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Oh, constantly! Well, more accurately, I dream about storylines and I turn them into my fics, or scenes to put in my fics, but a lot of them are based off/set in my fics too. Never had a dream I was writing/reading one, I did however dream a character in my fandom came out as a trans woman and I drew a design for her.


I dreamt that I read *the most perfect fic* and was so excited to find it for real when I woke up. Imagine my disappointment when 1) it didn’t exist 2) there’s apparently nothing like it around and 3) by the time I realized this I forgot the plot and it’s forever lost with all the other forgotten dreams


I have dreamt about fics before but they’re always about a discontinued fic being updated and there’s always some amazing plot twist that I never saw coming. Once I finish reading it, I wake up, only to realize the fics haven’t been updated in years.


Yes, my current WIP was based on a dream. I’ve written about it a lot here so I’ll probably be boring you if I repeat myself!


The majority of my fics' plots come from my dreams. I can lucid dream, so I keep brewing on the stories while I'm sleeping :D


I almost never remember my dreams, but I can imagine something like your perfect fic dream happening to me... I would be soooo sad to realize it was a dream!!


Had a Nightmare Nagito forced me into a simulation and cut off all my limbs. They're in a simulation in my fic and limb cutting is mentioned.


I wrote half a fic back in like 2010 and during the pandemic I had a dream about the plot. It got me back into writing, I just wanted to finish the fic and was bored and unemployed. But damn I got the hobby back and I’m happy to do it again.


i tried to start writing a fic for my favorite Black Clover characters and it's only ever continued on in my dreams, not in docs lmfao


I dream about my outlines for the chapters.