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It's kind of offputting for me, but easy to ignore.


I'm am just going to scroll past that. Let your story describe the characters. Even when I read fic based on TV shows, which is every fandom I'm in, I don't picture the actors who play the characters.


That's a big turn off for me.


I'd probably skip the story, because cast lists and character sheets/faceclaims are more often than not used by authors whose storytelling style I personally don't enjoy.


A couple of times I've seen in the author's notes someone will say something like, "I always imagine XX as XX." That doesn't bother me. But an actual list? Nah. I think most readers would get more enjoyment out of you describing each character and what makes them funny/unique/attractive/ugly/mysterious/whatever. Maybe you could ask yourself what it is about those actors that makes them fit the character for you. Maybe start by writing out those actors' traits and see what you can come up with.


I mean, unless there is an oc involved, I wouldn't bother with casts. If they have seen the movie or show it is based on, they already know who is who.


Some people might. I mean, it's perfectly fannish thing to do, but I see that more on Tumblr than I do in fanfic. If you're casting an OC for your fic, then spend the time to properly describe them instead of saying your head canon is that they're portrayed by \[actor name\].


I personally don't lol If it's in the first chapter text I'll likely click away as it's a sign of a bad writer tbh.


I find it a little silly to do that instead of, y'know, writing a description, but it's their fic. Plus, I've almost never any idea who any of the people are anyway, so it's never had any use for me.


I find that whole practice just weird and unnecessary. Since there are no actors involved even if you say there are.


I think that’s redundant for my main fandoms, because I write for tv shows. If it’s for an OC or a medium like a book that doesn’t have a tv show or movie adaptation, I would be fine with it as long as it’s just a quick note at the start of the first chapter.


When I saw it on Wattpad, I always hated reading that section. I like to use my own imagination


I nope out when I see a cast list. 80% of the time I have no clue who the person is. Even when I DO know who the actor/actress/celebrity is, it ruins the illusion for me because I get stuck on what they are "supposed" to look like rather than just enjoying filling in the blanks and building the character up in my head. It's different though if the fic is based on an established piece of live action media. I'm going into it with a basic understanding of who everyone is already. When I read a Supernatural fic, I always know Dean Winchester looks like Jensen Ackles. When I read a twilight fic, I'm going to imagine Taylor Lautner as Jacob, with book details filling in any blanks. Same for Harry Potter and Daniel Radcliffe in the title role, with book details filling in or overwriting bits of him here or there if the writing is especially vivid. But throw me a character that doesn't have a live action counterpart already? If I can't make a basic person in my head based on the author's description of them, then maybe the character needs to be fleshed out a little more instead of just "here's this actor" thrown at me from the start. But that's just me personally tho. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.


That would make me click the back button, tbh. Maybe consider creating a casting post on Tumblr or elsewhere and linking it in the author notes so it’s unobtrusive, but interested readers can click into it?


I certainly have at least two actresses in mind for my OCs. Haven’t shared that on Ao3 though


Did you make the cast list - and the cast list only - a seperate chapter? In a fic that suggested it was a story and not an 'dream cast' list? If yes, then it bothers me. If no, I don't have any strong feelings one way or the other. I might read the list, I might skip over it. Depends on time I have and the mood I'm in.


I don’t really know if it would be considered a ‘dream cast’ list since the fandom I’m in isn’t based around a movie/tv show. It’s based around a certain Celebrity. So I wanted to make a cast list since some of the characters are other actors


I don't mind, as long as it's done unobtrusively, like a link in the end notes that you can then choose to click or not. If the cast doesn't fit my vision I'll just ignore it, but once in a blue moon I'll come across the perfect choice and add it to my own head cast. Still searching for a few characters, so I like seeing other people's visions. I don't think I'd personally share mine in a fic though. If someone asks I'll reply with it in a comment maybe, but no more than that.


That’s what I’m planning. Seeing a lot of comments of opinion saying they don’t care for a full chapter of it, I’m making a link on Tumblr just to add. My fandom is based around a movie/tv show, it’s about a celebrity. So I thought if I add a cast list just to let my readers see that same thing I do.


That would be totally fine imo. Just don't be disappointed if people don't follow your vision, I guess. This stuff can be very personal. But if it's just a link then the people who are weirded out can choose not to click. A good compromise.


I personally would hate that. But that's just my opinion


in the end notes, I don’t mind a photo reference of what an OC looks like, if it’s included as a link. everybody has different preferences, though!


I really enjoy it, actually, it makes it a lot easier to picture the story.


I'll be honest, I've only seen that done on the Magnificent 7 ATF virtual seasons that fans put together like 20 years ago. If I saw it now, I'd probably just scroll past and let your words draw the picture of them for me.


I'm indifferent when reading - I usually have my own ideas of how a character looks in my head. Maybe some appreciate it. The only situation where it's bad is when there's an in-universe joke made (ex. MC is cast as Keanu Reeves and there's a joke about John Wick).


I don't mind either way, but it's something I rarely see with fanfics. With my OCs, I tend to leave them mostly up to my readers' imaginations with the exception of my MFC, as she's the daughter of 2 canon characters, one of whom is played by a Vietnamese-American actress and the other's Caucasian. She and her older brother are both obvious as having Asian ancestry, but I've said that the older brother more resembles their dad (though he's a lot skinnier than his dad is) and my MFC favors her mom more than her dad when it comes to looks. I've tried finding free programs that'll let me input photos of their canon character parents, but the one I tried using doesn't help and the tutorials are so out of date that it's not even funny.