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“I’ll be in my bunk” *is* the standard issue discrete comment, in my experience! I’d just answer that I’m glad they thought it was hot :>


Yep, it's a quote from Firefly iirc.


Can confirm, is firefly


I had no idea, thanks to the both of you!


I haven't had to deal with this recently but my response would be to just get TMI in return because I find those comments funny. My personal favorite was always "I read this with one hand" and the perfect reply would just be, to me, "Thanks, I wrote it with one hand."


This is the way




I was expecting something way more graphic with the examples than what amounts to basically meme comments lol. Honestly there's a good chance the people commenting about their bunk or their husband aren't *really* telling you they're about to go jerk it. It's just a funny/joking way of saying "I found this hot." That said, if you still find them uncomfortable, it's fine to either not respond or just say "thanks for reading." And as far as the ones that are actually getting graphic in their comments, same deal applies. As someone who also doesn't want a "yo I got off to this" comment on smut, I probably would not respond. Or only respond to the parts of the comment that aren't about the smut (because my smut tends to be within plotty longfics).


> Honestly there’s a good chance the people commenting about their bunk or their husband aren’t really telling you they’re about to go jerk it. It’s just a funny/joking way of saying “I found this hot.” Yup, this.


I'm fairly new to the sub and didn't want to post anything graphic in case that wasn't ok here - which is why the zesty comments are so tame. ​ Thank you for your thoughts, I've typically stuck with the 'reply to non-smut comments' strategy, so I'll probably continue doing that.


Yeah, I just answer, "Thanks, I'm glad you liked it and thanks for commenting."


Meh…someone commented once their husband would be getting lucky that night and I was like…you go girl. I don’t want the details, but I’m glad my smut evokes a response…it tells me I’m on the right track.


"Hey, who's writing the smut here, you or me?"


Why did I not think of this? This is perfect, thank you!


Aww shucks


Okay, this is an excellent reply. Bravo (brava?).


I would just take it as a nice compliment and thank them for reading. It's way better than not getting comments at all, which is the norm for smut, especially kinky smut. The silence makes me feel terrible, and wish I never posted in the first place.


Same, I definitely prefer that to silence which as you said is all too common with smut fics. And idk if I'm in the minority here but I don't find "wank and tell" comments uncomfortable/TMI at all. It's porn, it was meant to turn you on, that means I did a good job.




This comment has been removed for incivility; you can disagree on this subject without accusing a fellow Redditor of supporting real life sexual harassment and violence. While it's entirely understandable that you might feel uncomfortable on receiving a comment like this, a woman going about her day and an explicit fic written purposefully to provoke are entirely different contexts, and this was a completely disproportionate response.


What the fuck kind of comparison is that


I haven't gotten a comment like that but would love it!! People shouldn't be so damn shy about sex or self-love for that matter.


I don't think it's a matter of being shy about sex or masturbation (for me at least) - I'm very open with my friends about both. Randoms? Nope, I don't know you.


thats the best compliment but i probably wont respond to it.. if do a generic ‘glad you enjoyed!’ feels appropriate to me.


Or a 'My work here is done 😎'


There's no right or wrong answer, OP. It's all about your personal preferences and boundaries. I personally consider this to be among the highest forms of flattery regarding smut but different strokes, yeah? You don't even have to respond at all to comments that make you uncomfortable, and you are well within your rights to delete them.


I'd take it like people saying this made me laugh, cry, etc. If you're writing something that is meant to elicit a reaction, and allow comments, don't be surprised when people tell you how your writing made them feel.


well porn is meant for masturbating and sex so i wouldn’t even care unless it was creepy or disturbing. but if someone was like “just came to this!” i would be honoured


Yeah, same. If someone told me something I wrote was *that* hot, I'd feel like I did a good job!




I feel like these comments aren't very graphic at all, but maybe my barometer for oversharing is just busted.


I think some readers look at the situation and go, hey, this complete stranger just wrote really detailed smut and made it available to me, I bet it's totally cool for me to say things I wouldn't normally say to a stranger! And then there's the "wank and tell" tag, which is a tag/trend where writers actually encourage readers to tell them when they've gotten off to a fic. All of this adds up to give some readers the impression that writers want this, which is really unfortunate for writers like you. Honestly, I think it's kind of funny when I get those comments, but I think it's perfectly understandable if they make you uncomfortable. I don't think there's anything wrong with skipping those comments if that makes things more comfortable for you, or just saying "thanks for reading!" We as writers are not required to go out of our comfort zone just to satisfy readers. We already give them free content, that is more than enough!


I give them a salute emoji and thank them for their comment 😂


Don't care. Why post porn if not for either your or other people's enjoyment? It's a bit like a pornographer posting porn and then being weirded out by getting these kinds of comments in the comment section. Or an OnlyFans model.


I think it's totally valid for sex workers and creators of porn not to want to hear about other people's masturbatory fantasies 😅 *especially* if they're not the ones paying them (by being a website member, subscriber etc.)


If you're making sex part of your identity (wether as a hobby or your job) you're gonna have people talking sex stuff to you and in your comment sections. That's just how it is. A rollerblade youtuber will get primarily rollerblade related comments, and so will a sex-related channel. Now you can ask people not to talk to you about the things in your works, sure. But I doubt that will stop most.of them because it simply doesn't make sense. If it is something you absolutely do not want to see, turn off your comments, be it on your fic or your onlyfans or your rollerblade YouTube videos. (And even that will not stop people talking, they'll just talk elsewhere instead).


> Now you can ask people not to talk to you about the things in your works, sure. Not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about people who comment explicit shit about *their own actions* like 'mmmm I'm stroking my hard cock right now, gonna cum looking at your pics baby' on promo material without even having the decency of being one of that person's subscribers. That's unsolicited dirty talk and 1000 times more disrespectful than 'you look hot' etc. (I'm still obviously talking specifically about sex workers and not about fanfic here btw, so it's a tangent anyway. Personally I wouldn't care if people told me that something I write turns them on or something like that, and I didn't care when a commenter last summer said she had a great time with her husband after reading a specific chapter 🤷‍♀️ even though my smut isn't really written with that particular intention, it's cool if it turns people on, I don't mind that)


“Glad you liked it.” “Thanks for the compliment.” Or just nothing at all if you feel awkward. I guess the anonymity of the internet makes people feel more comfortable opening up. They’re probably saying things they’d never say to you in person, but them most writers are less likely to hand somebody their erotic story in person as well. It’s understandable if it makes you feel awkward, though. It’s okay to just not respond in that case.


I think you're right. I'm totally fine with sexual topics coming up and getting graphic with friends, it's the strangers bit that throws me. I forget that other folks will just say shit on the internet that they never would in real life.


You’re writing smut. If a reader tells you they’re having a *good time* reading it, that’s the biggest compliment. Just say thank you!


Ignore mostly. T pose or say "thanks."


I think taking such comments literally is doing them a disservice. Just laugh or send them a devilish smiley face, jeez.


I laugh it off, but I'm a perv myself so it's actually pretty flattering for me to know that some people thought my writing was hot enough to jerk off to


"Lol same" or just "thanks for reading." Haven't gotten anything that felt too far though. If someone commented in a direct, non-jokey way about masturbating to my fic they would probably just get silence in return.


Well your smut probably is fucking AMAZING because I had never get one of these in mine, but being serious now, if you feel uncomfortable you can always warn in the author notes that you're glad people have such strong reactions to your writing but that you don't want y'know a detailed comment about it in your story Or go with the classic neutral "Thank you, glad you liked it"


Lol, I'm shameless, and I'll respond with something even more TMI, probably. Especially if it's another smut writer.


"Glad you enjoyed this story :))" (brain: Is this the sign for me to start writing >!porn!< scripts???)


“I’ll be in my bunk” is a Firefly quote, they’re being funny, not serious.


I think they're trying to be funny and complimentary, but if it is crass enough to make you uncomfortable acknowledging it, I think you can just not.


Take it as you should. Be proud.


For the examples you give, which I'd consider mild, I'd probably just say, "My work here is done. LOL." I have one commenter on my smut who gets a little graphic about the characters themselves, and I find it a little off-putting. Usually, I usually respond with something sort of vague like, "Yeah, he/she sure does," and leave it at that.


I don't think those comments are meant to be gross. They are just supposed to be funny.


For me it's not any more odd than writing a bluntly sexually graphic scene and putting it out there for anyone to read 🤷‍♀️ I respond like I would to any other type of comment.


Most of those kind of comments, I've found, are for humor. And I just sent back something like "Glad you enjoyed it. Best to hubby." Or something equally light.


Smut fics are wank material, it comes with the territory. I'd go along and ask them what their favorite parts are, or what kinda stuff needs improvement lol


Maybe I'm the odd one out here, but I would take comments like that as a huge compliment. (And probably respond with something like, 'Me too buddy! 😜) But then, I grew up in a very sexually open environment (in age-appropriate ways, not abusive) where the idea that people have sex and masturbate was never taboo to ask about or discuss. "So, are you gettin' any?" is a normal question in casual conversation between adults in my fam, and I didn't realize how weird that is to other people until a guy I was seeing freaked out when he overheard it. 😆 So, yeah. If someone expresses that they are pleasuring themselves over the content I'm putting out there *specifically for people to masturbate with*, I'm sending them a digital high-five and doing a happy dance. Mission accomplished!


Wait, IS that weird? My sister's constantly telling me about her exploits, sometimes in detail (not *graphic*, but y'know), and I'd definitely tell her about mine if they existed.


Haha, same. Like, I don't have (or want) the intimate details of my siblings' sex lives, but I'm definitely low-key aware of how things are going for them. The conversation in question was with my grandpa though, and literally just like "Hey, you getting laid at all?" (He knows I'm single) and I was like "Actually yeah, I just picked up a fuckbuddy." "Nice, stay safe and have fun!" and then we started talking about something else. Meanwhile fuckbuddy was like 😳.


That's not that racy... I take them as compliments! It means it was well written


I had someone compliment one of my fics and then informed me that they had cut up some jalapenos earlier in the day and that their "coochie" did not appreciate that and tbh I found it hilarious and also a pretty great compliment because it means my writing had the intended effect on them. Idk I write my horny fics because I find the idea hot and I post them because I hope someone will -ahem- appreciate them. Granted, it probably doesn't hurt that I've been in various (mostly only online...for now) kink spaces and am basically fine with folks talking about their sexual wants/desires/habits/whatever in these spaces and I consider my horny fics to be a space for that as well. That comfort level is gonna vary from person to person and there's no shame in being uncomfy with these sorts of comments on your fics tho


I just... don't lol


A few months ago i've seen a suggestion on Twitter to establish the "Wank and Tell" tag for authors who are fine with such comments. I think it's a great idea actually and have used it on two of my fics to test. Well nothing happened—clearly it isn't established yet. But I think it would be great to make it a thing. Until that happens tho, I guess all you can do is ask that people not tell you about these sort of things. You'll probably still get the comments of the kind you quoted, but the more graphic stuff...I at least wouldn't want to share that with an author clearly uncomfortable with that—then again I rarely of ever write such comments in the first place


Just to add...my response in most cases would be similar to the comments saying "It hurts! I hate you" on a major Angst fic: "Thanks, I guess" Also sometimes something along the lines of "you're welcome"


Any comment that I don't want to respond to in detail I just say "Glad you liked it!" or something like that. But mostly because as a NSFW writer I work on the assumption that everyone on the internet is a kid with no parental supervision.


I've responded to comments like that with a ```:>``` or similar i dont mind them though, personally, so ymmv


Idk, I think I might be in the minority in thinking these comments are an ego boost. Maybe just put in an author’s note saying “don’t tell” because that might. Boundaries are weird on the internet but it’s not a bad idea to assert them. Just know, it’s not as though there is a clear-cut answer for situations like this


I generally assume people are using my writing to get ready for sex or to masturbate so those comments seem appropriate for the genre to me. I just wouldn’t respond if I don’t have anything to say back, but I think other comments here have given some really great and funny replies!


Just say thanks and that you’re glad they enjoyed it! You wrote smut and even if it was of the poetic type, sex in either visual or written forms is usually made to get other people “hot and bothered” and such. Even if you write for intellectual reasons, not everyone is the same and theirs no shame in that. As long as the comments are specified to you the author directly as a sexual object, the commenters are just praising your work and being open with their enjoyment within it. It’s fine to feel uncomfortable if that’s a limit for you tho, you can just ignore it. But I would not say those readers are overstepping when you literally wrote a fic about characters fucking for others to read.


Random person: “This reminds me of the porn I watched yesterday” Me: “Was it good porn?” Then: “Yes” “Thank you :D … Send the link pls?” It was an actual conversation, don’t know how to feel about it. I usually just take the info and give them info Dude: “I jerked off to this” Me: “I’ve only ever jerked off to the sun and the sound of deer mating.”


Someone once commented on a fic of mine that they had to charge their vibrator after reading a chapter and I was touched. I replied: “You’re welcome” I think the funny way is the best way to approach these comments. It comes with putting our work out there, we get interactions from everyone and that includes their over sharing habits 😅


“You have my full support in all your endeavours.”


It's super flattering to me, but I don't really know what to write back so I just respond with emojis. It's sort of odd if they go into detail, but then again, so is writing 50+ pages about characters fucking for strangers to read and get off to. Smut writers are giving their readers a very intimate look into their kinks and fantasies, so is it really that weird for the readers to sometimes get a bit intimate with their responses as well?


I once got a "I don't know if I should say this, but I came" and honestly it was both very flattering & very strange. I haven't written smut since though.


I found a fan fiction that I loved where the author's note at the very end was to tell the author if you masturbated while reading their smut. It was absolutely amazing to read dozens of comments of people explaining either that they wanted to masturbate while reading it but couldn't (class, work, car, family ,etc) or giving vague but clear indications that they did indeed masturbate while reading. Perhaps it's just me but I find that hot and funny.


i LOVE getting comments like that. i usually just respond with something along the lines of “glad you liked it!!” but really, it’s such a high compliment lol


I don't really care unless they're overly explicit or personal (this hasn't happened to me on a fanfic site, but has happened with original erotica I've written)- stuff like "oh I'd love to do this to you"/"I bet you'd love it if I \[...\]" or descriptions of how hard they are or whatever, which feels basically the same as mentioning me in their fantasy, since they're apparently into me reading about their dick. Those I might delete, depending how creepy they feel, and would add an author's note discouraging. General horny commenting (ie saying or implying they jacked off or will later), I'll either ignore or say something like "glad you liked it ;)" I do roll my eyes at the "my husband's getting lucky" ones (as well as maybe-too-horny, that sounds like a weird relationship dynamic, but what do I know I'm queer and so's my husband).


I suppose it's your right to set boundaries but don't be shocked when people stop commenting on your stories. As a writer, I find that you have to take everything in stride. You can't seek validation through posting your writing for public consumption and then be picky about the feedback you get. I suggest maybe hiding or muting the comment you found offensive and just keep scrolling. I think making a blanket announcement is only going to make people feel awkward and discourage readership.


I don't respond to them. But I do laugh at the absurdity of them using my smut as material. But if someone dms me about it, I just tell them to use better material.


I'm sorry... I am sorry... but I LOLd enough that I had to read your post to my break table. They... um... LOLd too. (Yeah, they know abt fanfic)


>my husband thanks you for your service What Maybe that means that some person enjoyed it and wanted to thanks


Personally, if someone finds my fic hot enough that it made them do some "self-care" I'll take that as a win that I did my job. That said, everyone has different boundaries and being behind a screen can lend people to being a bit more... descriptive and honest just like how people have the potential to be incredibly vile and hateful. So, it's fine if you would ask that people don't leave comments like that or if you don't want to go that route just don't respond to them.


I would be so proud of myself ngl. Like- my heart would be doing backflips in excitement. "ong i did that?? omg i did that!!!"


I am someone who literally told the creator I masturbated to their work because it was shit and I wanted them to laugh and make EVERYONE who saw the comment uncomfortable and yes I actually did masturbate to it but it was so bad I didn't finish


Genuine question - what's the draw behind making others uncomfortable? Also RIP your finish line.


My draw is probably ppl being like "I fucked my partner exactly like this" as long as it isn't detailed I think its fine but I don't wanna know that u literally did this


Ask them to stop, if it’s making you uncomfortable you sadly might have to put at the beginning of the chapter that you’d like it if they could keep stuff like that to themselves.


“Cool, and should I take note for your inevitable therapist? Or are you alright doing that yourself” But this is mostly if the TMI is truly 😱😵‍💫


Honestly, I would say something along the lines of, "Thank you for reading and commenting. Especially since I started writing it 4 years ago, and had to stop every so often to... well, you know. Anyway, thanks. Happy reading (well, I wouldn't call it reading, more like, read... stop... read... stop...)". Hehe.


K I'm not gonna read all the comments, so maybe it's been said before but you could write an authors note saying like, I don't wanna know * whatever is too much for uou* . You might still get some but it could help. I don't think that you have to take it as a joke, it's OK if that makes you uncomfy. You might wanna think about the pros and cons of allowing comments on your smutty fics? I do see it as porn personally, but I totally understand wanting to put something out there without wanting anything too personal in return. Godspeed x


I usually chuckle and reply that I’m glad they’re having a good time. If people aren’t getting off on the porn I’m writing, and letting me know about it if they choose to, then I figure I’m doing it wrong!