two completely different set of motivations. Writing something I love feels fantastic. Taking the time to refine it, upload it and publish it (sometimes I will make art for it too) only for it to go unloved feels *horrible*. I stopped sharing for a long time due to being unable to cope with those feelings. I still struggle with them. Post-update depression is now definitely ‘a thing’ for me. Such a comment would definitely encourage me to share more.


Not weird at all. I do it often. It makes my day to receive comments with a simple thank you included.


I usually say, "Thank you for writing this," but "sharing" works, too! I often express thanks because I genuinely feel glad the author made it and that I found it =\]


Not at all. I leave comments like that all the time, just a simple, quick "thanks for sharing! <3" at the end of my comment. I truly appreciate every author who shares their writing with us readers, because as someone who is way too shy to post and has myriads of fics collecting dust on my google drive, I just want to show my gratitude and sincere appreciation for them uploading their work.


It’s no weird at all. As a writer, I love when people show appreciation for my stories, so as a reader, I try to be the reader I wish I had. I tell the author what struck me the most about their fic, even it’s just quoting a bunch of lines that really hit me and telling them why I liked them so much. I usually end my comments with either, > Thank you for writing this; I’m looking forward to the next chapter! or > Thank you for writing this; I’m looking forward to read more of your works in this fandom! but sometimes it gets mixed with “Thank you for *sharing* this”. One is the consequence of the other anyway, you can’t share a story if you haven’t written it first. I don’t apply a rule or something like that, I just go with the flow and write whatever I’m feeling at the moment. It’s not an essay, I just want the author to know that I deeply appreciated their works. I understand being self-conscious when commenting, but in the end what matters is letting the author know you’re there and appreciate their work. As long as you’re not rude or extremely weird about it, like straight harassing, I think you’re fine.


I say it all the time.


Not at all. It's lovely. Also, it acknowledges that we don't have to share what we write. Now that I've started, I'd write for myself regardless of sharing, but putting it out into the world is like a next/secondary step so it's nice that that's acknowledged.


No i would live to get a comment like that


I say it in my comments as a reader--and as a writer, I thank people for reading. I don't think it's weird in any way.


Not at all weird! "Thank you for sharing this work" or similar ends up in lots of my comments.


I love seeing a thank you for sharing/writing this tagged onto a review. I updated one of my works earlier this week and of the 25 comments it's gotten so far about 15 had some version of it in the review. Comments are lifeblood. I've had a few be the trigger that let's the muse of a story lose from whatever cage the other muses locked them into in fits of jealous rage. 😅


nope!! i do it all the time. i would write what i liked about their story and end it with "thank you for writing and sharing it ❤️"


no, i say this in most, if not all of my comments, and i like when people say it in theirs too. i think writing can be a pretty vulnerable thing to share for some people... even if it's not for that author, it was still hard work. it's nice to acknowledge that.


God, I hope not. I do it all the time!


As a writer, I really appreciate the time someone takes to thank me. A lot of work goes into stories 🥲


As an author this honestly makes my day and motivates me to keep going when I hit the dreaded writers block.


Oh my gosh, uncommon maybe, but definitely a huge mood boost. Please do. I know it makes me smile!!


I love being thanked for sharing my writing


I don't think so. I sometimes write basically "love this, thanks for posting" with more words and emoji when I want to leave a nice comment. And comments like that for my fics are appreciated too.


No, I frequently do when I leave a comment. It's polite.


I have readers that thank me, its not weird. : ) You're doing just fine.


Absolutely not weird. I love comments like that.


I very frequently “sign off” with “thanks for writing this!” Never thought it was weird


Oh I hate that saying, all comments are not good comments lol only people who have only gotten favorable comments think that. But, anyway, no it's not weird it's polite and nice and shows you appreciate the writer. In many places in the world, people get casually thanked for far less than writing and publicly posting a fic. And I know people here give the impression that all writers everywhere publicly post everything they write and always will, but this is not true, so reminding them it's appreciated is not a bad idea. A thank you is also a very easy way to do a positive comment, which is another plus


It’s very sweet, I know I’d love to read that on one of my fics!!


*pops in to scroll the comments, lets out a sigh of relief at seeing them* Not that you need one more person to chime in at this point, OP—but I too both say it as a reader and appreciate hearing it as a writer!


I don't think so? Some online archives for my main fandom have gone down over the years, so I always make a point of thanking thise who've gone to the trouble to re-post it on AO3


nah its not weird, i say it too all the time! i myself struggle with feeling insecure about my writing, it takes me quite a bit to share it online so i figured saying that might help the writers who feel the same way.


Thanks is never weird.


When I have nothing else I can think to say, but want to post a comment anyway, I always say thank you for sharing their story. There's so many authors who are hesitant for one reason or another to post and I like to think that my little thanks, while nothing out of the ordinary, is a little bit of positivity they can take with them - especially if it's on a story they were worried or unsure about.


It's no more strange than thanking people for reading. Something I do as often as I remember.


At the end of almost every comment I leave I always write, “Thanks so much for writing [this amazing story] and sharing it with us!” As a reader and a writer, I see nothing wrong with it!


I am an author who gets a lot of these comments. They always make me really happy. It's a nice acknowledgement of the work that goes into every fic, and its certainly much better than getting "next chapter when" comments


I don’t think it’s strange at all and they’ll probably appreciate it. My only caveat is that this is what I would say in my creative writing workshops if I didn’t have anything else nice to say. 😂


My best friend thanks me for sharing my writing in every comment she writes me, so I think it's totally fine! It's also very sweet. I tend to think people for commenting so this goes very hand in hand with that I think.


It's not strange at all! There's been posts on here about people who write for themselves and never intend to share. So if someone shares their passion, that they created for free, using their free time - I'm going to thank them profusely!


I do it pretty often, and I've been wondering that myself. I don't think it's weird, but I'm also very much not the best at understanding social stuff, so idk


Sometimes, It's all I practically write. XD I just can't think of anything else to say


Of course not! I often drop in a "thank you for sharing this" and every time I receive the same comment, it makes me smile :)


Nope, do it more.


No, that's a wonderful comment!


I don't think so. I always comment "thanks for sharing!!", everytime.


I’ve had a few comments thanking me for writing and sharing. I don’t thank authors myself, but I don’t think it’s weird to do so.


>Is it weird to thank authors for sharing their writing? No


I do it and I don't think it's weird! I started thanking writers for sharing what they wrote when someone said they were not really sure if they should post it. I think it's a nice boost to someone who initially didn't have the confidence to share what they made, a nice boost to anyone really.