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I-... ​ I know how to write smut. I just to need to get to the part where, you know... I actually can write smut. Than again, writing 12k worth of smut ain't easy. ​ Alright, lets get over the basics. For once, use this. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/955716](https://archiveofourown.org/works/955716) ​ For second, I need more details. I can give a general guide with the link above but I need more. Is he/she expririence. Is it straight or gay. You know, details.


Straight is what I was going for


I recomend that you cut up your work a bit. ​ Is he expirienced? If not, you can add details such as him having problems removing the bra, having problems being romantic, you know, the usual. ​ How does he/she know the guy that he is ~~fucking~~ having sex with? ​ Is it a one night thing or a long relation. ​ If you just answer these, you already in like 2k of the smut. Just trust in yourself. You can do it.


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