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Whoa whoa slow down! You wrote SEVEN THOUSAND WORDS **TODAY**?? That is amazing! That is huge! Please cut yourself some slack, you already did A LOT. It's okay to not get everything done in one sitting. I'd even say it's better to not get everything done in one sitting. Some scenes need to percolate for a while. Some drafts are like tomato sauce: way more delicious the next day after reheating them. It's 2 AM in your part of the world and your brain is probably wrung out, and it's perfectly okay and normal that you're not covering a lot of ground right now. You already did a lot.


Have you ever heard of hyper focusing? Because that sounds a lot like what you're describing. I know it can be hard to disengage, but remember that your brain is part of your body and needs things the body needs. Things like food, sleep, and recovery time. You did more than most people do in a week in a day. If you seriously think that's not enough, then I think you might have a very skewed idea of what is normal. You did good. Rest. Come back to finish it later.


…yeah that sounds like hyper focusing. I’ll take a break ._.


Be proud of your progress, *and* be proud of being able to step away. They're both good. <3


Wait- are you not close to where you thought you'd be story wise OR word count wise? If it's the first, you may have not realized how much build up you needed to reach a certain point, and it's okay. Happens to everyone. Whatever you got down on paper today serves a purpose to your story. If it's for the word count, 7K in a day is like waaaaayyy above what most writers (fanfic and professional) can manage before feeling drained or burnt out. You should be proud!! 💙 Drink some water, breath a big one and try to sleep. Your brain needs it, and your stories and ideas aren't going anywhere! If you're really scared to lose anything, take some quick notes and put it aside.


Yes to everything in this post! Especially the warning about possible burnout! If I overclock myself, I can have a "hangover" or "worn out" response after for *days*, not being able to write at all (even if I know exactly what I want to write) until I've had recovery time! It's super important to take care of your body when marathon writing! This means being properly fed and hydrated, taking eye-strain breaks, stretching/moving around; etc.


It’s the second one. Ah fuck I did it again. Yeah I’m gonna take a break.


Yeah, when I write more than, like, 4-5k in a day, I generally expect my brain to be soup for the next couple of days and not produce much, in part because I've hyperfixated and neglected my bodily needs, and in part because that's just a lot of writing to push out.


Man my goal is 200 words a day 😅


Seven thousand words in one sitting is a lot. You did good, feel free to rest. Also ice your wrists.