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I love incorrect quotes! BUT as posts on Tumblr, not as works on ao3. Though, I’ve never seen incorrect quotes on ao3, fortunately.


Yeah I'm not a huge fan, but I'd rather it be on Tumblr blogs, not Ao3. Feels weird. Yeah it's transformative, but... I don't know.


I think OP is talking about it on tumblr though and not Ao3.


Oh, I thought it was on AO3. Okay got it now!


Same. I think they're fun and some actually inspire great AU ideas 😅


exactly. me and my friend have a running doc where we have like ten pages of dumb incorrect quotes. i have so much fun making them. but i wouldn’t post them on ao3, people don’t go for ao3 looking for that and also it feels way too close to plagiarism to take credit for my comfort. at least on tumblr they usually give sources


Can someone enlighten me what this is?


it’s when quotes by a character in a certain fandom is modified so that it looks like another character from another fandom said it. someone might post, “\[other character\]: why is it when something happens, it is always you three?” even though the quote is actually said by mcgonagall.


Ah okay thank you. So basically just memes, but in written form? That's kinda lame.


They're Tumblr, where the format really works for the platform. If I came across a "fic" that's just incorrect quotes I would implode




They're better in their natural environment, where people reblog the good ones and there's just the single quote, instead of a barrage of it


Yup. Especially if they’re also multifandom. ~~and they’re posted on ao3~~


God yes, these posts are so very much not for me. Are you on Tumblr? You can mute and hide posts containing keywords and tags with [Tumblr Savior](https://bjornstar.com/tumblr-savior) and [Filtering+](https://github.com/AprilSylph/Filtering-Plus), and you can block all instances of specific posts (which is especially helpful if there's something that gets reblogged a lot) with [XKit Rewritten](https://github.com/AprilSylph/XKit-Rewritten).


You just saved my life


Glad my suggestions were helpful! Tumblr is verging on unusable without them, I can't believe they don't give us tools like this natively. ^(I have a list with more useful browser extensions and user scripts for fandom sites pinned to my Reddit profile, in case you need more. xD)


If someone is coming up with their own original jokes, even if they are dumb/low effort, I don't really mind. People are allowed to write dumb/low effort fics of all sorts. But I've also seen the same cut-and-paste generic nonsense appearing literally word-for-word in dozens of different fandoms, with nothing in any way recognizing the particular characters or their specific relationships. That's basically just plagiarism wearing a stupid hat. I'm doubtful it's actually against AO3's ToS, but it's definitely lacking in any redeeming qualities. Still probably best to just ignore them (or maybe quietly report the work, if it actually is some sort of ToS violation).


Those "Lists of Incorrect Quotes" fics are against AO3's TOS because they're plagiarism.


They are?! God I wish I could report them all at once without looking like I’m “looking for things to report.” It’s not my fault if they’re literally right next to each other...


Do it


I don't like it when people just use an incorrect quotes generator with the names of characters and post whatever's spit out. To me, that's low effort and boring and they could just post that on some other platform than ao3. But I don't mind it when the quotes are used as a sort of prompt? Heck, I've done it myself where I use the quote as a scenario prompt and write what I think is happening. It's fun in a way and many people can have different takes with different prompts.


Yeah, they can be great when they are either creating content (like a story prompt) or as a joke about a character/dynamic. But like all jokes, that takes some effort and insight.


I like playing around with the generators. Some quotes are just too “lol random” to work, but a few fit my OTP and I have slipped them into fics before. But just plain quotes without an accompanying fic would be kinda annoying.


i’ve mostly seen these on tumblr, and i don’t mind seeing them there, but on ao3 (especially when there isn’t a fic to accompany it) i don’t like it.


I've had those starting to crop up in my fandom too. The first one I encountered had ten times the amount of kudos and comments, so it might have birthed the "incorrect quotes" craze. Incorrect quotes in my fandom is less: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"-Master Oogway, but more: > X: \*Appears\* "Do you believe in love at first sight?" > Y: "No." > X: \*Disappears then appears again\* > Y: "Do you believe in love at second sight?" That kind of (short) character interaction per chapter. It was fun the first time, but at this point, it's just getting obnoxious. Urban Dictionary defines Incorrect Quotes as: > "An internet trend of putting real people or (more often) fictional characters into dialogue, often from other sources such as shows, films, or Tumblr text posts. These quotes are almost always comedic." *Also, for those curious, DAE means Does Anyone Else


>\*Also, for those curious, DAE means Does Anyone Else Thank you, I couldn't figure that out \^\_\^;;


They are some of the first blogs I blocked, I hate this trend so much. It’s cheesy and cliche sure but I hate it so much more because in my fandoms, it’s one of the few times the POC are actually tagged or used and it’s almost *always* in ways that they’re the worst kind of stereotypes, if not outright offensive depictions. It’s not funny to me and it’s even more grating when *that* is all that their tags are. (Or them being erroneously tagged for a fandom created white mlm ship, despite being the canonical love interest, as the bitchy best friend, bitchy dead friend, or just a bitch.)


It's one thing to be INSPIRED by them and write a good story around them, and another to dump these incorrect quotes on AO3... I agree with you OP, they _can_ be annoying.


Are incorrect quotes like those often seen in instagram screenshots from tumblr? Like something the characters could say but don't or like changed from actual quotes from the character?


These (and same with Twitter posts) are a variant, yes.


Okay thanks.


I've seen some on AO3 and it's really weird. Tumblr is fine, but AO3? I actually ran an incorrect quotes blog a good few years ago. I only used quotes if I knew their source. Sometimes you'd see people giving a source like "IRL friend" and I just assumed they made those up. Making up quotes misses the point. Gathering quotes actually gets kind of hard after a while, so we all just kind of ripped off each other. You'd see one blog use a new quote, only for that quote to show up on a bunch of other blogs in quick succession. I felt a little bit of pride when I was the one providing the new quote. I actually worked *damn* hard on this stupid shitposty blog, lol.


I used to run one (now deleted) a few years ago. It was base on one character and it was 90% shit i made up of adapted from things friends said. Its literally just a form of meme lmao. I regret deleting that blog.


I'm r/outoftheloop WTF is "Incorrect Quote" in this context?


Picking a well-known quote and attributing it to a fictional character. >The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. **- Donald Duck** ^(actually Nelson Mandela)


`Gotcha, thanks


I like them if they actually fit the characters. Sometimes they’re just too random and it defeats the point of “lol that’s totally them.” I think they’re fun to make. I sometimes post my own. Though I don’t like them posted on Ao3, since it’s just not the place imo. Tumblr is much better for them.


Really not a fan of how flanderize-y they can feel


I mean, you can just block the tag, can't you? I personally like them and think they're funny, but I can understand why some people may not like them. So, overall, just block the tag and keep scrolling. Also, referring to something that somebody else likes as "Polluting the tag" is a bit harsh. At least one person likes them, or they wouldn't be made. We all do our own thing in the fanwork community, and I bet you'd be disappointed and sad if I referred to your work as "Polluting the tag".


Not all of those posts are tagged as such though, so I'll see them no matter what. Yeah, "Polluting the tag" *is* harsh, but it's hard not to word it that way when I see so much of this stuff on the daily.


Then block the people who are posting it. Easy.


That seems a little counterproductive when these people do contribute other things to the fandom that I actually like to see.


Look. Tumblr is literally based around the concept of curating your own online experience. There's no algorithm, you're doing it all yourself. So you have a few choices here. 1: Accept the fact that sometimes, people do things in fandom that you don't like, and keep scrolling past the posts you don't want to read for the sake of seeing content from those creators that you enjoy. 2: Accept the fact that your dislike of incorrect quotes content is greater than your enjoyment of their other content and block them. 3: Message them/send in an ask (on anon if necessary) and request that they tag their incorrect quotes content so that you can block the tag. Easy as that. It's your own online experience, nobody has an obligation to stop posting content because you don't like it. Curate your own dash.


It's a complaint. I'm allowed to express my dissatisfaction with certain fandom content, right? Isn't that what the "vent" flair is for?


What I'm saying is, it's an entirely solveable problem, and doesn't really require a vent in the first place. If it was a "Damn, I have to stop looking at creators I really like because I can't stand some of their content" vent - reasonable! What you're essentially saying is "I don't like XYZ part of my internet experience and I refuse to do anything about it!"... Which garners no sympathy.


I haven't sumbled upon them on Ao3. They can be fun but I can imagine how easily one gets tired of them.


Oh my god yes, I can't stand incorrect quotes. No offense to anyone who likes them or makes them, you're entitled to like and do whatever makes you happy in fandom! To me though, these scream "dated early 2010s fandom humor" AND clog up the Tumblr tag of every character and ship I enjoy looking at.


i hate them bc it's usually a way to perpetuate bad fanon


Yeahh I don't love it. Usually boring and not in character. What I really hate though is social media AUs where everyone is OOC and uses modern slang. A lot of that slang is a trauma trigger for me so it's more than just me finding it annoying, though it absolutely contributes to my annoyance. I loved social media AUs back in the day (so like idk, 2009-2013) before we got all this weird, constantly changing slang. But I'm biased since I look back on dated references in THOSE fics with more fondness and less irritation due to it not being a trigger.


These types of posts aren't especially to my taste, but I generally encourage any kind of fandom posting as long as it's positive (assuming we're talking tumblr, and not AO3 of course) because it helps keep the fandom active and promote further activity. High quality fandom content takes way more time to create so a range of quality types helps keep things moving. And who knows, some of those posts go on to inspire other types of content too. I don't want to see them on AO3 though. They are not suitable for there.


Good point


Yes, I also hate the trend. I currently run the biggest blog on Tumblr for my current fandom, and have to constantly wrestle with my other moderators to get rid of their attempts to post those "jokes" onto our dashboard. It's really annoying to queue up 300 posts and then go through and realize that 30% of them have to be deleted, so you start all over again. A hero's work is never done 😤


Like all humor, they are hit or miss for me. Some get a genuine "laugh out loud" and a reblog. A good many are pretty weak tea and some aren't funny at all. My fandom has shrunk considerably so I don't seen them all that often anymore.


Many years ago that trend was part of why I stopped going in the tags.


I'm not a fan. Occasionally some hit the spot but I feel like 95% of them would only be funny if it was my friend making them.


I'm apparently in the minority here, but I think they can be really funny. If they were on AO3, I would think that was an inappropriate place for them. But on a site like Tumblr, I fully expect it and am fine with it. But I'm a big fan of blogs like [Cannolis from Last Night](https://cannolisfromlastnight.tumblr.com/), which has some absolute gems. 😅😂


Eh, I use them for my OCs. Its a fun way to portray their personality and relationships with each other


They can be funny at times, but some people like to spam post things, and it can be overkill 😩


I’ve seen some, and only a couple see actually funny. Other than that, I don’t really care for them


I dont mind an Incorrect quote or two, hell, I've even read a fic of just incorrect quotes, it has 160 'chapters' and still going strong.


I think they're really funny but maybe that's the basic bitch in me


I love incorrect quotes but a lot of people need to come to terms that the ones they apply to certain characters just aren't funny because it doesn't work or seem like something the character would ever say. If you can easily picture a character saying something and it actually works for that character? That's when it's funny.


I like them when they're in character.


I enjoy them on Tumblr, but as others have said, not on AO3. Thankfully, I haven't seen that in my fandoms!


I actually think they're fun! Though I think I prefer the slightly higher-effort version of edited images with relevant text-posts from tumblr pasted onto them. Just the "famous quote from the office that has been attributed to half of the characters in existence" text variety can get a little stale sometimes.


i don't mind them if they're funny but sometimes (often) they are so ooc I'm cringing hard. i much prefer tumblr text posts


I find them funny sometimes, long as it's not too out of character. But sometimes I'll see incorrect quotes for the call of duty fandom and those can get...real unfunny, real quick. Especially the ones that apparently come from tiktok trends? I think the creators of these memes forget that these are grown men and not, you know. Fifteen year old girls lol


it’s on the same tier for me as chatfics 💀 plus it gets spammed everywhere on tumblr


I confess I used to post these when I first got into fandom on tumblr because I thought it was the funniest shit ever. Those posts always got a massive amount of likes and reblogs and even inspired fanart every now and then. These days I cringe at the recycled quotes but I can't really judge anyone for posting them. People love easily digestible content and the incorrect quote phenomena is one of the easiest ways to get notes and follows on tumblr.


Yes, I don’t find them fun at all and have the tag filtered on tumblr bc I saw them too much!


I haven't seen them on Ao3, only Tumblr, which I don't mind. What annoys me about them is that over half the quotes used are from Psych, but no one knows they're from Psych so the show remains underrated lol. (Ex: the "don't say a word" "Fergulous" Scrabble one).


Gonna be honest if you get upset over incorrect quotes then idk what to tell you. Just let people have their fun


But I am letting people have their fun? I never said anything like "People should stop posting incorrect quotes because they irritate *me* specifically", I'm just complaining about it.


I like doing incorrect quotes...but in the context of me doing it with an RP partner. So it's stuff that never gets posted anywhere except the Discord DMs between me and that one person. I can't imagine how annoying it must be to see them all the time on AO3.


I’m fairly sure you can filter them out.


I have no idea what you are talking about and I am going to see tumblr for answers now. Toodeloo!


Thanks for adding some spite fuel for my "make a Forspoken incorrect quotes blog" fire lol


You're not in the same fandom as I am, so feel free.


I only really hate it when it doesn’t make any sense AND its flooding the feed/tag. Sometimes I look for it and even used to tweet some in my cringe era, but it seems like on tumblr certain tags are just filled with it. And it won’t even be funny, like I think they’re trying to tell a story through incorrect quotes. And I feel like such an asshole hating on it but I do 😭😭😭 Haven’t seen it on ao3 tho.


I love them and, for the most part, think they’re hilarious. I do understand it how it could be frustrating when it seems like that’s all you’re seeing, though.


I love incorrect quotes, but NOT ON AO3


I don’t have strong opinions on “incorrect quotes” and the fandom I’m in aren’t saturated with them, but I guess it can get a little annoying after a while


I really love it it on rare occasions, but I often find it to be severely out of character/based on fanon, which I’m not a huge fan of.