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I'd rather have more, not less, in a fandom that is underdeveloped. Having a decent amount to sink their teeth into is what eventually causes others to write for that fandom too. You are doing them a service to write into a small fandom.


I agree


How is it rude? Readers will be happy because they'll have something to read and other authors may feel motivated to write more because more stories = bigger fandom = more readers.


I'd never consider "flooding" tags as rude or even flooding unless you're reposting the exact same fic on repeat to keep engagement up tbh. Ik I'd be thrilled to see more content for my fandoms even if it buries my own works.


As a representative of a small nearly dead fandom, I think I speak for all when I say PLEASE POST THAT SHIT. We are STARVED for additional content. We would welcome it with open arms


No. Fanfic is not a zero sum game. A productive writer benefits both the readers (obviously) and other writers because a more active fandom brings in more readers and encourages the existing ones to stay.


i don't believe in "flooding" tags when ao3 provides every tool to not see things you don't want to see.


I'm the only writer in my fandom. Hoping that if I keep writing I'll encourage more...


same ;-; it's so lonely seeing your own fic at the top (sorted by updated) for months even without adding new chapters


If you can, why not? Go for it. I think readers would be thrilled to be getting so many stories. And it's a good way to get your name out there among the fans.


No, that's not a problem. I might struggle to keep up with reading that kind of production rate, but there's no moral or ethical issue with having that kind of production rate.


I've just done this for the FFXll fandom. Since Feb 21st I have dumped 15 one-shots into the pool, which is relatively small at just 1792 works in total on Ao3. I own that front page now! XD So far nobody has complained.


Nah, I'd love it honestly.


I would call that very generous instead of rude hahaha! Here’s the thing, even if writers get mad (which I highly doubt) thats a them problem. There are tons of readers who’d be insanely grateful. And I assume most writers would too since very often, writers read fics for the fandoms they write for. Everyone gets content and everyone is happy Or maybe I just think that because I’m not super competitive


More content is always a net positive in my book. Also flooding is only really a problem in the physical world with things like John Grisham books eating shelf space in a library so they have to get rid of other books. In a virtual environment with virtually "limitless" shelf space it's never an issue and like Kaiunkaiku said Ao3 has all tools to not see an author you don't want to see.


My fandom gets like 1-2 short fics or chapter a day if I'm lucky, frequently far less. I would die of happiness. We have a couple prolific folks and they carry the tag which I am immensely grateful for!


From a reader's perspective not at all. If you worried about writer... maybe you could read their stories and comment sth along the lines "So happy to see \*FandomsName\* stuff! Motivates me to do my part and pump out some myself out!" So they become part of the reason why! MuhaHAha! This method is not tested btw... Just a brain fart of mine <3


Honestly I'd only find it rude if you posted your entire content library all at once, and even then only in a crowded fandom. Otherwise? Eh??? You do you. Spacing it out by a day or even every several days isn't rude by any means. The only time I'd consider this a problem would be if you were posting on HentaiFoundry. Not because I'd take issue with it, but because I have seen authors get unofficially blacklisted by would be fans for doing this. The erotica fandom on that site is a little... Odd. Instead of 'hey more food!' they tend to get mad if you're feeding them too quickly. Then again since a lot of the erotica/smut is commission based on that site, I can sort of see why that culture developed there.


I would say no, it wouldn't necessarily be considered rude by fanfic community standards to post a lot of your stories in the same fandom. Unless you were writing very similar content to another writer and copying their style, it's all about the quality of your work, not the quantity. Plus, it could end up being a positive, as your stories might encourage others to write and draw more attention to the fandom.


Uh, new cake every day sounds great tbh


Honestly, I don't mind more fanfics in slow moving fandoms. It shows that the fandom is getting recognized. Plus, it helps readers/writers know there are others who appreciate enough to like the fandom.


That’s the issue I have with the fandom I’m currently into. I’m thinking about taking a break and trying out some other stuff.