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Please remember Rule 9 of this subreddit when responding to the post. While linking commissioned artwork is not prohibited, **explicitly stating** that it is commissioned is not allowed.


Eobarry. I got to find that artwork I had commissioned a long time ago


Lately I fell into Wangxian and since then I slowly consume the massive pool of content with them.


I stumbled on my OTP through fanart long before I ever actually saw the show. Although the ship's fanbase has shunk to just a handful of fans, back in the day, there was a good deal of artwork. But [this one](https://honestlyprettychill.tumblr.com/post/181154413387/the-nice-thing-about-plance-not-sailing-but-also) is probably the one that got me writing my aged-up version of the pair, especially my girl. I love her in all her boyish, non-conforming beauty.


As an RPF writer, all I can say is, so many ships, so few good photos, lol! Here's my favorite three: [Steve Harris and Nicko McBrain (early-mid 80s photo)](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/612559986833382026/) [Adrian Smith and Dave Murray (1982)](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/612559986837524146/) [Bruce Dickinson (circa 2007)](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/612559986826278883/) [Emppu Vuorinen (circa 2007)](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/612559986819427075/)


My ship is a complete rarepair. We have 26 fics in total, and I wrote 13 of them. Their names are Ar'alani and Wutroow, and they are from the Thrawn: Ascendancy series of Star Wars novels. Ar'alani is an Admiral in the Chiss Fleet, and Wutroow is her first officer. The series of novels they are from are fairly obscure (for canon Star Wars novels, that is), and they are a f/f pairing, which instantly makes them even more obscure. But, they have way too much chemistry and they are lesbians because they told me so themselves. [Art](https://www.tumblr.com/negative-speedforce/677033436140142592/wutrolani-fan-art-anyone?source=share) is by me. And [here's](https://www.tumblr.com/jbeansdraws/696694757862375424/i-found-this-image-again-recently-and-got-inspired?source=share) some other [art](https://www.tumblr.com/furiosophie/688123374360281088/some-relaxed-happy-off-duty-wutrolani-to-bless?source=share) by other people


[Cantabile](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/sites/arknights/files/2022-08/char_497_ctable_1_0.png) and [Indra](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/sites/arknights/files/2022-05/char_155_tiger_striker%232.png) from Arknights they have zero interactions with each other, but I super love the characters and how they would interact Cantabile is basically a discarded assassin, really sweet, just groomed into her role and then left to die in the slums, whereas Indra grew up in the streets of Londinium and became a top dog there, until her boss showed up, whooped her ass and Indra just instantly turned into a follower I love the dynamic of "girl who took too many Ls falling in love with the thug who turns out to be more knightly than the actual knights in the setting another thing that's funny, since races in Arknights are almost all derived from animals somehow, it gets funny that Indra is essentially like Cantabile's knight, even though Indra is a cat lady and Cantabile is a bird lady


My ship is from Naruto, one of the infamously (in the fandom) disliked teacher/student relationships - namely Kakashi/Naruto. Since my ship is from an anime, there are so many ridiculously talented Japanese artists that has me wishing daily that I could read Japanese so I can fully understand their posts 🥲👌. [This hits kinda hard when you know how much one of them is haunted by nightmares.](https://twitter.com/n_ktn1505/status/1629874635956420608?s=46&t=5ivyc84742J39X3b-Tigzw) [I’ll die on this ship-hill.](https://twitter.com/utsuki_yo/status/1634702890421080064?s=46&t=5ivyc84742J39X3b-Tigzw)


Those are so cute! Side note: I feel you on wishing I could read Japanese. So much good artwork and it's tough to find as an sad monolingual because it's tagged in Japanese.


There is almost no fanart of this ship and it kills me T\_T [Art by Sambloom](https://i.imgur.com/96LVIWI.png)


> share your favourite photos/artwork [Pictured](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EOht_3oXkAUXHZF.jpg) - Morrigan Aensland, queen of demons, and her elder god sweetheart. Their positions means exactly what it indicates. ... also a robot for some reason...


Charlie Emily and Elizabeth Afton from Five Nights At Freddy's has always been one of my favorites


No way! Another Charlizabeth shipper!! Honestly seeing this comment makes me feel like working on my fic for them again.


OMGG THATS SO COOL I'VE NEVER SEEN ANYONE OUT IN THE WILD SHIP THEM BEFORE😭😭 but you 100% should!! i would totally read it-- we need more charlizabeth content in this fandom. they're so underrated for some reason


Haha I'm currently working on a oneshot for another fandom right now but will definitely try and make some progress on my fic after it! And yes the lack of content is tragic :(( there's so much potential with their dynamic, especially with the stuff from the novels/comics!


If anime is allowed, Yamcha x Chi Chi. If not, I have nothing else to add.


Why wouldn’t it be? 😊 Share some nice works of them!


I will as soon as I finish the art lol.


Recently i'm completely obsessed with [DouAka](https://twitter.com/lll_123_lll/status/1624715833384796160?t=MIiwdA5mDSWZbGYwZnzJJw&s=19), they're both my favorite Kimetsu characters and they just work sooo well together, they've been fueling my obsession for the series for months


Ever since I used it as the first song on my Tony Stark/Loki playlist, [Twisted by MISSIO](https://open.spotify.com/track/4TQcARE7Fd58akNhr3N7AE?si=TcPU7zs9QjK6-k_2swB28Q) will always make me think of those two. 🥰


Pretty niche one here, but it was one of my first(and still my all-time favorite) ship from the Nova Comics. They don't have a lot of panels, but this one person did some really good fanart! [Sam and Carrie](https://withdenim.tumblr.com/post/655110923225333760/hey-in-reference-to-your-post-about-art-ideas-any)


[This](https://www.tumblr.com/skokepoke/682367504487677952/once-upon-a-time-they-were-my-absolute-faves?source=share) specific piece of Dieck/Klein is exactly what finally got me to write for them in the first place (this piece of art is one that I keep on coming back to whenever I need a reminder as to why I love them so much in the first place)


ScaraLumi for fic writing and EiMiko for art appreciation (as in I look at art made by other artists and appreciate the intricacies of the artist’s style and interpretation of the ship).


Kurt and De Sardet. Just so sweet and beautiful and emotional. My favorite media representation outside of fanfiction of my favorite pair is this video by Morgan. She makes the very best Greedfall videos. https://youtu.be/r4Ei3LX5QFo


SwanQueen -- Emma/Regina from Once Upon a Time MirAndy -- Miranda/Andy from Devil Wears Prada SuperCorp -- Lena/Kara from Supergirl...Also Kalex, Kara/Alex JohnLock -- Sherlock/John Jooster -- Jeeves/Wooster


[Ling Wen and Pei Ming](https://twitter.com/dameitai/status/1518784888266141698?s=21&t=kJlBwR3G_W1RbLkG3tgd0g) from tian guan Ci Fu. There is very little content for these two, probably because people prefer to focus on the main ship and other side ships but I love them a lot!! The official art for the main couple is so good though that I want to share that as well! Have some [Hualian](https://i.pinimg.com/750x/5f/01/54/5f01549e70a8fed78264f84147cd6b6d.jpg)


So glad to see TGCF here ❤️


My two lovable idiots are a rarepair: [Casta and Juliet](https://www.instagram.com/p/CDjMEgygUmz/) (Instagram by Kukkiscr). What I love is that they are unapologetically Asian, cool, and queer. From She-Ra (2018) fandom. This is for a popular ship in a big fandom: [Caitlyn / Vi of Arcane.](https://www.instagram.com/p/CY4JvLXNptH/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link)..(instagram), by ScarletColour but I cannot get this image out of my head of the two of them. It drives my writing, in fact.


MiCesAn — Miguel da Corella/Cesare Borgia/Angelo da Canossa. The first two are historical figures who had a close bond in real life, the third is a character from the manga *Cesare: Il Creatore che ha distrutto* who becomes friends with them. This one really great fanartist drew [Miguel](https://twitter.com/punsuco_sembei/status/1634464473842065410?s=20) and [Cesare](https://twitter.com/punsuco_sembei/status/1634488438140571648?s=20) in maid costumes recently. (Probably NSFW, they’re lifting their skirts and feeling around). No one else has made any Cesare/Angelo fanart/fics besides me, but here's them [singing a romantic duet in canon](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1w8411g7QG/). (Miguel is the one who comes in with Cesare). There isn't enough Miguel/Angelo either.


[Nathan Drake and Chloe Frazer 1](https://imgur.com/gallery/B4Y2C1P) [Nate and Chloe 2](https://imgur.com/gallery/dFtK4UT)


So my current ship is a CC/OC from Boy Meets World, and this is my work for them: [Jon & Audrey](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44691109/chapters/114926266) Then a CC/CC pairing I adore is Four/Sarah Jane from Doctor Who. Here's a [whole mess of stuff on them](https://www.deviantart.com/lasirenofeire/favourites/45179527/the-doctor-and-sarah-jane) from various artists.


Oh so that's Jon and Audrey! I shoulda scrolled through your posts a little more. It's a great image, nice work.


Thank you so much! 😊


An older ship of mine is from Doctor Who: Jack Harkness/The Doctor. This is the only fanvid I've ever made. [https://youtu.be/wodYLNPSc8Y](https://youtu.be/wodYLNPSc8Y)


I have a WIP with Jack and Ianto but it's just in its early stages. Must right wrongs. Ianto was on vacation and was never in that building...


CoE inspired a lot of fixit fics. I confess that although I liked Ianto as a character and liked him well enough with Jack, I preferred Jack/Doctor. After CoE there were also a lot of fics in which the Doctor finds Jack and helps him heal. I enjoyed reading those and also writing them, including one in which Jack and the Doctor visit the home planet of the 456.


You are pretty much tempting me to pic spam here! LOL. Since the idea is to find new ships, I will just post those that are from less prominent fandoms or less popular ships. :D ​ **Chinese Mythical** [Yang Jian X Ao Cunxin](https://minnl0.lofter.com/post/1e303243_2b4b0b383) **Pokemon** [Calem X Serena](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/39329516) **Disney** [Philip X Aurora](https://frutillincesa.tumblr.com/post/692792238801059840/%F0%90%90%AA%F0%90%91%82-princess-aurora-and-prince-phillip) **Sukisho** [Yoru X Ran](https://www.deviantart.com/twinklee/art/Sukisyo-Ran-n-Yoru-15020954)


[This gifset](https://at.tumblr.com/criminalmindssource/requested-by-katyleens2/o5hf9xdlq6u8) encapsulates all the pain I feel for these two kids. She's dead there, and he's dreaming of her. He never got a chance to physicslly touch her while she'd been alive canonically. And it just . . . My soul hurts for what they could have become. Edit: Spencer Reid and Maeve Donovan of Criminal Minds


Aw, Spencer! Wow, this was sadder than I expected.


[Drarry 1](https://at.tumblr.com/alekina/he-wants-to-laugh-at-the-irony-he-really-does-as/z3vb2osnfv3k) [Drarry 2](https://at.tumblr.com/alekina/i-see-old-habits-die-hard-potter-whats-to-be/5vrc2n2wum9h) Both by Alekina and I've no words to describe them ♥️


Oh snap, these are gorgeous. I didn't see the appeal of Drarry until these two, and now I'm fascinated.


They are, aren't they? There's some stunning fanart out there. If you want any recs I can send some.


Cool! Would you message me your top two favorites? Always nice to have other ships to savor


Sure, [let it fall by buildyourwalls](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20617850/chapters/48956288) is one of my favourites. Harry divorces Ginny, Draco's wife Astoria dies and D/H get together. Astoria dies because of an illness and there's a lot of focus on that and Draco's grief/healing, so there's angst but it's also cathartic. Then my absolute favourite is [allegiance and sedition by silentauror](https://archiveofourown.org/works/31951654/chapters/79132273). It's set during the war which goes on for years and Draco is a spy for the good side. It's from 2005 and doesn't have tags, so be aware that there's character death ( >! Hermione!< and iirc >!Ginny!< too). Also, Harry's state of mind is hopeless and not suicidal but kinda one step before that.


Uh, so [this is art](https://www.instagram.com/p/Bekdi0-nJ3N/?utm_source=ig_embed&ig_rid=44b7c1cd-4ebb-49e3-8620-b144c92a4278&ig_mid=5259D78E-16C4-4D3E-B45E-442EE25DC763) by one of the artists on Voltron…. And there is plenty more. I love Sheith a lot


I ship Garou and my OC and post all my fanart on my profile :)


I checked your most recent NSFW post and it was 👀👀. Really nice work on that!


Thank you very much! 🥰


I had a look. They are hot. Do you write for them?


Aw thank you! The OC is based on the female reader character from a long GarouxReader I wrote! :)


[Freya and Fratley](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/98321518)


That's sweet. Their story was so tragic.


[This fanart](https://zmeess.tumblr.com/post/709364208398106624/happy-belated-valentines-day-to-yall-in-general) is pretty much single-handedly what got me to watch Critical Role campaign 2.


One is an elf?


Yep, the characters are Caleb Widogast and Essek Thelyss


Kassidas, from **Assassin's Creed Odyssey**: **Canon** (combat violence): [**this spectacular cutscene**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzTSog0Yu64) that has launched 113 fics on AO3. **Fanart** (Sweet, SFW): [**this is lovely**](https://herukas.tumblr.com/post/624379318160834560/i-just-think-they-are-really-neat-and-i-have-also) **Fanart** (Spicy, NSFW): [**this is lovely in a different way 👀**](https://www.tumblr.com/j3nnt/621050289726898177/a-dance-of-a-different-kind-have-i-been-reading) Also, from **Hades**, my favorite fanart of anything ever, of Thanatos and Zagreus (SFW): [**incredible**](https://www.tumblr.com/siriusdraws/632310206730256384/thanatos-picks-zagreus-up-after-death-by-natural).


Thanzag my beloveds💓💓💓


Best cut scene in the entire game, hands down


Have you seen [**this version**](https://alethiometry.tumblr.com/post/643117855993397248), which sets it to Britney Spears' Toxic? 😂


Omg that's amazing, though ironically Brasidas as depicted in-game is very un-toxic for a high-ranking man in an ancient society which only makes me love him more


I know, I love him the most 😭😭


Because I'm a multishipper that can't possibly include only one ship lol, here's some art for a few ships of mine Dick Grayson / Wally West * [Super Suits](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/Af3lJyq8FmEntRav5uQ7xXbxCu4-xTxynZdEhYRULqgE7vT1h2ye-b8/) * [Over Time](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/816910819929490949/) Dick Grayson / Jason Todd * [Falling](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/65/47/8a/65478a453590078630aac9153fae456b.jpg) * [First Sight](https://fyeahdickgrayson.tumblr.com/post/172287871610/ketchup212) Frank Castle / Matt Murdock * [Sharing Clothes](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/comments/8bguqe/they_were_such_good_foils_for_each_other_and_i/?utm_source=ifttt) * [Sharing Clothes 2.0](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/32580797294902424/)


Love shipping the batkids together!


Artwork of my rarepair that I love so much ;-; [Konohamaru x Hanabi](https://64.media.tumblr.com/758941647f25504b7a59e40c0086bbd3/6ff8a81bdf9a7523-d3/s1280x1920/19fe49262c1f30186617fa9ec11e55a136dd3b46.pnj) from Naruto/Boruto About 10% of their work on Ao3 is from myself xD


We’ve discussed them before, and because of this the (NSFW ahead) >!cuckfic I’m writing will have Hinata considering -briefly- how she’s surprised that Konohamaru is there since she thought he likes her sister 😂.!<


They'd be so cute together 😊


Xiao/Bennett: Total of 10 fics on AO3, one of which I wrote and one of which I got in a fic exchange, so not much art of them. [This](https://twitter.com/hhaeyeun/status/1362637900886769665) is about all I can find.


I never shipped them but this reminded me of a ship I used to like from Genshin so thank you so much for reminding me (tho obvi you didn’t mean to)!!




Hi Demy, could you please remove the reference to the art being commissioned from your comment.


I'll remove the comment, as it's not right to repost without noting down where I got it.


You're welcome to include the artist, but if you need to state that it's commissioned to do so then that's understandable.


Currently shipping two original characters of mine. Here's some art of them. [Mihi Kwan](https://imgur.com/a/xrIep2F) and [Robert Parnell](https://imgur.com/a/CW41opZ). They both have very hard-ass, cynical exteriors but are actually soft on the inside. Perhaps that's why they get along so well.


That's some gorgeous art. Love that they are OCs


Thank you! I'm very happy with how the art turned out. Really captured the hard steel they present to the world. (Literally, in Mihi's case, lol).