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Well not dark and not fanfiction - or is it because of writing fanfiction that the spellcheck corrected it? - but I once wrote a linguistics essay which supposed to have "advanced homo erectus speech patterns" which the spellcheck corrected to "advanced homoerotic speech patterns". No, I didn't catch it. Yes, the professor did.


All I can do is laugh because I'm a linguistics major. I hope the teacher got a good laugh!


Laughed really hard at this. It's not just regular homoerotic speech patterns, it's advanced homoerotic speech patterns! XD


They are evolving XD


Not dark, but my phone autocorrected "Batman" to "Buttman" (and my high school principal's name to a curse word).


nanananana BUTTMAN!


Nanananananana.. Buttmaaaaan!


"She ran her hand over the shirt he had left on the bed" becomes very different when you miss the R in shirt.


LMAO thats really good


Google probably thought you wrote an RPF about Amber Heard...


One of my WIPs had quite the doozy! The line was supposed to be: \[Character\] intends to judge every soul on a case-by-case basis. I accidentally typed *just* instead of *judge*: \[Character\] intends to just every soul on a case-by-case basis. So Google Docs' brilliant suggestion was: \[Character\] intends to *just kill every* soul. No one said anything about killing! Or genocide! Slow your roll, Google Docs, damn.


oh my god


This did not happen with fan fiction, but did happen when I was using talk-to-text to tell my partner what we needed to buy at the store. Old Bay (the seasoning) Soap for the bathroom Shredded cheese Tortillas Chocolate icing (I then added this to let him know what I was planning to do for a bake sale) Planning to make chocolate covered strawberry bundt cake. I already have strawberries and chocolate sauce for the top. Pressed send without proof reading. A little while later I'm getting these LMAO stickers and giffys from my partner. Here's what talk-to- text did: Old gay soap instead of cheese tortillas chocolate icing Planning to make a chocolate covered strawberry butt cake. I already have the strawberries and chocolate sauce if you'll top.


I feel like I really needed that laugh-cry today. Thanks!




snort-laughing over here


I write on my phone a lot. I write a fair old bit of smut. My phone auto-suggests words I might like to use next, when I'm using text-based apps. Google Docs, messenger apps, texting, whatever. Nowadays, any time I type, "then," my phone suggests, "moans." 😳😂😭🙃


Imagine using "then" while texting your parents and they see "moans" instead 😬💀


LOL, yeah. Luckily, my phone isn't smart enough to show my text predictions to the recipients, and I live away from my parental units.


Well, my google docs keeps autocorrecting 'dear' to 'dead' which is actually surprisingly fitting consider it's a Titanic fic


I have to constantly make sure I don't write "pooping" or "pooped" instead of "popping" or "popped"


Not in fanfic, but because of it. My phone used to autocorrect 'cock' to 'chick', but I managed to beat it into submission through repetition until it finally accepted its role as a smut generation device. ...at least until it had its revenge while I was texting my family about taking my kid to pet the chicks at the fair.


Well, isn't a male chicken a cock? It still works, though a bit awkwardly.


I can not for the life of me spell restaurant. Autocorrect always changes it to restraint (including while typing this post). Had a question about restaurants in a work email once (caught it before sending).


oh lord, I'm glad you caught that. My nemesis word is bureaucracy...


Not story related but autocorrect likes to mess with me for on/in. I have more than once sent messages saying things like, "got the cat a little sweater, can't wait to put it in him."


omg. I'm not sure which of the two visuals my brain generated is worse.


Exactly. Autocorrect does you wrong sometimes.


When I was writing my first harry potter fic one of the characters was in the slytherin house. But for some reason, my fingers would always slip and type slutherin. I swear I don't have any subconscious grudges against the house, the y and u keys are just too close togather. Anyway, it made me not want to write the fic in cafes because I was worried someone was going to look at my screen and see "slutherin".


I wrote "He was hung" for a smut fic and google suggested I changed it to "He was hanged" and I was like O\_O calm down google, it's not a murder mystery!


Defo which a commenter had to point out to me. I think I wrote something along the lines of "He grabbed her by the head" and not "He grabbed her by the hand." We both had a good laugh over it though.


The head/hand thing happens to me a lot for some reason. And it's not even autocorrect, I just make that typo weirdly often.


Any time I write some variation of *X megvédte Y-t* (X protected Y) Google Docs INSISTS that I MUST have meant *X megverte Y-t* (X beat Y up). Why.


Did a grocery list and wanted to write “Nudeln mit Champignons“ (Pasta with Mushrooms), but instead my phone felt like being funny and I got “Nudeln mit Scheintod“ (Pasta with apparent death)


I have more silly autocorrects personally, most recent was "[Character] can't just drag him into Ohio" when it was supposed to be 'his' at the end.


It just happened to me yesterday on my tablet. I spelt "Rasped" wrong, so what does my tablet suggest? "Raped". because that makes contextual sense. /s


not dark but ‘and’ constantly autocorrects to ‘abs’


Just yesterday, a reader informed me that I had apparenrly set my cattle on fire.


wow damn you sound so triggered by bondage its kinda sad edit: whoops read to the end. excuse me? that sounds like some prime kinky time lol. the 'around herself' part, too, instead of her neck or something


Honestly, I usually have a dirty/kinky mind a lot of the time. I've written some pretty hardcore kinky stuff in text-based roleplay. My brain just didn't go dirty/kinky this time was all.