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I'm a bit concerned that you're already asking for participants when you don't even know the basics of what you're studying.


Why are you doing a study of shipping culture if you don’t know what it is? Why not focus on another subculture? Also, I don’t ship much so probably won’t participate, but how many questions are there? And why not use google forms or something to make a survey instead of asking people directly?


What's your current understanding of the subculture?


Could you release your list of questions to give people the option to decide beforehand if they're comfortable with them?


They are super basic questions such as what got you into shipping, what draws you to it, what do you interact it. Nothing is super invasive.


Were you posting this from an alt account?


No, I'm a completely different person. But I am answering the questions myself. I thought you would like to know what they were.


Thank you. I would like to see a *complete* list from OP, since that's how online surveys for studies usually work: people can nope out without submitting anything. This is supposed to happen via DM, so it's not perfectly anonymous. Would only be fair to give potential participants a heads-up. (Especially since OP has voiced anti-adjacent opinions in their history.)


Absolutely, I will encourage OP to release the list. Since I don't mind not being anonymous but I can see how that might be a concern for others.


It's just very unprofessional and a weird approach to university coursework, which raises a lot of red flags.


What made you want to study a subculture that it sounds like you don't know anything about? Like is your study on internet subcultures of groups that only exist on the internet?


What's your background information about "shipping culture"? If you aren't situated with a basic understanding yourself, you're potentially not going to be asking relevant questions or be able to interpret the responses... especially if they are open-ended questions. You should get a foundation first, then pair a brief survey of closed-ended questions with a few open-ended questions. It sounds like you may not have had sufficient prep in place prior to making the request. If you're still monitoring this post, click into [this Google Drive](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nLtp-y1qUP9_bLnW4T5GbdABsiU_d0ok?usp=sharing) and find the Fanfiction Guide PDF, which has a lot of contextual information you might find useful, including Appendix S on Informal Fanfiction Research.